The Mafia's Queen: Entangled With A Psycho.

Chapter 62: Sixty One: Shameless Words

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Becca ripped her gaze off the sinful sight in front of her and looked up at Leo instead.

" You can use the bathroom here to refreshen up and I will use the one in the other room." Becca said and stood up from the bed as well, her eyes again wandering to the bulge in Leo's pants that seemed to be getting bigger by the second. And licked her lips.

Leo groaned, noticing what she was staring at. 


He leaned towards her ear and bit her earlobe again, sending shock waves through her. Making her to snap out of the trance his erection was putting her in.

" What are you looking at?" Leo whispered in Becca's ear and kissed her neck.

Becca blushed. She had just been caught red handed looking at what she shouldn't have.

" Nothing! I..I wasn't looking at anything." Becca stammered and pushed his face away from her.

Embarrassed and flushed, Becca moved not only her treacherous eyes but her entire body away from him and walked towards the huge closet where she took out a couple of things and closed it back up.

She turned to Leo and gave him a nervous smile before bolting out the room.

Leo chuckled at her behavior as he watched her exit the room so fast, it looked like she was being chased. He stared at her retreating figure with a fond smile before the throbbing cock in his pants brought his mind back to the present situation at hand.

Yeah, he had to sleep next to the woman that made him insanely hard and not touch her.

Fuck his life, he felt like the most unfortunate man in existence.

Tonight was going to be torture. He would have the most precious person in his arms and yet expected not to do what he badly wanted to do with her.

He looked down at his erection and swore in Italian before taking a deep breath to cool off.

Since Leo was now the only one in the room, he unbuckled his belt and tossed it on the bed. His coat came off next then his shirt, tossing them all the bed and removed his shoes.

He walked into her bathroom half naked where he stripped the rest of his clothes off and stood completely naked. In his full glory.

He fisted his throbbing hard cock, inhaling Becca's sweet fragrance that still lingered on him as he turned on the shower.

Remembering how soft her body felt on his, the taste of her lipstick. The way she eyed his erection and how her tongue ran slowly over her lips as she kept marveling at his size. 

The heat radiating from her as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Leo fucked his fist, picturing it was her tight virgin pussy as he pound her against the walls of the bathroom. Filling her up with his thick cum while she begged for more.

He couldn't get her out of his head and the thoughts he was having about her were melting his braincells. Heating his body up despite the cold water pouring down on him.

He groaned as thick cum jolted out of his cock and on to the hand he was fucking.

Swearing as he casted his eyes to the ceiling and took another deep breath.

After relieving himself, Leo went ahead to clean himself up and finished up his shower. He grabbed the towel that was folded neatly on the bathroom shelf and tied it around his waist.

Leo stepped out of the bathroom and luckily Becca wasn't back yet. He glanced at his clothes littered on the bed and walked towards them, picked them up and wore them back on.

He knew she wouldn't have any men's clothes for him, he didn't expect her to.

He didn't wear his belt, coat and shoes back on though, it wouldn't be comfortable to sleep with them on so he stuck with his shirt and pants. 

Laying on the bed, the first thing that hit him was the sweet smell of Becca's perfume that lingered on the sheets. Intoxicating.

He lifted the sheets a little and inhaled the scent, closing his eyes to savor the heavenly fragrance. 

Once he had his fill of her scent, he rested his back on the headboard and looked up at the ceiling, waiting for her to return.

Becca turned off the shower and stepped out of the bathroom of the room she used. The thought of sleeping next to Leo still made her feel butterflies in her stomach.

God, she was so nervous. Her heart beating fast as she stood at a spot thinking of what to expect tonight. Her arms folded over her naked chest and her brain running a mile a minute.

What the heck was she thinking asking he to stay, to sleep with her? 

It wasn't like Becca was going back on her decision, she was just nervous about it. Confused. At this point anything could happen.

She had seen the bulge in Leo's pants, she wasn't a fool not to know what it meant. He was aroused. Horny. And as much as it fascinated her, it also scared the fuck out of her.

Fuck, she wasn't ready for that yet. She knew he was holding himself back but what if the urge to fuck her surpasses his ability to restrain himself and he ends up giving into it?

She didn't know if she could say no to him if that happened.

She wore the clothes she laid on the bed, her silk night gown and tied her hair up in a loose bun. She chose not to wear a bra because it was uncomfortable to sleep with and hoped Leo wasn't the type of guy that liked sleeping naked.

Becca's mind was now split into two. One part of her praying not to walk in and see Leo naked while other part, the naughty perverted side of her so badly wanted to see the juicy body Leo was hiding underneath his clothes.

Blushing at her lewd thoughts, Becca fanned her burning cheeks with her hands, trying to get herself to stop smiling like a fool but she couldn't.

Once her cheeks stopped burning, Becca made her way back to her room and gently opened the door to peek inside and heaved a sigh of relief when she saw Leo fully clothed.

With light steps, she entered the room and stood by the door, facing him.

Leo turned to the door on hearing it open, his lips slightly agape as he watched her walk in and his eyes literally eating her up in that beautiful knee-length night gown she wore. 

She stood there fiddling her fingers, looking all nervous and at the same time delicious. A wholesome meal for the hungry monster who laid not under her bed but on it. 

Leo gulped, the way she looked now was making his efforts in the bathroom go in vain.

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Was she doing all this on purpose? To pay him back for leaving her? 

