The Mafia's Queen: Entangled With A Psycho.

Chapter 60: Fifty Nine: Sly Snake

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She ran.

She fucking ran to him and that's not called being pathetic, it's called being scared and lovesick.

How could Becca resist when she saw a sexy bearded eye candy standing with open arms that were inviting her into a hug? She missed him too much to resist.

Hugging Leo, Becca melted in his arm. Like butter in a hot place.

Some much emotions bubbling inside her all at once that it was getting out of control. She was happy, had a wide ass smile on her face but at the same time she felt hot tears brewing in her eyes. 

Her brain blank and her heart banging against her chest as she basked in the warmth radiating from Leo, feeling his hands around her as he held her close to him.

She honestly didn't want it to end, hugging him made her feel safe and deep down, she was afraid he would leave if she let go. So she held on to him, tightly. Wrapped her arms around him as tight as she could. 

Leo didn't seem to mind being constricted by a little anaconda, he hugged her tightly as well and liked it. He liked hugging her and also didn't want to let go but knew she just got back from work and must be feeling insanely tired. Her feet must hurt in the heels she wore and standing too long by the door definitely wouldn't help in anyway.

She needed to rest but instead of letting go, he lifted her in his arms and sauntered to her bedroom.

" I'm sorry, Leo." Becca sniffled, as Leo carried her in a bridal style to her bedroom door, same one she slammed at his face before.

Her mind hazy from the warmth of being in his arms and the love in his eyes as he gazed down at her made her heart skip a beat.

She rested her head on his chest, listening to his fast beating heart as though it was refined music, slowly inhaling the scent of his intoxicating cologne as he placed a kiss on her hair. 

" Sorry for what?" Leo asked as he gently opened the door to her room and stepped inside. Holding her firmly yet cautiously as though she would break if he didn't handle her with care.

' For hurting you. For breaking up with you like that. For not believing you loved me at first. For not letting you in and for not realising how I truly felt about you .' Some much more but Becca didn't know how to say them out loud, she couldn't even fit them all into proper words. She was too overwhelmed with emotions and being in Leo's arms like that only made things worse.

" For everything." Becca chose to say instead, feeling Leo gently lowering her and laying her down on the bed.

Instead of replying, Leo walked over to the foot of the bed and lifted her foot in his palms. Still maintaining eye contact with her as he took off the heels then gently rubbed her feet to soothe the soreness she felt there.

Making Becca feel like Cinderella, only her prince charming wasn't putting shoes on her feet but taking them off.

She stared back at him, his eyes. Same ones that were filled with nothing but love and adoration as they raked through her, eating her up with their hot gazes, just like they did before. They didn't change, nothing about him seemed to have changed, well except for the sexy looking beard on his face but that was a topic for another day.

Still staring at him, visibly enchanted by whatever spell he had casted on her, something clicked in Becca's head and her gaze soon turned from adoring to curious.

"Leo..." She called out softly, still searching her brain for the right words to say but couldn't find any. How could she when Leo was there busy distracting her with his fine self. Messing with her thoughts without even doing anything.

" Yes, my love." Leo answered and bit the inside of his cheek in amusement when he saw Becca shut her eyes, trying to regain her focus.

Leo knew the effect he had on Becca, he loved that he did. He loved that he could make her forget her own name just by touching her, kissing her but what she didn't know was she had the same effect on him.

Fuck! He would jump into a volcano if it would make her happy, if it would bring a smile on her face. His little kitten didn't know how much she meant to him but he would show her very soon. she would know and learn how important she was to him.

" Uhmm, how did you get into my apartment?" Shutting her eyes helped, she found the words she was looking for.

Becca opened her eyes and tilted her head to one side in confusion when she noticed the change in his eyes. The adoring gaze it held faltered slightly into what looked like anger.

Leo's throat tightened and jaw clenched when he heard Becca's question. Feeling his blood simmering in his veins, it instantly reminded him how angry he had been on his way here.

The inferno of anger burning inside him regenerated itself all over again as he remembered how he almost slid Alfonso's throat for keeping what happened to Becca a secret.

