The Legend of the Bat

Chapter 11: 5

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Chapter 5 – The Dead Guest

Four hot stir-fried dishes, four cold meats dishes, have not been removed yet, a dish of ‘Reeves Shad [tenualosa reevesii] steamed in broth’ has been put on the table. The dishes that Hai Kuotian ordered to entertain the guests could not possibly disappoint the guests. Translated by foxs

The ‘Reeves Shad steamed in broth’ was San He Lou’sQian Shifu’s [master/qualified worker] signature dish. Hu Tiehua thought that although it was not as fresh and fragrant as Zhang San’s grilled fish, it seemed to be smoother and more tender.

But no matter how good the dish is, one can only appreciate it when one is in a good mood. If a person has a bellyful of uncomfortable feeling, even if the most famous dish from the number one famous chef in the world is placed in front of him, he would just eat without knowing how it taste.

Right now, obviously everybody felt very uncomfortable.

Ever since Yun Conglong sat down, he has been staring at Wu Weiyang with ashen face. Seeing such a face, who would be able to eat?

Although because of territorial dispute the ‘Divine Dragon Gang’ and the ‘Phoenix Tail Gang’ fought bloody battles many times, it was already a matter of twenty years ago, it has long been a thing of the past.

In recent years, people in Jianghu thought that the two gangs had reconciled for a long time, furthermore, it was rumored that Wu Weiyang and Yun Conglong were ‘no discord, no concord’ [lit. don’t fight, won’t make friends (idiom)], so now they became good friends.

However, looking at today’s situation, the two still seemed to be a pair of roosters in cockfight.

Hu Tiehua really could not figure out why Hai Kuotian invited both of them to be in one place? Could it be that he deliberately wanted to find an opportunity for these two to fight?

Only to hear the sound of footsteps on the stairs, someone was coming upstairs. However, hearing the footsteps, it was obvious that there was more than one person.

Knitting his brows, Ding Feng said, “Could it be that Hai Bangzhu invited other guests?”

Hai Kuotian’s eyes flashing, he laughed and said, “All the guests have arrived, if anyone else comes, I’m afraid it’s an uninvited guest.”

Yun Conglong suddenly rose up to his full height, cupped his fist towards Hai Kuotian, and said, “These two people are invited by Zaixia, forgive me for acting discourteously, hoping that Hai Bangzhu would not take offense!”

Hai Kuotian said, “Where’s the logic in my taking offense? The more the merrier. The guests that Yun Bangzhu invited are Zaixia’s honored guests, it’s just that …”

He laughed aloud and continued, “The rules must not be broken, those who come late still have to be punished by three cups.” Translated by foxs

Glowering at Wu Weiyang again, Yun Conglong spoke coldly, “Only too bad that these two men are people who can’t even drink a drop of wine.”

Hai Kuotian laughed and said, “Whoever says he can’t drink wine must be lying, people who really can’t even drink a drop of wine, Zaixia have never seen any.”

Hu Tiehua could not help laughing and said, “People who really can’t even drink a drop of wine, I am afraid are only dead people.”

Yun Conglong’s face turned ashen, his expression wooden, he spoke coldly, “These two men are indeed dead people!”

These people were surprisingly two dead people that I invited to accompany me!

Could it be that he still disliked that today’s occasion was too lively?

Hai Kuotian’s face was alternating between dark green and white, his expression was even more awkward, suddenly he threw his head back in loud laughter and said, “Alright, alright, alright, any kind of guests, Zaixia have invited them all, but to be able to have dead guests honoring me with their presence, today is really the first time that I encounter. Yun Bangzhu really gives Zaixia careful thought, it finally allows Zaixia to open my eyes.”

His countenance sank, he spoke sternly, “But since you are invited by Yun Bangzhu, no matter whether you are dead or alive, please come in!”

Yun Conglong did not seem to hear the bitterness in his words at all, his face was still expressionless, he cupped his fist and said, “In that case, thank you, Hai Bangzhu!”

