The Legend of the Bat

Chapter 10: 4

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Chapter 4 – Harboring Sinister Design

San He Lou [three harmonies building] naturally had ‘lou’ [reminder: a lou is a multi-story building], not only it had a second floor, there was also a loft above the second floor. Translated by foxs

The loft was not big at all, it was just enough to hold a table of wine.

The table of wine that Hai Kuotian reserved was precisely on this loft.

When Hu Tiehua climbed up the loft, the first person he saw was unexpectedly Jin Lingzhi.

Unexpectedly Jin Lingzhi still came.

When Hu Tiehua saw her at the ‘Xiao Yao Chi’ [free and unfettered pool], she looked remarkably alike a vixen, not only that, she was a-bit-lunatic vixen.

Inside that cabin on the boat, she changed; she became pitiful, like a little sheep. But in the blink of an eye, this little sheep turned into a fox, a tiger.

Now, to his surprise, she changed again.

She changed into a dress, which material was very grand, but not too fancy, the pearls and jade on her hair were neither too much nor too little.

She was sitting upright, so proper and quiet, neither looked dazzling nor grungy, just what a thousand-jin [of gold, (honorific) daughter] young lady of aristocratic family, big mansion – should look like.

Hu Tiehua sighed in secret, “Women can really change. Some people say: A woman’s heart is like the weather in the fifth month when the plum blossoms are blooming. The person who said this is really a genius.”

The most brilliant thing was that when she saw Chu Liuxiang and Hu Tiehua, unexpectedly her expression did not change at all, as if nothing had happened.

As if the person hiding inside the cabin just now was not her at all.

Hu Tiehua could not help sighing again, “If I were her, and she were me, when I see her, I’m afraid I would have blushed and hid under the table. From this point of view, women’s skins are indeed much thicker than men’s.”

But he did not know that if it was said that women’s skins were thicker than men’s, it was only because of a layer of cosmetic powder on their faces. Even if they blushed, it would be difficult for others to see.

Some people also say: the older the woman, the thicker her skin is.

While actually, it was simply because the older the woman, the more cosmetic powder she must apply on her face.

The two seats to Jin Lingzhi’s left side were vacant, apparently they were reserved for Chu Liuxiang and Hu Tiehua. On the banquet table, these two seats were the seats of honor. Translated by foxs

But Hu Tiehua would rather sit on the ground than sit there.

After all, having someone pressing her sword on his neck could not be considered something that he was proud of.

Until now, Hu Tiehua’s neck still hurt a little.

On Jin Lingzhi’s right sat an old man with grand appearance in a brocade robe, his hair and beard were already grizzled, but his pair of eyes were still shining brightly. When he looked around, it was sharp and majestic, so that other people did not dare to look closely.

Anyone would be able to see that this person’s background could not possible be small. The good thing about him was that he did not put too much airs. When he saw Hu Tiehua and the others came in, surprisingly he got up and saluted with a smile on his face.

Hu Tiehua immediately returned the salute with a laugh.

But for some reason, very quickly his smiling expression disappeared again.

As soon as he came in, he felt that this old man looked very familiar, only in that instant he could not remember who it was. Until he saw the belt on the old man’s cotton robe, and then he remembered. The belt was woven from seven strips of silk of different colors.

To his surprise, this old man was unexpectedly Wu Weiyang, the Zongpiao Bazi [big boss/head honcho] of the ‘Fengwei Bang’ [Phoenix Tail Gang], the ‘Shen Jian She Ri’ [Divine Arrow Shooting the Sun].

Hu Tiehua could not help sneaking a glance at Chu Liuxiang, his meaning was obvious, “Didn’t you already calculate that Wu Weiyang is dead? Why is he still alive now?”

To his surprise, Chu Liuxiang’s countenance did not change, as if he had never said these words at all. Hu Tiehua often wondered, with such a thick skin how could he grow beard?

Surprisingly, Gou Zichang also came. The one sitting next to Wu Weiyang was precisely him, and then Ding Feng, Hai Kuotian and the big man with the saber hanging on his waist.

Sitting there, Gou Zichang was still half a head taller than the others.

