The Legality of True Spirit

Chapter 8: Chapter 7 : Before Revenge

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"What do you think, Shia?"


Mom's soft voice came brushing my ear.

Saying it while looking ahead. Feel the delicious breeze.


"Mn,...the breeze is refreshing."

"Yes, it is. What's more, this garden is so beautiful, isn't it?"



Today is a beautiful afternoon.

The orange sky seemed to have a story. Stories to tell. And a feeling to be pampered.

The sky is clean, but as clean as it is. There are still white spots around it. Once the white stain is exposed to the orange dye, color degradation occurs.

It's a sight that is so pleasing to the eye.

Sitting in a wheelchair is me. Mom is a beautiful woman standing behind me, pushing a wheelchair.

This afternoon, for a change of atmosphere, mom took me for a walk around the hospital.

This hospital is the best, widest and most famous hospital. It is a large five-story building. It looked like a hotel from a distance, but the features of the hospital made it known as a hospital as soon as it was seen.

With mom pushing a wheelchair, we visited various places.

Well, even though I said various places, not all of the places we visited. Just through the halls, then to some hospital facilities, and finally to the park.

The sun was already quite low when we arrived. And that was just when the sky gave off its orange charm.

There weren't many people in the park. Even though the garden was so beautiful and spacious with many flowers in bloom, the people who visited were the same people as me. Namely, those who have always been hospitalized. The goal is more or less the same as mine, clearing their mind, wanting a change of atmosphere, or just wanting to enjoy the fresh breeze in the afternoon.

Mother took me close to the flower garden, where many colorful flowers are planted here.

I don't really know the names of flowers, so I was a little curious and asked mom.


"What kind of flower is that, Mom? It looks colorful and makes the garden more beautiful."

"Hmm,... Mom don't know either. Ahh,.. but yes, there are also flowers that I know. Let's see... These are bougainvillea flowers, then these are irises, and those are petunias. Ah, it turns out there are roses too. Everything is neat and beautiful, isn't it, Shia?"

"Mn,... Beautiful and lovely."

"That's right, Shia is also beautiful, as beautiful as a blooming flower. Ah, that's right. I want to take a picture of Shia standing among these flowers. It must be beautiful."


And so, mom took out her smartphone when I was moved to the front of the flower garden.




And so, the sound of my mother's smartphone coming to take my picture.





"Oh yes, Mom. Can Shia ask for something?”

"Hmm...? What is it? Shia just ask, I will surely grant it."


During our usual dinner, this time we shared a table. I am still in a wheelchair, while mom is sitting in the opposite chair. Put us face to face. At first my mother insisted that she would feed me, but I sweetly refused. As a result, we are like this, like a normal family dinner, only one less person, my dad.

But it's okay. I'm not sad anymore.

Dad would be angry too if I kept grieving over him. And mother also smiled gently soothing.

While eating, we also took time to talk about many things. Mother openly confides with me about her work. I also talked a lot with my mother.

Unknowingly, dinner was over.

Before mom left, I remembered something.

During the day, I usually have a lot of free time. Since mom went to work, I was alone.

So if I can, I want to spend my free time reading books for example.

I've also missed a lot of classes at school, I'm afraid that I'll fall that far behind. And it's also the perfect throw to kill time.

So two birds with one stone, maybe.

That's why I asked mom.


“That, can Mom bring me a book to read and study? I don't want to be left behind in so many lessons, so Shia wants to prepare myself to study from now on.”


I know that starting a week from now, the Shia study program will be added to the schedule. This is not learning at school, but a hospital assistance program. By finding a substitute teacher, I will have private lessons with the new teacher.

However, I seem to have forgotten a lot of things.

Well, I wasn't very good in class either. Because at first I was not an active learner.

However, because I want to make mom happy more. This time I want to try more. Therefore, I want to study early.


"Is that okay? But if it's Shia's request, it's fine. Okay, tomorrow I will look for a new book to study Shia."

"No, the old book is fine too, Mom."

"It is not like that. Since it's for Shia's study, I doesn't need to hold back. Just wait, okay."


I don't know what to do if mom gets excited like this. I can only nod in resignation and entrust everything to mom.





Dim and reddish that describes this room. A simple room made of wood that looks old is my lodging room.


A room containing only one cheap bed, one chair, one table and one wardrobe with double doors. And for lighting using oil lamps hung on the wall with a position in the middle of the height.