He walked out slowly and slowly raised the curtain on the door.

Unexpectedly, there were indeed two men standing upright at the door.

Dead people!

Naturally, dead people could not go up the stairs by themselves, naturally there were two living people supporting them from behind. But when everyone saw these two dead people, no one paid any attention to the living people behind them.

Only to see that these two dead men’s entire body were dripping wet, their faces were swollen. Unexpectedly, they looked like two water ghosts that had just escaped from the underworld. That kind of appearance was indescribably malevolent and terrifying.

Although the lantern lights in the room were very bright, but suddenly seeing such two dead people, everyone still could not help sucking in a mouthful of cold air.

Hu Tiehua and Gou Zichang’s countenance changed even more.

These two dead people, unexpectedly they recognized them. Translated by foxs

These two men both wore skintight black clothes with seven colored belts around their waists, unexpectedly they were the two corpses that Chu Liuxiang and the others fished out of the river a moment ago.

Chu Liuxiang originally wanted to bury the two corpses, but Zhang San and Hu Tiehua thought that ‘they’ should be thrown back into the river.

Zhang San believed that this matter would definitely have some changes in the future.

He really did not guess wrong, this moment the two men were indeed fished out again.

But these two men were obviously members of the ‘Phoenix Tail Gang’, why did Yun Conglong send them here?

Hai Kuotian was indeed a character, this moment he already calmed down. Letting out a hollow laugh, he said, ‘Since these two gentlemen are distinguished guests invited by Yun Bangzhu, Yun Bangzhu should introduce them to everyone.”

Yun Conglong spoke coldly, “Although gentlemen don’t recognize these two men, Wu Bangzhu definitely does.”

His eyes turned sharp like a blade he stared at Wu Weiyang, and spoke sternly, “Does Wu Bangzhu know why they came here?”

“Please advise,” Wu Weiyang replied.

Yun Conglong continued word by word, “They demand their lives back from Wu Bangzhu!”

Dead people demanded their lives back, naturally no one would believe it. But every word Yun Conglong said was brimming with bitter resentment. Hearing that, even other people felt a chill run down their spines.

The curtain at the door was raised, a gust of wind from outside the door blew in, the lantern lights flickered.

The flickering lights shone on the two dead men’s faces, the two faces unexpectedly seemed to move as well, so that their expression was even more indescribably mysterious and terrifying, unexpectedly it was as if they really wanted to choose someone to devour.

Wu Weiyang could not help shrinking back; forcing out a laugh, he said, “If Yun Bangzhu is joking, this joke must be a very bad joke.”

Yun Conglong spoke coldly, “The dead never joke.”

He suddenly tore open the front piece of the dead men’s garment, exposing the wounds on their left ribs. He hissed, “Gentlemen are all big expert in Jianghu, I wonder if you could see through what kind of weapon caused their fatal wounds?”

Everybody looked at each other in dismay, they kept silent, obviously no one wanted to get involved in this dispute. Translated by foxs

Yun Conglong said, “Even without Zaixia saying anything, gentlemen must have seen that this is the ‘Shen Jian She Ri’ [Divine Arrow Shooting the Sun] Wu Da Bangzhu’s [big gang leader] masterpiece. The arrow pierced the bone and went straight to the heart. Wu Da Bangzhu’s ‘Feng Wei Jian’ [Phoenix Tail Arrow] is indeed extremely brilliant, extremely formidable …”

He threw his head back and laughed coldly a few times, and then said, “It’s just that these two men’s death is somewhat shady. Until their moment of death, they still did not know why Wu Da Bangzhu would lay such a poisonous hand on them!”

Wu Weiyang spoke sternly, “These two men were originally our Fengwei Bang’s subordinates, even if I killed them, it is still Fengwei Bang’s private matter, what does it have to do with Shenlong Bang’s Yun Da Bangzhu?”

This question was precisely the question in everybody’s heart that they wanted to ask.

Yun Conglong’s face turned ashen, he said, “The relationship between these two men and me, could it be that you don’t know?”