Alfonso's job had been to keep an eye on Becca, protect her when the need arises and most especially, report everything that happened to her to the boss, but he didn't do that. He didn't protect her well, if he did then those fucking assassins wouldn't have gotten anywhere near her.

The worst part of it all was he tried to keep it a secret from Leo, tried to hide it despite him knowing he couldn't.

Nobody could.

Alfonso didn't do his job properly, Becca almost lost her life because of his incompetence and the one thing Leo hated in his life was incompetence.

Thinking about it now, Leo kinda regretted not killing him on the spot after finding out. But because of how loyal Alfonso had been to him for years, Leo chose let him off the hook but didn't do it without leaving a warning first.

Leo still made sure to draw blood out him, punched the secret keeping bastard so hard, his tooth flew out.

Leo then ripped his gaze off Becca and turned his back to her, not wanting her to see his eyes that now blazed with fury or how he was taking deep breaths to quench the fire of rage that was consuming him.

He hadn't only been angry after finding out, but also scared. Worried she would be scarred for life by the horrid experience.

So worried that immediately after relinquishing a small percentage of the anger he felt on Alfonso, Leo rushed over to see how Becca was doing. Completely abandoning the little mind game he had been playing on her.

He didn't care about it anymore, all he wanted was to check up on her and make sure she was safe himself as it seemed his men weren't capable of handling that task.

So with that thought in his mind, Leo drove to her apartment building. 

Feeling restless when he saw she wasn't back and went ahead to pick the lock of her door and let himself in. 

He stayed in Becca's apartment waiting for her, the thought of going out to look for her crossed mind many times but he chose to give her more time. Perhaps she was just around the corner.

After waiting another ten minutes, he stood up from where he sat and headed to the door to go look for her but froze when he saw her walk in.

Nothing could compare to the amount of relief that washed over him as he watched her lock the door she came in through, feeling all the restlessness and anger seep out of him through his skin.

But now that she brought it up again, it only reminded him how furious he had been.

He was angry. 

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Angry at his men for being incompetent, angry at Becca for not careful enough, angry at Lazzerro for trying to hurt her and most especially, angry at himself for not being there for her.

He almost lost her for fuck's sake and where was he when it was all happening? In his apartment, thinking everything was alright.

What a fool he was.

He was a fool for thinking giving Becca space would be good for her, though it helped, he still shouldn't have left her alone. He shouldn't have left her in the protection of his men. No, he should have protected her himself, watched over her properly. Maybe then that bastard Lazzerro wouldn't have had the guts to lay a fucking finger on her.

Fuck! He shouldn't have left, even when she pushed him away, he should have stayed with her. 

Lazzerro had no idea he had just opened up a jar of crazy. He had not once, not twice but messed with Leonardo Kane three fucking times, thinking he would get away with it. He had no clue what he had gotten himself into, he had just angered the mafia king, the man scarier than the grim reaper himself. Il bestia.

The bloody fucker would be lucky if he got a swift death but knowing Leo and how angry was, he was going to make Lazzerro suffer.

As if feeling the anger radiating from where Leo stood, Becca sat up on the bed, trying to figure out why Leo looked so angry as she stared at his back.

" Leo." Her voice soft as she called out his name but he didn't move, as though the anger he felt was blocking him from the real world. Fucking eating him up from the inside.

Seeing as calling his name wouldn't be enough to make him snap out of it, Becca leaned closer to him and took his hand in hers. Smiling when he look at her. 

Shaking his head, Leo forced a smile on his face and placed a kiss on her hand before interlocking his fingers with hers

" I'm sorry, my love but what was your question again?" Leo had been so angry, he even forgot what she asked him.

" I just wanted to know why you came." Becca answered, dropping her gaze to their interlocked hands and blushed. Feeling butterflies in her stomach.

Leo chuckled at her response, his reached out to her face and caressed it.

" You don't want me here?" Leo threw another question at her, pressing his lips together to hide his amusement when she quickly shook her head.

Becca was truly a drug, everything about her was addictive, at least to Leo she was. She was like a happy pill, she could literally make him smile even when he was in the most foul mood. He didn't know how she did it, she just did. It was like her superpower or something.

