The Logbook Quest

Chapter 5: Chapter 5, in which I make a Dragon-friend

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Were we being followed? The flapping was getting more erratic with every passing minute. Paige and I didn’t dare to move from the shadow of the tree we were under.

The ominous flapping suddenly stopped and a thud on the ground was heard just behind the tree we were hiding behind.

Paige summoned her bracers again and gave me a sign to walk with her.

As we walked to the creature that dropped out of the sky, I could hear its uneven breathing.

Because, I’m a clutz, as expected, as I took another step I slipped on the grass.

The creature must have heard it because it started hissing and the smell of smoke filled the air.

Paige, who was a few steps closer had to stifle a laugh.

“It’s just the flying rat from earlier,” she concluded as I caught up to her and saw the black fluffy dragon from earlier.

Upon hearing her voice, the creature got up and stretched its wings.

“What do you want, you have another quest to deliver or something?” Paige asked.

“I’ve got- orders, to stay and protect your party,” it croaked. “I didn’t know you walked so fast, I could barely keep up.”

As Paige was thinking over the situation, I couldn’t watch the little guy suffer anymore so I walked up to him and scooped him up in my hands like a baby. The fluffy thing recoiled at first but eventually found a comfy spot on the bend on my elbow.

“He’s cute, let’s keep him,” I said, stroking its fur.

“Can you help us hunt for food?” she asked the dragon.

“Yes-yes!” it answered eagerly. “I can hunt birds really well, and cook them too!”

“Fine, it stays,” Paige murmured as she recalled her bracers.

Paige kept looking over at me and the dragon every so often, scrunching her nose and then looking away - she didn’t like this dragon one bit it seemed. I would have to ask her why she hated dragons so much. But did she really, her shield had a dragon on it, maybe it's something else and I’m just making all the wrong conclusions.


We arrived in a little town that Paige called Carran just as the sun started rising. We finally made our way back to the path, and I realized just how wet my feet had gotten from the dew on the grass at night.

Our new little friend woke up and finally introduced himself by the name of Asrin.

Paige continued to pay little attention to him as we made our way to the only inn in the town and she sorted out a room for us.

Once we got up there, the room looked nearly identical to the one in the town before. I had one of those deja-vu moments.

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“I’m calling dibs on showering first,” Paige declared as soon as we walked in. She dropped her bag and headed right into the bathroom.

For the first time in 2 days, I was left alone with my own thoughts - kinda, the little dragon was still tagging along, but he found a sunspot on the windowsill and curled up there to sleep some more.

After a while, Paige got out of the shower wrapped in a towel and warned me there wasn’t a lot of hot water left, so I would have to be fast.

Yeah, no shit, she had used up all the hot water. After a somewhat lukewarm shower that got genuinely cold at the end, I finally felt the sweat and dirt of the past two days wash down the drain. 

When I got out of the shower, Paige was already fast asleep on one of the beds and Asrin was wide awake and keeping careful watch over the streets outside the inn.

I dug out the clothes from my backpack, got dressed, and fell asleep as soon as I smelled the clean pillows.


I really hoped it was just a dream, that I would wake up back home on Earth with this crazy dream about this world, but that didn’t happen. Instead, I woke up to Paige talking to the innkeeper, who was at our door. It was still daytime, it must have been just a couple of hours of sleep.

“What was that about?” I groaned as I got up, once she returned to the room.

“I ordered us food,” she said plainly. “I hope you don’t mind, I took the Logbook and did some reading. Apparently, the last person to ever go on the Logbook quest was your father.”

“But he’s missing in both, here and on Earth,” I noted and got up to see the page Paige had been reading.

“Exactly, he’s missing - we don’t know what happened to him. And that scares me,” she admitted. “At least if we knew what happened to him, we would know what to expect. What if we complete the quest and disappear like he did? Who knows what that fate is like?!”

“Maybe if you tell me about how you ended up on Earth, we could have an idea,” I urged Paige to finally tell me about how she got portalled.

“I told you - I have no idea. The Blood Summoners attacked the temple, it was utter chaos, I must have fainted or gotten knocked out and I awoke on Earth,” she explained. “I doubt anyone survived the attack, either, the Blood Summoners were ruthless.”

“The rest of the Furi nobles went into hiding after the attack,” Asrin added. I hadn’t even realized he was listening to our conversation. “The Blood Summoners were targeting them as the keepers of the Logbook, hoping to find it. After it disappeared they hid because of shame - they had failed their mission - to protect the Logbook and were being actively hunted by the Blood Summoners. The fact that you have the Logbook, Paige, means you can restore your family’s honor.”

She shook her head. “The Logbook is Viktor’s. His father’s name is inside. Plus we need it to complete the quest.”

“What time is it? How long were we asleep?” I asked the dragonling, trying to change the topic.

“It’s around 3, you’ve been out for a while. The innkeeper came to check cuz he thought it was strange that you weren’t leaving the room all day.”

“I only woke up from his knocking,” Paige admitted and the corners of her lips formed a half-smile.

“You’re in good spirits,” I noted, trying to tease her.

“Yes, actually.” she smiled wider. “I finally admitted to myself I kinda missed Idera. And I decided instead of sulking, I will make the most of this quest. Who knows how much XP and Gold we’ll get for completing it! A girl can dream.”

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