The Mafia's Queen: Entangled With A Psycho.

Chapter 74: Seventy Three: Sin

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Becca stared at him with a cloud of confusion hovering over her but before she could utter any questions, Leo sealed her lips with his. Parting her lips with his tongue to grant him access to devour her deeper and she gladly opened up for him.

Their lips only separating to give them time to breathe but after they got some oxygen in their lungs, they went back to assaulting each other's mouths. With Becca letting Leo to fuck her mouth with his expert tongue, she soon started moaning in no time.

Leo broke the kiss once again and unlocked the car while staring at Becca's flushed face, the only thing he wanted to see for the rest of his life.

The back of his hand brushed her cheek, feathering her lips and her breaths kissed his skin, setting it ablaze.

He got out of the car and carried Becca in his arms as he walked towards the house.

Completely ignoring all the bodyguards that were outside witnessing the scene while Becca pressed her face on his chest in shame, trying to hide herself from the onlookers.

Leo chuckled, his little kitten was just too cute for her own good. She was way more than cute, she was going to be the mother of his future children. Leo had thought about it before, starting a family with Becca but the urge to do so had never been this strong. Not until now.

The thought alone brought his demons to play.

Yes, do it. She is yours now, no one else's.

What the fuck are you waiting for? Claim her as yours.

She is yours, do it.

Do it.



" Can you please put me down, I can walk." Becca said as the entered the house but Leo just kept walking and headed for the stairs.

" Why should I?" He asked, his voice hard and strained.

' Because you make me want to do naughty things.' She said inwardly and let out a sigh, her hands sliding to his back, feeling his hard muscles.

Leo literally kicked open the door to his bedroom. The voices in his head not granting him the luxury of thinking straight and the painful throbs of his cock weren't exactly making things any better.

And the softest of Becca's skin in his hands only drove him crazier.

Walking towards the bed, he placed Becca gently on it and took off her shoes. Groaning when he caught Becca once again leering at his crotch.

Becca dragged her eyes off the fascinating, yet sinful sight. She had no idea when she became a deviant that leered at a man's groin not once but many times, talked about punishments, bras, nipples and moaned like a bitch in heat when she was around Leo.

Only Leo.

She looked into his eyes that had darkened with desire and licked her lips, feeling a pool of arousal between her thigh. The throbbing in her pussy and the stiffening of her nipples in her bra. The nipples he made hard. 

He joined her on the bed, caging her between his two elbows and kissed her. Making her wetter than she already was and she gasped when she felt the hardness poking her through his pants.

" Is that..." Becca started but trailed off as Leo pressed his erection on her stomach, feeling her mind go blank and her pulse racing.

" My cock that you always make hard? The same one you were gawking at awhile ago." He whispered in her ears and Becca bit her lip at the heavy throbs in her core. Her face red as her whole body burnt with both shyness and arousal.

Becca trembled, she was sure she would cum all over herself if Leo uttered another dirty word from that delicious mouth of his.

" Are we... Is it happening?" She panted, her chest heaving as his hand went under her dress and tugged at her drenched panties. His other hand in her hair as he leaned closer to whisper in her ear. 

" You mean me making love to your tight untouched pussy, giving you one orgasm after another until you can't remember your own name, then yes, it's happening." Leo whispered, gently rubbing her clit and Becca moaned his name.

The speed at which his fingers rubbed her increased just as the pressure in her lower abdomen did.

And after several strokes, her entire body tightened as a wave of pleasure washed over her so intensely, it made her toes curl. A climax like nothing she had given herself in the past. His lips still on hers as he ripped out the orgasm from her.

Becca moaned as she hit her peak, cumming hard on Leo's fingers but he didn't stop rubbing her until she released her very last drop.

Her heart pounding in her chest and her breathing haggard as Leo retracted his fingers from her. 

He took his hand out of her dress, his fingers drenched with the evidence of the orgasm he had given her before licking it clean.

" Delicious." He groaned and Becca's lips parted to speak but her mind was too hazy to think of anything. He leaned closer to her and kissed her, letting her taste herself in his mouth.

The rhythm of her beating heart became more regular. More calmer and her eyelids grew heavier with darkness soon enveloping her.

Leo smiled, watching her eyes droop shut as she drifted into an orgasm-induced coma. 

Chuckling as he gently took off her panties and dress so he wouldn't wake her up. Becca was just so cute, all he did was give her one orgasm and she passed out. What would happen when he eventually made love to her?

He unhooked her bra, swearing under his breath as he took it off and his gaze swept through her naked body. Narrowing his eyes at her hard nipples, the same ones she had been taunting him with every single night. 

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Leo balled his hands to fists, fighting the urge to grab one of her hot as fuck boobs and squeeze the shit out of it. He resisted the urge because he knew she was tired. She wouldn't have passed out if she wasn't.

