The Magical Girl With Dark Eyes And A Malicious Smile

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Depravity

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Chapter 3: Depravity

Sayo’s aged appearance over the cute clothes of a magical girl made her just erotic in the end. She had long blue hair whose shade reminded one of the sky after a rainy day and the clouds clearing, she had brightly colored blue eyes with a vivid green lining the outside of her iris. She held a wand in her hand that was her catalyst, it was a stereotypical as one would get with magical girl wands. Her cute clothes were a light turquoise leotard with frills and a ribbon emphasizing her curves whatever pervert Celestial Guide she landed herself with knew what they were doing. The first attack that Shion had to endure were arrows that shot at her mercilessly, merely breaking them or dodging them was the only thing she could do at the moment. This was followed by a huge stream of mana shot at her.

“Ooooh nice shot sis!”

“I am not going to be taking compliments from a person like you”

“Thought as much.”

Shion deflected the next one by directing it to the sky instead of the buildings because that would cause panic not like the total collapse of the car garage didn’t do anything. many people were already out of their houses and wondering what had happened. That was something she could fix than a collection of people losing their lives which would immediately alert the Seraph Clan, she dove forwards clashing with Sayo numerous times before throwing her off.


“That I am!”

There was a mad gaze in Shion’s eyes, she was actually fighting one!She was fighting a magical girl, missile like magic was directed at her making her explode before they reached her using another spell that one of her friends specifically Brilliant Sword Mako used.

“Brilliant Apple Slice”

Her scythe turns into a jet black claymore she send waves of mana filled slashes that break them, next up Shion was locked up in a box. She had given this bitch enough time to seal her in, too bad she was weaker than her. A simple shout was enough to shatter it into many glass like shards, Shion pointed at her with her index finger with a smirk that could kill a person.

“Brilliant Light Whip”

Several black whips stretch forwards to capture Sayo who sets up a barrier in front of her but is too late in avoiding one of them appearing behind her and grabbing her leg slamming her into the ground. Sayo gets back up from the rubble with a serious gaze in her eyes, she wanted to kill Shion for misusing her friends’ powers like this but there wasn’t much she could do about it. She shot at Shion who was now whistling drinking a Red Bell as she watched her rapidly approach her, she throws a punch at her but she dodges that whilst drinking some more. She blocks one of her attacks and sends a kick to her stomach drinking more with a big smile, recovering from this assault Sayo tries to punch her again but that too is dodged. Shion grabs her arm and punches her chest before kicking her face, still drinking her Red Bell placing it on her head. The flurry of punches that happen within the next moment are rapid and hard to keep up with the normal human eye, with a final palm push Sayo is sent flying as her Red Bell is the only thing left behind. Those moves were from Brilliant Fist Yuka and she thought it was cool to flaunt them to her.

Shion finishes her Red Bell and teleports to where Sayo had crash landed, not before making everyone forget about the destroyed car garage and restoring it to how it was before. With her hands in her pockets Shion walks towards where Sayo is and begins poking at the memories of the past.

“Yuka loved kung fu movies, she wanted to be an action star when she grew up. Her skills could have made her into that, everyone would have loved her too. Junko could have been a lovely idol, her voice was so good wasn’t it?Makoto?Excellent athlete sending shockwaves in the sporting world. Too bad they all died right?”


A roar from the fallen magical girl could be heard as she lunged at Shion with a great sword in her hand in dark blue armor, was this her second phase?Shion easily dodged this as well with a roll staring and observing this new furious Sayo. She transformed her catalyst into a rifle which she used to shoot at Sayo who kept on tanking them whilst speeding towards her in terrifying motion. Shion bite the clip off of the grenade she has in her hands and throws it at Sayo who is a bit thrown off by its power, she rushes in at that exact moment to knock her balance away kicking her feet to propel her to fall headfirst into the concrete. Within that moment of her falling Shion sends a power filled axe kick into the ground which breaks the nearby boat into pieces.

“Oto. That was close”

The bitch had dodged that entirely by teleporting away from her swinging the great sword to cut her in half, Shion leapt backwards just in that brief moment staring at her with her eyes slowly drowning inside of darkness having a malice filled smirk that grows larger and larger every minute that passes.

“Brilliant Song Wave!”

“Brilliant Light Wave!”