That's why the room has dim and reddish light.


Taking a seat on the bed, I checked my status update.


"Wolves huh,……they will become my second target of revenge."


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After I was killed by a wolf, maybe. I will make the wolf the target of revenge after the cute bunny.

Fortunately, I'm still under level five, so no death penalty awaits.


For now I will aim for my first target for revenge, which is the cute bunny.


But first, make sure the day that happens in Aldea when logging in is noon.

The point is when the sun is still showing its shiny golden teeth. That way, I won't be met with a bad wolf.


That's why I need to review and predict when the sun is hovering above the sky in this world.


It was easy apparently, when the time difference was doubled. So when in the real world the time has passed 12 hours, in Aldea time has passed 24 hours.

Suppose if I start logging in in the real world at exactly 6 am and I spend the whole day in Aldea, then when I log out, the time only shows 6 pm in the real world.

That way the prediction of the time will be easy.

I remember, on my first login, it was before 6 pm. And when my second login it was after 6 pm.

When 1 to 12 am is the first day and from 1 to 12 pm is the second. I suspect that as long as the numbers on the clock show 1-6, it's either am or pm. It was noon. The rest is night.

And the guess was apparently right, when I tried to login at exactly 6 o'clock, the sun had just set.

At this time, I have no work.

Despite wanting to explore the night, my current level is still not enough. So I can only sit quietly in the room.

While sitting on the bed, I looked at the additional information about the skill I had just acquired.


The skills I acquired are as follows.


[{Escape 1} is a skill that allows the player to escape by doubling the speed stat to double. This skill ensures the player will not be overtaken by the enemy as long as the enemy's speed status does not exceed 2 times the player's level. The speed and success in escaping will increase as the skill level increases.]

[Requirements for obtaining {Escape 1} : Successfully escape from enemies for 2 hours or more.]


[{Night Vision 1} is a skill that allows players to see in the dark. The visibility level will increase as the skill level increases.]

[Requirements for obtaining {Night Vision} : Successfully survives in the dark for 2 hours or more.]


[{Hazard Perception 1} is a skill that allows players to sense danger from somewhere in the vicinity. A sense of danger indicates something that might endanger the player's life.]

[Requirement for obtaining {Hazard Perception 1} : Successfully survive a sense of danger for 2 hours or more.]


[{Evasion 1} is a skill that allows players to reflexively avoid danger. The evasion reflex will increase as the skill level increases.]

[Requirement for obtaining {Evasion 1} : Successfully dodged 20 or more dangers in a row.


That's all the explanation of the list of skills I acquired.


After reading their explanation, I lay down while waiting for the sun to rise. That means I'll be waiting for about 6 more hours or when in the real world it's 1 am.


I don't feel sleepy so I don't need to sleep.

Rising from the sleeping position, I went to the window and opened the window.

What is visible from the second floor room is a lively street. Even though it was night, the activities of the townspeople were not extinguished. In fact, it's like a party after a long day's work.




For some reason, smelling the aroma of grilled meat made my stomach react.

As much as possible I do not want to interact with people, let alone their faces look rough.

But it can't be helped, for the sake of my struggling stomach, I ventured down to the bottom.

Apart from being an inn, this place also works as a restaurant.

On the first floor or hall, the atmosphere seems so lively with the smell of tainted alcohol everywhere.

“Ugh, it smells really bad,……”


I reflexively covered my nose when I reached the bottom of the stairs.

There was a commotion everywhere, a muscular uncle bragging about his adventures, a hot woman flirting, and a group that seemed to be reviewing the outcome of his adventure. Everything seemed so noisy.


"Oh yeah? What is the young lady doing in a place like this? Sorry if it smells like alcohol, this is what it looks like at night."


Perhaps seeing me covering my nose in disbelief, a young aunt came to me. This aunt is the receptionist of this inn. When I paid for the room renewal, I also paid it to this aunt.


"Did you come to ask for dinner?"


Seeing me silent while watching the aunt, she continued to draw conclusions.




I nodded lightly in positive response.


“In that case, would you like me to take the food to your room instead? This place is inappropriate for the Young Lady?”



I nodded again in the affirmative.


"Then just wait in the room, Young Lady."


Following the aunt's suggestion, I went back to my room and sat waiting for dinner to be delivered.

Not long after, aunt came bringing dinner.



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