The Mafia's Queen: Entangled With A Psycho.

Chapter 70: Sixty Nine: Old Scores

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Leo took Becca around the house, showing her everywhere that was in use or at least the places he knew she would love.

The first places he showed her were the sauna, kitchen, living rooms, game rooms, green room, the upstairs gym and then his favorite place in the entire house. The place he wouldn't mind being buried in— the wine cellar. 

Containing more than hundreds of bottles of fine wine, Leo's collection was only second to Johnny's.

Becca begged him to show her the other rooms that were not in use. Her reason being pure curiosity but Leo wasn't buying it, she definitely had other motives.

If not why would she seem so inquisitive about other rooms when she already had a room, the one she and Leo shared.

His little kitten was up to something.

Something he couldn't quite put his finger on but still obliged to her request, astonished at her ability to milk a ' yes' from him.

All she really had to do was bat her lashes adorably and stare at him with sad eyes and he was done for. Whatever resolve he made would be flushed down the toilet.

He was being tricked, he knew that but the big smile that always curved Becca's lips and the way her eyes gleamed with delight whenever he yielded to her requests made it all worth it. It made being tricked feel not so bad.

He let her do whatever she wanted, let her explore from one room to another, as many as she wanted while trailing closely behind her like a second shadow. 

The rooms were way too many and she eventually wore herself out. What a cute little thing she was.

Saving the best for last, Leo took Becca to the indoor pool area. He had seen how her gaze often wandered off to it and decided to bring her there.

And watching Becca walk around the place with the brightest smile on her face warmed Leo's heart.

Her eyes that glistened as she marveled at the pool area, shone with nothing but love and admiration when she stared at him. She saw him as an angel, her guardian angel. A good person and not the monster others saw him as.

It was really nice though. The feeling was pleasant, knowing the person you love felt the same way for you. The feeling, almost ecstatic but couldn't change the fact that she still had nightmares of the assassination attempt every single night.

After that horrid night Becca was attacked, she had been having scary nightmares, scarier than what actually happened. In her nightmares she wasn't saved, no one came to her rescue her.

Leo's doppelganger wasn't there in the dreams, just her, the assassin and his gun. The same gun he would use to shoot her but she always woke up after the shot was fired.

Her trembles, the way she shivered with tears gushing down her eyes whenever the bad dream startled her awake, it didn't only haunt her but Leo as well. It taunted him to the core, the fact that he literally allowed Lazzerro to frighten her like that.

The fear she felt was so much, it haunted her dreams. The dreams that should have been filled with him and all the happy moments they spent together were now turned into scary nightmares.

The thought of Becca losing sleep because of what Lazzerro did to her, the way her body shook with fear in his arms at night, all made his blood boil and his jaw clenched in rage as he tried to keep the smile on his face so she wouldn't notice anything.

Becca belonged to him. She was his to love, his to care for and give everything to. Her body, mind, soul and now heart belonged to him, Lazzerro had no right to hurt her. He didn't even have the right to look at her.

If the pathetic fuck had a problem with Leo then he should have taken it out on him like a real man, not Becca. She had nothing to do with it and for that reason, Leo planned to wipe Lazzerro off the face of the Earth on that blessed day.

The sooner he's dead, the sooner Becca finds peace.

Him telling Becca to stay home today wasn't just to show her around the house, he could have done at anytime he wanted. He asked her to stay back to assure him of her safety.

The mission today ending a victory or loss was uncertain, but one thing was certain and it was that the outcome would be chaotic.

Leo needed Becca home and under his protection in case anything happened. He had learned his lesson in the most painful of ways, he always lost her but not anymore. 

She would stay by his side until the heat clears out. She would stay protected at all times, no mistakes would be tolerated this time. Becca moving in with him was to protect her and that was exactly what Leo was going to do but now, now was time for revenge. 

Sweet revenge.

Keeping Becca home that day wasn't hard at all, there were a million and one things to do in that massive house of his. He just kept showing her new places in the house to wear her out until it was time for dinner.

After having dinner together, Leo took her upstairs to their room where they both got ready for bed.

Exhausted, it didn't take Becca long to drift off to sleep and Leo took the chance slip out of bed. 

Leaving Becca on the bed alone, Leo changed out of the sleeping clothes he had on to a all black attire.

