The Logbook Quest

Chapter 17: Chapter 17, in which Paige gets impaled by a sword

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I thought that these guys from the Council were complete nutjobs. I couldn’t believe that Uncle Jim had become such a person, I wondered if I even knew my father, if these were the people that he brought into this world.

But then another voice in my head gave me a different idea, these people were here, playing gods in a world they had no regard for, while my father was still out there somewhere, trying to get back to Earth. Maybe he was trying to mend all of this, just like we do.

“Viktor, you need to promise me something,” Paige said as she finished up the food we were brought from the guards. “We’re doing this together. We’re not splitting up. We get out of here, we go back to the quest.”

“Of course, Paige, I thought we agreed on this before,” I answered. “Where’s this coming from?”

“I don’t know what we’ll learn from the [Silent Travellers], but it shouldn’t change our plans, under any circumstance. Idera is worth saving, no matter what the Council thinks,” she said, fire burning in her eyes. “I tried to run away from this, and fate brought me back.”

“So will you finally tell me why you have the title of [Heir], then?” I asked.

“There’s a prophecy about the [Heir], the short of it is that I will come back with the Logbook and use my Bloodgems to seal the Pit once and for all,” she explained. “I have trained all my life for that, and I hated every moment of it, I hate the pressure it put me under, I wanted to escape.”

Using her Bloodgems? But from what I understood, that means death?

“You don’t mean…” I started, but the look on her face told me that I was right. “Paige, there must be another way!”

“If there is, we’ll find it while we complete the quest, we’ll still need the Logbook restored with all the stones in order to even attempt something else,” Paige sighed and got up to put her food tray outside

This changed so much, and, at the same time, nothing of importance, we still had to go through the same steps as planned. It also made so much sense, it was all so clear to me. It put into perspective all the questionable decisions Paige had made up until now, hell, I couldn't blame her.

I was getting angrier though. "Why didn't you tell me this earlier? Were you ever going to tell me?" I asked.

"You didn't have to know, it's my burden to carry, after all. The fact that you were roped into the middle of all of this is unfortunate," Paige shook her head. "I'm really sorry about that."


I was still wrapping my mind around everything when the guards walked up to our cell again.

"[Darksleep]," one of them mumbled and held his hand up and everything faded to black.


I woke up in a chair, tied up this time. Not gagged. Neither was Paige, who was next to me.

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I took a look around the cave we were in. I had no idea who or how they brought us here.

And when I say a cave, I mean, I think a bear could come out and maul us at any point. It was dark, save for the flame of the fire that was burning a little bit deeper into the cave. It was night outside, which meant we must have been out for the best part of the day, in order for the Council to get us here.

I noted that Asrin was nowhere to be found, but the Logbook was still safely tucked away in my inventory.

"Great! You're both awake!" I heard Jim say behind me. He circled us and made his way to stand in front of us. "The [Silent Travellers] are ready for the ritual. Let's not keep them waiting."

At that, two men grabbed the chairs Paige and I were sitting in and unceremoniously dragged us further into the cave, closer to the flame I had noted earlier.

As we were being dragged, there were people wearing a uniform of light leather armor and pristine white cloth, paired with ornate - straw hats?! Were they some kind of desert cowboys?

Above their heads, I could see their title [Silent Traveller] in bright yellow.

Whispers started as Paige was dragged after me, everyone had their attention on her, probably because of the greyed-out [Heir] title above her head.

We were dragged into a large cave 'room' which contained a pool of shimmering liquid that illuminated the room brighter than the flames situated at the doors. When I looked up, I could make out a long piece of bone suspended from the top of the cave ceiling. That must be the [Bone Sword] everyone was talking about.

The people dragging my chair suddenly stopped and I found myself far away from the center and the sword, but I could see Paige being dragged ahead, to the center of the room and right under the [Bone Sword]. She was then turned around to face the pool.

I was speechless. I tried to call out her name, but my voice was betraying me - I couldn't speak. I stared at her back as the 7 [Silent Travellers] took a step away from the walls they were leaning on and formed a circle around Paige, the [Bone Sword], and the pool.

I felt someone move toward me, which peeled my attention off the ritual that was starting. Jim had slid next to me, his attention entirely focused on Paige.

I saw 5 other [Council Members] make their way around the circle and lean on the cave walls. Anger started bubbling from inside me again - they were getting comfortable for a show!

I refocused on Paige once again. She was mouthing words, looking intensely at me, her voice must have been gone just like mine was. I couldn't make out what she was so desperate to say.

A quiet humming filled the room. Paige's head was pulled back by an invisible force. She must have been looking straight up at the [Bone Sword] that was hanging above her. The humming kept getting louder with each passing second as the [Silent Travellers] lifted their hands above their heads and stretched them up to the ceiling.

Then they dropped them, the humming stopped abruptly and the [Bone Sword] fell from the ceiling.

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