The Logbook Quest

Chapter 14: Chapter 14, in which I learn not to trust Paige’s friends

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She wouldn’t wake up, so I had no other choice but to scoop Paige up and try to find a healer. Thankfully, Asrin as the Keeper of the Logbook, knew stuff like this, so he lead me to the closest healer that could help.

I had to wake up the poor woman, by knocking on all the windows of the house. I was getting panicky about all of this. All I could think about was how I couldn’t do this without Paige and that whatever was happening, I had to help her.

When the healer finally woke up and let us in, she instructed me to lay Paige down on the floor of the small kitchen.

“She needs to cool down,” the healer explained, as I was setting Paige down on the stone floor. “She’s burning up.”

I was useless and still in a little bit of a shock, so Asrin was the one explaining to the healer that we had been traveling all day today through the desert, that we had to

The tall tan woman examined Paige closely and she must have seen something because she paused when examining her head and then asked the dragon more questions.

“She’s most likely severely dehydrated, I’ll get my stuff, you make sure she’s breathing,” the healer instructed. I held my hand up to Paige’s face and felt her breathing weakly. A few moments later the healer came back with a clear pouch of some kind of a liquid and got to work on Paige.

I got off the floor and took a few steps back, as not to get in the way as she kneeled on the floor next to Paige and took her hand, then started tracing something on her palm. The healer’s hands lit up with a soft yellow light that got brighter and brighter then got snuffed out the moment Paige opened her eyes. When I looked at the pouch from earlier it was now gone.

I sighed with relief and helped Paige up to her feet and immediately pulled her into a hug.

“Don't you dare scare me like that again,” I said as I let her go. She was still dizzy it seemed because she looked at me as if I had 3 heads.

“Thank you,” she said, her voice cracking, then looking at the healer. “I’m sorry for the inconvenience.” she stepped toward her and was drawing the symbol for accessing her gold.

“Furi do not pay here,” the woman stated sharply and dismissed Paige.

I blinked in surprise, something was not going right, we hadn’t said anything about Paige’s family.

“I don’t understand,” Paige said back and was now intensely staring at the healer.

“My family came here from the Dalelry, we were the first attacked by the initial wave of Demons the Blood Summoners had brought to this realm. The Council didn’t send any help, they fortified themselves in Mooncity, but left all of us in the villages and surrounding towns to fend for ourselves - we were Demon bait,” the healer shared, taking a seat on a nearby chair. “But the Furis didn’t agree. A group of them came to our town and evacuated us, while the others were holding the demons off.”

“The battle at the Moonbridge, you were evacuated from here?” Paige asked.

The woman nodded weakly.

“I do not trust the Council, they were ready to sacrifice innocent lives for a strategic advantage, your little friend doesn’t seem to trust them either, if he brought you to me,” she pointed to Asrin, who simply shrugged.

“You’ve got the gems, girl, it’s obvious you’re Furi,” the healer pointedly brushed her hair back.

Paige immediately clapped her hands over her ears.

“There’s no way they’re back,” she shook her head.

I stepped closer to the two of them, when I saw it too - there was something behind Paige’s ear.

“What’s that?” I asked.

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“It’s a Bloodgem. It’s the reason the Blood Summoners are after my family - they need one of these, to summon a Demon from the Pit,” Paige explained.

“That wasn’t there last night,” I shook my head.

“I know, they were gone for years,” she looked at the healer. “Did you do something? How are they back?”

“There’s lots of things wrong with you, girl, the Bloodgems are the least of your concern,” the healer said. “The important thing is the prophecy was true - the Heir has returned.”

Paige stormed out of the house.

I stared at the healer for a second, then picked up both of the backpacks from the floor and rushed out after Paige.

“Paige, where the hell are you going?” I hissed after her.

“To get these things off of me,” she clawed at the back of her ears.

“Paige, you are still weak, we should find a tavern and rest. There are no Demons or Blood Summoners in the City! We can take care of that tomorrow,” I said, grabbing Paige by the sleeve of her shirt. “Would you listen to me? You need to stop this!”

When she finally turned around to look at me, I could see tears in her eyes.

“We’re on this Quest together, Paige. You need to stop storming off like that, it’s counterproductive.” I scolded her.

She nodded her head and took her backpack from my hand.

“Good, now, which inn are we headed to?” I asked.

“We’re not headed to an inn, especially after that,” Paige rolled her eyes and then stared at Asrin. “We’re staying at a friend’s.

“A friend’s?” both, me and the dragon asked in disbelief.

“Yes, why is that so surprising for you?”

After walking into a little square and turning into an alleyway. We finally stood in front of a literal hole in the wall of a building.

“Come on!” Paige urged us, as she walked through it.

We walked out into an absolutely enormous courtyard filled with greenery - in the middle of a desert. It didn’t seem real.

“I knew she’d still be here!” Paige pointed up and toward an absolutely enormous parrot, that was sitting on the very top of the building, then whistled a short tune.

“PAIGE?! Is that you?!” a melodic female voice called out from the other side of the garden, followed by a different whistle.

“You can’t get rid of me that easily!” Paige screamed and ran in the direction the voice came from.

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