The Mafia's Queen: Entangled With A Psycho.

Chapter 67: Sixty Six: Tattoos

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Leo walked out of the house and toss the keys to the new car he bought Becca to one of his guards to park properly.

Only stopping when he reached a certain distance away from the main mansion and glanced behind him to see if anyone had been following him.

He then glared at his vibrating phone, at the caller's ID that had Damien Fucking Kane written in bold letters. What the heck did the fucker want? 

Damien never called him, he never called anyone when he wanted something, he just mysteriously showed up out of nowhere so why the hell was he calling now?

If you must know, Leo had all his family members on his contact list. Not because he wanted to call to check up on them but to know it was them when they called so he could ignore it. Only his grandmother was truly an exemption from this.

Leo always picked up her calls, he never had time to call but he also never rejected hers.

Frustrated, Leo answered the fucker's call.

" What the fuck do you want?" Leo gritted, already counting to ten to hang up if he saw Damien wouldn't say anything interesting and was just calling to say hi.

But that was fucking impossible. Damien il volpe never exchanged pleasantries, the man was fox in sheep's clothing. A snake. He was always either conniving his way to his goals or blackmailing it out of people.

" Is that how you talk to the person who saved your girlfriend's life?" And here came the blackmail from the devil himself. Damien really was of Kane blood, he never lets an opportunity pass him by without sucking it dry.

" I will fucking talk to you the way I see fit, Damien. The way you deserve to be spoken to." Leo looked over his shoulder again to see if someone was there but there was no one. " Why did you call?"

Leo could practically hear Damien smirking over the phone. " Oh, I had no idea you were busy. I wonder how busy you would have been if I hadn't been there on that horrible night, doing your job, protecting your woman." Damien let out an evil sounding chuckle and Leo's hands tightened around his phone.

Well played, Damien. Hitting Leo were it hurt the most, his ego. Mafioso's pride wasn't just about being made men and working for la famiglia but also how well they provided for their women. How much the cared and protected them. 

A person must first be able to protect the person most dear to him before trying to protect others. 

Accidents do happen but if you really care about the person, you would make sure to minimize the chances of it happening and for Mafiasos, the pressure was more.

Mafiasos were fucking territorial beasts, they were also possessive as fuck. 

It was a deep wound to a mafia's pride especially one of Leo's caliber to have all the resources he had, all the power but yet not be able to protect his woman from harm.

Why do you think Lazzerro was pissed about Leo shooting Helena? It wasn't just because she was his favorite fuck toy but also because Leo shot her in his presence where he could have prevented it from happening.

Leo literally matched into his den with a troop of soldiers and shot one of his own, do you know how it made Lazzerro look?

It made him look like a spineless pathetic old man. A fucking weakling.

" Perhaps you would have been busy mourning or maybe even at her funeral trying not to cry your eyes out." Damien continued the verbal torture and Leo grunted.

" The only funeral I will be attending is yours if you don't shut that mouth of yours." Leo threatened, his eyes burning with reignited rage. 

Leo wanted to be pissed at Damien but couldn't be. All the guy said was true, he did save Becca. Leo would have mourned terribly for her if she had died but the only thing Damien got wrong was Leo attending Becca's funeral.

His heart wouldn't bear to see his beloved in a casket. He would be too busy taking his anger out on the world, burning it down to the fucking ground.

" You love her, don't you? You must really love her. I heard about what you did. How you went berserk and almost killed six of your men but only succeed in putting two in a coma before running to see her." Damien said with a little laugh in his voice and Leo's jaw clenched in anger.

Despite all the taunting and enraging, Damien was careful not to deviate Leo's anger to somewhere else, making sure to channel it directly to Lazzerro's case.

And though he sounded really bold saying all these to Leo, he knew he was only able to do so because Becca survived. If she hadn't, well let's just be thankful that she did.

" Go to hell, Damien." Leo snarled, his face darkened with a deep frown. He didn't even know why he didn't just end the call that instant or why he even picked it up in the first place.

" I honestly wouldn't know what to do if the love of my life was almost killed by one of our family's rival like that. She almost got gunned down for Christ's sake." Damien's voice was now filled with empathy, the fake kind but Leo was too furious to notice how factitious it sounded.