“But although his legs are long, his upper body is not long.”

Hu Tiehua was still wondering, Gou Zichang also stood up with a smile on his face. Only then did Hu Tiehua realize that he unexpectedly still sat down on the black leather suitcase, as if he was afraid someone would snatch it away.

Only after being seated that Hu Tiehua realized that there was an empty seat next to him. He did not know who else was expected, but surprisingly, this person came later than them. Translated by foxs

Ding Feng’s smile was still so friendly; raising his cup, he said, “Two gentlemen came late, should we punish you?”

Chu Liuxiang laughed and said, “You should, you should. I should be punished three cups first.”

He really raised his cup and drained it in one gulp.

Hu Tiehua also felt at ease.

The wine that Chu Liuxiang drank could not possible be poisonous. As long as there was poison in the wine, it could not be hidden from Chu Liuxiang.

Ding Feng laughed again and said, “Chu Xiong already drank his, what about Hu Xiong?”

Hu Tiehua laughed and said, “If even he drank three cups, I have to drink at least six cups.”

He simply poured six cups of wine into one big bowl, raised his neck and drank it.

Ding Feng clapped his hands and said, “Hu Xiong’s drinking capacity is indeed very good, it is indeed a fully justified reputation.”

Hu Tiehua said, “Turns out Gexia already recognized us.”

Ding Feng smiled and said, “Two gentlemen’s great names, who doesn’t know, which one does not recognize? If Zaixia say I don’t know two gentlemen, wouldn’t it be a lie?”

Hu Tiehua glared at Hai Kuotian, he said, “With Hai Bangzhu here, Gexia can recognize us, it’s not strange. However, if I say that we also recognize Gexia, I’m afraid it will be a bit strange, isn’t that right?”

Ding Feng said, “That is indeed strange. Zaixia do not have such impressive great names like two gentlemen, and I rarely wander around in Jianghu, how could two gentlemen recognize Zaixia?”

Hu Tiehua laughed and said, “Strange things happen every year, but I clearly recognize you, do you believe me?”

“Oh?” Ding Feng said.

Hu Tiehua said, “Gexia’s surname is Ding, your name is Feng …”

He has not finished speaking, Ding Feng’s countenance changed a little. “That’s right,” he blurted out, “Zaixia Ding Feng, but I wonder how did the two gentlemen know?”

When he reported his surname and given name on Kumei Dashi’s cabin, naturally he never expected that there were people on the shore eavesdropping. Translated by foxs

Hu Tiehua was secretly amused, but on the surface he spoke seriously, “Actually, Gexia’s great name, we already knew for a long time. Gexia’s business, we are also very clear. Otherwise, how could we come as soon as we are invited today?”

It was as if a fist was suddenly stuffed inside Ding Feng’s mouth, he was speechless for half a day.

Weighing up his words and observe his facial expression [idiom: discerning what somebody thinks from his body language], Hu Tiehua threw his head back in laughter and said, “If Ding Xiong thinks that your identity is very mysterious, you are unwilling for others to find out, then you can only blame me for talking too much; I should be punished with another six cups.”

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Chu Liuxiang laughed and said, “This man’s greatest ability is: no matter what you say, he can always find the opportunity to drink.”

Ding Feng immediately followed suit, he laughed and said, “Among us present, I’m afraid there is one person that two gentlemen don’t recognize.”

Immediately the big man with the saber hanging on his waist stood up, cupped his fists and said, “Zaixia Xiang Tianfei.”

He only spoke these five words, and immediately sat down. All along his eyes never looked at Hu Tiehua and the other on this side. Obviously even until now, the bellyful of anger just now unexpectedly has not subsided.

Chu Liuxiang laughed and said, “Nice to meet you, nice to meet you. The ‘Haishang Gu Ying’ [Lone Eagle on the Sea] Xiang Tianfei’s great name, I’m afraid only very few people don’t know …”

Gou Zichang suddenly cut him off, he spoke indifferently, “I don’t know this name, I’ve never heard of it before.

