The Magical Girl With Dark Eyes And A Malicious Smile

Chapter 1: Prologue: Mistakes were made

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Prologue: Mistakes were made

The night slowly turns into sunrise as the light peaks through, it wasn’t hard to see that morning had come. In a particular house, inside of a certain bedroom the light sounds of shooting coming from headphones could be heard. Casual cursing, relay of messages between players and toxicity being seen even from across the screen. Its not loud enough to be heard but still very much audible, the person looking at her screen was very focused on her game. She was playing a popular live service FPS game on ranked, there were bags under her eyes showing the lack of sleep that she had, her dull black hair was very messy much like her room which didn’t seem to be of a girl’s. Her honey brown eyes stared at the the cooperation of a team and she sighed that she got paired up with a group of amateurs who she had to carry all the way to victory. 

“For fuck’s sake don’t just run in, wait and let me tell you where the fucking sniper is, you goddam cunt. Haaa?Don’t fuck with me bro I can down this entire squad of mommy’s tits suckers before you could do anything so shut the fuck up and listen.”

She was particularly harsh on the amateurs because they really were getting on her nerves, instructing them was tough too. It was babysitting a bunch of kids who didn’t know their left from their right, it was annoying to be honest. The match was over and now it was time for her to disconnect and begin the next match, the ringing of her phone’s alarm made her sigh deeply she touched her forehead and slumped back into her seat.

“I wish the world could be eternally night time so I could always play games.”

The end of the holidays started dawning on her, she didn’t study much for her entrance exam for high school either. She did not want to go to school, she just wanted to play some more but the eyes of responsibility were looking at her in unusual ways hence she had to go. Ending the game shortly after mentioning it in voice chat she got up from her chair and stared at the high school uniform she had to wear, Minazuki Gakuen was its name and she felt like she was going to have a fresh start there. Walking half naked with only a towel she gets into the bathroom and stares at herself in the mirror, sighing as she brushes her teeth and rinses her mouth before heading into the shower.

“Ah, you’re already awake?I thought you spent the whole night playing video games again Shion-chan”

Her mother mentions as she sees her come out of the bathroom.

“Did you study properly Shion-chan?If you do not pass the entrance exam I have to throw out that PC of yours”

“But I bought it with my own money, you can’t do that. I never go on and break one of your prized possessions do I?”

“Hmm……perhaps I am being too mean to you Shion-chan I am sorry about that”

Shion was very protective of what was hers and would fight tooth and nail for it. She didn’t care much about anything, gaming was all that she had really. Not much good at cooking, being smart wasn’t a strong suit for her however that was compensated by quick wits, she wasn’t that strong either. Shion really was a useless kind of person at least that’s what she thought, she gets back into her room and starts to change.

“Shion-chan I made some breakfast, come downstairs and eat when you’re done”

She didn’t answer her mother, she was already focused on turning her PC off and staring at her phone for the next line up of events. Some late into the night and several early in the morning, the same old schedule she needed to be awake for that. Soon enough she would become gold or even platinum with her kill streak. In between the matches she would play a single player fantasy game she had gotten interest in as of late. It would hone her greater reflexes on both games, wearing the black and red themed sailor fuku Shion didn’t even bother to fix her messy hair after drying it up since that would be a pain in the ass. The thin rimmed glasses she wore made her vision much better hence fixing her slouching posture, she slowly walks down the stairs and heads to the kitchen where her mother serves up her breakfast. Toasted egg sandwich with some bacon in between as well as some coffee, her mother despite being a woman who did not understand technology much nor the internet knew how to take care of her.

“I made your lunch as well, it should be your favorite as well as some leftovers from last night. I hope you enjoy it Shion-chan”

“………Thank you”

Shion says as she puts her plate into the sink grabbing her bag as she heads to the door.

“I’m off”

“Stay safe!”

Shion walks outside and feels the coolness of the morning, the dew is fresh on the ground and the neighborhood has traces of fog in some areas. Looking back home she realizes one thing: She’s left her comfortable world and is entering another. Proceeding forwards she makes her way to school using her phone’s GPS to direct her so she isn’t late.

A stroke of luck isn’t what she had. Not only was the test extremely difficult for someone like her but she had run into some trouble after getting here, the people she did not want to see had also decided to enroll in this school. She could see them from a far distance and her heart shrank for a moment, her fresh start at school life was going to be ruined. If she failed at least she could try again at another school just not here, it didn’t help that no one seemed to notice her presence. This school was rather unique in a way, students did not need to wait long for the confirmation of whether they were accepted or not. It was given right on the spot hence why they all wore the uniform, she wanted to run away from this spot as fast as she could but it seemed Shion had caught their attention through her figure being the odd one out of a group of people who were leisurely chatting with each other. 

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, just go away already you bitches”

She uttered under her breath but they were very keen on catching up with her. She trips and like predators that had been stalking their prey they all pounced on her.