" Well I know what I'm doing to do, I'm sending that bastard to the deepest part of hell to rot." Leo growled.

Damien lifted his eyes to the ceiling, a sly smile curving his lips as he picked up one of the shots of alcohol on the table in front of him and gulped it down.

" You can't do that, there would be fucking war between both families. It would be chaotic." Damien's voice turned opposing, like he even gave a shit. He was too busy being concerned about achieving his own goals to even give two fucks about anything else.

" I don't fucking care. Since when have I ever cared about minimizing bloodshed?" Leo let out a sigh and rubbed his hand over his face. "I should have listened to grandfather and ended that fool's life years ago." 

Lazzerro had never been in Leo's hit list, not until now. Lazzerro had always been Salvador's enemy not Leo's but what he did to Becca tipped the fucking scale.

Damien crossed one ankle over his knee. " You might be the so called mafia king but Lazzerro isn't exactly an insect you can kill just like that. How do you even expect to do that?" Damien signalled one of his helpers to refill his shot.

It was true, Lazzerro Dante might have been an old womanizer but was still one of the richest mafia's in America, automatically making him harder to kill.

" I will do it like I always do. I will make him disappear." Leo's eyes burnt with rage and his brain thinking of a suitable punishment for Lazzerro. " Why did you call?" Leo asked again and heard Damien sigh.

" I called to tell you that the Bellomos will be attending grandma's birthday party and to remind you to be nice. Remember what happened the last time they came over?"

Well that was a lie, the really reason Damien called was to piss Leo off and guilt trap him, to push him to hate Lazzerro even more. So much that he would be willing to end his old pathetic life.

" I know how to handle them." Leo snorted and hung up the call, shoving his phone deep into his pocket.

He gaze travelled to the sky over him, taking deep breaths to calm down just as his therapist instructed.

He had to return to his love who was waiting for him inside and didn't want to show up with a blown fuse or with smoke still coming out from his ears.

After blowing out the last flame of anger inside him, he made his way back to the house. Climbing the stairs up to his room.

His house did have an elevator but he preferred taking the stairs. It took longer and it gave him more time to drop off most of his emotional baggage on the way before reaching his room.

Leo didn't just suffer from poor mental health but emotional instability. 

His emotions fluctuates easily, way too quickly. He could literally be laughing one minute and be burning with rage the next and his anger had always been his biggest problem.

It was just so hard to control when it spreads around his chest like wildfire, burning every single shred of logical reasoning in him.

His anger had made him done crazy things in the past and still had more than enough influence to make him do crazier things in the future.

His anger was so pronounced that everyone in his mafia know how he got angry. Everyone one around him had at least tasted his wrath, even Johnny knew the outrageous things his friend could do when he got pissed.

Right now it was only Becca who haven't gotten the chance of seeing the havoc her boyfriend causes when he was enraged and for the sake of her still loving him the way she did, for her not to see him as the monster he was and not to be scared of him, Leo kept her in the dark. Right now, it was for the best.

Leo got to the door of his room, taking one last deep breath before opening it and the first things that greeted him were Becca's beautiful green eyes that immediately looked in his direction.

Flashing her a sweet smile, he took a step forward and she got off from the bed she had been sitting on, folding her arms over her chest as she narrowed her eyes viciously at him.

" What's with that look on your face?" Leo chuckled, walking closer to Becca and threw his arms around her.

" You deserve this look." She snorted but didn't reject the hug he was giving her. She loved his warm hugs, they were the best things in the world.

He kissed her temples. " And why if I may ask? What wrong have I done this time?" His smile grew wider.

Becca was a breath of fresh air in Leo's life. With all the craziness he dealt with on a daily basis, Becca was like a cold calming breeze blown over the burning inferno inside him.

And plus her pettiness was really cute.

" You don't listen to me anymore." Becca said frowning, feigning serious annoyance.

" Is it about the car or the sharing a room thing?" Leo's naughty hands went to her hips, inching slowly to her ass.

" Both." Becca breathed, her heart thumping at his naughty touches and her legs squeezed anticipating his next move.

