The Mafia's Queen: Entangled With A Psycho.

Chapter 63: Sixty Two: Devious

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Leo rested Becca's head back on his chest while rubbing her back gently in a soothing manner. " Sleep, my love. It's late." He whispered and Becca nodded, feeling her eyelids grow heavy.

A small yawn escaped her lips as her eyes drooped shut and soon drifted off to sleep while still laying on top of Leo.

Leo just laid there, watching her sleep like it was the most interesting thing he had ever seen. Probably because it was, Becca literally was the most beautiful woman he had ever met. 

She was angelic, divine and surely deserved better than the wretched creature he was.

She looked so innocent while she slept and deserved far better than a brutal killer like him, he knew that but still wanted to keep her for himself.

He didn't care if he came out acting selfish, he was already selfish a man so why not act the part.

Leo let out a sigh, he meant every word he had said to Becca earlier. He wouldn't allow any harm come to her, he would stay by her side. He wouldn't let anything push them apart anymore.

Nothing and no one would ever stop them from being together, be it Regina, Johnny or even Lazzerro and his death threats. Nothing would split them apart. She loved and he loved her, that's all that truly mattered. The rest of the world should go fuck itself.

Now that Leo really thought about it, he realized his grandfather made a valid point. For the first time in the many years his grandfather had lived, he actually made some sense.

Leo was the capo of the Kane mafia hood, the mafia king, he shouldn't only have people's respect but their fear as well. Wasn't that what being a mafia was about?

The fear. Having people on their knees at his feet.

The power that came from working for la famiglia was all that mattered. The power to trample on his rivals, on Lazzerro. It was all that mattered to Leo in the past until he met the beautiful distraction who was now laying on top of him.

He looked at Becca sleeping soundly in his arms and smiled.

Nothing in the entire world, not even all the money he had earned in his life could have made him as happy as he was now and it all because of Becca. His beloved. Having her confess her love for him made everything he had struggled to achieve his whole life look useless in comparison.

Having her in his arms gave the best feeling ever, it was just hard to explain but having her with him felt so right. Like everything in his life could literally be wrong but being with her was the only right thing he had ever done.

The sound of Becca moaning in her sleep brought him out of his thoughts. He looked at her, she was moving, probably a bad dream.

" Don't... Please don't pull it, I did nothing wrong. Please don't hurt me." Becca moaned and started trembling in his arms.

Leo moved up on the bed, still holding her firmly in his arms. " Becca, no one is going to hurt you. I'm here now, no one would dare shoot you." He rubbed her back and saw her eyelids move.

Becca's eyes shut open and instantly looked at Leo who had a loving smile on his face.

Beads of sweat forming on her forehead despite the air conditioning unit being on its highest setting.

" Leo... T—They.... He wanted to kill me. He had a gun pointing at me. He wanted to pull the trigger." She stammered, trembling so much that tears began forming at the corners of her eyes.

" It was just a bad dream, no one would ever dare harm you again. Not when I'm around." He kissed her softly and wiped the tears in her eyes before they even got the chance to fall. 

" B—but they were dangerous. They had guns, they were assassins." Becca shook her head vigorously and wrapped her arms tightly around Leo's neck, her heart slamming harshly against her chest.

" And I look like a potato seller to you?" Leo sarcastically asked and Becca facial expression turned slightly confused.

" What does that suppose to mean?" Becca tilted her head to one side in confusion, the fear inside her gradually subsiding thanks to Leo's soothing touches and the gentle smile he had on his face.

" Close your eyes and go back to sleep, my love. No one will harm you, I promise." He said and Becca obediently closed her eyes, laying her head back down on his chest. The steady rhythm of his beating heart calmed her down even more.

Leo didn't want her to know about his business, about him being a made man or even about him being a brutal killer. At least not yet. She had already been scared enough and telling her that would definitely not let her sleep for a couple of days.

Placing a kiss on her forehead, he soothed her back until she relaxed and went to sleep. He then dragged his gaze away from Becca to look at the ceiling, his eyes burning with anger and hate as he glared at the beautiful patterns on it.

" I will hunt down that dog that dare to scare you like this and skin him alive. I will make him experience the true meaning of pain before sending him to hell, that I promise you my love." Leo tightened his grip around Becca and kissed her forehead again.

The next morning, Leo's eyes were already wide open but he still laid on the bed because he didn't want to wake the sleeping woman on top of him.

After a few minutes, Becca stirred again and covered her face with her hands to shield her eyes from the rays of sunlight that peeked at her through the cracks on the curtains.

She raised her head from his chest and used both hands to rub her eyes, yawning as she lazily looked around the room.

" Good morning." Leo greeted and pecked her on her lips.

" Morning" Becca responded and looked at him. " What time is it?" She let out another yawn.

" Still sleepy?" Leo tucked away the strands of hair that came loose from her bun and saw her nodding. " Then go back to sleep, it's six and still kinda early. I will wake you up after five." 