A blast of noise and great light clash into each other with Shion cutting into her own attack and the sound wave that is sent her way to clash with Sayo who received it right on time pushing her back before using musical note swords that would stab into Shion if they hit. Luckily enough they didn’t even land on her fair skin as she destroyed them with the Brilliant Light Whips, she skips the explosions that Sayo causes by using air bombs and sending a massive sword towards her.

“Brilliant Sword Cherry Impact!”

Sayo erects up barriers to protect her before she turns her great sword into a shield but all of those shatter one by one with her shield being the only protection she has against this attack her friend created to kill one of the witches. Right as she is struggling with the attack a light pink surrounds her.

“Brilliant Light All-Love Aero!”

Both attacks land on her as she could not protect herself against them at the same time, no amount of barrier layering on her skin could shield her from such damage. She lays on the ground with her armor broken still holding her catalyst dearly. Her weakness that she never at once in all of her magical girl career fixed was the reason why she got defeated, she couldn’t handle attacks coming from different directions.

“They lied to you. They promised you that nothing would happen to them, that good would always win. It indeed won but at what cost?You are alone, the only thing that remains are the memories. Did they ever tell you what actually happened to them?”


“Brilliant Fist Yuka was devoured by the worms of that she received when she defeated Witch Ila, they crawled up into every orifice they could enter. You know they ate her from the inside out before her soul gave out and finally extinguished that woman’s evil.”

Her head slowly rises staring at Shion with wide eyes, the graceful deaths of her friends weren’t peaceful, they were in fact brutal sacrifices. Shion sees this and feels her heart jump in joy.

“Makoto?They tore her eyes out sown her arms together and made her run in a field of fire, each time she fell she got burnt until she couldn’t run anymore burning until her soul also gave out and extinguished the witch, Yol’s evil soul. Do you want to know what they did to Junko in the end?”

“……no…..please don’t……I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING MORE!”

“She was skinned alive and devoured piece by piece, all the while screaming. This repeated until her soul just like the others gave out and cleansed the witch, Vok’s evil.”


Her hoarse filled screams could be heard followed by loud sobbing, call it sadistic nature but she wanted to see this beautiful magical girl fall even deeper and all she needed was one push.

“Do you want to hear their screams, see and feel what they felt?I will be a trip that much I can say.”


Sayo gave out a panicked response desperately trying to distance herself however all it took was a touch from Shion’s hand to see it all. Their immense suffering, their anguish filled torture, their unheard screaming, the burning hatred they had against the Seraph Clan. But that was not all, she began to see the terrible fate of all of the magical girls who came before her. The light from her eyes got drained as Sayo began to notice something, something that had been there ever since her friends died.

She truly blamed the Seraph Clan for everything, they took everything from her, her life, her family, her friends. There was nothing left in her life to love anymore. All of these years of solitude were creating a distain, a hatred, pure malice for the Seraph Clan. Now she could see where this girl was coming from, they were the cause of everything, they made all of them suffer for their own convenience and they all needed to taste the same hell that they had made numerous others feel. Her catalyst melted away into black sludge as the girl, Shion offered her hand to her.

“I could give their abilities to you, I pretty much use my own way of fighting. You could become one with them, their souls have been yearning to be with you Sayo. Please do not refuse them”

True bliss!She would be with them always and would restore their bodies and grant them new bodies with enough power!Sayo took Shion’s hand as darkness enveloped her body, her magical girl outfit had changed from being childish to being mature as fitting her age. She was inside of a dark blue body suit with thigh high boots of the same color with a red lining wearing a coat over her body, her hair was tied into a ponytail instead of being let loose, it had changed color to resemble her body suit. Her darkness filled bright blue eyes shined in the moonlit night smiling sinisterly with dark blue lipstick on her mouth. Brilliant Song Sayo had been reborn into something else entirely, she became just like Shion in a sense and could feel a kinship amongst the two of them.

“What is your bidding Leader?”

“Kill the Celestial Guides who dragged all of you into this hell. I am pretty sure that was the first thing you thought of am I right?”

“Yes. It is, I cannot wait to sink them into the bowls of anguish”

“Then do so, I’ve cleared this event from the hearts of people. Lady S go out do your job and cause those bastards from the Seraph Clan some chaos”

“It will be my pleasure, say Leader”


“Thank you for enlightening me”

“You’re welcome Satonaka-san.”