Wu Weiyang cut him off, he laughed coldly and said, “Could it be that these two were spies you sent to the ‘Fengwei Bang’ as moles? Otherwise, how could they have anything to do with you?”

Yun Conglong’s face suddenly became even more terrifying, he stared at Wu Weiyang without blinking, as if he had never seen this person before.

Seeing his expression, everyone understood in their hearts that the two dead ‘Fengwei Bang’ were indeed the spies he sent to go undercover. Somehow Wu Weiyang discovered it, so he killed them to shut their mouth —— This speculation not only fit the situation, it was also completely reasonable.

Chu Liuxiang’s previous speculation unexpectedly seemed to be completely wrong.

Hu Tiehua cast a glance at Chu Liuxiang from the corner of her eyes, he leaned into his ear and spoke quietly, “I beg you, in the future, can you think less of yourself being smart? By all means, please don’t think of yourself as Zhuge Liang.”

Chu Liuxiang did not even look ashamed at all, instead he smiled and said, “If Zhuge Liang had been there at that time, he would definitely have the same thoughts as I did.”

Hu Tiehua heaved a sigh, he shook his head and said, “If Zhuge Liang was here, he would definitely be infuriated to death by you.”

Only to see the muscles in the corners of Yun Conglong’s eyes did not stop twitching, his eyes also revealed some kind of horrified expression, as if he suddenly remembered something extremely dreadful. His voice hoarse, he said, “I understand, I completely understand.”

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Wu Weiyang spoke sternly, “I also understand, but this is a matter between the two of us, how could we quarrel in front of Hai Bangzhu’s banquet and interrupt these distinguished guests’ interest in wine? If you have anything to say, let’s talk outside!” Translated by foxs

Yun Conglong hesitated, his eyes slowly swept across the crowd, when he saw Ding Feng, the horror and bitter resentment in his eyes deepened, suddenly he gritted his teeth and said, “All right, you want to go out then let’s go out!”

Wu Weiyang suddenly rose up to his full height and said, “Let’s go!”

Yun Conglong’s eyes already moved to the two dead men at the door, he laughed in distress and said, “But these two are my good brothers, whether they are dead or alive, since they are late, they should be punished with three cups of wine —— these six cups of forfeit wine [drink as the result of having lost a bet], let me drink it on their behalf.”

Wu Weiyang threw his head back in laughter, he said with a cold laugh, “Did gentlemen hear that? Our Fengwei Bang subordinates and disciples are actually Yun Da Bangzhu’s good brothers. This Yun Da Bangzhu’s method is really extremely brilliant! Extremely formidable!”

Yun Conglong’s eyes went blank, unexpectedly it was as if he did not hear what he said at all. Returning to his seat in large strides, he poured six cups of wine, raised his cup by himself and said, “Originally Ol’ Yun wanted to drink a few cups with gentlemen, only a pity … this moment, it looks like that there is a ‘fish bone stuck in my throat’ [idiom: feeling obliged to speak out candidly], I can’t even drink the wine, forgive me for my impropriety … forgive me …”

‘Forgive me for my impropriety’, his voice was suddenly brimming with desolation, therefore, although he used the saying ‘fish bone stuck in one’s throat’, four characters [gu geng zai hou] extremely inappropriately and irrelevant, no one said anything.

Only to see he quickly drank three cups of wine, picked up the chopsticks, and pinched the head of the ‘Reeves Shad steamed in broth’, and poked out the fish eyes on the fish head.

Although fish eyes are bland and tasteless, some people think that they are the most delicious thing on fish. Hu Tiehua loved to have fish eyes to accompany his wine the most.

Yun Conglong picked up the fish eyes, Hu Tiehua immediately regretted, why he did not pick out the fish eyes and eat them first just now, and now he let others took the advantage.

People who love to eat always pay special attention when they see other people reaching out with their chopsticks; if they see others picking up the food that they themselves like, they will feel extremely uncomfortable even more.

