The Last Progenitor

Chapter 64: Chapter 36

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“Can’t we just talk to her? Why did you have her in a barrier in the first place?” Rela looked serious. “No, we must not talk to her, master. It would be dangerous, you see she is the founder of that cult.” She was awfully bent on keeping me away from the cult no matter what. I supposed I would listen to her for now. “Alright, but what should we do about her?” 

“Allow me and Ilya to deal with her.” I was supposed to allow my subordinates to kill each other? No, there was no way I would do that. “Where did you seal her anyway?” She tried to look away, but I kept my gaze on her, not letting her hide. “I sealed her deep within the forest south of Ender inside of a cave. She would likely head to the capital of Ender first.”

“Why is that?” She sighed. “She will want to test her strength. She has been cooped up all this time.” 

“Well then it would be best if we left immediately. Marqus can deal with the people of this city. We are leaving now. Go tell the others.” Rela looked apprehensive. “You don’t mean we are going to where Ariela is?” 

“Of course we are. I would feel horrible about leaving her alone right now.” In reality I just wanted to see the face of my favorite prankster. Rela left to fetch the others. I didn’t feel bad about leaving Marqus with the angry mob one bit, but I would at least leave him a blood puppet or 2. It isn’t like we needed Brin. There is also the legion I could summon if the people got rowdy. When the others got back we took off back towards Enders capital. The people were quite surprised when I summoned Kurneer, but I am sure they were more glad that I was leaving.

[Ariela POV]

Me and Reid Stood at the entrance of the capital. It was so great to be breathing fresh air, but the guard at the entrance didn’t have plans to let us in the city. “You filthy beast! How did you even…” His voice was cut off by Reids sword chopping his head clean off. The other guards started to get rowdy, so I started to summon my little friends. 

You see the main thing the true lord taught me was summoning. It helped me with my pranks in the castle. I summoned a bunch of innocent looking teddy bears at the entrance of the capital. They were wind up toys that had all been wound. The moment I summoned them they started singing while marching forwards. Reid was decapitating all of the guards that came close to us. 

The teddy bears marched all the way up to the gate without interference, and when they reached it the winding stopped as did their singing. Their performance reached its grand conclusion as they glowed bright red before unleashing a massive explosion at the walls of the city. The walls stood no chance as they were blown open throwing rubble in all directions. I was giggling while watching the scene. This brought back so much nostalgia. Immediately we were surrounded by all types of guards, knights, and wizards. They weren’t going to let us escape as they started casting their spells. “It is your turn Reid.”

“Yes, my lord!” He brandished his bloody sword again and immediately leapt into action. He was the sword saint for good reason. Most of the mages stood no chance of casting a spell with how fast he was decapitating them, but the few that were about to cast a spell I dealt with. I sent them wound up bird toys straight at their faces. The bird toys would move faster than the speed of sound. My summoning art differed from my true lords. I preferred to summon these toys. The moment she taught me the art of summoning it was like I had found my calling. I could summon toys or traps to make my pranks have an extra oomph.

We continued to march through the city, and as we did the scenery was changing. People were crying or screaming, and all of the buildings that I sent my cute teddy bears were no more. Some people exploded their blood and guts all over the place as well. It was like a beautiful painting in the sea of viscera. When I turned one street I saw a kid trying to grab one of the teddy bears. The kid must have been hoping that the teddy bear would give him comfort in the end. Sadly for the kid once the winding stopped, so did that kid’s life.

By the time we reached the steps up to the castle the rest of the city was basically leveled from all of the explosions. There were knights in fancy armor at the top of the castle steps waiting for us, and I recognized paladins dressed in white and gold. They must have been sent from the Leo Kingdom, but it doesn’t matter. I smirked as the paladin in front addressed me. “You filthy beast! What have you done to this city of humans!?” I showed him the fangs in my mouth. “I see, along with being a filthy beast you are a vile vampire. You are truly an abomination! You will be dealt with along with Eliah.” 

My face contorted with rage. I summoned the lion toy. It was the size of an actual lion. This is because it was a lion before it became my taxidermied toy. It would be fitting for the paladins of Leo to get killed by a lion. I laughed as the toy lunged at the paladins. They seemed to take the threat of the toy seriously as multiple paladins lunged at the lion. “Big mistake~” I sang playfully as their swords entered the lion. The lion started to grow in size until it started absorbing the screaming paladins with it. Then once it was as fat and large as a house. I jumped back with Reid following. Several of the paladins and knights noticed what I was doing and also leapt away from the toy. 

Most of them weren’t strong enough with their legs to leap far enough away. When me and Reid leapt we were way above the city as the lion finally went up in a grand explosion. The explosion completely disintegrated the castle, and half of the cliff that it was on. If the king was in the castle when that explosion went off he was definitely dead. I smiled while looking down at the leveled city. 

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