But his treacherous eyes were still glued on her, refusing to move away. Fuck, she looked like sin. Sweet, decadent sin. How could he bring himself to look away?

His cock grew harder as he traced lines down her body with his finger, his balls stiffening painfully. Even when Becca was asleep she still found ways to torture him.

Still staring at her, Leo had to admit that if anyone lived up to their name accurately, it was her. Angelina. She looked so angelic while she slept. So delicate. So perfect. So fragile like a porcelain doll. A naked doll.

The thought of anyone laying a hand on her precious body made his hand itchy for sweet, slow torture.

He arched to milk another orgasm out of her but alas he settled for the one he had given her.

Leo licked his lips, tasting her essence on them as his cock begged to be buried inside her but he ignored it. 

For now.

Leo placed a kiss her forehead but his lips got greedy for more and ended up stealing one from her lips. Just a soft kiss so he wouldn't wake her up, nothing like the hungry ones he gave her before.

The cold air from the air conditioning hit her skin and she stiffened, stirring slightly on the bed and Leo quickly covered her up with the thick duvet. 

Heaving a sigh of relief when he saw her body relaxing, Leo's lips curved into a smile as he kept staring down at her. Again asking himself what the fuck he did so right to deserve a woman like her.

Even with all the things he had been through, the sins he had committed easily outweigh them. 

But here he was with the most precious person on Earth laying in his bed, sleeping soundly as though she knew he would never let any harm come to her. Even the nightmares that haunted her sleep were no match for his protective embrace. 

Reluctantly, he got off the bed and moved to the bathroom to take a shower. A cold one.

Coming out of bathroom, he wore only his boxer short and stalked towards the bed.

He sat on it and a bright smile graced his lips again as glanced at his little kitten who was fast asleep.

Quietly, he laid next to Becca, spooning her and then wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. He kissed her neck and her scent whiffed into his nostrils, making the cold shower he just had a total waste of time.

Leo let out a low chuckle, Becca was going things to him and was so adorable because she didn't even know that she did.

Dawn peeked in through the window and Becca stirred in her sleep. Her hand feeling the other side of the bed for Leo, just like she always did when she woke up but couldn't find him.

Realizing he was no longer in bed, Becca slowly opened her eyes to look around room.

Her eyes still slightly opened as she sat up on the bed but they bulged out with the covers on her fell to reveal her naked body underneath.

Becca gasped and dragged the duvet to her shoulders, her pulse rocketing when she heard a chuckle coming from inside the room.

She whipped her head to the direction it was coming from, her eyes almost falling out of their sockets as she saw Leo sitting on couch staring at her. She blinked, realising her mouth was open and slightly drooling as she gazed at his heavenly yet sinful beauty.

The man was shirtless, again, showcasing his beautiful tattoos and rock hard abs for her to see, or at least in this case, feast her eyes on.

" Good morning." Leo greeted with a smile on his face and Becca squeezed her eyes shut, praying he didn't catch her ogling at him.

" Shit, Leo. You scared me." She opened her eyes and saw him walking towards her but the only things she focused on were his delicious looking tan abs approaching her. 

The woman was truly a pervert.

" No, you weren't. At least you definitely don't look like someone who was scared." He laughed and Becca's teeth stabbed her lower lip. He caught her gawking, he always did. 

He came closer and sat on the bed with her while Becca's grip on the duvet tightened. Color flooding her cheeks as she stared up at him and her blush deepened as his smile turned into a smirk. His shameless eyes looking at the duvet as though trying to see through it.

" I honestly don't know why you bother to cover up, I have already seen everything. Touched it too." Leo said, his hand reaching out for the duvet to tug it down but she gripped it tighter.

" Hey, stop it." She whined. " I'm shy." 

' And also wet. Did we really have sex last night?' She asked herself, glancing down at the covers. She didn't feel any different though. Weren't girls sore after their first time.

" There's nothing to be shy about. Like I said, it's nothing I haven't seen before." He winked at her, making her ovaries quiver.

" Leo... Did we...Uhm do it?" She stammered, biting her lip so hard, she almost drew blood.

She couldn't remember them doing anything. It was like right after her first orgasm, everything went blank.

" Can you feel your legs? Do you think you can walk?" Leo asked and she furrowed her brows in confusion.

" Yes, I think so." She answered, confused and Leo chuckled again before brushing her cheeks with his thumb.

" Then it means we didn't do anything." He leaned towards her while she leaned away until her back hit the bed again and got caged by Leo's strong arms. His tongue darted out to wet his lips as his eyes stayed fixed on her.. " Because if we had done something last night, you wouldn't be waking up now but instead going to sleep."

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