The Logbook Quest

Chapter 15: Chapter 15, in which I meet the Council

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When I caught up to Paige, I saw her embracing another girl, that was maybe 2 heads taller than her and with hair so red, it wasn’t humanly possible to be natural.

“Viktor, the Logbook is in your inventory, right?”Asrin asked as he landed on my shoulder.

I nodded then he continued.

“You need to get Paige and convince her to go,” Asrin warned me as we were walking up. “It isn’t safe here.”

“Is it about the Council, like the healer said?” I whispered back, to which he nodded.

“You will never believe what’s happened!” Paige exclaimed while gesturing to Asrin and me. “I brought some friends.”

The girl’s eyes locked on Asrin, which immediately got me worried, but before I could do anything I was falling to the ground.

“NO!” I heard Paige scream and a blast of pure white lit up the courtyard.


I woke up, I was sitting on a chair, in front of me was Paige, also on a chair but she was strapped to it and also gagged.

She was awake and she was desperately trying to tell me something with her eyes but I could figure it out for the life of me.

As I tried to figure it out I took in my surroundings. We were in the middle of what looked like a war room, with maps and terrain miniatures all over the tables at the edges of the room.

"There, you're finally awake!" A voice said behind me. It sounded familiar, and so as I turned around I saw a man I hadn't seen in years flanked by two unknown figures.

"There's no way! Uncle Jim, is that you?" I blurted out immediately and walked over to the man, who was making his way to me with outstretched arms. I noted the title above his head - [Acting Council Chairman].

"My boy! I knew you would join us here sometime, we hope Idera has been treating you well," he smiled, then I saw his eyes peel off of me and slide over to Paige.

"What would Myron's boy do with scum like that?!" the shorter of the two men that were following Jim asked.

"Aaron, we DON'T speak like that about our guests," Jim scolded him. "She's traveling with Viktor, so we will treat her with respect!"

I swallowed, trying to buy time. I was way over my head, Paige was the one that does all the talking.

"I'm searching for my father," I blurted out. It was the best I could do without revealing that we were on the Logbook Quest. "Paige is helping me, more like saving my ass every few hours."

"Viktor, I'm sure you are, and I'm sure she is a great friend-" Jim started.

"So why did you gag her? And tie her up? That is not okay!" I interrupted, walking over to Paige to make a point.

"Feel free to untie her, just make sure she behaves," he rolled his eyes, his brows thickening and merging together - he wasn’t pleased with me.

Anger was boiling under my skin as I untied her, silently cursing at how painful the tight ropes must be tied, for me to be struggling to untie them.

"Where's the dragon?" I continued questioning, as I completely untied Paige's hands. She was finally able to take out the gag in her mouth and whispered her thanks to me.

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"The Keeper of the Logbook, you mean?" the taller man spoke up.

"He's been taken care of, Viktor. He's alright and is sleeping," Jim started up again, trying to work his charm, but I knew the game he was trying to play. My uncle was one hell of a salesman back on Earth, I could see he had utilized those skills in Idera as well.

"What do you want from us, Jim?" I asked him point blank.

"If we HAVE to be blunt, I need the Logbook," he replied, the smile he was faking all the way up until now had faded away.

"It was my father's, it doesn't belong to you," I shot back at him.

"It is true, your father entrusted it to the wrong people, too," Jim slid his eyes over to Paige who was standing by me.

Paige pointedly took a step closer to me but I grabbed her sleeve, making sure she wouldn't dive at Jim and claw his eyes out. At least that's what the look on her face clued me into as her plan.

"No, I'm not giving you the Logbook," I stated and held Jim's gaze.

"Do you even understand the power that the Logbook has? If the Blood Summoners capture you, take it from you, if they take the gems from her head," Jim explained, motioning over to Paige with one hand and pointing at his own ear with the other.. "They can summon the Elder Demon himself!"

"We've already accepted it, we have to finish it," I hissed. I was not going to accept any deal he was going to offer. I disregarded the information about this Elder Demon. I would think about it later, right now. I had to get us out of here - unharmed.

"The Logbook Quest is a death sentence for the both of you. Your stats are low, you'll die the moment you step into one of the dungeons!" Jim was getting more heated. He attempted to take a step toward me, to intimidate me. "Your father, at his peak, wasn't able to complete it!"

"That's why I need to find my father and get back home. Paige wants to seal the Pit," I stated with utter certainty. I was not going to let my uncle plant seeds of doubt in my head. "You're not going to stop us."

"Viktor, they don't care about that," Paige finally spoke. "These are the people who used the [Villagers] as Demon bait at the battle of the Moonbridge. The Council doesn't care about the people, they care about fighting Demons and guarding the Crystals. It's a game to them."

"Of course, it is a game! This is OUR game!" the short man, Aaron, laughed.

I was fuming, they really thought that this was simply a game. Those are real people, just like the ones back home on Earth! Hell, Paige WAS on Earth!

"It's not your game. It's the world these people live in!" I shouted, my anger getting the best of me.

"I tried to warn you," Jim added, lifting his hand in surrender. “Just know that you're on your own now."

"Not like you were helping us anyway," I spit out.

"We'll release the Keeper, you can wait for him outside," Aaron rasped as he made his way out of the room.

"Oh, come on. We might not see eye to eye, doesn't mean we're going to send you hungry on your way. Stay for dinner?" Jim smiled his sleazy grin again. "It's the least I can do, your father would want that."

I looked over at Paige, and I had to admit, I was starving. I had no doubt she was too. We locked eyes and nodded to each other

"Fine," we answered together.

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