' No, Becca! You are supposed to be angry at him, not wishing he would touch you more.' Her mind screamed at her but her body didn't seem to be in sync with it and alas, her body still ended up betraying her.

She looked away from him. Not staring at his sexiness made it easier to stay mad but it didn't stop her from being horny.

" My love, look at me." Leo said tenderly, softly. As softly as his deep voice could let him.

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' Why does he have to call out to me like that? Doesn't he know it's making things harder for me?' Becca thought and squeezed her eyes shut when he started trailing kisses on one side of her face, biting her lip to prevent herself from moaning in pleasure.

Leo was truly a diabolical villain, he knew what he was doing, the effects his actions had on Becca and still did it anyway. 

It was like he was after her soul or something. Standing right there torturing her with his good looks and naughtiness. Seducing her with his expertise. What a devil.

Becca let out a soft moan, unable to hold it in anymore. His kisses on her face and neck were wreaking inexplicable havoc on her body.

After a few seconds of sweet torture, Becca finally turned to look at him. Her face now almost as red as her dress.

" You shouldn't be upset because I didn't allow you to reject the car, it was a gift from me to you. instead of refusing it, you should be thinking about where you want to take it tomorrow." Leo said and sealed her lips with his, sinking his fingers into her hair to kiss her deeper. " I thought you liked it." Leo breathed out when they broke the kiss.

" Don't get me wrong, I love it. I just don't want you buy me such expensive gifts. You already spoiled me with gifts during your absence and I only accepted them because they felt like little pieces of you. But you are here with me now and I don't need them anymore. I have you." Everything Becca said was truly how she felt, the only reason she had accepted all Leo's gifts in the past was because it made her feel he was still with her.

They reminded her of his love, not because of how expensive they were.

He could literally have gifted her a stick and she would cherish it.

Leo, on the other hand, was extremely touched by her words. Though it had been his plan all along, hearing it from her lips like that made his heart swell with joy.

Becca put her hand on his chest, tracing on it with her finger, a silly smile playing on her lips.

' What is my little kitten up to this time?' Leo asked himself, narrowing his eyes playfully at her but still allowed her to continued whatever she was doing.

Swearing under his breath when her hands open the first button of his shirt.

' Jesus Christ, Becca. You are supposed to be angry at him, remember? To teach him a lesson so what the hell are you doing now?' Becca's mind yelled at her but her body which seemed possessed, tuned it out.

Was she really considering Navaya's advice? The fuck, she was. 

Her cheeks burnt hotter and her hands trembled slightly as she unhooked the second button.

Shit! Her heart felt like it was going to explode any second now with the way it was slamming against her chest.

The only thing calming in all this was the scent of Leo's cologne, the way he held her close to him and the love in his eyes as he stared down at her.

All those things gave her the courage to open the third button. The process slow and excruciating for the both of them but at the same time extremely pleasurable.

She was about to reach for the fourth button when Leo grabbed hold of her hands.

" What are you doing?" Leo breathed, a groan stuck in the back of his throat. This woman was killing him. He had only learnt of this naughty side of her on the night of Kristina's wedding. It had taken him by surprise then and was still taking him by surprise till now.

Becca's eyes travelled to the naked portion of Leo's chest and swallowed, catching glimpse of the tattoos on it before returning her gaze back to his face.

" I—I'm helping you with your shirt. I—it looks kinda tight round your biceps, I mean arms." Becca stammered, blinking rapidly at him.

' God, why does my life have to be so awkward? Even when I'm with my boyfriend as well? That's just cruel.' Becca cried silently and Leo let go of her hands, as though beckoning her to carry on with her assault.

Leo knew she was nervous about it, she hadn't done anything like that before. He saw how her hands trembled, though it was only slightly, he still saw it.

But as much as he didn't want her to force herself to do something she wasn't ready for, he still wanted to see how far she would take it.

She wanted to loosen up to him, connect with him in a more intimate level. So who was he to stop her?

He leaned closer and her boobs brushed his skin, setting it ablaze in the process. Their mouths just inches apart. 

Fuck, he wanted her so much.

