The Mafia's Queen: Entangled With A Psycho.

Chapter 66: Sixty Five: New

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It was 6:00pm, Becca's new time to leave work. She made her way from her office down to the entrance where she stood with her lips parted in awe.

In front of her was the shiniest car she had ever seen. A blue Rolls Royce parked in front of her building and from the way it glistened, one could easily tell it was brand new.

The window wined down to reveal Leo on the driver's seat with a grin. His pearly whites shining so brightly, it matched the glow of the car.

" Is this brand new?" Becca asked in awe, despite already knowing the answer. The car looked like something that was bought a minute ago.

Leo got out of the car and strode closer to where she stood. " Yes and it's for you." He said, smiling as he handed her the keys.

" What? No, I can't possibly accept this. Besides, I already have a car and it's still perfectly fine." Becca quickly refused and Leo chuckled before taking hold of her hand and pulling her closer to the car.

" Let's take it home." Leo chuckled, opening the passenger's seat door for Becca to hop in and closed it when she finally did.

He walked around the car to the driver's seat door and got in as well.

Tossing Becca a smile when he saw her staring at him wide-eyed.

" Didn't you hear a word I said? I can't accept this." She repeated when she saw how Leo easily brushed her words aside earlier.

" I heard you, just chose to ignore what you were saying because you didn't give me a valid reason for rejecting it, my love." He stretched out his hand and caressed her cheeks. " Why? Don't you like it?"

Becca quickly shook her head at his question. " Of course I like it but—"

" Then it's settled. The car is now yours and I don't want to hear another word about it." Leo started up the car and Becca leaned back on her seat, her lips pursed as she stayed silent.

Becca knew she couldn't win against Leo on the matter, not when he was being this unreasonable so she decided to save her breath.

Staring at the car's interior, Becca had to admit that it was one of the finest. The epitome of luxury. Literally everything about it screamed money, lots of it and plus it was blue, so how wouldn't she like it?

She actually wondered if Leo knew blue was her favorite color before buying it. 

Probably not, she never told him. Perhaps he bought the car simply because it caught his eye. Nothing bad in that though, he still had exquisite taste.

Becca turned to look at Leo who was focusing his attention on driving, a small smile playing on his lips as he kept his eyes on the road. One of the hardest tasks to do when the love of his life was right there staring at him, blinking with those sexy lashes of hers.

" Thank you." A sweet smile curved her lips. " For the car."

" Si, you're welcome." Leo responded, seriously resisting the urge to pull her into his arms and kiss her till she became breathless but alas, he was fucking driving.

" What about—" 

" I will have someone fetch your car later." Leo cut her off, already knowing what she was going say and tossed her a quick glance before focusing back on the road.

' Can he read my thoughts or something?' Becca wondered and blinked again at him.

" Okay." She muttered and looked at the window. There was no need wondering about it, it would only give her a headache.

Leo wasn't the average type of guy, Becca knew that. She had noticed it. 

There was just something different about his thought process, the way he analysed things, the way he got angry but Becca couldn't quite put her finger on it. Not that it mattered, she always found everything he did charming.

Even when he annoyed the fuck out of her, she still found him very dreamy.

Talk about being lovesick.

Their car reached the gate to Leo's palace-looking mansion and Becca's jaw fell to the floor.

The gates opened automatically and Leo drove the car smoothly into the vast compound, stopping right in front of the house.

" Welcome to your new home, my love." Leo kissed her cheek and used his finger to close her mouth before she swallowed an insect.

" You got to be kidding me. This is yours?" Becca asked, surprise and Leo nodded.

For someone like Becca who practically grew up in riches and luxury, staring at the palace Leo called his house, she couldn't help being awestruck.

Like who wouldn't be? The place was huge, magnificent, jaw dropping, just like it's owner.

And seeing it in the evening like this with most of the lights on made it look even more flashy than it already was. So grand that even her parent's villa in Massachusetts couldn't be compared to it.

Still marveling at the house, Becca didn't even notice Leo getting off the car or that he had opened the door for her to step out. She was still drinking up its magnificence, wondering how many times she would have to get lost in it before learning her way around.

Seeing as she was still too distracted to even do anything, Leo lifted her up in his arms, bridal style. And sauntered into the house, chuckling when he heard her gasp in shock.

" Leo, I can walk. Put me down." She wiggled, kicking her legs in the air.

" Too late." He made his way further into the house but stopped when he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket.

Still holding her firmly, he used one hand to fish out his phone from his pocket and gritted his teeth when he saw who the caller was.

Reluctantly, he granted Becca's wish and put her back on her feet, signalling to one of the helpers to come over.

" Take her to my room." Leo ordered the woman dressed in a maid's uniform before turning to Becca, kissing her yet again in front of his workers for the same reason as before.

So they would know how much she meant to him and if they didn't want to invoke his wrath, they better treat her with the same respect they did with him.

Becca's face once again matched her dress, still trying to catch her breath after Leo finished devouring her with his kisses and that to in front of his staff.

How embarrassing.

" Your room?" Becca raised a brow, the redness of her cheeks still very much visible.

What happened to their agreement?

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Leo rubbed his thumb over her lips, their faces so close, his breath fanned her burning cheeks.

" Our room." Leo smirked at Becca who narrowed her eyes at him and felt the phone in his hand stop vibrating.

