The Mad Sorceress’s Beloved Daughter [Female Isekai Slowburn]

Chapter 4: Chapter 2.1: Toddlerhood

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Chapter 2.1: Toddlerhood


Lucille hummed under the lantern light the two sat under. A heavy quilted blanket covered the floor with the windows closed behind long silk curtains.  Outside of them sat a warm sky that was heavy with clouds as a rainshower came and went. This allowed the room to have a relaxing vibe as she looked at the voice's owner. 

The only sound that kept them the company was of a boiling pot full of a stewing meal. The woman smiled as she handed over a cup. In it was a tea that took on a beautiful pink color and was hot when touched. Eagerly the toddler grabbed it with small hands and began to slurp it down. 

"Rebecca," She said as the toddler continued to drink down the tea, swaddled in a small quilt. "What do we say?" 

Elaine found herself resisting the urge to roll her eyes. It was hard to feel weird being spoken to so childishly. She still felt like a teenager despite the months that had passed if not years. Inside her mind remained intact however she did notice it changing. She figured it was the effects of becoming a child all over again. But it did scare her and leave her with questions she decided to ignore for now. 

She set the cup down in her lap, burning it briefly. "Thank you." The words sounded different as her brain processed its toddler limitations. 

Her cheeks flushed as she sighed inwardly. Moments like this made her forget the sickening predicament she was in. The lantern glowed above her head as she thought. It beamed softly with a low hum coming from the orb that powered it. Just sitting with the woman who was her mother by birth was nice. She didn't have to think about the strangeness of this world. And all the stability and possibilities that had been taken from her when she woke up here, with her. 

"I think our stew should be done!" Lucille announced cheerfully as she patted Elaine on the head. 

That naive tone of voice had returned as she got up from the ground with her long skirt ruffling under her. They reflected like gems with the light as she tapped a finger on her chin. The finger was worn just like the rest of her hand from chopping vegetables and raw meat for hours without a break. Her long hair swayed in the air as she shook herself out of her thoughts and hurried over to the food.

Elaine found herself torn on Lucille. From what she managed to discover, the woman was more powerful than she let on. She acted like a child at times but was fiercely protective over her. Any scrape or cut Elaine got sent Lucille into mama bear mode. Whenever she left the house, she made sure to have Elaine with her or fast asleep. The teenager was curious about why the woman was so protective when they lived isolated from society. 

She hadn't seen anyone besides Lucille and wildlife for what felt like an eternity. It was honestly suffocating to be in a world of fantasy but unable to actually experience it. Elaine tried to chalk it up to her being in a toddler's body and patiently waited to age. It was happening quicker than she anticipated with growth spurts happening rapidly. A small part of her wondered if Lucille's magical properties had anything to do with that. 

A tiny hand clenched in a fist as she pouted. 'Why couldn't I have been sent here as a teenager? Having to relive my childhood is just insanity.' 

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"Rebecca comes here please," Her attention went to the woman who was standing over a large pot. A spoon was in her hand as she mixed its contents. "It's just about done."

Elaine grabbed at her stomach and heard it growl. She was starving as most of the day was spent preparing the meal. The stew smelled delicious with the smell of peppers and rosemary leaves entering her nose. The stew smelled wonderful as she hurried over. She knew that huge chunks of meat swam in its broth. It was from a deer Lucille had slaughtered after coming home with boar slices. The meat bobbed as the teenager's mouth watered. 

As she neared, she saw Lucille pour warm red liquid into a wooden bowl with a ladle. The ladle was held sturdy as she made sure to pour every last drop in. Steam bellowed from the spoon as the bowl was filled to its absolute brim. Lucille sprinkled in herbs they had picked the night before for a finishing touch. The same happened for the last, much smaller bowl. Afterward, she wiped up any spilled stew with a discarded kitchen rag and clapped her hands with pride at the sight. 

She turned and picked Elaine up with both arms so she sat on her hip snuggly. "You can taste a bit, do you want some now?" 

Elaine fought the urge to roll her eyes. She really hated all the baby talk and cursed the universe once more for her toddler body. With embarrassment, she nodded her head yes, unable to speak. Her body wouldn't form the words her tongue twisting as no sound left her mouth. Her hands balled into fists as she struggled to hide her anger. It felt humiliating to lose the little power she still had randomly. Luckily, these limitations didn't extend to her limbs. 

Lucille was careful and slow as she moved to spoon some of the soup back into the ladle. She made sure bits of vegetables and meat chunks swam in it before pulling back. The ladle was halfway full with steam coming from it rapidly. It smelled spicy to Elaine as her mouth watered. Seeing it up close made her hunger go wild. She could see carrot slices, diced onions, and more waiting to be devoured. Her mouth opened extra wide as it was brought to her lips. 

"Blow on it," The woman murmured, which made her unconsciously whine in annoyance. "Shush." 

Elaine flushed at the stern look on her face and blew softly on the stew. It didn't do too much to help cool it down but it pleased them both. Chunks of meat that had been cooked a golden brown sang to her. She made sure to try and swallow as much of the meal as possible with the amount given to her. It tasted like heaven, like the world's best home-cooked meal. The meat was soft enough that her small teeth could easily chew it. And the broth was thick and powerful with its unique flavors. 

It was moments like this, just existing in a warm home enjoying a full meal that made it worth it. Filling her belly like the dinner her mother would make after a hard day at school. To see Lucille working for hours to make it warmed her heart. It made her feel close to home. It helped her feel closer to her mother who she worried about daily. Tears threatened to come as she swallowed the rest of the stew in her mouth. She reminded herself to stay strong and keep it together. 

'Crying solves nothing.' Elaine forced herself to thank Lucille with a stable voice. The woman would have a heart attack if she saw her upset. 

The look Lucille gave her was pure love as she gushed. The woman began to ramble about their bowls getting cold and hurried to set the table. A kiss was planted on Elaine's forehead and the teenager smiled weakly. She had to swallow all of the painful memories for now. For both of their sakes. 

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