The Mafia's Queen: Entangled With A Psycho.

Chapter 65: Sixty Four: Sassy

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The next day came and just as Leo said, his men came and, moved Becca's things to his mansion with him personally supervising the process, so his people wouldn't screw it up again since they had succeeded in proving their incompetence to him a few days ago.

With Leo all over the place, Becca didn't have to left a finger to do anything. Even if she wanted to help, she knew her protective overbearing boyfriend wouldn't let her.

His excuse for not letting her; she was too fragile and the boxes would crush her.

Hogwash was what she thought about it.

Becca didn't agree with him and with defiance overtaking her logical reasoning, she went ahead and tried to lift one of the boxes.

Thinking it would be as easy as how Leo's men made it look but she couldn't have been more wrong in her life than she was now.

" Fuck! Are there bodies in this or what?" She tried lifting one of the huge boxes but couldn't even get it off the floor.

Leo crossed his arms over his chest and thinned his lips to prevent himself from laughing out loud while watching his beloved's pathetic attempts to lift the lightest box in the pile.

His men had already finished packing up her things and have tried to talk her out of struggling with the box but the woman was too stubborn and proud.

She wouldn't accept defeat easily and didn't want to give Leo the satisfaction of being right again, like he always was.

She was going to fight this, heavy or not, that box gotta move and she would be the one moving it.

Seeing as Becca was too pig-headed to see how futile her efforts were, Leo, being the sadist he was, grabbed himself a chair and signalled all his men to get out.

Leaving only him and Becca in the apartment so he would have a front row seat to watch the little show Becca was putting up.

Though it wasn't as entertaining as her little masterbating show in the past but as long as

Becca was starring in it, he would take what he got.

From porn to comedy, what a transition.

Female Tom Cruise was still struggling to accomplish her little mission impossible, trying to use another technique to lift the box but slipped on the tiled floor and landed hard on her ass.

" Fuck!" Becca cussed when her butt hit the floor, immediately feeling the stinging pain in her ass.

" You know there are far better things to do to that pretty ass of yours than hurting it." Leo's lips twitched into a smile that looked both seductive and mocking at the time and it actually got Becca a little confused.

Was he smiling to mock her or seduce her? But knowing Leo, he was probably trying to do both.

Leo got off his chair, walked to her and stretched his hand to help her up. " How's that ass?" He chuckled, his hand still outstretched.

Becca rolled her eyes but still took hold of his hand and let him help her up.

" It's perfectly fine." She huffed and roughly pushed his hand away.

" I have no doubt it is." Leo let out another low chuckle and Becca narrowed her eyes at him.

Before Becca could even make it a step away from the crazy grinning man, she felt a smack on her ass cheeks and turned around to look at Leo with eyes widened in disbelief.

Did he just slap her ass?

Leo tilted his head slightly, eyes looking a little calculative which was kinda weird because it didn't match the devilish smile his lips was stretched into. 

He saw the disbelief look on Becca's face and his smile turned even devious, as though it wasn't already too devious at this point.

" Just checking to see if you broke it. We wouldn't want any damages on this pretty little thing, would we?" He hand rubbed the spot he smacked and Becca's face instantly matched the red dress she was wearing.

" It's not little." Becca whined and shot Leo a glare 

How dare he make fun of her ass like that? He didn't even know how much work she had put in her ass. All the legs and butt exercises she had done over the years to get her beautiful peachy round ass and here he was making jest of it. 


" oh, of course it's not." Leo effortlessly lifted the box over his shoulder, tossing Becca a sexy wink as he walked passed her and she felt her ovaries explode. Both of them literally going up in flames.

What the hell was that man doing to her? 

She knew she loved him but sometimes she didn't even have control over her own body when he was around. It was like her body had been possessed by a sex craving spirit.

Well it was either that or Leo casted a horny spell on her because one of those things had to be it.

Becca had never felt this way towards anyone before, not even towards Kai from EXO and he was her all time first celebrity crush while Leo was her first real one. And yet she had been having this weird feeling, a tingle between her thighs that only got worst when Leo was around.

Shaking off the matter, Becca walked after Leo, making the decision within her to try weightlifting more often.

" You can go to work now. Leave everything to me and my men, we will finish it up." Leo said as Becca approached him from behind, his eyes still fixed on his men that were moving the boxes into the truck. Like he sensed her presence or something.

" Okay, but don't you have work as well?" Becca lifted a brow, apparently the only thing she could lift in the place.

" Then I might as well call my boss before he fires me for not showing up to work again." Leo said, the sarcasm clear in his voice as he still had his back to her and Becca shook her head.

She stood by him, smiling at how smoothly the process was going while Leo stood there with his brows knotted in confusion. How could someone have so much stuff?

Becca did have a lot of stuff in her apartment but she wasn't moving it all into Leo's house, just her clothes, documents and some sentimental belongings, while the rest of her things were going to be donated off to one of the orphanages Atlas sponsors.