Opening the locked drawer of his nightstand, he took out his gun that he kept safely hidden and put it in his back pocket. He glanced at the bed, seeing Becca laying still and sleeping peacefully— that was how she always slept before her nightmares start nudging at her. Scaring the shit out of her.

He sat on the bed, watching her sleep for awhile before placing a kiss on her forehead.

" I won't take long, I promise." He whispered and got off the bed, making sure to close the door gently as he exited the room so he wouldn't wake her up.

He walked downstairs, nodding in satisfaction when he saw all the competent men in his army ready for action. Snorting when he saw Damien standing outside his mansion.

" Why are you here?" Leo asked, walking towards Damien.

" Are you sure about this? Lazzerro might be an asshole but he has a lot of supporters. Supporters that would become enemies of the Kanes if you push through with this." Damien said with his voice laced with worry and concern, the opposite of what he truly felt in this situation and Leo let out a low chuckle.

" Since when have you been the voice of reason?" Leo asked, walking passed Damien to his car.

" Since this little feud between both the families started interfering with our mafia." Damien answered, walking after Leo who halted on hearing Damien's words.

" Our mafia?" Leo scoffed. What a joke. A hilarious one at that. When did the mafia king ever share? 

Leo turned to look at Damien, a taunting laugh stuck in his throat. " When did it become ours and not just mine?" 

" Since I became your underboss." Damien narrowed his eyes, his tone as bold and daring as ever and Leo cocked an amused brow. 

The foolish cousin of his, when would he ever learn?

" And you think making you my underboss was a choice I made willingly? Don't flatter yourself, Damien. It was you being a Kane and the second oldest grandson that gave you that position, you didn't earn it. If it had been all up to me, you wouldn't even smell that mafia." Leo gnashed his teeth and resumed walking to his car that was waiting for him.

He got into the backseat of his car and threw a glance at Damien, expecting to see him fuming with rage but instead saw a sly smirk on his face.

Damien lifted his eyes from the floor and stared straight at Leo, the creepy blue of his eyes making him look no less than a vicious predator.

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Leo gritted, the fucker was definitely up to something but what could it be? What was Damien out to gain this time?

Different questions clogged Leo's head as he narrowed his eyes at Damien, who was now walking towards his car.

" You already know where we are going. Start the car." Leo ordered and his driver obeyed instantly, driving the car out of the compound. Followed by three more cars behind it. Four, if you count Damien's car too.

Leo squinted at the rearview mirror, a frown darkening his face as he saw Damien's car still trailing behind his.

' The bastard wants to tag along, I see.' Leo said to himself and chose to ignore il cazzone's car.

Damien was probably following Leo to make sure he didn't burn down the city in his little quest for vengeance.

This mission could end in the most unpredictable way possible, nothing ever goes exactly as planned in a shootout. 

Anyone could end up getting shot, be it Leo's men or him. It was really hard to tell who would leave without bullet holes on them. But one thing Leo would made sure of before all this ends was to leave at least a hole in Lazzerro's head.

Leo's car reached Lazzerro's villa and smirked at the beautiful sight of it being under attack, gun shots could be heard coming from inside.

Emilio's men had already started the attack, done half the job by taking out most of the Lazzerro's bodyguards, now it was time for Leo to finish it.

His eyes scanned the perimeter, a lot of snipers hidden in out of sight but could still notice them. How wouldn't he when it was what he did in the past?

When he used to kill people for his grandfather in exchange for money. 

He still killed though, not because he had to anymore but because he could. Because he liked it.

Leo got out of his car and strode effortlessly pass Lazzerro's gates like the king he was. Being shot at was almost impossible with the amount of men he had watching his back.

And the first thing that greeted him when he went in was sight of dead bodies littered everywhere on the floor. They were Lazzerro's bodyguards, he was sure.

A smile found on Leo's lips as he walked passed the dead bodies, moving deeper into the house to find where Lazzerro was hiding.

Surely he knew most of his men had been killed and was now hiding scared with his tail between his legs.

The more Leo walked, the more dead bodies he saw. The more his smile grew, especially because he hadn't seen Lazzerro's corpse amongst the rest.

