The Legality of True Spirit

Chapter 13: Chapter 11 : Get Unexpected Items

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A gentle breeze made the window curtains flare with enthusiasm.

The sound of squeaking birds running was heard in the trees outside the room.

The gentle light of the morning brings warm blessings.

I casually read a book accompanied by a cup of hot tea.

This is not a book with heavy topics, such as history, politics, economics, or science, and technology. They really didn't suit my 12 year old.

But this is a picture story book, or a children's fairy tale.

Actually, my mom brought a lot of books, including books with heavy topics for learning. But when I try to read it, I give up when I haven't even reached the fifth page.

That's why I replaced it with a picture book with fantasy stories suitable for children.

The background has a depiction of the medieval European world and is also themed around the world of magic swords. It fits perfectly in Aldea, a VR game I've been playing recently.


“Miss Shia, time for the daily check.”


And that's how my quiet time was interrupted by the nurse who always took care of me.





“Then Miss Shia, for a change of atmosphere, this time I will be the one to guide you out for a breath of fresh air.”


After finishing her usual report, the nurse took me on a tour.

Her name is Mrs. Sazan, she is the one who always takes care of me when my mother is away from work.

This time too, as a substitute for my mom, it was Mrs. Sazan who would take me for a walk around the hospital, such as to the park or so on.




I've already made a silent poker face when with people other than my family, so I just gave a short, expressionless answer.

Lifting me carefully into the wheelchair, I was led out of the room.


“Then is there anything Miss Shia wants to visit?”

“E-erm,... garden.”


I really don't know where to go, after all I don't know much about this hospital. Even though I've been around with my mom before but nothing impressed me. At best it is a garden that gives a beautiful impression of its own.


"In that case, okay. We're going to the park."


Thus, I was ushered out into the flower garden.


It was a common sight from the flower garden before.

And because it was still early, some people also visited here. There are those who are sunbathing reading a book, exercising, or just visiting with their family to change the atmosphere like me.

If I knew, I'd better bring the book I just read.

Since I'm not very good at talking to other people, the atmosphere became really quiet. It was very different when my mom accompanied me.


"What about Miss Shia, what do you think of the flower garden?"

“Um, beautiful...”

"Right, what kind of flower do you like?"


Since I don't know the names of the flowers, I'm just referring to the parts that stand out the most.


"Oh, Lavender, me too then. Its striking purple color does give its own attention, doesn't it?”

“Um,... yes.”

"Then, want to take a close look?"



With that, I was transferred to the lavender garden.

They are planted lengthwise in two parallel lines on each side of the road.

Maybe to decorate the streets of the hospital.

It also gives a distinct impression for those who are walking or jogging lightly when greeted by rows of neatly planted lavender.

Observing closely, I was also amazed by the beauty of lavender.

I wanted to pick it because my hands were itching.

But I was forbidden to pick it, because it could damage the beauty of the garden even a little.

Well, that's natural. So I just took a close look instead.





Once satisfied I was taken back to the room.

Since there wasn't much else to do, I went back to the book I left behind.

If it was time for lunch, mom would come to eat together. Mom always came during lunch break to make time to eat with me.

I previously said it would be fine for me to have lunch alone and mom could focus on work.

But mom refused firmly and said, "It's okay, after all, my office is close and I have got permission".

As a result I will always have a meal together with mom.

I'm happy, so I don't mind mom coming to accompany me every mealtime.





After asking permission to take a nap while entering the VR world, Aldea.

I logged in and arrived at the inn just as the sun was rising.

First I have to check my status first. What new things did I miss.

My current status is.

Name : Chia

Gender : Female

Level : 16

HP : 160

You are reading story The Legality of True Spirit at

MP : 160

EXP: 550/1600

STR : 16 (+1)

AGI : 65

INT : 0

DEX: 16

VIT: 8

SP: 20


 Intrinsic skills : {Night vision 2}; {Hazard Perception 2}; {Evasion 3}; {Escape 1}; {Dagger Art 3}

 Practical skills : {Torch}; {Campfire}; {Food Collectors}

Title : Rabbit Killer

Oh, that's pretty much the level given by defeating the boss wolf. All skills have also increased by one level except [Escape 1] and [Dagger Art 3].

To think that my weapon skills went up by two at once.

Too bad I didn't get any other skills, like the skills of the spear.

I might know a little about the reason. I remembered that in order to get the [Dagger Art 1] skill, I had to kill 20 monsters that weren't much different from me. For the rabbit level it would have fallen far behind me, but for the wolf it would definitely not.