Becca didn't bother even thinking twice about Leo's words, she still felt really sleepy and needed more time with her bed, which in this case was Leo.

It was truly amusing how she had been so nervous to sleep next to Leo last night but ended up sleeping on top of him instead.

Closing her eyes, Becca buried her head on his chest again, her knee dangerous close to his baby maker as she drifted back to sleep.

After sleeping for awhile more, Becca's eyes shut open and frowned, knowing fully well she had slept way longer than five minutes.

She looked at Leo and saw he had a big ass grin on his face then her eyes flew to clock to check what time it was, almost fainting when she saw it was pass eleven in the morning.

But she couldn't faint, not without smacking Leo hard on the chest first.

" Leo! You said you would wake me up after five minutes!" She slapped his chest again and hurriedly got off him, ran to her closet to get somethings from it before dashing into the bathroom to get ready for work.

Becca went into the bathroom and slammed the door shut, huffing in anger when she heard Leo's demonic chuckle.

They just got back together and this is how he treats his woman, by tricking her and laughing at her right after? Shame on him.

Becca shook her head in disappointment and went ahead to strip off her clothes. She walked towards the shower head and turned it on, letting the water from it pour down on her.

While back at Becca's room, Leo waited till he heard the sound of water dripping from the shower before he getting up and walking towards the nightstand where she kept her phone.

Leo picked up her phone and sit back down on the bed. He turned it on and smirked when he saw he needed to input her passcode to access it.

The smirk still on his face as he typed in her birthday and instantly unlocked the phone.

" Oh Becca, you are so cute." He muttered under his breath as he scrolled through her contacts and almost burst into a fit of laughter when he saw what she saved his number as. But that wasn't what he was searching for so he strolled down a little more until he found Navaya's number.

He glanced at the bathroom door for a couple of milliseconds before quickly returning to his heist. He swiftly copied Navaya's number into his number then returned Becca's phone back to the exact spot she had left it so she wouldn't notice a thing.

He got off the bed and walked out the room to make a phone call. Once he was out, he dialled Navaya's number and luckily it rang twice before being answered.

" Hello, who is this?" Navaya asked from the other line.

" Hello, it's Leo Kane." Leo answered and Navaya's phone almost fell out of her hands, startled by the unexpected call from the unexpected caller. Never in her life had she thought Leo Kane would ever call her, that to with her private number.

" Uhm... Mr Kane, hi. To what do I owe this unexpected phone call?" Navaya asked, stammering and almost mispronouncing half the words in her sentence.

Despite the fact that Navaya said a lot shit about Leo Kane to Becca, deep down she was kinda scared of the guy.

They only met officially once in the conference room and that was all it took to tell Navaya that Leo Kane wasn't the type of guy to mess with. 

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She didn't know if it was the menacing fury in his eyes or his masculine tone that oozed with dominance but something definitely told her Leo Kane didn't play nice when angered and while Becca was nurturing her growing affection for him, Navaya knew well to stay away.

After the conference meeting, Navaya only supported the relationship because she saw that Becca really liked him and also because she was afraid of what Leo would do to her if he found out she was poisoning Becca's mind against him.

Just because he liked her friend, didn't mean he would like her as well, right?

" It's about Becca, she's terribly sick but you know how stubborn she can get. She wants to go to work and doesn't want to listen to me at all." Leo said with an expression harder than steel. " Be a lamb and tell your friend to stay home, she would definitely listen to you."

On hearing Leo's words, Navaya didn't even need much convincing, she already knew Becca's behavior very well and Leo's explanation was exactly how her friend behaved when she was really sick.

Becca was a renowned workaholic, her life revolving solely around her work and was always thinking of how to make herself richer. How to become more successful than she already was and that wasn't really healthy for her mental health.

Being a successful businesswoman wasn't a good thing to aspire towards but when you make your life all about that one thing, you lose sight of things that truly matter like family.

That would have been Becca's fate if she hadn't met Leo and fallen in love.

Navaya snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Leo his throat and gulped.

" Sure I will tell her not to come to the office, I just hope she isn't too sick. Has she seen a doctor about it?" Navaya's shaky voice turned worried, hoping nothing serious was wrong with Becca. 

She knew Becca not coming in for work was already really strange and Leo wouldn't be calling her up if the matter wasn't serious.

" It's not serious. Well nothing that some bed rest can't fix. Do try to convince her for me." Leo said and rolled his eyes at his pathetic self.

The things he would do to spend more time with Becca, to have her all to himself.

" Uhmm, sure. No problem, I will definitely tell her." Navaya immediately responded. Though she was scared of Leo, she still had to admit that the way he treated Becca was kinda cute. Heart melting even.

" Also, I would like for this conversation we just had to stay between us." Leo said sternly, not even bothering to give his reasons and all poor Navaya could do was agree with him.

" Of course, you don't have—" He hung up, not even waiting for her to finish what she was saying. He had already heard what he wanted to hear, she agreed to play along and that's all that mattered.