Leaving Leo to finish up the rest just as he said he would, Becca went to work but not before being grabbed and kissed passionately by Leo who didn't even care if his men were still there or not.

He wanted them to see, to know who she belonged to, so they would know how much she meant to him.

So he would have a very valid reason to snap all their heads if they ever dreamt of messing up when it came her again.

After their sizzling hot kiss, Becca sauntered out of Leo's arms. Pretty sure she was missing half her braincells from their little erotic display of affection.

She went into her car that was parked next to the truck, her chest still heaving from shortage of breath and smiled when she saw Leo waving goodbye at her with big smile on his face.

Once Becca's car disappeared out of sight, Leo's face turn stern, stoic as though he hadn't been smiling a second ago. His eyes closely watching them as the onload the luggages. He couldn't let them do it unsupervised.

Leo's lack of trust in his men when it came to Becca wasn't his fault but theirs. After their little screw up in the past, Leo couldn't even trust them with Becca's luggages, talk more of with her again.

Becca reached Atlas, though quite late, it had been well past nine in the morning but it was still better than how late Leo had made her the other day.

Rolling her eyes at the past memory, Becca walked into Atlas, feeling as though it had been years since she last stepped foot in there.

All it took was an entire day spent in Leo's arms to make her forget she had priorities in the real world. Talk about the strong Italian voodoo.

After receiving both greetings and compliments from her staff, Becca made her way up to her office, bumping into Navaya at the elevator.

" Girl, you okay? You should have stayed an extra day so you can get better properly." Navaya said, her voice sounding as that of a over concerned mother as she put the back of her palm on Becca's forehead and every part of her face to feel her temperature.

" What are you doing, Navaya? I'm not sick." Becca pushed Navaya's hand off her face, giving her an ' are you high?' look.

Perhaps Navaya did have one too many bottles to drink last night.

" But he said you weren't feeling well." Navaya mumbled in a low tone, the confusion she felt clearly showing in her eyes. 

Didn't Leo say Becca was horribly sick but here she was looking as fit as ever.

A frown marred Becca's face. " Who said what?" Becca's eyes questioning as she stared at Navaya whose gaze dropped to the floor, blinking confusedly at it.

Navaya opened her mouth to answer Becca's question but stopped when Leo's voice rang in her head.

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' I would like this conversation we just had to stay between us.' Leo's words flash through Navaya's head and she instantly shut her mouth.

If the rumors surrounding Leo Kane had any truth to them, the least thing she wanted for herself was to end up in his hit list or be other head on his wall.

Navaya shivered at the thought of being maimed and blinked hard out of her thoughts. She looked at Becca, her brain working hard to come up with a lie but someone's voice broke her intense focus.

She looked over Becca's shoulder and saw Kyle walking towards where they stood. Heaving a silent sigh of relief as she watched her ticket out of this mess walking towards her.

" Kyle! It's so good to see you." Navaya squealed, and walked passed Becca to hug Kyle, completely leaving her hanging and her question unanswered.

" Navaya, look at you, as breathtaking as ever. It's nice to see you again after Kristina's wedding." Kyle responded with his thick charming British accent that could easily spellbind anyone. His eyes not only staring down at Navaya, whose arms were still around his torso but also at Becca who had just turned around to look at them.

Kyle's accent might have wielded the power to trap any woman out there but not Becca though. Dating Leo had made her completely immuned to other men's charms.

" What are you doing here?" Navaya asked smiling, silently praying that Becca would forget her unanswered question.

Kyle's gaze returned back to Navaya and smiled " I came to see you and Becca." Kyle answered and his eyes darted to look at Becca again, a weird look flashing through his eyes whenever he stared at her. " Aren't you going to say hi to me?" Kyle asked, his lips widening into a grin.

Back in college, Becca, Kyle and Navaya were one of the things you would call a clique but at the same time they were not. 

They were really close in college, hangout frequently but were still their individual person. There was Kyle, the girl magnet who loved getting high and wasted. 

There was Navaya who was the most social among the three. Then yours truly, Becca, who, no surprise there, was the introverted nerd. A nerd that guys back in college would give anything to date.

On hearing Kyle's question, Becca took a step forward, widening her arms slightly to give him a hug as well but froze when a thought popped into her head. A memory. Leo's words at Kristina's wedding. 

His warning.

Becca snapped out from the daze she was in and looked at Kyle with slight hesitation in her eyes.

She didn't know what made Leo say those words that night or what he would do if she didn't heed to his warning but what she knew was he was dead serious when he said it.

Kyle might have been one of her closest friends but he was still a man and Leo was still the guy who was rumored to make people who cross him disappear.

She wasn't scared for herself but Kyle standing over there was looking pretty hurtable.

Becca dropped her slightly raised arms to her sides and smiled. " Hi" She chose to say with a small wave of her hand. 

" What? No hug?" Kyle chuckled and Becca folded her arms over her chest. " Am I not good enough to be hugged by Becca Ramus herself?"

Becca's lips twitched up slightly. " Of course you aren't. Don't be silly." She joked and Navaya immediately covered her mouth with her hands to silence her giggles.

