The Logbook Quest

Chapter 2: Chapter 2, in which I realize Paige is stronger than I thought

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All I could make out of the situation I had found myself is that Paige was pissed at me and that the journal got us here. Where ‘here’ was, I had no idea.

I opened the journal to try and make sense of this. Logical, right?


The journal sparkled and text sprung out from it.

[Welcome to The Idera Realm!]

Idera… that word seemed familiar.

“Stop messing around with this book, Viktor!” Paige screamed out, but immediately stopped when she saw the text too.

[ This is the Logbook .]
[ You will find everything you need to know about this world within it. ]

The text above the journal had changed.

Something sparked just under my chin, so instinctively I tried to get it off me, but instead, I found a clear crystal on a small chain that had materialized around my neck. Upon trying to take it off, it snapped back to hanging on my neck. I guessed it didn’t want to be taken off.

From the corner of my eye, I caught Paige flailing her hands at her chest as well, and saw an identical crystal to my own around her neck as well.

I was suddenly blinded again and we weren’t in a field once I opened my eyes but in a busy town square that, too, looked straight out of a medieval painting, the muddy dirt roads and all.

I looked around and saw a bunch of people with words floating above their heads, most of them had [Villager] but when I looked at Paige, who had materialized next to me again, hers said two things: [Paladin] and a grayed out [Heir].

My head was going to explode, and Paige must have sensed as much as she grabbed me by my sleeve and dragged me across the busy street and into one of the buildings, which I soon after learned was a quiet inn.

Paige proceeded to drag me to the closest table and unceremoniously throw me at the chair. Who would have thought the bookworm from History class was that strong?!

“How the hell did you get us here?” she asked, her voice hushed, as she scanned the inn, which was thankfully empty, save for the absolute unit of a person behind the bar.

“You keep saying that,” I started, mimicking her whisper. “as if I am doing something. I have no idea what keeps happening!”

The guy from behind the bar approached us, and I was immediately intimidated by him - he was a huge ginger Viking guy.

“Ready to order?” he said in a deep rumble as he looked us both up and down.

I shook my head, but Paige spoke up.

“Jasmine tea, 2 sugars, 1 teaspoon honey, and a lemon slice on the side,” she said and smiled sweetly at the bartender.

“A girl that knows what she wants,” he noted and made his way behind the bar and then disappeared through a door.

“Do you know this place?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at me and crossing her arms as she leaned back on her chair.

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“What do you mean? I have no idea what is happening, Paige!” I exclaimed and I was tempted to pull at my hair in exasperation. “This place is freaking me out!”

“How did you get the Logbook?” she asked somewhat calmly.

“This? This is my dad’s old DM journal,” I said, holding up the leather-bound journal and setting it down on the table.

“Well, it’s not, that’s the Logbook. THE Logbook,” she emphasized. “It contains the essence of Idera. How did it end up in your dorm room?”

I shook my head, I felt like no matter what I said, Paige wouldn’t believe me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a different man come out from behind the bar, an older, slender man in fancy clothes, too fancy of a vest and shirt for a run-down wooden tavern like this.

“Are my eyes deceiving me? Is this you Paige?!” the man exclaimed as he headed toward us with a small cup of tea in his hands.

Paige looked at the man, sprinted toward him, and tackled him into a hug. The man had to quickly set the cup on the bar in order to answer.

“It’s me, Stuart, it’s been years!” she laughed as the two separated.

“I knew it was you, no one but you in the whole of Idera drinks their tea that sweet!” the man said as Paige led him to sit with us, taking her teacup from the bar. “3 years, no one’s heard from you, we thought you were dead!”

“You could say that,” she smiled weakly as she took her seat opposite me. “This is Viktor Barragan.”

“Barragan? Like Councilman Barragan?” the man’s eyes focused on me as if he could see through me.

Realization washed over Paige’s face but disappeared as soon as she saw Stuart was now focusing on her.

“Oh, no, Viktor is not… related to him,” she smiled and pushed the journal off the table and into my lap. “How is the situation with the Blood Summoners? Have they given up?”

“Not at all, dear, with the Logbook gone, the rift is weaker, they’ve been able to summon lesser demons and have been attacking and sacking the Crystal Cities with them, trying to find the stones,” the old man shook his head.

Paige’s head dropped at that. “We’ll have to get going,” she said, drawing something in the air and a gold coin dropped into her palm that she slid on the table. She threw back the last of her tea and made a sign for me to get up.

“It’s so nice to see you’re alright, dear,” the man said to Paige as the two embraced once more.

Paige didn’t waste a second in dragging me out of the inn.

As I fell into step with her, I was finally able to untangle my tongue and finally speak.

“You know these people, you know this place, don’t you?” I asked, but she wouldn’t answer, so I stopped walking. “Paige please answer me, I’m freaking out over here!”

She whipped around and gave me what I could only describe as a death glare. “Shut up, and follow me…” and then continued walking.

And the fool I was, I followed.

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