The Magical Girl With Dark Eyes And A Malicious Smile

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Revenge/ Magical Girl With A Shotgun

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Chapter 1: Revenge/ Magical Girl With A Shotgun

Shion sighed as she stared at Aphari’s burning body, this was a precaution for the other magical girls it could create. That didn’t mean that there wouldn’t be other Celestial Guides who would come after this, oh they would definitely arrive sooner or later but she had to prepare herself for that day becoming killing these corrupted and absorbing their souls for herself. To say Shion wasn’t excited would be an understatement she was thrilled by the whole prospect of it all however she needed to do something before that.

“I better head home”

Placing a small invisible barrier with a layer of naturalness around it as for the mess she made it cleaned itself up as she crushed that corrupted’s soul. It was rather becoming rather late, she transformed back to her state before she became a magical girl. She could feel that she was changed, that she was a different being, she had to control herself otherwise this emotion would make her do some really stupid shit like destroying the city for no reason. She held her bag and walked out of the abandoned warehouse, time had passed fairly quickly but it was not that late. This was around the time that students who joined clubs would usually go home on, the crimson dusk lit streets had a certain charm to them, it made Shion feel at ease after a long day of both suffering and revival.

“Excuse me”

“Welcome back”

She finally got back home just in time, the faint smell of curry floating in the air and into her nose. It was rather warm with the sounds of people shouting being heard in the living room. Her mom was watching television, the regular drama show was on and she was watching attentively, she quickly turned her back on it and stared at Shion for a minute. Her eyes were directed at her uniform, her hair and eyes. She was a very observant woman and yet at times was a big airhead.

“How was your first day?”

“How do you know I passed?”

“You came home late and they phoned me to say that you entered successfully”

“It was good”

“Did you join a club for you to come this late?”

“No, I checked them out first. I will choose one later on down the line”

“Good move, anyway I warmed the bath for you, I hope you enjoy”

“Thank you”

She slowly walked up the stairs instead of running like she usually does, stops for a moment before going back downstairs. Shion hugs her mother by surprise which catches her off guard.

“Shion-chan?!What is wrong?Do you need something?Is this a bribe?”

“No, just felt like hugging you”

“You don’t need anything?”

“No. C’mon accept my hug mom”

“………How sweet of you”

She appreciated what she had, after seeing many families destroyed by the Seraph Clan she had come to learn one had to be grateful with the things they had. Shion walked up the stairs once more and headed to her room, she looks at her phone and one of the events was in about 3 or 4 hours away. She turns on the PC and heads to the bathroom where she goes on to take a bath, the thoughts of today’s events were passing in her mind.

“I am going to kill them. Before they kill me”

The bullies were on her list as obvious as that seemed and so many more who contributed to her suffering, but with increased knowledge she gained from her it would have been a bad call in fact it would gain a lot of attention.

“If I murder them brutally then everyone would be alarmed, they would be on the lookout and using the logic of the Seraph Clan fear is what usually brings them into action. I need to master existence erase magic more, as well as get a grasp of my abilities”

It was a good thing that tomorrow was Sunday Shion would practice her abilities and see how far they could go. Shion gets out of the bathroom after dying up heading into her bedroom, it’s still the same and this morning wasn’t a good one. It certainly sent her down the pits of despair and yet deep in that abyss she found power. She didn’t even try to switch on the light in her room, the darkness was comforting and her eyes were well adjusted to all of it. She wears casual clothes placing her phone on the charger before going downstairs to eat food. 

“How was school Shion-chan?”

“It was good”

“Did you make friends in your new school?”

“No. Not yet anyway but I will soon”

“That sounds great its way better than in your middle school, you’re making improvements”

“Oh yes I am”

Shion says with a smile on her face and she was serious by what she meant. Thanking her mother for a delicious meal she heads up to her room as the sounds of plates being cleaned is heard. First were the basics just how much magic had she gained, she knew how to use it on instinct and yet in her mind she couldn’t come up with it as casually as creating a pack of chips from nothing. This was the accumulated knowledge of the girls who were fated to become magical girls and yet she couldn’t summon up that knowledge in her current idle state, in her mind she could feel like a sort of lock in her.

“This is fucking annoying, hmm?What if magic is a muscle that I need to continually use until my idle mode basically feels like the magical girl mode.Partial transformation even.” 

She experimented with this by only summoning the skull hair clips and the gloves, of course she locked her room so her mother doesn’t enter at this precious moment. The lock within her mind loosened up a bit and she felt a tad relieved that this was the case, it was a measure to prevent magical girls from using their powers except for battle against the corrupted. The fucking nerf was real (w).

