The Legend of the Goblin Hero

Chapter 4: 4. Day three

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I opened my eyes only to see darkness... I tried to move my arms but it was futile, I tried to do the same with my legs but it was the same result... I was stuck.


I'm still stuck at the bottom of the cuddly pile... Well, at least I'm still alive... I'm glad...




I noticed something strange... My teeth were fully out... I used my tongue to explore the insides of my mouth and I found my new pair of sharp fangs... I can bite things now...


Does this means that I will have to eat raw meat...? Oh man... I don't wanna! Sigh... I must teach my parents about how to cook meat. I hope they know how to make fire...


I simply refuse to eat raw meat!


Hmm? What about the time I licked that bone? That doesn't count! I didn't touch the meat at all!


"Ru..." I heard a feminine voice calling my name...


Umm? Who's that? I don't recognize that voice...


It must one of my sisters, but I don't really recognize her voice.


"Ru... The meat is so tasty..." Another feminine voice called me.


Just at that moment, I was hugged tighly... Ugh... If they keep hugging me like that, I will die from oxygen deprivation...


Sigh... Why do they have to be so clingy...?


I could hear some footsteps coming towards us... A familiar stench invaded my nostrils... It was another boar... My father had managed to capture another one.


I heard how the boar was dropped on the ground... I noticed how all of my sisters raised their heads and saw the boar... They immediately let go of me an ran towards the boar...


Waaaaait a minute... They ran? Weren't we like toddlers yesterday?


Since the cuddly pile of goblin toddlers didn't exist anymore, I had regained my vision and my freedom of movement.


I was completely and utterly flabbergasted... I am a kid now... Not a toddler, not a baby, but a kid. My legs and arms were longer and there were claws on both of my feet and my hands... I think I am standing at 56 cm tall currently.


My sisters look a little older than me, but not much...




What the hell is wrong with the biology of this race! How is this even possible? Less than 48 hours ago, we were babies! Now we can stand on our two feet, our teeth are fully out... I'm no biologist, but I know this shit ain't right...


What kind of crazy land has that bitch of a goddess thrown me into...?


While I was still in shock, one of my sisters approached me...


"Ru, are you coming? If you don't come, there will be no more meat..." She had long red hair and blue eyes... She had grown taller. She might be 50 cm tall now.


Her hair barely reached her shoulders.


Wait a minute... Ya? Is that Ya?


"Ya?" I was left a bit dumbfounded when I heard my own voice... I felt like I could say a lot more now contrary to yesterday...


I mean, I can understand that I could say more since I have lived more than my sisters (On Earth)... How did they even learn to speak properly?


This world is too crazy for me!


Ya was looking at me while I was still resting on the ground.


"Hurry! The meat is going to disappear!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me up...


Whoa! What was that strength? Are all of my sisters this strong?


"Meat! Meat! Meat!" Ya started dragging me towards the corpse of the boar...


My legs feel strong... It was a completely different feeling than the one from yesterday when I tried to walk. I feel like I could walk for hours now...


All of my sisters were waiting patiently besides my mother, my father and the other goblin women. Ya pushed me to the front of the group. All of them smiled at me.


"Ru, today is the day where you will become a hunter." My father said to me. My mother looked extremely proud of me.


Umm... What? What do you mean by that? I don't know how to hunt!


My father then pointed at the corpse of the boar...


"Take a bite."


I was about to shook my head and refuse to do that but... A primal instinct took over me... The stench of the dead boar had turned into a pleasant smell... My stomach growled, I licked my lips in expectation.


Moved by instinct, I did what I was told... I took a bite out of the corpse... The area where I bit was near the ribs... At first, I thought that eating raw meat would be bad but... It was tasty... I needed this... My body needed this...


The meat came out easily with a simple bite thanks to my sharp teeth and fangs. I could tore open this beast with nothing but my mouth...


It didn't take long for me to fill my mouth with the tasty boar meat...


The rest of my tribe looked incredibly proud of me... That didn't last very long... After a few seconds of watching me eat, they launched themselves towards the remains of the boar.


My sisters were incredibly wild and tore the beast open... They devoured everything with exception of the bones... They were still licking the bones trying keep the taste of the dead beast on their mouths.