She wet her lips with her tongue and he let her fingers work the rest of his buttons, freeing the shirt from his belt and pushed it off him. Letting it fall to the floor.

A small gasp left her lips and she trembled as her fingertips brushed over his chiseled chest, his abdomen, tracing his tattoos ever so lightly.

And Leo enjoyed everything about it. From the lust and admiration in her stares to the accelerated rise and fall of her perfect chest. Literally everything.

" I—I'm sorry. I..." Becca retracted her hand from his chest, realizing that she was being weird by touching him like that but Leo grabbed hold of her hand and placed it back on his chest. He didn't mind her touching him.

" It's okay, I don't mind it. My body is yours to touch after all." Leo smiled at her and watched her hands roam around his body, letting her satisfy her curiosity. 

The look in her eyes was both funny and cute. A combination of curiosity, fascination but most especially, lust.

Since she had already been given permission to touch, Becca's hand moved down to his abs, feeling the solid hard eight packs underneath her palm.

Becca had never touched eight packs before, who was she kidding? She had never even touched a six pack. It felt amazing, even more reasons to start weightlifting.

Another shivered went through her when she touched his forearm, tracing the ink on it as well. Narrowing her eyes at the tattoo before looking up at him. Gasping softly when she realized what it was.

" It's me... With angel wings." Becca muttered, blinking away the tears forming in her eyes as she stared at the tattoo on his arm.

" Because you are an angel." Leo kissed her forehead.

" Rebecca Angelina Ramus." Becca read what was written under the angel. It was her full name.

Leo had way more tattoos asides that one but it was the only one that truly caught her eye. How wouldn't it? It was literally her with angel wings and it was beautiful.

Becca was so touched by the gesture, she felt her heart along with her remaining walls surrounding it melting down into a puddle.

A tear drop rolled down her cheek. " When did you get it?" Becca asked, referring to the angel tattoo. Her eyes holding his gaze and Leo used his thumb to wipe the tear drop off her cheek.

" After our business meeting. After I realized I couldn't get you out of my head. It was honestly one of the best things I have ever done in my life." Leo answered. 

To him, it actually was the best thing he had ever done in his life. Having her on his mind, on his body and in his arms was indeed a dream come true. 

Becca's melted heart skipped a beat on hearing Leo's response. Never in her life had she felt so... So loved. So important.

Ever since she met Leo, all he had done was be nice to her, care for her, love her. His deep love for her had always been visible in his voice, his gaze, his actions, everything. Every little thing he did with her and for her was filled with so much love.

But what about Becca, how have she shown her love for him. Yes, I know, she was taking baby steps but still, what has she done? 

While Leo was busy loving her with his whole heart, Becca was still nervous to give herself to him. Still afraid to want him the way she truly did.

Becca's gaze returned to the naked part of his body. " Why do you have so much tattoos?" She asked, curious.

Long story. Stories in fact but Leo wasn't ready to share, at least not yet. " Not what you were expecting, huh?"

" You always wore suits and covered up. I didn't know what to expect. I—I still don't really know what to.... Expect." She stammered and Leo cussed underneath his breath. He was making her nervous again and he didn't want that.

" If you don't like them, you don't have to look at them." Leo suggested and Becca hesitated for a few seconds before shaking her head, her quivering hands resting on his abs.

Becca smiled. " I like them. They are beautiful, dark but beautiful. They look sexy on you." She wrapped her arms around his torso.

" Don't they scare you?" Leo asked, wanting to make sure they didn't, his eyes scanning her for the answer but all he got was her bright smile.

She really wasn't scared.

" Isn't that why you got them? Chicks dig all tatted, scary bad boys." She giggled.

The real reason for his tattoos was way far from what Becca said but Leo didn't try to correct her.

" But not you?" Leo chuckled.

Becca's hands travelled up to his chest slowly. " I rather see the real you." She answered, not breaking eye contact with him.

" Believe it or not, my love. Without the tattoos, I would have been way scarier.

Her eyes narrowed in confusion. " What does that mean?" Becca asked but Leo wasn't ready to answer.. Instead he pulled her into a kiss.

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