It had to be it, why else would she be torturing him this way? Or maybe it was a punishment from God for all the naughty thoughts he had been having of Becca these days.

Leo smiled. " Are you hungry?" He asked when he saw she wasn't moving from the spot.

" No. You?" She stopped playing with her fingers and forced them to her sides.

Leo shook his head in response and raked her once more, his eyes practically licking her until they settled on her chest. His favorite place to look at, soon to be his favorite thing to touch.

He noticed she wasn't wearing a bra and looked up at her, a wicked smile curving his lips.

" You are missing your bra." Leo's words made Becca's jaw drop, almost choking her.

' Really? I walk into a room and that's the first thing he notices?' Becca screamed in her head, her eyes widened as she stared at him.

" It's late and I'm wearing a dress, nothing is showing." She argued and watched him cross his legs on the bed.

" I can see your nipples perfectly." He smirked and Becca's gaze dropped to her chest, her nipples hardening with every inappropriate word that left his lips.

Fuck. He was right and Becca hated that he was. With the angry stance she was in, her nipples were pointing out for him to see. 

" Leo! I am a grown woman!" Becca huffed, annoyed by his shameless words.

Well that part was a lie, she wasn't annoyed by him, just angry at how her body reacted to his words, to him.

" Is that why you have your nipples out? To show me how grown you are?" Leo cocked an amused brow on seeing how red Becca's cheeks had become. He knew his words were affecting her and wanted to see how much she could take.


Her arms jerked to shield her chest but instead of doing that, she adjusted the dress on her body, defiance clearly showing in her eyes.

" It's my body and I will do whatever I want with it. It's my business if I choose to show any part of it. You should look away if you don't like or approve of what you see." Becca said, hoping she had won whatever argument they were having but with a face carved from stone, Leo didn't take his eyes off her chest, off her nipples that he made hard.

He licked his lips, his eyes still fixed on her boobs and Becca's legs squeezed, feeling a gush of arousal between her thighs.

God, why wasn't he looking away? Can't he look somewhere else, her face for instance?

" Stop staring at my chest." Becca whined, knowing fully that even if he didn't stop, she wouldn't mind anyway. Damn, he was messing up her head.

" You said to look away if I don't like what I see." He grinned wickedly. " What if I do?"

Becca's eyes couldn't grow any wider, her jaw literally touching the floor as she saw Leo patting the space next to him on the bed, beckoning her to come over as if he hadn't just mortified her with his shamelessness.

" Come here, Becca." Leo said with the evil grin still on his face, his voice husky as he tried to lure her into his trap that was coated with shameless words and his sexiness.

Reluctant, Becca slowly dragged her feet to the other side of the bed and sat on it.

Leo's eyes watching her every movement until she sat next to him, waiting until she laid properly on the bed before rolling to her side and wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. Hugging her body closer to his.

Becca gasped on feeling his arms around her and shut her eyes in embarrassment when she heard him chuckle.

After awhile, Becca felt Leo's muscles relax and turned her head to peek at him, thinking he had fallen asleep already but instead saw his blue eyes wide open and that wicked smile still playing on his lips.

" What's wrong? Can't sleep?" Leo adjusted on the bed and rested his chin on her shoulder as he kept spooning her.

" Leo, about last night." Becca bit her lip when she saw the smile on Leo's face faltering. She knew he wouldn't like to talk about the horrible event but she was curious about it.

" What about it?" His voice turned hard with slight anger but he immediately distracted himself by tracing lines on her arm.

Leo didn't want to get angry when he was with Becca like this but recalling what happened the other night did just that, make him angry.

Becca rolled in his arms to face him and smiled when their eyes met.

" I'm just worried about you, Leo" She rested her head on his chest and used her finger to draw weird shapes on him. " The gunman that attacked me said you did something to make his boss angry and wanted to hurt you by hurting me." 

The thought of people hurting Leo made her cringe. She wouldn't allow it, she couldn't even imagine it. No matter what Leo did, she still didn't want him to get hurt.

Leo smiled brightly on hearing her words, his heart doing somersaults for joy. She was thinking about his safety, worried he would get hurt when she should be worried about him commiting mass genocide at Lazzerro's villa.

" Don't worry, my love. I promise nothing will happen to me and to you as well. I will stay by your side and protect you from now onwards." He assured and she beamed at him.

" You won't leave me anymore?" Her eyes widened with happiness as she stared at him, waiting for his response.

" I won't." He kissed her forehead.

Feeling happy, overjoyed and not knowing what the fuck she was doing, Becca rolled on top of him and her boobs pressed on his chest.

She sealed his lips with hers, kissing him with the little experience she had gotten from him. Smiling at him once they broke the kiss.

" I love you." She breathed, her chest heaving as she held on to his shoulders.

She meant every single word she said. She did love him. She always had, it just took some time for her to realize it. For Leo to make her realize her deep feelings. Right from the time she saw him at the club, right from the time they first spoke to each other in his conference room, Becca had done nothing but think about him. 

Nurturing feelings she never in her life thought she would have for anyone. For any man. But here he was, making her feel the exact same thing she had always ran scared from. Love.

Opening her heart for someone. Allowing herself to be vulnerable for him. In front of him.

Despite how much he had messed her up, the strangest thing was she liked it. She liked feeling that way for him. She loved being messed up by him.

Leo smirked and pecked her lips before touching his forehead to hers. " I love you too.. You have no idea how long I have waited for you to say those words to me."

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