The Mafia's Queen: Entangled With A Psycho.

Chapter 61: Sixty: Sleeping

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Breaking their intoxicating kiss, Leo touched his forehead on Becca's, literally hearing how fast her heart was beating in her chest. 

Becca was once again left breathless and gasping for air by him.

She felt a little nauseous so wrapped her arms around his neck to stabilize herself and though it was just a small gesture, it made Leo's heart swell with joy.

Such a small gesture but meant quite a lot.

Becca was finally taking the first initiative to do something so intimate with him. She trusted him so much to the point she was using him to stabilize herself. She knew he wouldn't let her go, never let her fall. 

Besides all that, Leo was mostly happy because he was with her and she wasn't rejecting his touches, instead she was touching him as well.

She loved him touching her and Leo would gladly give her more, way much more.

Still in that position, Leo's eyes wandered off to her heaving chest, the two most beautiful things he had ever seen, rising and falling right in front of him, begging him to grab, hold, squeeze. Worship. 

Damn, he would worship them as though they were gods. 

" I missed you so much." Becca breathed and looked up at Leo, making him tear his gaze away from the her ample chest.

" I missed you even more." Leo responded after looking away from the two things that were most likely going to be the death of him, not that he minded at all. One thing must kill a man after all and if he was going to be kill because of Becca's chest, then so be it. He would die a happy man anyway.

Becca stared at Leo for a couple of seconds then smacked him on the chest.

" Then why didn't you come back, huh? Do you have any idea what I went through because of your absence?" She grunted and tried pushing Leo away to create more space between them but he didn't move, not even a little.

The guy was a brick wall.

She eventually gave up trying to push him away and decided to look away from him, folding her arms over her chest with a displeased expression on her face.

Leo bit his lip to prevent himself from laughing. 

' How could she be so hot?' Leo thought, still staring at Becca who was supposedly angry at him.

" Last I checked, you were the one who broke up with me. You pushed me away. What did you expect me to have done?" Leo asked and couldn't help smiling when he saw the change in Becca's facial expression. 

On hearing Leo's words, the frown Becca had on her face instantly turned guilt-ridden. And as if reading her mind, Leo put his hand on her chin, forcing her to look at him. Smiling tenderly as he cupped her face in his hands.

" I'm sorry. I was wrong and didn't mean what I did." Her lashes casted a shadow down her cheeks and then her green eyes held his gaze.

The way she looked at him, vulnerable, innocent, like a little kitten in need of comfort stretched the smile on his face into a grin.

" No need to apologize, my love. I'm not mad." He said and watched a smile light up Becca's face, her eyes now so bright, they were literally blinding him.

" Really?" Her eyes widened as she anticipated his response and Leo nodded before kissing her on her forehead.

Light pink blush painting Becca's cheek as she stared at Leo with adoration in her eyes while his's gaze sweeped through her and rested on her chest again for a awhile before returning back to her face.

God, she was killing him.

Did she not know what she was doing to him? The way she looked, the little to no space between them, the way she looked at him, all sent waves down his cock. Making it twitch in the most uncomfortable way possible.

At this point, Leo couldn't be trusted anymore. Hell, he didn't even trust himself to stay near Becca without touching her.

His eyes went to the clock on the wall and saw it a quarter past eight, he had been with her for an hour. He had to leave soon, not that he had anything else better to do but she still needed to rest and him staying there definitely wouldn't let her rest. Not with the way his dick begging to be buried inside her.

If Becca only knew what she was doing to him, the torture she was putting him through.

God damnit! If she only knew how much he wanted to pin her down on the bed and take her to ecstasy heaven where he would drown her in multiple orgasms until she couldn't take it anymore. All the wicked things he wanted to do to her, to her body. 

Only God knew all the sinful things that ran through his mind when he was with her and how much he was holding himself back that night, how he had been holding himself back right from the time he meet her again. 

Leo already knew he would definitely go to hell for thinking about Becca the way he did, she was so innocent while he wasn't and yet he still couldn't help himself from having such lewd thoughts.

If it had been someone else, Leo wouldn't have thought twice about taking her. He would have already sank his throbbing cock in all three of her hole by now and wouldn't even care if he hurt her or not but this was Becca we were talking about here, she was special.

She was the most important person in his life and she deserved better, way much more. 

Besides, Becca wasn't ready for it anyway. She couldn't handle it, she couldn't handle him.