" Ouch! That hurt, you know." Kyle cocked an amused brow at her and shook it off.

He wasn't offended though, it was a joke. He knew it was.

Becca had always been a sassy thing right from when she was a little girl so he was used to the whiplash he got from her sweet tongue.

" It better or else I would have been afraid I lost my magic touch." Becca giggled.

By magic touch, she actually meant savage mouth.

Kyle opened his mouth to say something but Navaya beat him to it.

" Uhmm Becca, don't you have something to tell me?" Navaya grinned, her ears perking up like wireless antennas to receive the fresh bunch of morning gossip.

Both Kyle and Becca sighed, they knew quite well how much of a gossip Navaya could be.

" It's always gossip with you Navaya." Kyle teased and Navaya rolled her eyes at him.

" And it concerns you how? Don't you have some weed to be smoking by now?" Navaya clapped back hard, ripping a soft giggle from Becca.

It seemed Becca wasn't the only sassy one in the group, Navaya's words pierced deeper than needles.

Kyle gritted. " I told you I quit weed." He said and Navaya shot him a knowing look.

" Really now, what about alcohol? Did you quit that as well?" Navaya laughed and Kyle narrowed his eyes at her.

" I will only quit it when you stop listening to gossip." Kyle retorted and Navaya grumbled, snarling at him.

" It's my ears, I can listen to whatever I want, Skyler." Navaya grunted. They were now hitting each other where it hurts despite it starting as just a playful squabble.

Navaya and Kyle had always been known troublemakers but sometimes could end up causing trouble for each other.

" Only my mother calls me that." Kyle shot Navaya a glare and in return, she shot him one as well.

" Well too bad, Mama's boy." Navaya's mouth today dripped of scalding sarcasm and was ready to go for the jugular to prove whatever point she was trying to make.

Becca, who had been silently watching their bickering in front of her, gasped. Though the sassy comebacks were both brutal and funny, Navaya seemed to be taking things to a personal level.

" Hey you two, enough or else I will never buy any of you lunch for as long as I live." Becca spoke to break up the argument and both of them instantly stopped glaring at each other.

Who cared about proving a point when their future free meals was on the line.

They three spoke some more in Becca's office and Kyle left shortly after for a photoshoot, leaving just Becca, Navaya and her gossip-hungry stomach.

Once Kyle left, Navaya quickly shut the door and excitedly skipped back to Becca's desk.

" We are alone, now spill." Navaya leaned slightly over the desk, her facial expression literally demanding for the gist.

Becca let out a sigh and shook her head. She knew if she didn't tell, Navaya would definitely eat her up, so she did as she was told. She spilled the beans.

Since they were both girls and best friends, Becca told Navaya literally everything. Starting from when she returned to her apartment and saw Leo waiting for her there to the part where Leo asked her to come live with him. Watching how Navaya's eyes slowly widened as she quickly processed all the information she was receiving.

" And you two haven't had sex yet? Not even a quickie?" Navaya asked in disbelief after quietly listening to all Becca had told her.

" No." Becca bit her lower lip, color flooding her cheeks.

" Seriously? After all that happened between you two, you aren't even curious?" Navaya asked yet again in disbelief.

" Curious about what?" Becca asked softly, her face now redder than her dress.

" Lord forgive for what I am about to say." Navaya clasped her hands together and looked at the ceiling. " Aren't you even one bit curious about what he has for you inside his pants. His package." 

Becca's jaw dropped. " Navaya! I'm starting to think it was you who possessed my eyes." She folded her arms over her chest, narrowing her eyes at her perverted friend.

Navaya shrugged. " Calm down, Becca. You aren't possessed, just horny. You are lusting over Leo the same way he's lusting over you. He wants you and you want him as well." Navaya said and noticed how apprehensive Becca face had become, she knew her friend was thinking about it but still convinced she wasn't ready for it yet.

Seeing as Becca didn't want to speak, Navaya carried on. " I know you still aren't ready for it but you two would be living together from now on, sex in this sort of relationships is unavoidable. You two are gonna do it one day and it doesn't have to be rushed. You can choose to take things slow, step by step. Since you guys are passed kissing and cuddling with each other, then moved on to the next step like help him take off his shirt or his belt, something intimate. Touch the bare skin of his body for a change." Navaya lectured and Becca could only gape at her.

' Did Navaya just lecture me about how to start my sex life with Leo?' Becca asked herself in bewilder and giggled softly.

" And you learned all this by dating Ace?" Becca raised a brow and laughed when she saw Navaya rolling her eyes.

" Girl, don't try to piss me off now, okay? And if you most know, I didn't learn shit from Ace. I am a licensed matchmaker now." Navaya stood up straight and walked proudly to the fridge.

" Since when?" Becca asked amused.

" Since I got us that endorsement deal with Trex corp. Since I made you go to blue diamond that night and since I made you look at Leo Kane. So now thank me.." Navaya grinned and Becca did what she was extremely good at, she rolled her eyes.

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