“Since it’s about match time and I want to sleep my ass off how about I exercise my magical muscle by creating  a clone of myself who will play for me, she should have all of my skills.”

It was the perfect plan and it went along with her daily activities, just because she became a magical girl didn’t mean she would stop being a gamer that is a whole load of bullshit. Focusing on creating a clone from her shadow she had to learn how to control her magic power input on the fly, it didn’t take time to do that and she managed to create an exact replica of herself.



“You know what to do right?”

“Yup, don’t worry, me, I will certainly teach those bitches a thing or two”

“Damn right”

“Feel any different?”

She stood for a moment to search in her mind and it felt like a chain link was removed from her doing this.

“Yes. Let’s work well together me”

“Yup, okay I am starting the match now. You go to sleep you need it for tomorrow”

“Good night me”

“Nighty night”

This was working in her direction and so she slept inside of her bed as her clone wore her headphones and immediately started acting as she normally would with these kinds of games.

“Magic really is amazing, I can’t believe you carried everyone like a fucking chad. A 20 kill streak per match holy shit. Is it that magic actually enhances my normal senses?”

This was the first thing she says upon waking up, sleeping did help a lot hell it even improved her condition. She hadn’t slept for that long since forever and was glad she got some actual rest this time. The chains within her mind were slowly coming off, the emotion of liberation within her soul was very strong.

“We were already good so magic made that which was already good into something perfect.”

“You’re right, this marks the end of the tournament right?”

“Yes, so starting like next Saturday is another one we should become platinum by then. We hit gold yesterday”

“Great news. Good job me. Time to go back.”

She deactivated the spell and it went back into her shadow, turning back to normal however something was different. She could feel way more stronger than before, there was a difference between her from yesterday and her from today. Testing it out immediately she uses telepathy to fix her bed, she thought it would not work properly but it did, down to a fault.

“Okay, simple magic out of the way. Complex shit lets go”

The intention here was to make the energy drink, Red Bell from nothing. Creation magic at its best. This came from the magical girl, Senna who died a brutal death of taking on the curse of her soul being broken in order to save the world from such a fate. That is where she even got the Soul Break Magic, Existence Erasure was based on this. Only traces of her soul existed as her memories so not much was learned from her except she could create anything at will in her magical girl mode. But that was going on a meaningless tangent, the result?She succeeded opening it up and downing it, the flavor was the same too. Today was going to be a big day.

An abandoned factory was the best choice it had more space than the warehouse, she had eaten breakfast and wore a black hoodie and some shorts with sneakers. She was sipping some Red Bell she made for herself, she throws the can away before creating stature made out of concrete. The likeliness was of the teacher who chose to do nothing about it, she leapt at it and punched it in her idle mode. No pain could be felt in her hand as the state cracked, she threw another which made it crack even more. Shion was making progress she kept on punching faster and faster until the face was becoming unrecognizable, the flow of magic was stabilizing inside of her body through its constant use in her daily life. She would be able to pull off very powerful attacks if she continued on like this, she leaps backwards constructing a gun in her right hand. Shion pulls the trigger and focusing mana on the bullet upon firing it, the statue shatters completely upon being hit by it. She redirects the bullet as an attack to her, reaction time in idle form was necessary.

She closes her eyes with the bullet cruising towards her, it passes her for a brief second but her hand catches it and throws it towards the wall. It heads towards her again after making a U-turn and Shion opens her eyes and catches it with ease this time. Reflexes were fast enough to catch a bullet, they needed to be faster than that though but she was satisfied with the result. Now then was speed, how fast could she run without using magic to boost her?At this point the fail safe lock placed on her to prevent her from using magic in her idle state had completely broken and she was able to use magic just as efficiently as when she is transformed. Next up teleportation magic, she visualized an empty harbor somewhere in rural Japan and within a brief moment of mana surrounding her was already there.

“Oh?Wait…..does that mean?!”

With teleportation and possibly flight in her hands that meant she could go buy the snacks she wanted from other nations if she wanted to after her revenge and the death of the Seraph Clan. Shion concentrated mana on her feet getting ready to run something she usually didn’t do up until yesterday.


Shion sprinted on the water and straight into the ocean, she kept on running forwards. She looked down onto the water and a creepy smile was on her face, Shion picked up even more speed as she boosted forwards before teleporting back into Tokyo dropping from a big height. She felt like sky diving and finally did it, bet the other magical girls couldn’t have fun with their power like this. Stopping herself to test flight she was definitely flying with as much ease as moving her body, the ability test was a success. She could do everything she wanted to do in idle mode now that she broke the fail safe lock on herself. The large gallery of spells at her disposal meant one thing.