However I only killed 10 wolves with spears except for the last one, so the total number of wolves I killed using pure spears was 9. Still 11 more to get skills from spears.

Well, not that I want that skill. After all, I already have the [Dagger Art] skill. Better to improve what I already have than to waste time on the opposite.

Therefore, I am planning to buy a new knife today.

Coming out of the inn and avoiding the crowd, I rushed to the weapon shop earlier. Passing the classic bustle of the city, I safely arrived at my destination.

When I entered the shop, I was greeted with a deep, unfriendly voice.


"Oh, you come again little girl."

Standing by the door, was the familiar face of a rough uncle looking at the weapons on display. And when I opened the door, he turned to me.


I thought, how can he remember me? There must be a lot of visitors in this shop and there is no way he will remember each customer one by one.


“Your face, although expressionless as usual, but I can guess what you're thinking you know? If you're thinking why I can remember you, it's because you really stand out. Little girls wouldn't come to a shop like this and buy a bunch of guns, you're the only one.”


Is that so? Then that explains everything.


"So what do you need this time?"


Actually I wanted to have a look first, but since it's been asked,...



“Hm, are you a short sword wielder? Then what do you do with the spear you bought yesterday?”



I simply turned my gaze to the location of the mounted shortsword weapon, looking further. I don't want to make small talk too long, so I want to finish soon.

But that doesn't seem to be allowed.


“Hm,… I'm a little curious about that part. But if so, then I have a good offer. Come with me!"



Can't we finish today? I just want to buy a new short sword which is stronger than my starter blade now. The knife was a bit damaged anyway, so I wanted to replace it with a new one.

But since I can't seem to say no, I obediently follow the uncle.

Following the uncle, whose name I didn't know until now, we arrived at the shop counter.

When the uncle took the object from the warehouse behind the counter, the uncle brought a wooden box that was already dusty.

I wonder if he wants to give me junk?


“This, it's been a while but it's still good. Since there are no suitable users to use it anymore, I think you are the right person to have it. Remembering your skinny arms.”


Ignoring his harsh words, I saw something in the box.

They were two small daggers and the blade was thin, the color was glossy black and the hilt was silvery white.

You could say it's a beautiful dagger and very suitable for a small child like me. But does that mean these are two toy daggers for kids. Although children are not allowed to own weapons like this.

It was clear that this dagger was sharp, so maybe for a child-only adventurer?


“This was discovered by adventurers while exploring a certain dungeon. And since the adventurer who took it couldn't use it because his hand size didn't match, so he just sold it. Even though it was made of rare materials, there were no child adventurers until now. And even if we smelted it, only a small amount of material would be obtained. So this can be considered a useless item.”

".... For me?"

I'm just asking to be sure.

“Of course there is a cost, although it's cheap since I bought it from an adventurer back then it was cheap too. Just 10 gold coins for you and I will make a profit of 2 gold coins."

“...I see, I bought it.”


When I hold it for some reason it fits my hand perfectly. One for right hand and another for left hand.

As if these two daggers were meant for me.

After all it was only 10 gold. I may not know the current value of money, but 10 gold is pretty easy to get. Just hunting 10 rabbits is enough.

And even after I hunted the wolf yesterday, I also found out that the wolf dropped two gold coins.

I don't know maybe because the higher the level, the more gold coins dropped. Apart from gold coins, the items dropped by wolves from highest to lowest rated were meat, fur, and fangs. I don't know what it's used for, for now it's the same as the rabbit drop item, I'm just hoarding it in the inventory.

And now, only the gold coins were useful.

"All right, payment confirmed. Don't come again little girl."

After paying 10 gold coins to the rude uncle whose name I don't know, I rushed out. Of course I've put both daggers in the magic bag before.

If I want to know the details of this dagger, I must immediately go out and put the dagger into the inventory.

With inventory, though not all of them, there will be a name indicating the specifics of the item.

Like a magic bag, it would provide an explanation of the level. And the spear, even though it had a label on it in the shop, but in the inventory it clearly showed its strength performance as well.

Therefore, I thought maybe this dagger too.

Running out of the city gates, I continued to drive to a deserted place while not straying from the goal of the Ashora Meadow.

After half way through, I put my dagger into the inventory and took a look at its contents.


Dagger made from Black Death's fangs [+50 STR]

Weapon skill slot : [Paralytic Poison]



I was very surprised by such an extraordinary thing all of a sudden.

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