The Mad Sorceress’s Beloved Daughter [Female Isekai Slowburn]

Chapter 5: Chapter 2.2: A Bookish Mishap

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Chapter 2.2: A Bookish Mishap

Tiny feet padded over the fox pellet-covered floor. A toddler anxiously looked around the bedroom as they stamped their feet in frustration. Elaine looked in a nearby mirror and sulked. It was hard to believe that she had once been a sixteen-year-old. Now, she was a tiny tot who lived in a fantasy world.

'Who would've thought this would be my life.' She bemoaned to herself with a grumble.

Elaine or Rebecca as Lucille insisted on calling her, had trouble with the way this world worked. From what Lucille told her in words a toddler could understand, they lived in a forest. Lucille claimed that the house was owned by a nice witch before being sold to them. Knowing that witches and magic were real made her head spin.

It appeared that she hadn't exactly been transported into a fairy tale. When she asked about electricity the woman was puzzled. She asked how Elaine knew such a word which just earned her a shrug. Sighing, Lucille explained that electricity was rather controversial for forest creatures to accept. It was something strange and new. Instead, they used magic to power everything at home.

It was kind of cool to see it in person. Lucille would suddenly speak in tongue, clap her hands together and an orb of light would form in them. She'd deposit it in whatever they needed to be powered, the magical orb functioning as a battery. Still, Elaine craved to have electricity again. She wanted to watch anime on TV and play games on her phone.

Instead, Lucille offered her simple things. There were technological advancements out there; the woman just declined to have them. The teenager-turned-toddler had been debating asking for something electrical. Lucille would have a heart attack at the sight of her using a phone flashlight instead of a magical lantern.

'Out of all the fairytales to be transported to,' Elaine stamped her feet childishly again. 'I'm in one with technology from the magical middle ages.'

Her arms crossed over her chest as she pouted. The woman was off somewhere and had left her home alone. Another hunting trip most likely. Ever since their trip in the snowy woods they'd been hunting together numerous times. Elaine had grown used to washing bloody pelts they would use for warmth. Still, some parts of hunting she strongly opposed.

A pout formed on her face as she looked around. Shelves towered over her with various books lining them. The books she had never tried to read, being a toddler who couldn't do much. She was grateful that this world had developed a strong academic drive. She had been terrified of losing the ability to sit down, drink tea and read a book before bed.

'I don't think Lucille would mind if I grabbed one.' Elaine thought to herself eyeing one of the shelves.

Hesitantly, she walked over to one of the shorter shelves. Elaine knew climbing it was risky but she was bored out of her mind. All she could do was read, knit, or lay down for a nap. This world was so fantastical but had no activities for a kid her age. There could be a gold mine of fictional worlds waiting to enter her mind up there.

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Finally, she could have something from her previous life with her. Fantasy was one of her favorite genres as a child. If this had been under any other circumstances she'd be losing her mind from excitement with her new life. But she wanted her old life back, she wanted something from it. And for now, reading a book would have to do.

She put one foot on a gap on the bottom shelf and made sure her footing was steady. A small hand grabbed onto the bottom of the next shelf. Her other hand moved to be next to it and she began to climb. Her legs felt a bit shaky but she needed to climb a few shelves higher to reach the books. Her long skirt swayed in the wind as she grabbed onto boxes and knick-knacks nervously.

The shelf was feeling unsteady under the full weight of her body. She feared that she would knock it over as she continued to crawl. From where she was she could see a few book covers. She was impressed by them and started to pull one out from the row. Her eyes caught their unique design and how they were noticeably handmade as she looked at them up close.

They had beautiful artwork that was drawn in Lucille's favorite color. The artwork was painted, depicting birds and forest life. Each painting was completely gold with flashes of white. The woman was obsessed with it, most of her gowns having hints of it. Thankfully the clothes sewed for Elaine were more varied in color and style.

'These books look ancient,' Elaine thought as she managed to look closer at them. They already made her worry about how heavy they appeared. 'I've never seen a book made from leather.'

The book was heavy as she touched its cover. It was hard enough to make a noise when she rapped her knuckles on its top. The material used for its back and front was definitely leather, with thread holding it all together. Each page from the book's side looked thick like they were made from parchment not thin paper. Elaine decided to take the singular book as her feet started to slip. She didn't want to risk destroying something so beautiful that was made with obvious care.

Quickly, she maneuvered the book so she had a tight hold before moving back down. With each step downward, she kept her attention on the book as if she were a hawk. If she tore the book, Lucille would be distraught. Part of her regretted grabbing the book from how flimsy it felt just being in her arms. But she knew there was no point in climbing back up after all the work she had gone through.

"Ah!" Elaine yelped as her bare feet began to slide beneath her. Biting her bottom lip, she decided to try and jump down.

The space between the floor and her feet ended up being larger than she anticipated. She was so focused on maintaining her hold on the book that it slipped her mind. Both arms wrapped around the object as she felt her body turn. With a loud cracking sound, she landed on her shoulder. Above her, the shelf wobbled before swaying. Her eyes widened as she realized it was about to collapse.

There wasn't enough time to move far enough as the shelf fell forward. Glass globes containing plants she couldn't identify slammed onto the carpet. Books flew in the air and tore from the force in her absolute horror. Elaine felt guilty about the destruction but that feeling was buried under her pain. The remains of the shelf fell over her body. It covered her, pinning her underneath.

Still, she clutched the book close and wiggled. Immediately a sharp pain went through her body, from her legs to her chest. It was hard to move without tears pooling in her eyes. She was nauseated from the force of it. There was a gap between her body and the shelf but she didn't dare attempt to slide through. Instead, she lay there with a migraine and closed her eyes weakly.

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