Xiang Tianfei’s countenance changed, he laughed coldly and said, “What a coincidence, Gexia’s great name, I’ve never heard anybody mentioning it either.”

Land base robbers could be roughly divided into several types, some worked together as a gang, some worked alone, some built their base on the mountains and proclaimed themselves kings, some roamed all over the place, some sit on certain location to share the spoils. On top of these, there was another kind, which was called solitary bandit.

Solitary bandit’s martial art skill was usually very high. One person coming and going alone, they did not want any assistant, because they thought that not only their movement would be more secretive, but also no one would fight against them over the share of the booty. Some of the martial art masters among them even really could accomplish the goal of ‘traveling thousands of households during the day and robbing hundreds of households at night’.

As long as they managed to make a big business transaction, they would be able to enjoy it for a long time.

But since solitary bandits were coming and going alone without any helpers, naturally the risks they took were relatively higher, hence most of them have several unique skills, which would be enough to meet a contingency. Translated by foxs

There were also some who have extremely high qinggong; once they struck and failed, they could retreat completely. In short, someone who did not have enough confidence in his own martial art skill, would never dare to be a solitary bandit.

When doing transaction at sea, the chances of being in danger were higher than on land, because when merchant ships were sailing on the sea, they must have enough preparation; moreover, the wind and the waves at sea were dangerous, definitely not something that one person could deal with. Therefore, most of the pirates operated in groups, there were very few solitary bandits.

This ‘Lone Eagle on the Sea’ Xiang Tianfei was the one and only solitary bandit on the sea. Not only this person was highly skilled in martial arts, he was proficient in water skill; moreover, he also had a passion for sailing. One person, one sail, he floated and roamed the sea. If it was not a huge business, he would definitely not make his move.

From east to west, merchant ships returning from a rewarding journey were often ransacked in the middle of the night. The gold, silver and jewels on board would be robbed clean, but the heavy silver currency [silver taels] remained untouched. At that time, even if the people on board had not seen who the perpetrator was, they must have guessed that it was the ‘Lone Eagle at Sea’ Xiang Tianfei’s signature. Everybody could only resign that they were having bad luck.

Because by that time Xiang Tianfei would already have sailed far away, not leaving any trace. Looking for someone in the boundless sea was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Most solitary bandits’ temperament was strange, they were arrogant and violent, very rarely had any friends; moreover, when they made their move, their hearts must be dark and their hands ruthless. Naturally this Xiang Tianfei was no exception.

Compared with other solitary bandits, Xiang Tianfei had two good points. First, his hands very rarely harm people’s lives, moreover, he always robbed only wealth, did not rob sex.

Chu Liuxiang always felt that this person was not too bad.

But this person’s temper was extremely bad; once there was any disagreement, he seemed to be about to flip over the table and make his move.

This time, Gou Zichang was very calm, unexpectedly his expression was still unmoving; he spoke indifferently, “I am indeed a no-name small pawn, Gexia has never heard my name, it is not surprising at all. However, since Gexia is known as the ‘Haishang Gu Ying’, presumably your qinggong is extremely brilliant.”

If others heard this remark, they would inevitably modestly express their thanks.

But Xiang Tianfei merely said coldly, “Speaking about qinggong, Zaixia can get by.”

Gou Zichang roared in laughter and said, “Alright, alright, alright, turns out Gexia is also a straightforward person, precisely a man after my own heart.” Translated by foxs

He raised his cup and drained it in one gulp, and then slowly continued, “I came out this time is to gain first-hand knowledge of qinggong masters in Jianghu. Since Gexia said so, I simply must ask guidance from Gexia.”

Xiang Tianfei said. “Ol’ Xiang is available any time.”

Gou Zichang laughed indifferently, he spoke leisurely, “I don’t think you need to wait long.”

Hu Tiehua sniggered inwardly, “I did not expect this Gou Zichang is also a character who likes to cause trouble, but for some reason, he clearly targeted Xiang Tianfei. Could it be that because he had just made his debut in Jianghu, he wants to find an opportunity to make his name?”

Ding Feng suddenly laughed and said, “Gou Xiong’s qinggong must also be extremely brilliant?”

