The Mafia's Queen: Entangled With A Psycho.

Chapter 69: Sixty Eight: Worse

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Navaya just got off the phone with Becca, who said she wouldn't be coming to work that day.

And to be honest, Navaya really didn't know whether she should be happy that Becca was finally taking little breaks from her stressful work life to enjoy herself or be worried that Leo was slowly turning into a distraction to Becca when it came to her being punctual to work.

Either way, Navaya was still going to miss her early morning gist and a free lunch and it kinda pissed her off.

" Now you have your precious Leonardo, you have forgotten all about the little Navaya you have to feed and talk to." Navaya grumbled while set documents down on her office desk.

" I'll talk to you." A deep voice came from behind Navaya, making her jump. Her heart almost leaping out of her chest as she turned around to see Johnny standing there with the most seductive smirk on his face. " And feed you as well, give you all the food you want." 

His smirk widened into a smile, a wicked one, which meant what he just said or had in mind was definitely something utterly shameless.

Navaya snorted. " How did you get in here? What are you doing here?" She looked him from head to toe and rolled her eyes at his more than impressive black suit. " This time." 

Johnny walked to her couch and sat on it. Crossing one ankle over his knee, the smile on his lips unfaltering.

" My little sister owns this company, doesn't she? Which means I have a free pass to everywhere in the building. You just didn't hear me come in because you were too busy grumbling." He answered, licking his lips as he stared at her in those figure emphasizing clothes she had on.

Her clothes weren't exposing but they still made her look delicious. Probably not as delicious as she looked without them. His balls tightened at the thought.

Nonchalantly, Navaya turned away from Johnny to resume what she was doing before he rudely interrupted her.

" Then you should be in your sister's office now, not here. Besides she isn't going to be here today so you can be on your merry way." Navaya said, still having her back to him.

" I didn't come here to see Becca but you. All my visits had been to see you." Johnny replied and Navaya turned to him, almost bumping into his hard chest.

She didn't even hear him approaching her, the guy was like a fucking ninja.

Seeing as she almost lost her balance from the surprise attack, Johnny snatched the opportunity to wrap his arms around her, in the name of preventing her from falling.

The sneaky bastard.

His tricks were exposed when he refused to let go even after she regained her balance.

" Johnny, I'm fine now. Let go of me, someone might come in." Navaya gritted, smacking him on the chest when he refused.

The guy wanted to drive her nuts.

Johnny leaned closer to her, his breath fanning her face. " On one condition, baby girl." He said against her lips.

The same lips he wanted to kiss until they were red and swollen.

" I'm not doing anything for you and I'm not your baby girl. Now let go." Navaya wriggled, trying to tug his hands away from her but couldn't. 

Seriously, what kind of training do these men undergo? Why were they so strong?

" Do you always have to argue with me whenever we're alone? Why is it so hard for you to accept what we have together?" Johnny asked, moving closer to her until there was literally no space left between them.

Navaya, who dropped her gaze to stare at the floor, gasped. Feeling something hard poke her stomach. 

Her lips slightly agape as her eyes flew to look at Johnny's face, thinking she would catch a smirk on his lips but couldn't find no trace of it. Not even a single sign of amusement.

He was serious and it made her flustered. Her eyes that were now filled with annoyance flickered with an entirely different emotion but only lasted a second before disappearing.

" We don't have anything together, Johnny. Stop being delusional and let go of me, your thing is poking me." Navaya glared, making her ten times hotter than she already was.

" Yes, we do and my dick is only poking you because you make it hard, you always do. You make me do things, Navaya. You do things to me." He whispered, still breathing on her face and kissed her.

Biting on her lip when she refused to open up for him, forcing himself in until she gave up fighting and yielded to the kiss. Her heart skipping multiple beats.

" I hate you." Navaya said, breathless after their sizzling hot kiss and Johnny smirked, caressing her cheeks with his thumb.

" No, you don't. You never have, not now, not before. You definitely feel something for me though but it isn't hate." Johnny responded and was right. Navaya didn't hate him, she couldn't bring herself to. Not after the history they had together in the past.

' You don't hate me, Navaya. You just made a really bad decision in the past but I don't mind. I will make you forget everything. I won't give you up so easily.' Johnny said to himself, staring straight into Navaya's eyes.

He grabbed both her hands with one hand, while the other still wrapped around her, to placed a kiss on each of them but she quickly yanked them back, as though she was repulsed by him.

It hurt. It was frustrating, the woman he did nothing but love for years acted like she detested his mere presence. Avoided him like a plague but he swallowed it down like a bitter pill, not wanting to give up on her. 

Navaya was so special to him that he couldn't even dream of letting her go or loving anyone else the way he loved her.

If only she knew how much Johnny felt for her. If only she reciprocate half the love Johnny felt for her, it was sure to make him the happiest man alive.

