The Legend of the Goblin Hero

Chapter 5: 5. After the hunt…

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I returned to the clearing in front of our cave... I managed to hunt and eat 6 horned rabbits before being satisfied. They were incredibly tasty. Also, the mechanical voice said that gained a lot of EXP. I guess I should have around 35 to 45 points. I don't really know, I haven't really checked my STATUS yet.


The horn I picked up from the first rabbit I killed worked perfectly. It is incredibly sharp and it hasn't gave me any kind of trouble so far. It will work as a makeshift knife for the time being...


I didn't manage to get Mana Perception and Mana Manipulation... I wasn't able to think about any method to get them. I will put that on hold for the time being.


"Man... I'm stuffed... That was a nice hunt."


I sat on the ground and then laid on my back to watch the sky...


"Now... What do I do?"


There's that bet with that bitch of a goddess... I don't want to win since it would mean that I would have to get married to that bitch, but I obviously don't want to lose. I won't become her eternal slave!


"Screwed if I win and screwed if I lose..."


My condition to win is to live a long and happy life. My condition to lose is to die before time, which I guess it means dying from anything other than natural causes. This is tough...


While I was pondering on what to do, a girl with brown hair and blue eyes blocked my vision of the sky. The corners of her lips were covered in blood.


I guess this is my sister Mi. Just like Ya, she has grown a lot. She's 55 cm tall. Her hair is longer than Ya's, going a bit past her shoulders.


"Ru, are you hungry?" She smiled at me. She was carrying two horned rabbits on her hand. They looked like they were recently hunted.


So they were allowed to hunt as well... I guess it makes sense. I don't think my father and I could provide for our large numbers...


"Mi... Don't worry, I got a lot of good prey."


Mi shook her head and pouted.


"Eat more. Become strong, Ru." She seemed serious about it.


Mi sat besides me and gave me one of the rabbits.


I guess I can eat another one...


I raised my body and then bit into the dead rabbit. Mi started eating after making sure I was actually eating.


"Tasty." We both said in unison.


Huh... I think I'm liking having siblings. Having a person who shares your most important moments. That's pretty cool, in my opinion.


It didn't take long for us to devour the two rabbits. Mi was licking the blood of her fingers... She still had a lot of blood on the corners of her mouth.


"Ru, you have blood on the corner of your mouth." Mi pointed out after she was done licking her fingers...


Ah... I didn't notice... Hmm... A mirror for this kind of thing would be nice. Speaking of that, I haven't seen my appearance yet... I hope I'm not completely ugly.


While I was thinking about mundane things, Mi got closer to me and licked the blood in the corner of my mouth.


Huh? What the hell!?


"Tasty... Bunnies are tasty. Ru, Let's hunt together next time." She said with a happy expression.




That was a bit weird... Is that how goblins show affection? Well, it is true that my mother and my sisters are very touchy. I guess it is fine. I'll get used to it eventually.


Just as I was thinking on how clingy my relatives are, I was hugged from behind.


"Ru! I got some rabbit! Let's eat together!"


It was my sister La... She's 50 cm tall. Her hair is short and black coloured. Her eyes are green.


"Grr... I wanted to eat together with Ru!" Ya appeared out of nowhere. She also had a pair of dead rabbits on her hands.


"I'm sleepy..." Mi tried to cuddle with me...


Things didn't get better... The rest of my sisters were all approaching to us... Each of them were holding a pair of rabbits on their hands...


Oh boy... This might not have a happy ending...

Okay! I'm back...


I managed to survive my clingy sisters again! I had to eat a stupid amount of rabbits though...


Hmm? Impossible to eat that much? I thought the same at first actually. Although I had said that I was stuffed a while ago, that was not true. No matter how much I eat, I don't feel completely full.


I don't know if it is because of my race or if it is thanks to some of my skills, but I'm actually happy to have this ability, you know? I can eat to my heart's content! This whole forest is a buffet full of animals for me to eat!


Anyway, I'm currently hanging around with La and Ya. Mi is taking a nap nearby. The rest of my sisters are running around and playing tag. My mother and Ka came out of the cave and they were now supervising us.