" It's not that, of course I want you here. I just wanted to know why?" Becca stared up at him with eyes shining brighter than stars as she waited for him to speak. The curiosity in her not going unnoticed.

Leo's smile became relaxed, warmer. Less forced. His fingers caressing her face moved down to her lips, brushing slightly over it and Becca's throat bobbed as she swallowed, feeling his gaze on her lips.

" I came to check on you." Leo licked his lips, his eyes still fixed on hers, deeply missing how they tasted. " I wanted to make sure you weren't hurt last night." Leo answered, causing Becca's eyes to widened in the process.

The fuck? He knew? How?

" You know?" Becca asked, her voice a little shaky and Leo nodded.

Well of course he knew, someone who promised to watch over her like a guardian angel would definitely know everything that happened to her, right? 

Becca didn't know how she felt about Leo knowing about it, she didn't know how he would react. 

Was that why he was angry just now? Was he angry she almost got killed?

Becca's mind then drifted to her savior from last night, Leo's doppelganger. Was it Leo who sent him to safe her? How were they related?

Before Becca could even ask those questions aloud, Leo got on the bed with her and sealed her lips with his, kissing her breath away like he always did.

Leo had seen the confused look she was giving him and knew that there were a thousand and one questions forming in her head but instead of answering them, he chose to make her forget them by melting her brain with his hot kisses. And just as he expected, just as he liked, she melted into the kiss and kissed him back.

Soon the room was filled with the sound of them kissing. Engulfed by the feeling of Leo's lips moving on hers, Becca opened up for him to devour her deeper. She wanted him to do so. It was too good not to desire.

As if being under a spell or in this case, mindfucked, Becca wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to match the intensity at which of Leo's kisses but failed miserably despite using the all things she learned from him. She still couldn't match the passion in his kisses, nothing could.

Becca, who wasn't even close to being as experienced as Leo was, soon ran out of breath and broke kiss. Her heart slammed against her chest and chest heaved as she tried to get her breathing in check.

She looked at Leo and saw he wasn't as out of breath as she was. His breaths still came out calm and relaxed, unlike hers that were heavy and haggard.

He ran his thumb over her lips again and moved closer her, trailing little kisses all over her face and tickling her with his beard. Making her giggle like a child as he continued his assault and backed it up when his naughty hands started roaming all over her body. 

Already having enough, Becca placed her hands on the sides of his face to stop him, feeling his facial hair underneath her palms.

Her face red from both blushing and laughing so damn much and her lips stretched into the big smile despite still being out of breath.

Leo's hands stopped tickling Becca, a big smile on his face as well as he sat next to her, looking into her beautiful green eyes. He tucked away the hair that fell on her face before his hands went to her cheeks and pinched them. His little way of pissing her off.

Becca hated when people pinched her cheeks, Johnny always did it all the time when they were little and she completely detested when people assaulted her beautiful cheeks like that. It stings and when Leo's gigantic hands were the ones pinching, it hurt.

Like the grumpy little kitten Becca was, she glared at him and swatted his hands away, hoping he would stop it but the only thing he did was chuckle and perked her lips.

" I still have some more questions." Becca said once she fully regained her senses after losing them to their scalding hot kiss and Leo brought his face closer to hers again, so close his breath fanned her. His eyes glistening with mischief as his smile turned into a naughty smirk.

" Would you rather ask more questions or do you want me to kiss you again because I know I do, I want to devour that delicious mouth of yours. So tell me, my love, which one do you want?" Leo whispered huskily in her ears, sounding no less than the devil tempting people to give into their wicked desires.

Fuck being the devil. Leo was the sin himself, the wicked desire Becca so badly wanted to give into.

Seeing as Becca was reluctant to answer, Leo gently bit her earlobe, sending waves of both shivers and pleasure through her. Making her gasp in the process.

" Tell me, my love. Which one would it be?" Leo asked, trying to poke the answer out of Becca like the sly snake he was.

Feeling her mind hazy and going completely blank, Becca blinked at him, her lips parting to respond but Leo had already grown impatient waiting for her. Instead, he snatched the opportunity and pressed his lips against hers.

He honestly didn't care what her answer would have been, he was still going to kiss her anyway.

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