" But we made a deal." She whined, folding her arms over her beautiful chest.

" But I never agreed to anything, my love." He then looked at the helper. " Show her to the master's bedroom."

After a few seconds, his phone started vibrating again. Another call from the same caller.

" Sorry, my love but I have to take this. I will be up there with you in a while." Leo said, walking away to a more private place to answer the phone.

Becca's eyes followed him until he disappeared out of sight before returning her gaze to the maid standing two feet behind her.

" This way, madam." The maid gestured Becca to walk ahead and she did but not before casting her eyes in the direction Leo went in.

" What is your name?" Becca asked, trying to initiate a conversation. She didn't know why she did it, just didn't like how awkward the silence between them was.

" Raquel, madam." The maid answered and Becca stopped in her tracks to look at her.

Remembering how her arch nemesis also had the same name. Raquel Gonzalez!

" Well isn't that a beautiful name." Becca said through her gritted teeth and the maid nodded, unaware of what was going on.

Becca glanced at the maid again and shrugged. She had to admit that she was as beautiful as Raquel. Blonde, just like Raquel but nowhere as bitchy as she was.

It wasn't the maid's fault she had to be namesakes with that bully and with that thought, Becca continued walking.

Her eyes travelled around the place as they approached the grand double staircase. Exquisite decor on both the spotless white tiles of the floor and the walls.

A big chandelier hung above the staircase. Multiple doors leading to different rooms in the house that Becca was yet to explore.

She turned and saw through the transparent glass door that led to the garden and an indoor pool that seemed to be calling out to her.

Ignoring the enchanting sirens of the pool area, Becca returned her attention back to the stairs she was climbing so she wouldn't trip and fall.

From what she saw, the house had three floors. Raquel explained to her that the rooms on the first and second floor were for guests while the rest of the rooms on the third floor except for the master's bedroom have never been used before.

Raquel also explained that staff like maids, cooks and drivers didn't sleep in the main house. They have another building in the compound where they reside. Only Leo and his bodyguards stayed in the main mansion.

Passing several doors, Becca couldn't even remember where the front door was anymore. She might as well ask Leo for a freaking map later.

They stop in front of the massive double door and Raquel opened it, once again leaving Becca awestruck.

The doors led to one of the most luxurious bedrooms she had ever seen in her life.

Becca stepped into the room, her mouth again agape as she feasted her eyes upon the beauty the bedroom possessed.

" No wonder Leo and Johnny are friends. They both have such exquisite taste." Becca muttered under her breath, her eyes still wandering around the large room in both admiration and curiosity.

Her gaze followed every single pattern on the wall, memorizing all the intricate designs of the ceiling, the breathtaking lit chandelier that was hung in the center of the room, the furnitures, everything. Her eyes were literally everywhere, drinking up the sight.

Then her gaze landed on the king sized bed in front of her which for some reason was the last thing she noticed in the room but who could blame her? With a room as magnificent as this one, there were things far more eye-catching than a mattress.

Staring at the bed, Becca gulped as Navaya's words flashed through her mind.

'Sex in relationships like this is unavoidable.' 

Her heart thrashed in her chest and the thought of sharing a bathroom with Leo gave her butterflies. Several emotions stirring inside her. 

Anxiety, confusion, fear. Those things were normal to feel in a situation such as hers but what she couldn't wrap her head around was the uninvited throbs between her thighs while she thought about it.

The way her heart thumped in her chest whenever Leo's naughty hands touched her in the wrong places. Or should I say the right places. 

The way her body begged for more of his naughty touches. The way her nipples pebbled harder at every shameless word that left his lips.

And though it all confused the fuck out of Becca, she couldn't help being curious about it. How it would feel like to have sex with Leo.

A man such as himself would be a delicious treat in bed. Fuck being a treat, Leo was a three course meal. Just the sight of him was filling but his touches, his kisses did nothing but leave you wanting more.

Becca's cheeks burnt at the thought but embarrassed or not, she couldn't deny the fact anymore. 

She was horny and Navaya was right. She had been lusting over Leo, his body, the same body she badly wanted to run her fingers over. To feel every hard muscle on him.

" Uhmm, madam? Are you okay?" Raquel's voice broke Becca's train of thoughts as she blinked hard back to reality.

" Sorry but what did you say again?" Becca asked, tilting her head slightly to one side.

Raquel smiled, she found it kinda cute.

" I asked if you needed anything." Raquel's smile quickly disappeared and her face turned worried when she noticed how flushed Becca looked. " Madam, are you okay? You look flushed. Are you sick?" Raquel panicked and Becca blinked at her before shaking her head.

" No, I'm not. Thanks for bringing me here but that would be all." Becca said and Raquel nodded, turning around to walk out of the room and closed the doors behind her.

Becca didn't move from her spot. She just stood there, frozen. Staring at the bed in front of her and swallowed. 

This was going to be she and Leo's room. That was going to be the bed they would be sharing from now on. They would practically be living like a married couple. 

The thought sent shivers through her, pleasant ones.

She dragged her feet towards the bed, grazing the sheets with her fingers. It was the softest thing she had ever felt.

Slowly, she sat on it. Her feet were killing her in the heels she wore so she took them off and placed her purse on the nightstand beside the bed.. Waiting for Leo to get back from his call.

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