Such an innocent woman such as herself couldn't possibly handle the beast Leo was. He would rip her apart.

She was way too fragile for him, at least for now but later. Later would be completely different.

Just because she wasn't ready for him now doesn't mean she would never be.

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With that thought, Leo shifted a little from her so she wouldn't feel his erection, creating more space between them since his groin was just a few inches away from her stomach. 

Becca noticed Leo slowly moving away and move closer to him, still unaware of the situation at hand.

The woman was going to be the death of him.

Leo shut his eyes, praying to the heavens for mercy. The demons in his head tugging at him as his cock grew harder.

Not wanting things to get uncomfortable, Leo got off the bed and stood to full length, towering over her.

" It's getting late." Leo stood in front of her, straightening his clothes and tried not to look at the sad eyes she was giving him.

" You're leaving?" Becca looked up at him with the cutest sad kitten eyes ever that became even sadder when she saw him nodding. " Please don't go" She grabbed hold of his hand and started pulling it, batting her lashes cutely at him.

Becca was afraid if she let's Leo go, he might never come back to her. She didn't want to be alone, she didn't want him to leave again.

Leo lift his eyes to look at the ceiling and swore under his breath. He knew he couldn't even dream of saying no to Becca, not when she was behaving like that. Cute.

Something he had tried to be but failed many times to, so he knew how hard it was to pull it off.

He looked at her, her sad pleading eyes still very much intact. " If I stay here then where would I sleep?" 

This was all for her, if Leo couldn't say no to her then he would made her back out of it. Best possible strategy, scared her with something she wasn't ready for.

" There are other rooms in the apartment, you can use one of those." Becca muttered softly, her eyes now gleaming with hope.

If he asked where he would be sleeping, it meant he was considering staying, right?

A smile stretched Leo's lips once more, a devious one this time as he bent a little and caressed her cheeks. Such a naive little kitten.

" But I want to sleep here, with you." His wicked smile widened into an evil grin. " You wouldn't mind, would you?" He asked, not missing how Becca's eyes widened as she slightly gaped at him.

" I have never shared a bed with a man before." Becca muttered after a few seconds of silence, her face apprehensive as she blinked at him multiple times.

For some reason, Leo's words were as tempting as he was. So tempting that Becca was actually considering it.

He wanted to sleep next to her, it didn't necessarily mean having sex, right? They were just going to sleep, nothing else. The bed was more that big enough for the both of them. He was going to have his side and she would stay on hers, what could possibly go wrong? Nothing would happen between them.

For someone who masterbated twice while thinking about no one but Leo, Becca was still really nervous about the whole sleeping with Leo thing.

She was a virgin, why wouldn't she be? And it wasn't like she didn't want something to happen between them, she just wasn't ready for it yet and was kinda hoping Leo would understand.

She didn't want to hurt his feelings or make him think she didn't want him when the time comes.

Leo saw how apprehensive Becca looked and smirked. Nervous and hesitant was exactly how he predicted she would look. 

Slowly but gently, he removed her hand that held on to his to leave. He didn't need to hear her response to know what her decision would be when her face already said it all.

" Okay, you can sleep with me tonight." Becca quickly said when she snapped out of her thoughts and saw Leo removing her hand that held his firmly. 

She quickly agreed, thinking his feelings were probably hurt by her hesitation to answer and didn't want him to leave her again.

Leo froze on hearing her very unexpected response, the heat of her words going straight to his dick, making it harder than it already was. 

Fuck, his eyes raked her from head to toe and his jaw clenched. The demons in his head snarling.

What are you waiting for? She right there looking all delicious, take her. She wants you, she even touched herself thinking about you, show her much you want her as well.

Press her to your cock and let her feel how hard she makes you. Give her what she wants, you.

Like she said, she hasn't been with any other man so take what is yours, her virginity.


" Are you sure?" Leo asked, giving her a chance to back out before it was too late but instead of Becca changing her mind, she nodded.

" Yes, I'm sure. We would just be sleeping, nothing else, right?" Becca's voice came out slightly shaky, unintentionally though as her gaze drop to his crotch, where for some reason was slightly bulging.

As though her eyes were possessed by a perverted spirit that didn't want her to look away.

But in her defense, it wasn't completely her fault. The thing was literally at her face. Why wouldn't she look?

" Of course, we would just be sleeping."

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