The Legality of True Spirit

Chapter 7: Chapter 6 : What if You Were Stared at By A Pair of Shining Eyes?

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While I can confidently beat the rabbit this time.

Things that go beyond expectations sometimes really do exist.




After waiting a long time for the rabbit to jump into flight, I was betrayed by this confidence.

Instead of flying rabbits, only the night breeze accompanied the poor grass dance.


And only the wailing of dry grass could be heard.

Burns and emits a sound that blends with the melody of the night.

This should be a warm feeling that surrounds me at this time of night.

But the warmth no longer flows. Instead, a chill ran up and tickled my spine, giving me goosebumps.


Following the boundary between dark and light, on the farthest stretch of grass, my eyes caught something sinister.

Located on the horizon of vision, the beam was so powerful. And it gives me goosebumps reflexively.


The impossible happened.

Impossible isn't it? How could there be light coming from the darkness of the forest?


Is there a flashlight from there? In an abandoned world?


What's more, a pair of red beams of light came and more and more as time went on.


Is that a laser beam? No, that's not it.

After all, even if it was magic, there was no point in shooting that weak laser beam. First, is there any magic to firing a laser beam? While there might be, it's a little less than acceptable to my senses.


I gulped in nervous response to fear. And my hands are shaking holding the knife as a strong bullying stimulus.


Hehehehehe.... So that's it.


I slightly digest the current situation and conditions.


If the daytime is the cute bunny's time to play, then the night is a bloody feast for the savages.

It was because those savages were wild wolves.


Because, obviously, slowly growls and roars began to sound.


I don't know the level of the wolves, but I feel they are stronger than me.

With my current level, it's impossible to pluck a single strand of their feathers.

Am I that weak?

No, but those who act are too cowardly.

Just look at those who come. You think how many wolves it takes to fight me.

Though one was enough to make me throw up, but they came in swarms.

Are they so cowardly, just to surround a cute and fragile little girl?

I wonder if they have no self-respect? Come to hunt the weak with the gang.



Okay, now what should I do?


Calm down, Chia. Don't worry Chia, remember! I've put 50 SP into agility. It definitely has to be reliable to do something, right?


Think running at full speed.

Take two or three steps back with difficulty.

Turn around even though you're shaking, Chia.

Then run at full speed in a direction I don't even know.


Keep running, running, and running. Relive the tension that is chasing you. Don't look away or look back, and keep running until you reach the finish line.


That's my motto when running like a marathon.


In my sudden escape, the wolves were also startled by their prey escaping so fast. With a quick response, the pack of wolves started running not to let their prey get away with it.


The wolf is a creature of the night, the ruler of the night of this meadow and its surroundings, who are also called night walkers. They have no problem with darkness, instead the dark forest environment can turn into a bright environment in their eyes.


That's what makes them able to hunt at night.


Naturally, the townspeople strictly forbade their citizens to leave the border at night. They knew when night fell, the forest monsters that appeared were powerful beasts and would not be harmed by their dark surroundings.

For this reason, the entire city closed the gates tightly and prohibited all activities outside the city limits. Otherwise, they would only be torn flesh with pools of red blood.

Of course in Chia's eyes, the blood will be replaced by a scattering of light, to dispel the impression of horror.


With the ferocious monsters that are active at night. Makes all residents afraid to roam outside the fence.


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And now the naughty me jumped over the fence and plunged into the hell of darkness.

Well, I didn't know before. So please forgive me.


In the pursuit of action, apparently the wolves did not expect that their prey was so fast, even exceeding their own speed.

Diving into the depths of the forest, the prey was moving in a straight line so fast and the scattered trees blocked their path.

This causes the wolf to slowly lose contact with its soft prey.

It was so unexpected and it irritated the wolves that they spilled their roars.

This is because I choose to keep going straight and never veer off the track. Even if a tree gets in the way, I'll try to get back on track so the wolves can't cut my way.

Although without me knowing I was heading further into the depths of the forest.


And who knows what awaits me there?







My breath started to feel heavy after running for a long time. I don't know how long it is, but I feel like it's been quite a while.

And when I paused to look back for the first time, I began to notice that there were no more wolves chasing after me.

Even with limited vision, I continued to run straight ahead to get away from the forest wolf, without taking the time to look back.

I myself don't know which way I'm running, I just take the opposite direction from where the wolf came and continue to run straight through the darkness of the forest.


Whether the wolf was still chasing me or not, I continued to keep running until I reached my limit.

I know the forest is dangerous, so I want to reach the edge of the forest as soon as possible.


I don't know how long it took me to run. However, a feeling of nostalgia as I ran the marathon overtook me.

This fatigue is almost the same as when I was racing. But even so, I kept running, because even as I kept running, there were many sounds of beasts beside me.


Only by relying on the dim moonlight that slightly penetrated the forest floor, I managed to avoid the trees and monsters that suddenly appeared in front of me. I quickly circled them.


Really, all of this makes my heart beat faster.


I kept running as if I was running on a long, fragile bridge where the base of the bridge was slowly collapsing while chasing after me. If I slow down, I will collapse with this bridge.

So I can only keep going.


That's how I breathed heavily to keep running.


Until I finally hit my limit, and it was just as I bumped into something fluffy and soft.

But because of my blurry vision. I don't know what happened then. And I lost consciousness right then and there.


Until I lost consciousness, I faintly heard something.


[The conditions have been met. Skill: {Night vision 1} has been acquired]


[The conditions have been met. Skill: {Hazard Perception 1} has been acquired]


[The conditions have been met. Skill: {Evasion 1} has been acquired]


[The conditions have been met. Skill: {Escape 1} has been acquired]


So, somehow then I woke up in a familiar room. Such a simple but fragile room.



Current Status.

Name : Chia

Gender : Female 

Level : 2

HP : 20

MP : 20

EXP: 100/200

STR : 1 (+1)

AGI : 50

INT : 0

DEX: 2

VIT: 2

SP : 0


 Intrinsic skill : {Night vision 1}; {Hazard Perception 1}; {Evasion 1}; {Escape 1}

 Practical skills : {Torch}; {Camp Fire}

Title :-


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