She leaked out an exceptional large amount of mana so the corrupted to come her direction, the abandoned factory she trained in was the location for this next slaughterfest. And as certain as the sun in the sky the corrupted took the bait, she sat on a crate filled to the brim with guns having a shotgun rest on her shoulder as she watches them come from the ground eating a Pocky as she does so. A particularly big one emerges from the ground, it looks like a snake with the head of a dog and the arms of a crab. The rest of the corrupted’s lackeys are look like the lizardmen from the fantasy game she was playing with snake tails that have dog heads on them.

“Oh?It seems you were waiting for us?How foolish, a human with such power like you would have become a slave to the Seraph Clan by now. How is that you…..hmm?”

You are reading story The Magical Girl With Dark Eyes And A Malicious Smile at

Shion put her index finger on her lips and quickly cut his dialogue because she didn’t want to hear it.

“I don’t care about your stupid hatred of the Seraph Clan, I just want to kill all of you for the fun of it”


“I would like to see you try”

The group of lizardmen corrupted came at her but she had already arrived at their position in a matter of seconds, she aims the shotgun at the head of the first lizardman pulling the trigger as its brains splatter on the ground, the next one’s chest was split open, and yet another’s limbs were ripped off in seconds. This was the moment they all knew they were not the predators in this case, they were the prey. With a devil like smile Shion transformed the shotgun into a chainsaw ripping the arm of the lizardman corrupted who tried to protect himself from this horror only screaming in horror as its flesh is sundered by the fury of the machine that is within it. Shooting the next corrupted with a handgun without even facing it Shion pulls out the chainsaw and turns to the mass that surround her by leaping up into the air she throws it up into the air. 

“Chainsaw Party!”

The spell multiplies the chainsaw and tears the corrupted into pieces with the sound of their screams making a sort of chorus for the suffering that is to come, she moves forwards and stabs the neck of the next corrupted before decapitating it completely using its head as a projectile straight into the other corrupted that is in its way. Two heads are sent flying instead of one as Shion brings back the shotgun slide across the room whilst avoiding the flame based magic they throw in her way, she shoots one preparing to lunge a particularly big one which explodes in its hand. She pumps the shotgun and puts in new slugs within it as she sprints towards the next one. Jumping on its chest and putting the shotgun in its mouth.

“Suck on this. Tell me if it tastes good”


Nothing is left except a headless body taking that as yes Shion directs her attention to the others who have fear written inside of their eyes, right now and right at this moment they truly fear the monster that is her. She moves forwards with a renewed joy as she grabs the tail of corrupted slamming it on the ground before cutting off its limbs with the chainsaw and stomping its head in using the shotgun to shoot at the crotch of the next five that come her way.


The screams of the leader are heard on deaf ears as that is the one thing they cannot do. Her clothes are bloodied which makes her eyes flooded with darkness as her crimson eyes light up under the hood as Shion teleports another corrupted whom she slams into the ground before sawing the head off moving forwards with the shotgun in her hands, in a mad dash she is continuing to shoot the hordes of corrupted who are unable to do anything to her. Alternating between cutting their limbs and blowing them off using the shotgun, she uses the body of another to make herself reach the ceiling.

“Shotgun Heaven”

The weapons in the box break it open and gather around her forming full circle which all fire mercilessly at them, different magic was mixed in the shotguns: fire, ice, acid and darkness. They were all dead only the big honcho was left.

“W-What are you?!What kind of human uses magic in such a form!!You must be a demon!”

“I am just your regular ass magical girl with a shotgun”


It lunges itself at her with swipe of its claws, to Shion this motion looks so slow-mo as she merely jumps on its first claw striking it deep into the concrete before snapping it off using the shotgun. She grabs the dismembered claw throws it to the shoulder of the boss corrupted, it screams out in pure pain but that was not the end. Shion merely walks towards it pumping her shotgun once more aiming at its other arm which she shoots off, this continues as she reduces it to another. Limb by limb until it nothing more than a torso, the whimpers of a dog are heard and yet she feels nothing.


“Shut it”

She blows its head off completely and looking around at the mess she made, Shion smiles at this sight. She used guns to kill them!And it was fun!She taps the shotgun on her shoulder with the next step being clear as day. She cleans herself up after crushing the soul of this corrupted and head to the next location.


Night time had come and she stands on the street light watching the man who was her middle school homeroom teacher walk down the street, she made a clone to go home early so she could catch the time to kill him. Tanaka Hatsumoto, the man who taught them math, a shitbag who was bad at his job. He always shouted at them and never listened to their issues, this was the motherfucker who convinced the other teachers that everything was okay for his own convenience. Shion on cue with the lights turning off using her magic leaps off. Spooked by the sudden outage Tanaka starts walking faster until he stops, with her eyes shining carrying her scythe in hand she walks towards him.