Who would have thought that Yun Conglong picked up the fish eyes, he only used his eyes to look at them, but did not put it in his mouth. After looking for a long time, suddenly the chopsticks slipped, the fish eye unexpectedly jumped straight, without deviating at all, into the soy sauce saucer in front of Wu Weiyang.

Hu Tiehua already cried, ‘What a pity,’ a hundred times in his heart, he nearly wanted to point to Yun Conglong’s nose and tell him loudly, “This kind of food should be eaten with the mouth, not looked at with the eyes.” Translated by foxs

By this time Yun Conglong had already finished his fifth cup of wine. When he drank the sixth cup, his throat seemed to be choked, suddenly he bent down at the waist and coughed incessantly.

Chu Liuxiang’s eyes flashing, he suddenly said, “If Yun Bangzhu cannot bear to drink, let Zaixia drink this cup of wine for you.”

Not only did Yun Conglong not refuse at all, he seemed to be very happy instead; he immediately said, “Thank you very much, thank you very much, Zaixia feels a bit unable to continue drinking.”

Hu Tiehua could not help feeling strange, “Only drunkards will rush to drink for others. In drinking, this old stinky bug has always been the most astute, why is he scrambling for wine today?”

When Chu Liuxiang received the wine cup, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of something that seemed to be inside the wine cup, but Chu Liuxiang seemed to be completely oblivious, he raised the cup and drain in one gulp.

Hu Tiehua could not help wondering, “Except for his nose, this old stinky bug is very alert, but today even his eyes are no longer effective?”

Only to hear Yun Conglong laughed aloud and said, “Indeed Chu Xiang Shuai’s name is not empty, you indeed have good wine capacity, and are a good friend.”

While laughing loudly, he walked out; he seemed to be without any misgivings at all.

The two dead men at the door immediately retreated to the sides, it was only then that everyone saw that there were indeed two men supporting them from behind. Both of them were wearing tight-fitting wetsuit, obviously they were ‘Shenlong Bang’ subordinates. Judging by their bearing and expressions, their position in the gang definitely was not low.

The one on the right was comparatively older, his face was covered with water rust, his eyes were red. Obviously he has made a living on the water for a long time, and within the ‘Divine Dragon Gang’, he must have a long history.

The one on the left was a young man with fair skin without any beard, although he was young, his eyes were bright, his martial art skill seemed to be a bit higher than his colleague.

When Yun Conglong walked past in front of them, he suddenly halted his footsteps, as if he was about to say something, but Wu Weiyang was already behind him. Unexpectedly he stretched out his hand to push him on the back, and scolded lightly, “At this point, you still don’t want to go quickly?”

Yun Conglong turned around and glared at him, unexpectedly he let out a long sigh and said, “Now that we’re here, what is your hurry?”

Outside the loft, there was a tiny terrace. Translated by foxs

Wu Weiyang and Yun Conglong stood on the terrace, but it was unclear what they were talking about, they only heard Wu Weiyang kept laughing coldly. After a long time, he suddenly scolded in low voice, saying, “Talking too much won’t do you any good, better see the martial art skill in your hands!”

Yun Conglong laughed coldly and said, “All right, do you think Ol’ Yun is scared of you, this …”

The last part had not left his mouth, Wu Weiyang’s palm already struck. The whistle of the palm wind was heard, unexpectedly the palm power was extremely strong, pressing on Yun Conglong that he did not have any chance to continue speaking.

Hu Tiehua could not help standing up, he said, “Are we really going to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight in here?! I’ll go out to persuade them and ask them to come back and drink two cups of wine, maybe their anger will disappear.”

But Ding Feng laughed and said, “Since Wu Bangzhu already said that this is their private matter, others have no way to dissuade them, plus why bother to be meddlesome — come, let Xiaodi [little brother, referring to self] toast Hu Xiong a cup.”

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, he raised his wine cup and blocked Hu Tiehua’s way.

Other people proposing a toast, Hu Tiehua never refuse.

He had just finished drinking this cup of wine when he heard Yun Conglong let out a miserable cry!