“Weeeeeell if it isn’t Shion-chan!Hello!”

One of them grabbed her and made her stand straight, Shion hadn’t bothered to even learn their names because that was how much she hated these people. The trio smiled menacingly at her.

“I didn’t expect you to be here as well, its nice to meet a friend from middle school am I right?”

To put lightly Shion’s eyes were fairly dim but at the moment it seemed they had darkened and she was just going along with it so they couldn’t hurt her or ruin her uniform.

“C’mon now act happy to see us!”

She put on a visible fake smile for them as the names were being called.

“Sanada Tomoe”

“Tsukishima Mikako”

“Matsumoto Akari”

“Takanashi Shion. Well done on enrolling, we expect great things from you.”

The despair of her spending the next 3 years with these girls was settling in, just how did she pass anyway?How was it even possible?She was supposed to fail given how difficult those questions were. It made the smiles of these girls even bigger filled with unrelenting cruelty they had for her. Their toy(namely her) had joined them in high school as well and it made their hearts filled with joy.

“I guess we will be seeing you later Shion-chan”

They left her alone for now. It disturbed her greatly enough that she did not want to go to school anymore but that wasn’t an option, the responsibility of a school kid was to learn so that they could get a job. It was one of the greatest burdens she had, any prospects she had about school had immediately vanished instead they were replaced with dark days where she could never see the light.

The ceremony ended greeting them into their new life, Shion wasn’t happy at all that was obvious from the way she carried herself into the classroom she was supposed to be. Her thoughts were muddied by fear and she couldn’t stop thinking about it, homeroom passed before she could notice it. Lessons passed the way too and she wanted to immediately leave without interacting with anyone, the clouds had covered the sky reflecting her emotions and soon the sounds of thunder could be heard. Lunch was on its way and she could retreat to the roof where she could quickly eat her food before it rained, she didn’t care about the comments of her being creepy or disgusting all she wanted was just solitude for a small while. A moment of peace for her at least however fate wasn’t that simple waiting for her there were the trio who were also on the roof.

“Oh!If it isn’t our new classmate!Shion-chan welcome!”

It was like they knew the first pair easily crept up behind her and began to push her along like a lamb to the slaughter, the leader of the other two Akari unpleasantly smiled as she ripped her lunchbox from her hand.

“Well well well, this looks delicious. Hey everyone lets eat this as well. You brought this for us right?”


“Haaaa?What was that?Its a yes right”


“Good, lets eat. Oh yeah you can sit right in front of us since you have nothing to do anyway.”

That was the lunch her mother made, it was her favorite food and no one else. They along with their own lunchboxes devoured everything, nothing was left not even a grain from an onigiri. Akari after being done with Shion’s food throws the lunchbox to her, it lands on her head giving a sharp pain for a second.

“Thank you for the food Shii-chan!It tasted delicious, if you are hungry you can ask for food you know”

Shion looked up to Tomoe who brought out something from a plastic bag, it was a sandwich wrapped in foil. Her stomach growls in response to this being shown to her, Tomoe places it on the ground so she could take it.

“Go on take it”


“Its yours”

Shion reaches out for it and is happy for a brief moment but the next crushes all of her hope. Tomoe steps on it spreading it on the ground without a single care, Shion only watches in horror as she does this.

“Isn’t that better, if you are truly hungry then eat it from the floor.”


Her voice squeaks out in pure fear.

“Eat from the remains and then after that lick my shoe clean, we don’t have much time Shii-chan”

“Ahahahahahahahaha you are so mean Tomo-chan!”

“This is pretty epic hahahahahahahahahaha”

She shouldn’t have placed her hopes inside of these ladies, her heart falls as she is forced to eat the crushed food from the ground and proceeds to lick Tomoe’s shoe of the crushed ingredients.

“Thank you Shii-chan!”

“Lets go we are going to be late”

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Shion sits there with dark emotions brewing, she wanted to kill them, she wanted them to suffer, she hated the very world for not saving her from this hell. She got up picking up her lunchbox in silence as she heads to class. She was late for the next lesson due to her cleaning herself, Shion opened the door and was met with disappointed as well disgusted eyes. Why was she late?What was that creepy girl doing anyway? She is soooo disgusting I beat she’ll die alone. That was the message those eyes were sending to her, before she hadn’t noticed but now she did and she wished she never did. Shion felt an emotion rise up from the bottom of her soul, it was the worst kind of feeling that she had ever experienced up until that point. Suppressing it before she did something Shion walked to her seat and looked outside to the now raining world. It was sort of calming her down these people were not worth her time and she had her PC at home where she could play her games. The words of the teacher were slowly becoming gibberish to her, she hadn’t eaten touching her stomach to calm it down before it growled out in class. Class ended and she left the classroom despite the rain still pouring down, for some reason she was quick on her feet and was already at the entrance where she opened her locker to take out her shoes but upon doing so she found her outdoor shredded up with paint marker written words covered on it. These were all insults directed to her, it wasn’t possible to think that those three did all of this alone however a chilling thought had occurred to her. What if they got help from other students who just disliked her then it would be doable, she froze as if the world had become unreasonable. This was what she wanted to avoid the most, her middle school life was filled with this kind of shit and now it was going to be the same here too. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she took out her shoes and quickly wore them before those girls realized she had ran down here. 

