The Legality of True Spirit

Chapter 14: Chapter 12 : Encounter

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“Hmm, this isn't good. If the meat was roasted without any salt at least to accompany this. The taste of rabbit meat is really bland.”


The dark starry sky indicates the time of night.

The reddish glow of fire burning in front of me was something that was burning rabbit flesh.

In the middle of the Ashora Meadow, after all the area clearing was done, I tried to make grilled rabbit meat from my inventory stock.

In short I tried the barbecue party.

It would be a waste to just leave all the rabbit loot lying in the inventory. While it will last as long as there's no time running in the inventory, I feel the need to at least take advantage of it.

The result is a barbecue party in the middle of the night.

I ventured to settle down and relax tonight because wolves were no longer a threat now.

I could easily kill the wolves if any of them got close.

Tonight alone I killed dozens of wolves that approached and turned them into chunks of meat and other items in the inventory.

Of course the stock of rabbits is also growing rapidly. Because during this afternoon, I went all out hunting rabbits too. All for the sake of trying my two new daggers and apparently I easily cut them like butter.

Likewise for wolves, with an additional +50 STR, their heads are easy to destroy. Not to mention if I apply skills to weapons.

Now the wolf had become an easy opponent. As long as you can dodge them and attack them quickly, they are easy to beat.

With that, my stock of rabbit meat in the inventory has already exceeded the 200 mark, while the wolf meat stock has already exceeded the 50 mark.

However, with all of today's hunting, I only experienced two level ups and one weapon skill level up.

Well, that's fine for now. It's too hard to make more difficult problems just to find the ease of leveling up. I'm already grateful to be able to level up even if it's just one.

That's why to kill time, I had a barbecue at night at Ashora Meadow.

However, due to the absence of spices,... 

...hah~, .... all in vain ...


"Come on, it's not good. Let's just end it here. I'd better hunt wolves again."


Because it's perfect for getting used to using my two new daggers. Hunting wolves is better than standing still.

After putting out the fire, I got up and started hunting.

Running through the night, I chose to explore the next area. On the map I only have Starter City and Ashora Meadow only listed. The rest is still opaque paper.

For that, it would be good if I explore the area that I have never explored.

In this case I chose to head towards the north, which means entering the forest deeper.

But before that, I head to the familiar Berry Tree first to collect the fruit. Just in case I want a snack tonight.

By the way, since I always eat without knowing the name of this fruit, I'm a little curious. So when I put it in my inventory I check what fruit item it is. Listed in the semi-transparent screen display are as follows.


Blunitri Fruit :

Fruits are rich in nutrients, can be used as a restorer of  lost energy and also as a medicinal ingredient.

Eating it will give +10 HP


“Ohh-, the healing fruit apparently…”


Though I've been eating it for a long time as a snack in the Ashora Meadow. This is the first time I know its name and benefits.

Well, since it's easy to get, not many people think of keeping it, right? That's why I do not know the name and benefits.


“But, it can be used as energy recovery and medicinal ingredients, huh…? Maybe it's good that I brought it along, if I happen to be injured, it can restore my HP.”


It might also be used to make healing potions, but since I don't have any knowledge of medicinal compounding, it's best not to. Just eating normally is enough.

Before departure, I received a skill level increase announcement.


“Ohh, my [Night Vision 2] is up to [Night Vision 3], huh…? Good, with this my night vision becomes clearer.”


In that case, going further into the forest wouldn't be a problem if my eyesight got better. But it is also necessary to remain vigilant.

After picking up the fruit and preparing myself, I returned to my original destination towards the forest. Since the meadow was quite wide, I had to patiently run through the grassland area. Every now and then I also meet a wolf passing by and without hesitation I slash it with ease.

I still wonder, where are the rabbits at night?

Do they have a specific hiding place? I find it natural that rabbits don't appear at night because of wolves, but I don't know where they are hiding.

To my knowledge, rabbits usually hide in the ground. But I haven't found a single hole yet. Even though tall grass covered the ground, as far as I searched, I couldn't find the rabbit's house. It is still a mystery.




When I had already entered the forest, a growl suddenly caught my ears.

Thinking this might become a new prey, I changed direction slightly to run towards the source of the sound.






Upon arriving, what I saw was apparently a battle between monsters. Seven wolves face a black cat.

No, maybe it's a black tiger? But call it a black cat because it's smaller than a tiger I know. Although larger than the size of an adult cat in general.

But that's not the case right now!

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Among the wolves there is the biggest one, maybe it's their leader like before.