Man... I really ate raw meat... Why the hell it was so delicious? I want some more... No, I need more!


It was like a primal beast had been awakened inside me... I was not satisfied yet...


My father looked at me and spoke, with some blood dripping from his mouth.


"Ru, are you still hungry?"


I nodded vigourously at my father.


"Then hunt. Look for your meal, this forest is full of beasts that are waiting to be hunted by you."


This whole forest is my hunting grounds...


"Use whatever methods you need to bring back your prey. It doesn't matter as long as you return with your life and the food for your tribesmates."


Whatever method... Everything goes, right? As long as I manage to satiate my hunger...


"Remember... We live for the tribe and the tribe lives thanks to us. You must fulfill your role no matter the cost."


The tribe will live thanks to me... If I don't bring meat... The tribe will die... My sisters and my mother will die...


My father then pointed towards his left... A bright light was coming from that direction... I felt like something was calling me from beyond that light...


"Now go! Satiate your hunger!"


As soon as those words were recorded on my brain, I ran towards the light that was only increasing in intensity...


I ran as fast as I could, and in a matter of seconds, I arrived to the entrance of the cave, of my home...


For the first time since I was reborn, I finally saw the exterior world...


It took my eyes a few minutes to get used to such an amount of light... I started to look around the immediate area of our cave.


Outside the cave, there was a large clearing with several flowerbeds. A wide variety of aromas and sounds assaulted my nose and ears... But it didn't feel unplesant... I felt like I really belonged here.


After that there were thousands of trees as far as I could see.


The sky is blue just like on Earth, but there's a small difference... This world has two suns.


I walked around while exploring the clearing... The sensation of the warm soil beneath my feet was extremely pleasant.


I took a deep breath... My stomach started to make sounds... I'm hungry again.


I licked my lips in expectation of my next meal... I wonder what kind of prey I will find...


My primal instincts took over again, thanks to my hunger... Before I even noticed, I was running on all fours across the forest... My nose had detected the stench of several boars, and other small animals...


It didn't take long for me to stop after finding a suitable prey... A horned rabbit. The rabbit has a large horn on its head...


Why would a rabbit need a horn?


But just when I asked myself this question, the rabbit noticed me...




The rabbit and I kept eye contact...


Is it going to run away? Well, I think I can manage to catch it with my speed...


But contrary to my expectations, the rabbit didn't run away... It charge towards me, while pointing its horn to my chest...

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Time slowed down for me... I could clearly see how the rabbit was running towards me in slow motion... My heart was beating wildly.


My body moved on its own... I sidestepped the charge of the rabbit, dodging its horn. The rabbit ended up with its horn stuck to a tree.


The little rabbit struggled but it was unlikely that it would manage to regain its freedom... I licked my lips at the sight... The neck of the creature was completely exposed for me to bite.


I immediately bit the neck of the rabbit as hard as I could... The rabbit shrieked in pain for a few seconds, but my fangs managed to kill the small beast quickly. Blood was coming out of the wound... It tasted so sweet...


It didn't take long for me to devour the rabbit in its entirety. Leaving only its small bones and the horn.


For some reason, my gaze was fixed on the horn of the rabbit...


"A hunter needs a weapon to hunt..." I unconsciously muttered those words...


I pulled out the horn from the trunk of the tree... It came out a little bit more easy than I had originally expected...


While I was fixated on the horn that was now resting on my hands, the words of a mechanical voice started assaulting my brain...


<SYSTEM: First Battle, Clear! / EXP REWARD: 5 XP / Enemy: Horned Rabbit / Condition: Defeated. / A title is about to be given to the user... "Novice Hunter" has been acquired. Check your STATUS for more information.>


Huh...? Status? Title? EXP? What is this, a videogame...?


(I thought it would make things easier for you, my cute believer.) I felt shivers down my spine after I heard on my mind a familiar voice... It was the bitch goddess.


I felt how my mood plummeted as soon as I heard that voice.


(You have been very diligent praying to me every day. Good job! Keep up that good work and I might let you lick my feet again!)


"It has been only two days, bitch."


Just as I said the word "Bitch" I was struck by lightning... I was smited...




I felt an incredible amount of pain thanks to that attack... I was forced to kneel thanks to the pain...