It was good, that was exactly how Leo wanted it. He wanted to be the one to personally sent the fucker to hell. Torturing wasn't necessary in this case, all Leo really wanted was to kill Lazzerro and return home to Becca.

But Leo's smile died when he heard footsteps approaching him. Damien's footsteps. A frown instantly replaced the smile. He almost forgot he had uninvited company.

Walking towards Leo, Damien took out a cigarette case and lighter and lit a smoke while Leo just stared at him and snorted. " Those things are going to kill you one day." Leo said, referring to the cigarette.

" Well something has to." Damien responded and blew out a puff of smoke. " There's nothing else left in this place."

" I haven't killed Lazzerro yet." Leo grunted and Damien took another drag from his cigarette before puffing out smoke.

" Does it really matter who does? He is going to die here one way or the other. Killing him isn't important." 

On hearing Damien's words, Leo glared at him through the smoke of his cigarette. " Killing him isn't important?" Leo shook his head in disbelief. " You don't know shit, Damien. Killing him isn't anywhere close to being enough." 

Leo signalled his men to spread out and drag Lazzerro out of wherever he was hiding.

Twenty minutes barely passed after that and Lazzerro was found and threw at Leo's feet like the worthless old thing he was.

" It's good to see you again, Lazzerro." Leo squatted down to his level and grabbed him by the jaw, feeling him tremble in fear. " What's wrong, Lazzerro? You look scared. Don't you know who else was just as scared as you were?" Leo asked in a voice so calm and cold, it was frightening and Lazzerro shook his head franticly. " My woman was just as scared as you are now, remember when you tried to kill her?"

" I didn't do anything to harm your woman, Leonardo. You can't pin it on me if you don't take care of your woman properly." Lazzerro had the guts to say even at the face of death.

Even at the face of death, the man still had a proud chin and refused to beg for mercy. Not that Leo would even grant him any.

" Do you know that I hold your life in my hands? Don't get me angry." Leo's grip tightened on Lazzerro's jaw, his eyes burning with animosity.

Leo's other hand went to Lazzerro's neck, squeezing the shit out of it.

" You are already angry. If you weren't then you wouldn't have attacked me like this, you are not Salvador. Nor are you Dominic." Lazzerro held Leo's hand that was on his neck, his face now red from the pain and pressure.

" I am not Lorenzo either." Leo chuckled wickedly as he kept strangling Lazzerro.

" I didn't do anything to your woman, damnit! I have done a lot of wrong things in my life but i didn't do anything to Regina's daughter." Lazzerro struggled, running out of breath and Leo loosen his grip a little to let him breathe.

Lazzerro didn't deserve to die so easily. His death should be a bit more gruesome.

Smirking, Leo pulled out the gun in his back pocket and shoved half of it into Lazzerro's mouth.

" Do you know how scared my woman was that night? She still has nightmares of that horrid experience." Leo said, his tone low and chills ran through Lazzerro who shook his head, mumbling things that couldn't be clearly understood because of the gun in his mouth. " You have no idea how long I have waited for this moment." 

Leo drawled before pulling the trigger and blowing Lazzerro's brains out. Blood splatter out of his skull as Leo pushed his lifeless body to the floor and stood up straight.

He stared at Lazzerro's corpse for what felt like an eternity and sighed. " It wasn't him. He wasn't the one who sent assassins after my woman." Leo breathed and Damien almost dropped his cigarette in shock.

" What? How do you know that?" Damien asked, cocking a brow at Leo, whose eyes were still fixed on Lazzerro's corpse.

" Lazzerro might have be a pathetic old man but he never denied his crime. You can almost say he was proud of them." Leo dragged his eyes off the blood gushing out of Lazzerro's head.

" If you were sure Lazzerro didn't do it then why did you still kill him?" Damien asked, disbelief evident on his face.

Leo shrugged. " I already gave Emilio a lot of money and I don't want it to be in vain. Someone had to die in my hands tonight. Besides, me and Lazzerro did have a score to settle, remember? He did set my warehouse on fire." Leo turned around, ready to walk away.

" So all this really wasn't just for your lover, was it? It was just to settle old scores you had with Lazzerro?" Damien shook his head and tossed his cigarette away. " You are just like grandfather."

Leo let out a chuckle despite not being amused.. "Then I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

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