The Last Progenitor

Chapter 65: Side Story: Heroes 4

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“Good job, miss saint!” A few days had passed since we were summoned, and I was picking up magic very quickly. They venerated me as a saint, and now I am playing the part and doing my best. It is so hard to smile when I look at the beastkin whose ears and tails are clipped off. I have learned many things about this world in the last few days. The first most obvious thing is the racism against beastkin. Every single human I have met is prejudiced. The second thing is that this isn’t the same world as the game. Many aspects of the history don’t align with the game’s lore, but the worlds are similar. 

This world is vastly less advanced in magic compared to the game. People think that casting with some sort of catalyst is required. They don’t know much about classes, and the highest level a human has ever reached is 100 according to the church. In the game it was possible to level all the way to 1000 if one was diligent enough. There were even rumors of people who were higher level. I know my idol is probably one of those people!

Since I have been venerated as a saint some of my classmates look at me enviously due to the special treatment I receive. I get my room all to myself. They give me special clothes, and the meals are even different for me. I can see where they are coming from, but I don’t care. I am doing this all for information. 

Pope Anelis led me to the restricted access library where I have been learning. He accompanies me everytime. One of these days I will sneak in here by myself. Some of the books are locked in cases, and are off limits even to me. There is also this weird blue stone behind one of the cases. It is called the stone of truth, and it is supposed to let you become your true self. Whatever that means.

“Do you know why this library is only accessible for the saint of all the heroes?” Anelis suddenly asked me as we reached a bookshelf before he pulled off a book. “No, I have no clue.” I honestly had no idea. No one had told me anything about that, and it obviously was not something in the game. “It was made that way by the command of Leo. ‘Of all of the heroes the saint shall be the only one with access to the library’. Leo deemed it to be so, that is why you are the only one of all your classmates to be able to enter the library.”

“Wait did you know all of this was going to happen? Like a prophecy or something?” He smiled at me brightly, but he shook his head. “There is no such thing. This was all just in case heroes were to be summoned. Although we did have an inkling that the immortal one would come back.” 

“And why is that?” He headed over to one of the bookshelves and flipped open a book to a specific page. “‘She shall come forth once more, and the world will know despair.’ It is a passage from this book written by Leo himself. It seems like our old king knew that she would come back.”

“How would he even know that she is coming back in the first place?” There were so many questions in my head, and it was obvious that Leo was a different character from my older brother in this world.

“It was probably his divine providence. He was blessed by the gods after all.”

He grabbed another book from the shelf, and proceeded to flip through the pages. “Leo was known to have many divine protections from the gods of this world. It is the reason he was able to slay Eliah in the past. Now we have you. You are the beacon of hope out of all of the heroes. You are the saint.” He rubbed his head before continuing.

“I see the way you look at beastkin. You feel pity for them, but there is no need. I already told you they are better off here like this. Although, I will say that it is truly fitting of the saint to even feel pity for the wretched beasts.” 

“Why are the beastkin even treated the way they are? What have they ever done to you?” I was not containing my hostility as I glared at him. Meanwhile he looked calm as he grabbed another book off the shelf. The title of the book sickened me. It was called “The Lowly Beasts”. It was obviously a religious text based on the artwork on the cover.

“Our gods do not like the lowly beastkin. To the gods above the beastkin are abominations created through disgusting means. I have to agree. How else would you get a beastkin other than an animal? We do favors for them by clipping their furry ears and tails. They won’t exactly be human, but they are better off for it. Then we allow them to work in the castle as servants. It is quite the lavish lifestyle, and they are better off here then becoming a slave over in Somber.”

Like that he explained to me many things about how the humans viewed the beastkin, and read me excerpts from many books. I didn’t understand what the whole point of everything was. He allowed me to have my stance on beastkin, and he would listen to my questions and answer them earnestly. It was hard to understand Pope Anelis. 

The night ended with me adjourning to my bedroom. Tomorrow the heroes including myself would be doing training for a monster hunting endeavor coming up soon. They want the heroes in tip top shape before throwing them to the wolves it would seem. As I fell asleep I thought about my idol and how she would be doing. I wondered if the pope knew of my infatuation with Eliah? He was keen at picking up the way I looked at beastkin, and I am sure my face must have shown with rage when they called my idol bad names. 

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