After hanging up, Leo went ahead and deleted Navaya's number from his phone. Why keep it? It wasn't like it mattered to him, he wouldn't need it anymore.

He then shoved his phone into his pocket and walked back to Becca's room.

Opening the door, Leo stepped into the room. He smiled when he heard the sound of the shower still running and laid back on the bed.

After a few minutes, the bathroom door creaked open and Becca came out fully dressed with a towel tied on her head.

And when he smiled at her, she rolled her eyes at him.

" You aren't still angry at me, are you?" Leo asked, chuckling in amusement when she shot him a glare.

" I'm not talking to you." She turned her back to him and kept drying her hair, trying to ignore him even when she knew it impossible.

" And why is that?" Leo got off the bed and took quiet steps towards where she stood.

" Because you are annoying." Becca answered, unaware Leo was walking towards her.

" Me? What did I do?" Leo bit his lip to prevent himself from laughing.

Becca was just too hot when she was angry.

" You went back on your word that's what you did. Do you have any idea how late I am? I had important meetings to attend by nine and ten but thanks to you, I missed them." Becca complained, glaring at the wall in front of her as she kept drying her hair.

Becca already sensed that there was a big smile on Leo's face and didn't want to see it, he would just try seducing the anger out of her and she wanted to stay angry, at least for now to teach him a lesson.

" Then why don't you just stay home. It wouldn't hurt to miss a day." He came behind her and wrapped his arms around her, tightening his hold when she tried to wiggle out of his hands.

" Don't be silly, of course not and I said I wouldn't be talking to you anymore so let go of me." She wriggled her body in his arms, trying to set herself free from his clutches but froze when she felt something poking her back.

Her eyes widened as she looked over her shoulder to see a devious smirk on his lips and mischief dancing in his eyes.

" You said you don't want to talk to me but yet you still do." He bent to his head to her neck and kissed it, sucking the area so hard,it turned light pink.

" I'm not talking to you, just answering your questions. It's rude not to answer questions that are directed to you, same way as It's also rude to go back on your word." Becca lectured, her hand instantly reached out to touch her neck where Leo had left his mark on but he grabbed both hands and brought them behind her back.

" If you are talking about this morning then you are wrong, I didn't go back on my word." He aimed for the other side of her neck and did the same thing over there, tickling her with his beard at the same time.

" You said you would wake me up after five minutes." She argued, the frown on her face wrinkling her forehead.

" I said I would wake you up after five, I never said minutes." He defended himself and Becca's jaw dropped to the floor.

'He was right, he never said minutes. That sexy snake!' Becca screamed in her head and angrily stomped on his foot but he didn't even flinch, no reaction. Just that annoying smirk on his face.

" So you chose to let me sleep for five more hours, how could you?" Becca huffed and rolled her eyes when she heard him laughing. "Idiot" She grumbled.

" I might be an idiot but I still got you to fall in love with me and this idiot over here wants you to stay home with him." Leo targeted the next spot to leave another hickey but Becca's reflexes were fast and she quickly bent her neck to block his attack, leaving the other side of her neck completely exposed in the process.

Leo grinned and attacked the exposed region instead, chuckling victoriously after leaving the third hickey while still holding Becca's hands behind her back.

" Hey! Stop that, it tickles" Becca whined and puffed her cheeks, knowing that she couldn't stop Leo's sweet assaults on her neck.

" Not until you agree to stay home. Either way you have to, there's no way you would like to go out with all those hickeys on your neck." Leo laughed and let go of Becca who immediately rushed to the mirror to see the hickeys he was talking about while he trailed behind her.

" Leo!" Becca yelled once she saw the red marks on her neck. " Why would you do that." She huffed, looking at both their reflections on the mirror.

Leo walked closer to her and gently pulled her hair back to expose the hickeys even more, his raging cock still throbbing in his pants but he chose to ignore it for now.

" You look more beautiful with them on. Don't you like my marks on you?" He hugged her from behind again, pressing his erection on her back again. Ripping another gasp from her.

" It's not that. If I go out like this, people would think I— we had..." Becca chewed on her lower lip, unable to complete her sentence. It was just too embarrassing and all of the sudden felt butterflies in her stomach again.

" That we had sex." Leo finished her sentence for her. " Is that what you are worried about?" Leo asked and she nodded slowly, light pink blush tainting her cheeks.

" I don't want to give people the wrong idea." She muttered softly, dropping her eyes to stare at the floor.

Leo spun her around to face at him and caressed her soft cheeks.

" Then let's not give them the wrong idea anymore." Leo smiled, again luring her into another trap of his.

" W—what do you mean by that?" Becca's brows furrowed in confusion.

" Let's have—" The sound of Becca's phone ringing interrupted what Leo was saying and Becca instantly turned to look at her phone on the nightstand.

She walked over to the ringing phone and picked it up to see who was calling.

" It's Navaya." She waved the phone at Leo and he gave her a sweet smile.

" Go on, answer it.." Leo responded, his sweet smile turning even more devious by the second.

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