The Logbook Quest

Chapter 7: Chapter 7, in which I get a new sword

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I was baffled at the nerve of the Blacksmith. To smelt the weapons and then declare them missing.

"I bet you didn't even talk to the watchmen to make your lies believable," Paige spit out. "Are you going to tell me what you planned to make with it?"

The Blacksmith and the Apprentice were both silent and unmoving for a second and stared at her.

"Okay then, now you're going to listen carefully and do as I say, understand?" she smiled and took a step toward the Blacksmith.

This snapped him out of his daze and he started going off on Paige.

"Fff-First of all, you shh-shouldn't be here, young lady," he started, getting red in the face and taking a step toward Paige so he could tower over her.

I didn't realize this but Paige had summoned her bracers and at that, she swung at the Blacksmith, and landed a blow with the side of her bracer to his jaw. The man was knocked out immediately.

"Now that we've settled that," she turned her stare toward the Apprentice. She continued in a cold tone. "you're going to make us two swords out of that bronze. I will pay you directly for your work."

The Apprentice understood that this wasn't a request and nodded his head.

"Vik, you should go see what kind of sword you'd prefer from their models," she urged me to the rack of pre-made swords. "and I want a broadsword with some weight to it and wrap the hilt in leather."

The Apprentice looked at the Blacksmith on the floor and the forge than at the table.

"We'll have to move him out of the way," he finally said.

Paige and I dragged the Blacksmith to the corner of the room as the Apprentice started working on Paige's sword.

"What's so special about Furi Bronze anyway," I asked as Paige and I were looking at the sample swords.

"It's the only thing that can kill the demons that the Blood Summoners summon out of the Jail Realm," she explained. "Normal weapons can injure the demons, but only Furi Bronze can kill them and send them back to the Jail Realm."

"Yeah… we need that especially now that we're going to be so close to the Blood Summoner settlement," I added.

"Exactly, there's no way we are going to leave this town without it, Stuart wouldn't lie about that - if the Blood Summoners have a demon with them - we would be goners," she clarified.

I finally spotted a sword that I liked so I took it out of the display. It was a heavy two-handed sword with a wide comfortable grip and a curved crossguard.

"Wanna take that for a spin," Paige asked, smiling and picking up another sword from the display. And laughed. "I'll go easy on you, don't worry."

I wasn't as keen on the idea, but followed Paige out of the forge room and outside at the back of the shop, where there was a small clearing.

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She swung her sword around and adjusted her grip and got into position to fight.

I panicked for a second because I had never been in a swordfight before but some kind of an instinct took over and I straightened my shoulders, bent my knees slightly, and shifted my weight to the balls of my feet. Readjusting my grip on the sword felt like second nature. So this is what a battle stance was, I recalled from reading the Logbook.

I assessed Paige, she was standing in a similar position but was completely relaxed, her sword was at least 10 centimeters shorter than mine, so I had the distance to my advantage at least.

"Ready?" she asked and as soon as I nodded she charged at me.

I wasn't expecting her to close the distance that fast, so I moved to the side and put more distance between us.

She was a lot more agile than me, so I went on the defensive as she attempted a few attacking blows, which I successfully either dodged or stopped with my sword.

After disengaging, I didn't wait for another of her attacks and went on to attack her myself, which she stopped with her sword, but as she slid the sword away from mine, she didn't back out but instead moved towards me. I desperately tried to pull my sword closer but Paige was faster and was already standing behind me and had her sword touching my back.

"You're a natural," she said, as I saw her dropping her sword slowly by her side.

"Thanks," I smiled and whipped around, taking a step back and angling my sword to her neck. "You're not too bad yourself."

I dropped my sword and we both headed back to the forge, where the Apprentice was still working on Paige's sword. "It's nearly done," he shouted as we entered.

Paige and I were still giggling about the fight when I felt the urge to check my stats, so I drew ∆ in the air and opened my inventory.

I had a new point in Strength!

When I showed it to Paige, she immediately congratulated me. "You can think of the new sword as your present," she smiled. "We should spar more often when it's safe, I'm a little rusty myself."

I guess I was getting used to Paige's constant mood changes because it didn't surprise me one bit when she walked over to the old Blacksmith, who seemed to be regaining consciousness, and hit him in the jaw on the other side of his head as she spat out, "Fucking pig."

A few minutes passed in awkward silence as I caught myself staring at Paige, who was fanning her face and sweating buckets from the heat radiating from the working forge.

The silence was broken by the Apprentice, who quenched the sword one final time in the huge bucket of water and called out to Paige to take it for a spin.

"It's great," she concluded and spun the sword once more. "Good job on the weighted hilt."

After one final spin, she recalled the fresh sword into her inventory.

And now it was time to get my sword forged.

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