With her bag in hand she got into the rain, it was unclear to see whether she was crying or not. What did she do to them anyway?She only existed and yet for one reason or another they targeted her specifically. She was once cheerful in elementary school but now because of her experiences she had dim outlook on life itself. The rain stopped ending her running for a short while, the stares of this creepy girl were getting to her even more than usual actually. She just wanted to be alone for a moment and begins to run again.

The memories of being bullied were flashing through her mind, her head being put in a used toilet, forced to cut her long hair, several bruises she covered up by wearing long sleeves, insults and humiliating acts such as acting like a dog in front of them these were things that replayed in her mind again and again and again. All of it was going to happen again and she was powerless to change it, she couldn’t ask her mother to change schools because it was an esteemed school, she couldn’t talk to the teachers because they would just ignore her, she couldn’t find help in her fellow classmates because they would say she is the one at fault. It was like she was an ugly monster, as if she deserved it. She was just born into the world and wanted to be left alone.

Who knows how long she had been running for but she arrived at an abandoned warehouse, it wasn’t clear why she got here. The drops of the rain were coming in from all areas, she found this place to be comforting. It wasn’t far from her home either, in the center of it was a wet plushie. Despite being a huge stuffed animal fan Shion was drawn to it, she walked up to it and touched it. At that sudden moment the mouse plushie quite literally came to life. It started to stand on two legs before floating into the air, Shion screams as she backs away from it. Was it some kind of experiment?Would she be its first victim?These thoughts were running in her mind as it stared at her and smiled cutely.

“I am so glad to have found you!”


“Wait please calm down, I mean no harm”

Was she supposed to trust this thing’s words at all?Her trust levels were low to begin with, she kept her distance away from it and was very much terrified of it. It looked a bit sad but resumed talking anyway despite her fear.

“I am Aphari, a Celestial Guide coming from the world of Seraph. I’ve been tasked to finding a mortal with magical power and yours is rather tremendous. It helped me recovered from my journey into your world!”

It spoke cheerfully flying towards her as she backed off even more.

“But we do not have much time”

“W-W-W-What do you mean?”

“Magical monsters known as the Corrupted are coming here soon!They’ll devour both you and me!”

“What do you me-?!”

The roof of the abandoned warehouse collapsed as something landed inside, it had the head of a lion, the body of a man, the horns of a ram and snake for a tail. 


Its roar sent Shion sitting on her butt greatly terrified of it. Aphari sat on her shoulder because of her lowered guard.

“We have to hurry!You must transform!”

“Wuh?Haow?I don’t know jack shit!”

“I need to awaken your latent power before it gets us. Please open your heart to me”

Perhaps it was very natural to her but she did all of her light headed joy filled moments were being scanned by it and like a key to a lock a flood of power started to surge from within.

“I’ve done it!What is your name I need to know in order to complete this!”

Shion felt happy for the first time, she stared at Aphari and says her name.

“My name is Shion. Takanashi Shion.”

“I Aphari servant of the Seraph bestow upon you the power of a magical girl!”

Normally light would cover a magical girl’s body and turn her into something very cute and adorable, no this isn’t what happened. Shion was covered by a black light that transforms her very being, the knowledge of all of the magical girls before her was entering her mind, their spells, their struggles, tragedies and most importantly their grueling pain. Instead of light and happy emotions Shion was filled with the excruciating pain of the suffering that these girls underwent, she could relate to these girls who fought for the world. The responsibility, the unfairness, the despair of being thrown inside of it unwillingly because of fate and destiny she could feel all of it. This causes her body to immediately melt into a bloody pool.

“Shion?!Was I mistaken?!She was supposed to withstand it!”


The lion corrupted laughed as it walked briskly at Aphari without noticing the blood pool next to him turning black for some reason. It swung its claws at Aphari but this was stopped by something.


The black sludge like blood which had stopped the corrupted’s attack was now covered in dark light once again, a proper transformation was taking place. Shion was being reborn into the world not as a weak being but as something that could change everything within the blink of an eye. First was the jet black sailor fuku like design for a dress but it seemed sinister with a skull for a ribbon, red lined boots covered her feet, on her hands were black gloves. Her dull black hair had truly turned into a abysmal color that reminded one of a starless new moon sky, her crimson eyes stared back at corrupted. Fear was slowly building up into its heart as this was far more terrifying than just a regular magical girl.