"Ru, what are you doing?" Ya looked at me with confusion.


"Why do you need that many rocks?" La looked interested in my work.


Hmm? What am I doing? Hoho! Sit on tight, because you're in for a ride!


Let's start by my first work of art... I am making a campfire.


I had La run around collecting rocks and then had Ya collect twigs and some dry leaves. I collected several logs to use for the fire. I don't think I need to clarify what I'm going to do with these things.


We are going to make the campfire with a bit of distance from the cave, just to be sure. I also confirmed that there was no danger of a forest fire thanks to me. I'm a responsible goblin, you know?


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You see... I used to watch several survival TV shows on my free time back on Earth. I also liked to watch cooking shows and... Tailoring shows... I used to watch the latter ones with my mother.


Of course, I'm not implying that I remember everything about those shows but, I do remember some of the most important parts.


Though... I never had the chance to put the knowledge I got from those programs since I lived in the city... I think the opportunity has arrived for me to put that knowledge to good use.


I want to improve the quality of life of my tribe and increase our chance for survival. I also want to taste the tasty rabbits and the exquisite boars properly cooked.


"You'll see."


My two sisters were looking from above my shoulders... They were quite interested and excited...


While I don't have any flint and steel to lit the campfire, I think I can manage using some wood and some good ol' friction.


Anyway, I had used the horns of the rabbits as makeshift tools to dig a pit for the fire. I also set a perimeter of rocks around it.


I tried my best to build a "tipi" with the logs... It is actually a lot harder than they make it seem to be on those survival shows...


My two sisters seemed genuinely impressed.


It took me a couple of minutes but I think I got the hang of it... After that, I placed the some of the dry leaves and the twigs under the wooden structure. I also placed a few small branches there.


Now it is all set... I just need to make some friction and I will lit this fire and gain the admiration of my family! Hahaha! I can already imagine them complimenting me! Let's do this!


I'm going to use the Hand Drill method.


I placed a piece of dry wood below me, I used a stone to hold it in place... Now with this strong stick I should be able to start the fire...


I started to roll the stick to create some friction on the dry piece of wood...


"Let's go!"


Just as my enthusiasm, the speed in which I was rolling the stick increased rapidly... I feel like I still can add more speed!




"That looks fun!"


My two sisters were already staring at me in amazement. I continued to making friction... I could see that a bit of smoke was coming from the piece of wood.


Yes! It is working!


I immediately increased the speed to finally get the fire going... The friction was just enough to produce some embers...


"Yes!" I yelled with excitement.


I immediately pushed the embers into the campfire, alongside the dry leaves and the twigs. I crouched and started blowing some air into it...


The hot air finally hit my face... That was a signal that I managed to succeed.






My two sisters were completely flabbergasted.


I stood up and immediately smiled from ear to ear looking at the results of my work.




I'm proud of what I have done here. Now we will be able to cook our meals! Huh? Kitchenware?




(Note to self: Buy, steal or find some kitchenware.)


I was thinking of pointless things, I saw Ya trying to put her hand into the fire.


Like the good brother I was, I immediately stopped her possible horrible mistake. I grabbed her hand before she could get it close to the actual fire.


"Ru? What is this?" Ya asked.


"It is called "fire." It will hurt you if you try to touch it." I calmly explained to my sister... Little did she know that I almost had a heart attack thanks to her...


Ya nodded as if she understood my words...


"Hot..." La was hypnotized thanks to the fire.


Well, looks like the fire was a success... Of sorts... I will need to have a fire safety seminar with my relatives, just to make sure they don't get hurt. Of course, I will also teach them how to set up a campfire.


<SYSTEM: The user has gained a title. "Survivalist" has been added to your STATUS.>


Oh! That's great! This reminds me that I should pray to the bitch again.


"Bitch, I can't wait to burn you alive. You suck, sincerely, Ru."


Hmm... I need to think of new insults for the bitch goddess... I will add that up to my to do list.


Anyway, I think I can now continue with my other projects. That was unfortunately interrupted by my sisters and our caretakers...


I didn't knew at the time, but in the future I would become a known arsonist and a pyromaniac...

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