Gou Zichang cast Xiang Tianfei a glance, he spoke indifferently, “Speaking about qinggong, Zaixia can also get by.”

Ding Feng said, “If Gou Xiong really want to meet the qinggong master in Jianghu of the present day, today you really came to the right place.”

Gou Zichang said, “Oh?”

Ding Feng laughed and said, “Gou Xiong has somebody before your eyes, his qinggong is unparalleled in the present age, if Gou Xiong did not ask him for advice, you really made this trip in vain.”

Hu Tiehua cast Chu Liuxiang a glance, both knew in their hearts, “This kid is sowing dissension.”

Gou Zichang acted as if he did not understand, he laughed and said, “Zaixia was about to ask Ding Xiong for advice as well.”

Ding Feng laughed and said, “Zaixia cannot be considered anybody; Gou Xiong must not misunderstand …”

Gou Zichang eyes flashing, he said, “Could it be that Ding Xiong is not talking about yourself?”

Ding Feng laughed heartily and said, “Although Zaixia have a thick skin, I don’t dare to apply gold leaf to the face of a statue [idiom: to extol oneself or someone else’s virtues].”

Gou Zichang said, “In that case, who is Ding Xiong talking about?”

But before Ding Feng could speak, Gou Zichang suddenly continued, “If Ding Xiong is talking about Chu Xiang Shuai, then there is no need. Chu Xiang Shuai‘s qinggong, I am indeed ashamed of being inferior [idiom]; but other people … hey, hey …”

He laughed dryly, ‘Hey, hey’ twice, and then continued, “No matter who wants to give advice, I will accompany any time.” Translated by foxs

By this remark, he made it clear without any doubt that he was standing on Chu Liuxiang’s side.

Although Hu Tiehua had a renewed favorable impression toward him, he could not help smiling bitterly in secret, thinking that this man was really venturing from his thatched hut for the first time, he had not experienced the ways of the world, he offended everybody on the table for no good reason. Fortunately, the last guest finally arrived at this time.

They only heard a couple of noise on the staircase, his person had already arrived outside the door. The newcomer was obviously another qinggong master.

Hu Tiehua was sitting opposite the door, so he was the first to see this person.

This man’s build was not tall, it could simply be said that he was slightly-built and withered, his face was a mixture of yellow and white spots, as if white ringworm had grown all over his face, his eyes were also bloodshot, completely without any expression.

His appearance was not outstanding, the clothes he wore were very casual, so much so that it could be called a bit shabby. People who did know him would definitely feel strange, “How could the Bangzhu of the grand Zi Jing Bang invite such a guest?”

But Hu Tiehua recognized him.

This man was precisely the Yangtze River’s ‘Shenlong Bang’ Zongbiao Bazi, Yun Conglong, Yun Er Ye [second master]. His water skill was extremely high, number one in Jiangnan [area south of Yangtze River]. It was said that one time he hid at the bottom of the river for three days and three nights, no one saw him taking a breath. The yellow and white spots on his face were not ringworm, but water rust.

His pair of eyes was also bloodshot because he often looked at things underwater.

The Yangtze River has the richest water conservancy and the highest number of boats, therefore, the number of incidents was also the highest. ‘Shenlong Bang’ dominated the Yangtze River, anything that happened in the Yangtze River area, no matter how big or small, ‘Shenlong Bang’ would reach out to take care of it one by one.

To be able to sit on the golden chair [old-style wooden folding armchair, typically featuring a footrest, fig. position in a hierarchy] of the Gang Leader of the ‘Divine Dragon Gang’ was not an easy matter at all. Every day, nobody knew how many disputes he had to resolve, how many people he had to deal with.

Although Yun Conglong himself was frugal, toward his friends he was very generous. When dealing with others, he was even more decent, indeed a character who changed according to the situation, and smooth and slick.

But this moment, this smooth and slick Yun Bangzhu was ashen faced, completely without any smiling expression, his countenance seemed to be a little angry and flustered, unexpectedly it was as if he had completely changed to be another person.

Could it be that within the ‘Shenlong Bang’, there was some extremely important and unexpected change happening?

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