“W-What do you want?!Money I can give it to you!I-I am a teacher I got kids to teach!T-The future you know!”

“I don’t give a flying fuck about the future of tomorrow if you are the one teaching it Hatsumoto-sensei.”

“S-Shion?!What are you doing out here at night?Why aren’t you home?!Sheeesh being scared by a little brat like y-?!”

Maybe because he was angry at her for scaring him or he was that stupid to notice something was wrong but his hand fell down to the ground and then the other right after.


His screaming was music to her ears she continued to walk towards him as tears and blood were leaking out of his body. Matsumoto-Sensei made her pain continue on for 3 years and she couldn’t do anything about it, this was for all of the pain that she underwent because of his negligence. Now on his knees he looked up to her with a new face she had never seen before, one of fear her smirk grew larger as she saw this.

“W……Why are you doing this!”

“Why?You should know why. I suffered because you did nothing. If I were weaker I would have killed myself just like those students were under your care over the years. You could have prevented it and yet you chose to turn a blind eye to it”


She kicked his face whilst restraining her power, she didn’t want to kill him so fast like she would with the corrupted she wanted him to taste every bit of hell that he had inflicted on her.

“C’mon try to tell me I am wrong. You deserve this. Karma has caught up to you bitch and now you need to pay up”

She punches his face in until it becomes a bloody pulp, Shion stands over his body and watches over him with a satisfied smile on her face.

“Needle rain”

Needles penetrate his skin and release a poison that begins to eat everything from the inside out. His screams go from being loud to being quite filled with anguish. Staring at her with a pleading help, no one will rescue him, no one will save him.

“Oh yeah no one will remember you after this, you are going to die in suffering and not a single person will know that you died. No news report. No missing person posters. Nothing. You will be instantly forgotten, isn’t that fun Hatsumoto-sensei?You will die truly alone.”

His eyes deepen in despair as she tells him this because he feels it with his soul.


One last scream was all it took for Tanaka Hatsumoto to not be in this world or any world in that matter, Shion erases even his blood and burns his bag containing school documents.


They were always together perhaps as long as elementary school. The trio who bullied Shion nearly to suicide were having fun in the mall and were now heading home as well. The sounds of the river resonated with the moonlight and yet for some reason it was foreboding, at first they laughed and continued to play around but then everything stopped being fun. This was like the calm before the storm, and they could feel it. Humans do not necessarily have a knack for these kinds of things at times but they do see the signs of something very wrong. Like one meeting a yokai at Omagatoki something was coming and they were not prepared for it.

“This is very creepy”

“I know right?”

“We should have gone out earlier and now someone is stalking us”

“Wait what?”

“Don’t look behind otherwise they will pick up their pace”

“Y-You’re right”

“So what do we do?”

“We split up obviously they can’t catch all three of us if we run fast enough”

It was decided that they would run away and so they did going off into different directions, they were supposed to go somewhere different and later on confirm whether they were alright or not however they ended up meeting up right back where they started near the river.




This was like a horror scenario and they did not want to believe in it, the hood clad figure was still walking towards them. For one reason or another their eyes lit up menacingly as if they were not human, their grin widened upon seeing them frozen by fear.

“Well well well, you bitches really are scared of little ol’ me. I never thought I would see the day.”

Shion’s voice came out of the hoodie, but this person was rather tall, it seemed she worked out as well. So how could that disgusting voice come out of a body that seemed very different from her meek figure.

“Well?Got anything to say?Nothing?Good”

Like a jump scare from a cheap horror film this person came at Tomoe putting something into her mouth.

“This is for yesterday and every other time Tomobitch”

Despite not wanting to swallow whatever was put in her mouth she ended up doing it anyway. Something was growing within her and soon she started screaming as green leaves were growing from her body, soon enough even branches and roots. A tree was using her body’s nutrients to rapidly grow and she was truly becoming a flesh tree, all the others could do was watch on. Akari tried to run away but bit by bit movement was becoming painful as her body was becoming crystallized. 


“Don’t worry I got one for you as well”

Shion chunked her into the river where she began to drown despite knowing how to swim right at the moment she tried to get out fish like creatures began to eat her alive until nothing was left behind. A flesh tree, a crystallized coward and food for fish was what the trio were reduced to.

“I did it…….I fucking did it……I got rid of you bitches once and for all…….ha…haha…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”

They wouldn’t be missed and life would continue on as normal, only Shion’s maniac filled heart relieved laughter could be heard in the night. The existences of those who dragged down the pits of hell were now nil and she could live freely.

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