The cry was short.

This time, not only Ding Feng no longer dissuade others, he was the first to rush out.

By the time he rushed out, Yun Conglong had already fallen to the ground.

The man with water rust across his whole face shouted wildly, saying, “Good, the one surnamed Wu, I did not expect you have the impertinence to strike treacherously, I will stake everything against you!”

He reached backhandedly to draw his saber and was about to charge.

Who would have thought that the fair-skinned young man grabbed his arm and pulled him back, he spoke sternly, “Sun Lao’er [Ol’ two/second], could it be that you forgot the letter that Bangzhu gave you?”

Sun Lao’er was stunned, he spoke hoarsely, “The letter is here, it’s just that …”

The fair-skinned young man said, “Since you have the letter, you should remember what Bangzhu repeatedly told you …”

Raising his voice, he continued, “Bangzhu said that no matter what happens to him, you must immediately open the letter he gave you and read out loud in public, there must be no delay. I remember this.” Translated by foxs

Sun Lao’er stared blankly for half a day. Finally he gritted his teeth and took out a letter from his pocket. His hands were constantly shaking, it took him nearly half a day to be able to open the envelope, and read it aloud, “If this time Yu [I/me (archaic)] go and do not return within one month, pass on the Bangzhu position of our Bang to …”

He only read a few sentences, but reading to this point, his countenance suddenly changed drastically, his hands trembled more violently, ‘clack, clack, clack!’ his teeth chattered incessantly, unexpectedly he was unable to read another word.

The fair-skinned young man frowned, suddenly he reached out to snatch the letter, and continued to read, “If this time Yu go and do not return within one month, pass on the Bangzhu position of our Bang to Wu Weiyang of the ‘Fengwei Bang‘; henceforth the two gangs will merge. All affairs of the ‘Shenlong Bang’, no matter how big or small, are to be presided by Wu Bangzhu. All our Bang’s disciples are to obey only Wu Bangzhu’s orders, no dissent allowed. Anybody who disobeys will be killed without mercy!”

Finished reading the letter in one breath, he could not stop his countenance from changing as well.

When the others heard it, a mixture of alarm and surprise grew in their hearts: Wu Weiyang was obviously Yun Conglong’s archenemy, why did Yun Conglong leave a will to pass on the Bangzhu position to him?

Ding Feng suddenly spoke in heavy voice, “Was this letter really written by Yun Bangzhu himself?”

Sun Lao’er’s forehead was dripping with cold sweat, his tears fell down like rain, he spoke hoarsely, “It was indeed written by Bangzhu himself, which he personally handed over to me, but … but …”

Ding Feng heaved a sigh, he said, “Since this is Yun Bangzhu’s will, it seems that two gentlemen ought to pay your respect to the new Bangzhu!”

Sun Lao’er suddenly roared, he said, “No way, I am ‘Shenlong Bang’ disciple, everybody considers Bangzhu as their father, he killed Yun Bangzhu, hence he has tied a cannot-live-under-the-same-sky enmity with our Bang’s three thousand disciples, from top to bottom! If he wants to be our gang’s Bangzhu, I, Sun Lao’er, will be the first to refuse to accept!”

The fair-skinned young man spoke sternly, “But this is Bangzhu’s will, how could you refuse to obey?”

Sun Lao’er eyes turned red, he shouted angrily, “I don’t care what you say, I will stake everything against him!”

He broke free from the fair-skinned young man hand and brandished his saber to charge forward.

The fair-skinned young man shouted loudly, “Anybody who disobeys will be killed without mercy!” Translated by foxs

The word ‘mercy’ came out, they saw a flash of the saber.

The saber in the young man’s hand already pierced Sun Lao’er back.

Sun Lao’er let out a miserable cry, he turned around to look at the young man, his voice trembling, he said, “You … you … how could you …”

Without being able to finish, he fell on his face.

The fair-skinned young man stared blankly for half a day, suddenly he threw himself onto his dead body and cried bitterly in loud voice.

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