" You have no idea what I feel. You know nothing, Johnny." Navaya yelled, the past hurt resurfacing inside her again. She managed to push him a step back but he quickly overpowered her and pressed her body closer to his.

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" Tell me then." Johnny breathed, caging her between her desk and his body. Her heart hammering as she was forced to remain in his hold.

Feeling her blood simmering in her veins, Navaya struggled and raised her knee to his erection but he blocked it with his palm, his eyes never leaving her even once as he already anticipated that type of attack from her.

" Nice try, Navaya. It's almost like you don't want us to have kids in the future." He chuckled and she narrowed her pretty eyes angrily at him.

" Who said I want to carry your children?" She snorted, her jaw twitching.

" You will." His gaze dropped to her heaving chest for a few seconds before returning back to her face. " Sooner than you expect."

" Fuck you." She hissed and his smile grew even wider.

" Soon. Very soon, baby girl." Johnny shamelessly said and Navaya huffed.

Angered, Navaya yanked her hand from his grip, lifted it in the air to slap him but he caught it before it found his cheek and gave it a firm squeeze.

" Careful now, Navaya. I respect you but it goes both ways. If you don't know how to respect me as your man then I will be more than ready to teach you." He snarled, letting out a huge puff of air.

" Teach me? Who the hell do you think you are?" Her eyes huge and her nostrils flaring as she tried to yank her hand from his grip but couldn't.

" The man that would drown you repeatedly in a lake of orgasms while you scream my name over and over again for the rest of your life. The only man that is going to worship this beautiful body of yours. The man you would be moaning under in no time. " Johnny whispered, his voice strained and fucking winked at her.

The man was delusional, crazy, brazen, and unreasonably forceful. We could on and on about his bad qualities that didn't only annoy Navaya but made her feel different in a way she didn't want to feel, especially not for him at a situation like this. 

Navaya's chest heaved, too astonished by her hardening nipples and the throbs between her legs to register his words.

Still flustered by the his erection poking her.

But you know what? Fuck him, fuck the sinful arousal generating image he was painting in her head. Fuck what he was doing to her and fuck her damn body that didn't know this was the wrong time to be aroused.

A shiver ran through her under his unfaltering gaze as he held her still and she soon stopped struggling.

" What? Wasn't the baby you almost had with Nicky enough for you?" Navaya asked, throwing a verbal blow at him in the process.

If she couldn't hurt him physically then she might as well hurt him emotionally.

But instead of getting angry, he smiled. " And I'm sure my late son would have loved for us to give him a younger sibling." He let go of her hands and caressed her cheeks.

Navaya's heart skittered at his words and at his every action but she quickly shook it off, not wanting to make the same mistake she did five years ago when she let his words to get to her. 

When she let his gesture make her head spin but not anymore. He fooled her once already with his love talks, told her that things were going to work out between them. That he would make it work out and she stupidly believed him but when push came to shove, he chose his family.

He chose his company's future over her. How stupid she had been back then. 

Navaya had honestly believed in their so called relationship back then, she had hopes in it before. Why else would she have given him her virginity in the first place?

But all her hopes and believes were tossed out the window when Johnny made his choices and she made hers. 

The sincerity in his voice now and the sincerity in his voice then had all been a scam to lure her into his bed. 

And even though he had actually been sincere, the fact that he didn't do much when they relationship was at the rocks overrides all the touching words and promises he made her because the visible truth here was he didn't love her. 

He never did. He had been only attracted to her beauty, her body, he just wanted to fuck and that was it.

That was how their situation looked like to Navaya, that was how she saw it.

But the question here was why was Johnny still chasing her till now if his only aim had been to sleep with her from the very start? Why was he still concerned about getting her even after he already succeeded in his plans?

Why was he still so afraid of letting her go?

" You are delusional, all this is just a twisted fantasy in your head. It's not real, what you thought and said you felt for me was nothing but fake. A lie." She hissed, her words pouring hot acid into his wounds.

Seeing as her words had done some damage on him, Navaya used her now free hands to break out of his loosened grip and was about to storm out of her office when Johnny caught hold her hand to stop her.

" Is that what you really think? That what I feel for you is a lie?" He blinked at her, pain and anger stirring in his eyes. While Navaya, who was frustratedly angered and aroused by him, frowned.

" Isn't it? Haven't lying and making a fool out of me been the only thing you have done?" She asked in a taunting tone.

Taken aback, Johnny stared at her. Disbelief evident on his face for awhile before his facial expression turned tender.

" I'm not Ace, Navaya." He said calmly, fighting back the pain her words caused him and she let out a bitter chuckle.

Ace might have cheated on her but it didn't hurt much because she never loved him to begin with but Johnny's case was different, in a whole another level.

" No, Johnny.. You're worse."

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