(That's no good! I remember that I told you to call me Lady Electra. I also told you that I am quite gentle with my believers. I was holding myself back, so don't push your luck next time.) She said with a sassy tone...


My body was still sore from that lightning attack...


"W-What do you want... Lady Electra?" I will swallow my pride for now...


(That's certainly an improvement. Who would have thought that making you a goblin would make you thrive so much? I guess, you were destined to live as a savage from the beggining!)


Here we go again with her jabs... I want to kill her so much, dammit!


(So? How are you enjoying your life as a goblin? Before you answer, I think you have more value this way than in your previous life. The colour green suits you!)




"It is not bad..." Calm down, Ru... You just need to ignore her jabs and you will be good to go. It will be easier that way to deal with her...


(Is that so? That's good! That's very good! Anyway, I have other things to do. I was just calling to tease you for a bit. If you have any questions or you want to talk to me, use your STATUS. Ah... Your STATUS will appear as soon you say the word "STATUS", got it? You don't need to say anything else, you just need to say that word and it will appear.)


"Why did you repeat yourself that much?"


(Hmm? I was fearing that your brain had become smaller after I smited you, so I just did it just to be sure that your idiotic brain got the information correctly.) I could imagine the bitch goddess smiling while mocking me...


I'll kill her someday!


(Well, I got stuff to do. Bye!)


I was left in a state of confusion and anger thanks to the sudden call of the bitch goddess...


"Sigh... Well, I guess I should be testing this strange system... STATUS."


A blue coloured panel appeared in front of me... Huh? What the hell is this!? Wasn't this a medieval fantasy world? And now you come to me with this futuristic interface... What the fuck!?



RACE: Goblin

AGE: 3 days old

LEVEL: 1 / EXP: 5/100


TITLES: Novice Hunter


HP: 90/100

MP: 100/100

STAMINA: 5000/5100







CLOSE UNARMED COMBAT / Grade: E / Proficiency: 50/200

LESSER DETECTION / Grade: F / Proficiency: 10/100

FIRE MAGIC / Grade: E / Proficiency: 0/100

LIGHTNING MAGIC / Grade: E / Proficiency: 0/100


SUPERIOR SENSE OF SMELL / Grade: C / Proficiency: 0/3000

SUPERIOR SENSE OF HEARING / Grade: C / Proficiency: 0/3000







So I have skills huh... Superior Sense of Hearing and Superior Sense of Smell... The two of them are at Grade C... There's proficiency.


I think I get how skills work... If repeat several actions a lot, my proficiency should go up. When that proficiency reaches its max, the grade of the skill will change. I see...


The rest of my skills are on Grade E, except for Lesser Detection which is at Grade F.




Is that what I think it is?


My heart started beating wildly...


"Fire Magic and Lightning Magic..."




I was grinning thanks to this newfound power of mine...


"Let's try it... FIREBALL!" I pointed my hand towards a tree...




Nothing came out...


"FIREBALL! FIREBALL! FIREBALL!" Again, nothing came out... I couldn't use this magic...


Why is it not working!?


<SYSTEM: Answer: The user lacks the skills to use magic currently. Those skills are: Mana Sensing and Mana Manipulation. Please try again in the future.> The mechanical voice answered my question...


So... I was given the skill to produce fireballs, but not the skills that make me able to use them...


Time for my daily prayer!


"Bitch, fuck you! Fix your shitty system! I hope you're burned with cigarettes!"


Sigh... I am extremely disappointed that I couldn't use magic...


What was the point of giving me that skill if I can't use it...


I took a deep breath...


Calm down Ru... I need to be more optimistic... Those skills are surely easy to get...


Well, I guess getting those two skills will be my objective for now.


My stomach started making sounds again... I'm still hungry...


"I'll try to get those skills after getting another meal."


I left the place where I was contacted by the bitch goddess and went deeper into the forest to get more food...

You can find story with these keywords: The Legend of the Goblin Hero, Read The Legend of the Goblin Hero, The Legend of the Goblin Hero novel, The Legend of the Goblin Hero book, The Legend of the Goblin Hero story, The Legend of the Goblin Hero full, The Legend of the Goblin Hero Latest Chapter

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