The Logbook Quest

Chapter 16: Chapter 16, in which the Council discovers Paige was on Earth

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We were taken to another room where a long wooden dining table stood in the middle, and nature paintings hung on the walls.

We were told to pick a seat, and Paige promptly picked the seat closest to the exit and I chose to sit to her right.

Before I could say anything, Jim was on to me again, asking questions.

"What is your plan about facing the Betrayer?" he asked, clenching his hands and his face had been washed over with what I could only describe as a genuine curiosity.

"Who's that?" Paige interrupted. "Is that the boss of the Sandstone Dungeon?"

All three of the men laughed at that.

"The Betrayer is the new leader of the Blood Summoners. He rose to power right after the attack of the Furi Temple in the South," Jim finally explained. "I will always curse your father for going in to help that night, the Council didn't approve the rescue mission, but he went by himself, he thought that if he helped the Furis, they would let him use to Logbook."

"What for?" I asked, this question had been circling my mind since we got to Idera. Why was my father here, why did he have to have the Furis' permission to use the Logbook? Wasn't he the one that wrote it?

"The full power of the Logbook can be activated only by Furis," the man explained. "It's something to do with the Bloodgems they are born with."

I looked over at Paige - so it was her that got us here after all, not me. Shock colored her face - she didn't know that.

"So, how did you get here, anyway?"

"Paige and I were tidying up my dorm because we were going to study for a History test when she saw the Logbook on the shelf. When we opened it -poof- we were here," I explained.

Paige was unsuccessful in trying to stifle her laugh. "It wasn't a -poof-, more like a -thud."

Something clicked in Jim's head it seemed.

"You're telling me… she was on Earth?!" he spoke slowly.

"Yes, she was my classmate in school for three years," I explained.

"I got portalled out of the temple and dropped on Earth by someone," she recalled.

"How did you come?" I asked him.

"We came here… We came here using the Logbook as a Portal. Your father designed the campaign, we had to put the book back together, defeat the Demons and go back home," Jim started. "But not everyone wanted to leave. I, for one, like it here a lot more than on Earth. I think, by the time we were nearly finished with the Quest, no one but your father wanted to go back."

"He never returned to Earth, though, you said he was missing in this world, too?!" I recalled from earlier. "Where is he?"

"No one knows…" he finally whispered.


"The only person who could've sent Paige to Earth was your father. The Logbook is the only way in and out of the game," Jim theorized.

"I don't remember anyone, could he have done it while I was passed out?" she asked. "All I remember was the Temple burning and passing out from the smoke."

"You know what, I bet Myron failed to activate it or something went wrong. Instead of going to Earth himself, he sent you there," Jim said out loud what I was mulling over in my head. But then his eyes shifted and he locked them on Paige. "Or she is lying and something else happened that night."

In a snap, the two other men launched at Paige and restrained her again.

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I kept my cool this time, got off my chair and leaned into Jim. " I thought we were done with this."

"Oh, we will be done soon enough," Jim smiled. "As soon as I know the truth."

Another two men entered the room and headed straight for me.

I dodged their attempts to take a hold of me and summoned my sword. I wasn't going to go without a fight.

"Let's not play with sharp things," Jim announced. "Come willingly, the [Silent Travellers] will reveal the truth, if you haven't lied, you have nothing to worry about."

"Don't play around with swords, kid. If you die here - you die for real," one of the men trying to corner me cackled.

"So then, how is this 'just a game' then?" I shouted, loud enough to draw Jim's attention.


I gave up. I didn't want to hurt a human, and I was telling the truth, so there was no reason for me to fight.

Paige and I were thrown into the cell, in which Asrin was being held. He flew to us right away and made sure we were unharmed.

"What do you know about the [Silent Travellers]?" Paige asked him right away.

Asrin's eyes widened in surprise. "Why?"

"Because the Council is bringing them to question us," Paige replied with a grumble. The feeling of defeat was apparent in her demeanor.

"To question you?! That would require the [Bone Sword]!" Asrin said, his surprise was laced with caution.

"How are they going to question us?" Paige repeated.

"There's a ritual, but for that, all of their leaders must come together, they have to have the [Bone Sword]," he explained. "It's the ritual of the universal truth."

"What do you mean 'universal truth', Asrin?" I asked.

"It means, when you tell your version of events, it shows what actually happened."

"Can we escape this place?" I asked as I took a seat on the ground.

"Not without hurting and potentially killing people, and you, Viktor, are very hesitant to do so," Asrin noted.

"So we have to bear the ritual," Paige concluded.

Steps echoed down the corridor as two men got closer and brought us food.

"Eat up, you'll need it for the ritual," one of them said, trying to lord over us.

I felt anger bubble up again, which was immediately stomped out by the look Paige gave me. Stand down!

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