Even though the black cat was bigger than a normal cat, it was still slightly lower than the wolves. Moreover, there were seven of them.

It was clear that the cat was being cornered.

Even I could see that his legs couldn't move properly.

Could he be injured?

In that case there was no way the cat would win against the wolves who were far more formidable and more numerous.

I can not bear to see such things in front of my eyes.

Seeing the weak surrounded by the strong. Reminds me of the first time I was surrounded by wolves.

Seeing this alone explains that wolves love to beat up. Obviously this is an act of cowardice.

And when the wolves prepare to attack. Without hesitation I also drove forward.

Perhaps noticing my presence, one of the wolves raised its growl to call out to its friend.

I don't care even if their gazes now turn to me.

Quickly, I headed to the nearest wolf.

Like most other monsters, no, but almost all living things, the head is their weakest point. What if it penetrated its forehead to crush it to the brain. It's definitely a critical hit and an instant kill.

Even though the wolf I was aiming for tried to dodge, but with my speed, I didn't allow it. Especially now that my speed is being doubled by the [Escape 1] skill.

The knife in my right hand mercilessly pierced the wolf's left eye to its very depths.

Without taking a moment to pause, I used the wolf that had not yet fully become light as a stepping stone to the wolf beside me. The next wolf didn't have time to dodge either.

My speed was now well above that of a normal wolf, so it was easy to close the distance.

With both my hands, the two black blades plunged into the wolf's belly and tore it apart. I mercilessly also activated the weapon skill, [Paralytic Poison], which paralyzed the wolf from the poison.

I'm sure, with the wide wound on its stomach plus the poison, the wolf's death is certain.

The moment I drew my knife from the wolf's belly, my danger perception activated to tell me that there was a danger of death approaching if I didn't dodge.

With high reflexes and speed, I managed to turn around and find a wolf that was jumping and ready to pounce on me.

The split second before it reached my head, I lowered myself to dodge. As a result the wolf continued to pass over me smoothly. Without missing this opportunity, I also aimed my knife at the belly of the wolf that passed through my head. Since this wolf couldn't stop, the knife I held out up, slashed its belly in line with the wolf's direction of motion.

The blood that should have splattered on my face, was replaced by a dazzling silver light.




Because of my carelessness, apparently this backfired on me.

Since the vision was now blocked, I jumped to get away from the dazzling place.

However, my sense of danger reactivated, while I was still in the air.

It turned out that there was one more wolf ready to pounce on me. That's the biggest wolf, definitely the leader of this pack of wolves. In my current position, it's clear I won't be able to dodge. I will fall right at the wolf.

Because there is no other choice but to face it head on. I pointed the knife down while preparing to attack the wolf from the air.

Without waiting for me to fall, the wolf will also jump at me directly and quickly.

But since I'm faster after all, I can react quickly too.

With a very accurate estimate, I swung the knife up and down.

Since I had calculated the wolf's distance and speed, when the blade reached down, it hit the wolf's upper jaw. Through its nose and into its mouth. This momentum made the wolf finally fall before myself.

Using this opportunity, I made this wolf that was now below me to be my cushion when I landed. This is to reduce the momentum of the fall.

Landing to safety, I saw the remaining wolf start to run away when it saw its comrades and leader fall. Even though I want to slaughter them all, but now it doesn't matter. There are things that are far more important today.

So I moved towards the Black Cat who was now standing with a slight quiver at his feet.

Could he be afraid of me?

But I don't intend to do anything, instead I want to help him.

Judging from its now matted and dirty fur, maybe this black cat was already exhausted from the intense fighting and as a result he was injured too.


"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."


Since he then made a wary face, I was forced to say that clichéd line. But how will I help, I myself do not have any treatment techniques.

Wait, that's right. I also brought that.

Taking it out of my inventory, I give out small blue fruits that look like berries.

“If you want to eat this… Ah, but you are a carnivore, right?”


I tried to give the cat a Blunitri Fruit by placing it in front of it. But then I just remembered that cats are carnivores. Obviously this cat will not eat these fruits.

How stupid of me.

But just as I was about to take the fruits back. The surprising thing then is that this black cat ate the fruits I gave him?

Now I'm confused, are cats also made as herbivores in this world? No, maybe omnivores too.

Oh well, I don't know anymore. So I let this cat eat my fruit.

And after he ate it...


"Oh, are you done? Then be careful going home."


...I said that before leaving, but...


{Wait a minute, I am very grateful to you, human player. I really feel indebted to you}


...a strange sound came straight into my head.

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