The Logbook Quest

Chapter 8: Chapter 8, in which I get my first armor set

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As we were waiting, and with the thrill of the fight from earlier, Paige and I got to talking even more, which I was happy about because I felt like things were somewhat unnecessarily awkward since we got to Idera.

I mean this world was amazing, but I still knew so very little about it and Paige was in a good mood again, which meant she was more than happy to talk about it.

“So the Stat points, how did I get a new one?” I asked after not finding anything about that in the Logbook.

"As you learn, practice, and apply new skills, the points will come based on your progress," she answered. "The points don't give you an advantage per se, but are rather a reflection of your current power level, at least that's what I've been told."

"So because I kinda know my way with the sword, I got an extra strength point? Cool!" I said and felt genuinely excited for the first time since we got here. I was finally finding the fun aspect of this adventure.

Paige and I continued to flip through the Logbook and search for more information on the Quest we were on until my new sword was finally ready.

I did the same as Paige and spun it around, making sure the hilt was comfortable, I asked for another layer of leather to make it thicker and easier to hold, which the Apprentice added and when I was happy with it, Paige paid him with 10 gold coins.

It was the middle of the day at this point, which made the plan from last night obsolete, we wouldn't be able to cover the ground needed in order to get to the relatively safer area we had spotted on the map.

"We'll have to stay in town one more day," I concluded as we walked toward the merchant square, where we had decided to head in order to get some food.

Despite the plan falling through, Paige's mood was improving. We headed to get food and on the way there, she spotted a leather merchant and dragged me into the shop.

"We need leather armor," she declared, the moment she locked eyes with the merchant.

The poor old man looked at me standing next to Paige and gave me a look that I didn't understand.

"For both of you?" he asked, looking us up and down.

"Yes," Paige answered and the man went into the back to look for something.

"I swear, I don't get the people's problem," she sighed. "Why do all of them look at you as if I'm torturing you?!"

"Maybe because you've been dragging me around town to shop," I stated the obvious. "Not that I mind, who else would be holding the bags."

"I was going to hold them myself, it was you who insisted on holding them while I shopped!" she recalled and elbowed me in the ribs.

"You're a piece of work, Paige," I laughed and winced simultaneously.

"Who would've thought you weren't half-bad yourself, Vik," she laughed back.

She said it again, I guess I kinda liked, how she shortened my name.

I allowed myself a moment to dwell on that but pushed it away. Paige and I were not going to go there, I doubted I was her type, I doubted she even saw me as something more than deadweight she had to drag on this Quest, especially since she's been saving my ass since we got here.

The merchant came back with two sets of leather armor and showed us the little curtained-off area in the corner to go to try the armor on.

"Ladies first," I said, urging Paige to go try out the armor.

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She rolled her eyes at me and entered the changing room.

After some ruffling and 2-3 jumps were heard from the other side of the curtain, it suddenly opened.

"It fits, thoughts?" she said and turned around. The big leather pieces she had strapped to herself covered her chest and shoulders, a leather piece for each of her forearms.

I pointed to the leather pieces on her thighs. "Aren't those uncomfortable?"

"Surprisingly, no," she shook her head. "But it's going to get hot in these."

"It's leather, what'd you expect?!" the merchant chimed in.

"I'll take this one," she concluded. "Your turn, Vik!"

I left the backpack with the still sleeping Asrin with Paige and headed into the changing room.

Putting on the armor was a whole ass event. The thigh pieces - I dealt with, the forearms were easy, but the chest piece was a pain - it was hard to get it to stay in place to fasten it. I hated to do this, but I had to ask for Paige's help.

She laughed as I poked my head out, I wasn't even undressed or anything, all of this armor was on top of my now smelly shirt and brown pants.

"I may need some help," I conceded.

"At least you tried," she tried to suppress another laugh as she saw my attempt at putting it on.

She wiggled her finger to tell me to turn around as she fastened my chest piece from the other side as well.

She was right about the armor and the heat, and that it was a lot more comfortable than it looked.

It allowed for a lot of movement and as I stretched around in it I felt that there were some extra padded areas around my sides and my chest, as well as the shoulder blades.

Paige had walked back to the merchant's table and was already paying.

And as we were exiting the shop, I asked her about the price.

"It was 18 gold coins for both," she answered.

"After all that, I'm starving," I announced. "Can we get some food from the market?"

"You're right, we should eat," Paige agreed and we headed to the stand I had spotted yesterday and found again by the mouth-watering smell that came from it.

Just as we were going to sit down on the small wooden table with our portions of spiced boar ribs, an explosion went off from somewhere up the street and the smell of smoke filled the air.

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