The Logbook Quest

Chapter 4: Chapter 4, where I learn who the Blood Summoners are

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In a second Paige was off the bed.

“Summon your sword,” she hissed at me as bronze bracers started materializing on her hands. “And don’t do anything stupid. Don’t do anything - at all.”

Another second later, the door burst open, and the wood was charred on the other side. I didn’t wait for another sign and summoned my shield and sword.

“Get the boy and the journal,” the black-cloaked figure in the hallway ordered with a low growl as two others tried to move past Paige and toward me.

But Paige was faster. She swung at the first figure, her fist glowing with the same bronze color of her bracers, which sent it all the way to the corridor wall, making a dent.

“Get out!” she warned and swung at the other figure, who dodged her first attack but wasn’t fast enough to get away from her follow-up right punch.

The third figure, the one giving the orders simply stood there, observing. So I charged at him before he got up to something as well.

I knew Paige registered my approach when she screamed at me to back down as she dove at me and clanked her bracers together.

A wave of smoke from pure black magic whirled just centimeters past us - Paige had shielded us from it somehow, using her bracers.

Honestly, I thought I had seen the worst of her death glares earlier today, but boy was I wrong! The look she shot at me at that moment was worse than anything and made me feel smaller than an ant.

Once the smoke stopped, all three of the figures were gone.

"You're an absolute idiot," Paige concluded while recalling her bracers back into her inventory. "Are you hurt?"

"No," I shook my head. "But you seem exhausted."

"What can I say, my stamina isn't what it used to be," she laughed as she made her way to the window and stared out of it.

"We can't stay here," she continued after a pause. "The Blood Summoners will be back with backup not after long, we have to move."

"Where would we go?"

"What does the quest say?" she sneered. I thought she would take another jab at me, but after a while, she got impatient and added. "I'm serious, open the Quest scroll and look at the map, where should we head?"

I did as instructed, I didn't want to test Paige's patience any more than I already had. After the fight I had witnessed and nearly got severely injured in, I realized just how over my head all of this was, and that my best bet on getting out of this alive was to stick by Paige and learn as I went.

When I opened the map, a bright golden dot lit up on the map - it symbolized our current location. Paige came over and looked over the map as well.

"It says we should make our way into the Desert City first. The Dungeon there guards the [Sandstone], which will activate the Logbook's tracking ability," Paige explained, as the path lit up golden as she traced it. "That means that when we get the stone and activate it, we would be able to track the Blood Summoners and the various mobs while we travel and avoid as many as we can."

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"That seems really useful," I noted. "Is there somewhere I can read more about the stones?"

"The Logbook keeps all the information about this world, there is a page about the stones for sure," she said and picked up the journal and started flipping through the pages. "Here, The Creation of the Logbook and the Realm-Crystals."

I skimmed the text Paige pointed me toward and didn't see anything groundbreaking:

The Stones were created by the first Council of Elders and embedded in the Logbook in order to seal away the demons in the jail dimension that connects to the center of this realm.

Each of the stones gave a unique ability to the Logbook.

After using the Stones to lock away the demons, each Elder took back the stone they created with them and locked it away in a dungeon in their region for safekeeping.

While I read pieces of the text out loud for clarification from Paige, she was busy packing the two backpacks she bought earlier today.

"I thought we would have more time to prepare," she said as she dropped one of the backpacks next to me. "We'll be traveling lighter than expected."

"So you're saying we will likely starve? Am I getting this right?" I asked, recalling how little food she had bought earlier from the market. The huge dinner the two of us had before coming up was not going to keep us full for long, especially now that we had to hit the road at a moment's notice.

"We won't starve," she reassured me. "It just means we'll have to be more mindful of getting hungry. We might have to hunt our food, depending on how the neighboring towns are fairing in regard to Blood Summoners."

We strapped the backpacks to our backs, said our goodbyes with old man Stuart and headed out of town as night settled in. Looking at the map, we could make it to the next town on foot by sunrise and sleep during the day at an inn there, as well as stock up on food.

"We'll have to stay off the path," Paige warned me once we walked past the last houses on the edge of the town. "We don't want to bump into any trouble."

I would have never thought about it like that, I was happy to have Paige on this quest with me.

We walked in silence for hours. My eyes had adjusted to the dark of the grassland we were walking through and the stars and moon were brighter than any I had seen back home on Earth.

We stopped to rest at the first big tree we encountered, Paige was stern about eating just a little but didn’t hesitate to drink half her water.

“What? There’s a stream not far away, we can refill the water there,” she whispered and urged me to drink as well.

As Paige was talking, I thought I had heard something so I put my finger up to my mouth, to indicate to her to keep quiet.

I saw her eyes widen as she heard it too - the flapping of wings.

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