It leapt backwards as much smaller corrupted appeared out of thin air, they all looked like dogs with the faces of humans on them.

“So this is what it is like to be strong huh?I can see why they did it. Now then.”

Shion materializes a scythe with a skull design having a bone like handle that makes her heart leap.


She had a darkness swirling inside of her eyes and her smile was on par of the greatest evil they had ever seen up until that point. She leapt forwards with her scythe in her hands slicing the first corrupted in half, her speed was terrifying as she cut the heads of another two corrupted with great agility she dodged their jaws and claws. She crushes one of the corrupted underfoot with a axe kick before cutting off the limbs of the next one whom she sends flying into a whole herd of them. The impact causes them be sent flying in all directions she sends the scythe into her shadow materializing a weapon she is very familiar with in her favorite game, two pistols. She shoots at the now falling corrupted with increased expertise a first timer to a gun isn’t supposed to have, she transforms her scythe into five knives that she throws at several corrupted who sprint her way. Each piercing their eyes with a loud buzzing sound being heard from them as the knives were then transformed into mini chainsaws, she shoots at the others who come flooding her way. She brings back her scythe which transforms into a large chainsaw, a fairly large one pounces on her Shion teleports towards it and runs the chainsaw in its face. Despite its human like screams she continues to do it anyway.


This was the moment Aphari realized, magical girls often tried killing their enemies in the least painful way as a form of pity. They killed because it was necessary however this was not the case for the magical girl named Shion, she killed because she actually enjoyed it. She loved torturing the corrupted who were victims of dark magic, the way she transformed her catalyst was unnatural as well. Normally one would only have their catalyst in a single form and yet here she was grinding that large corrupted into pile of meat.


The lion corrupted picked up speed as it swung its claws which as a great mistake as she swings her chainsaw into its arm, large amounts of blood come out from its arm. It screams horribly but she is not done as Shion turns her chainsaw into a large bat with barbed wire and nails on it, she goes into a batting pose.


Both knees were broken beyond recognition, she continues to break them even after it begs her to stop. Next she twists the fingers up on this thing in unnatural positions, she walks on its chest accompanied by the sounds of sobbing her grin grows even more sinister. 

“……please……forgive me…..I won’t attack you….anymore”

“Go eat shit”

The catalyst transforms once more back into the chainsaw, she runs it through its chest. The loud miserable shrieking of the corrupted could be heard through out the abandoned warehouse until it was all quiet. This place which was once a serene paradise of solitude was filled with blood and guts all caused not by the corrupted who were known for doing this but the magical girl who was recently born a few minutes ago. Aphari stood there watching this magical girl covered in the blood of her enemies, this was not just any whimsical mistake, this was the greatest mistake in magical girl history. Just as he notices this the energy of the corrupted which was supposed to be purified by her soon comes to her hand but something else is mixed in.


“Don’t you know?This is the soul as well as their life force”

“I know that but why do you have it?”

This was something that belonged to the high leaders of the Seraph clan in order to create new life with it inside of their world. This was why they began the war against the corrupted in the first place, not only because they were evil but because they needed them to replenish their own population. Shion closes her eyes and breathes out.


Aphari rushes towards her to stop the action she is about to do but he is far too late.

“Soul Break”

Shion crushes the soul and its power enters into her body instead with a dark aura surrounding her as her crimson eyes are covered in a pool of darkness. Her malicious smirk grows even more as she stares at Aphari with her transformed catalyst turning into a handgun.

“No one will know of this, no one will even know you were alive to begin with, I will erase the existence of your life. Good bye Aphari, thank you for granting me power now I can live my life to its fullest. Also this is for all of the magical girls who had to put up with the Seraph Clan’s bullshit.”


Shion shoots a bullet at Aphari’s forehead who begins to burn on the spot screaming as it does so. There were many who had the destiny of a magical girl, in fact there was a list of names that was handed out to each Celestial Guide that would make sure they didn’t awaken the wrong people in each age those wrong people would become the current generation of witches. Due to being an airhead Aphari had completely forgotten about it and thus destiny began to run her course. In essence Shion was a witch but in form she was a magical girl gaining the best of both worlds, this was her destiny to write the wrongs of the Seraph on behalf of the countless magical girls as well as her own selfish needs.

“Ahhhhh there’s so much to do ~❤️”

This was the day Shion’s life turned around leading up to days of blood stained cute glory.

Magical girls. They are an existence that is rather common within the world, time and time again they’ve saved the world from the brink of destruction. Their appearance being sporadic with little being known about them except for their cuteness and soul saving heroics. Beings of bright light and sweet personalities willing to sacrifice themselves to save everyone. But that would change right now. A new type of magical girl was born today and she would certainly send all of the world into great chaos.

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