They both had the same devil like grin on their faces and in their eyes dwelt one emotion, that is the desire to see the Seraph Clan fall into the abyss. Lady S leaves the scene leaving Shion alone chuckling to herself in amusement.

“The plan went well, the more vets we face the more we’ll gain an experienced hand on the matter. I’ll need a pseudo-threat for those bitches in the Seraph Clan to divert their attention to, one that will make them feel scared”

Shion says to herself as she quickly repairs the place before heading back home where she would rest for the evening.


The date wasn’t particularly the anniversary for when Brilliant Light came to being but the mood certainly was. The sky was covered over by clouds as if in accordance to the sadness in respect to the deaths of the magical girls who gave their lives to save the world. The Celestial Guides for Junko, Yuka, and Makoto were all here being represented in the following appearances: a pink robin, a small orange monkey and pale blue puppy. Clammy, Dol and Vast as well Mally who was a orange teddy bear watched Sayo’s lonely back, she was the survivor of the death of her entire group. The least they could do was console her, it was something they did regularly from time to time. They would chat about the past, relive those days and smile as they moved on. 

“You called us again to talk about the good old days Sayo-chan?”

Dol says with a question as today was not one of those days, it seemed different somehow as if something changed.

“I miss them you know?I miss everyone dearly. I wish I could see them again”

“What they did was admirable….”

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Clammy steps forward with a sad tone in his voice, they truly were the best people to save the world.

“I wish I died with them, that way I could have been one with them in death”

“That’s not true!They would have wanted you to live on for them, they would hav-“


Sayo snaps at Mally her own Celestial Guide who shrinks back in fear of her voice being raised like that.

“They would have wished to have fulfilling lives!They would have wished to be with me until we die of old age!!What do you understand?!You’ve never lost people so dear to you haven’t you?!”

These words were true and she was right for being angry, all of them kept quiet as she raged right in front of them. It was not all rainbows and sunshines in the end they all knew that and it was her right to be furious at being left alone. Survivor’s guilt was kicking in, any moment from now she would begin crying and they would console her that it was the right thing that they died for the world’s sake like that. But she did not cry like the usual.


Instead she laughed, something was off here they could all feel it. She now turned to face them as she continued to laugh menacingly.


“S-Sayo-chan what is wrong with you?!”

Vast spoke out before the others because of the fear he had in his heart. It was then she removed her glasses and put them in her pocket, staring at them with her eyes.

“I’ve been alone for the last 15 years. That day something within me broke, I lost something very precious to me. The loneliness, the solitude, the inability to make new friends because of the fear of losing them grew. But then something else in there as well.”

Her sad demeanor was now turning into something terrifying and they all stood there to witness it happen right in front of their eyes.

Hating. Loathing. Detesting. Abhorring. Despising. Scorning. Reviling. Disdaining. All of these words fit perfectly what I feel for you four

They all instinctively stepped back in fear, something was terribly wrong with Sayo at the moment and they had to do something about it right now before it grew into something they could not control.

“P-Please Sayo-chan come back to your senses. You are not like this, you are a kind girl and we will help you make new friends and give you a new life”

“I am sane, more sane than ever been in my life. I will simply bring them back, we will be together again.”

“Its not possible for a magical girl to bring the dead back Sayo-chan please stop this line of thought!”

“Who says I am still a magical girl for the Shitty Seraph Clan?”


Sayo was surrounded by an aura so black that they could feel the very hatred that she spoke of, it was filled with overwhelming malice. She truly hated them from the bottom of her heart. That hatred was the source of her evil, she grinned at them.

“My Master, My Leader showed me the fates of my comrades. They died pitifully, what they received instead of glory was torture. They received a suffering comparable to being thrown into the bowls of hell. The magical girls can never win in the end, not even in the death. We struggle for your convenience, in a war that doesn’t involve us.”



Sayo’s roar was enough to freeze Mally in complete fear.

“I see the truth now. I will destroy the Seraph Clan and then I will bring my comrades back, we will live a happy life together. But first I have to drag you down to the depths of hell where you sent them. Transform.”

Sayo transforms as those words are let out she doesn’t appear in her usual outfit as she appears in a something completely different but the sinister nature of it breaks them into action. They at first try to escape but Sayo laughs at them as they fall back down to the ground after hitting the barrier they meet along the way.

“Please don’t run away before I make my new debut as a magical girl. Ready? I am the saint of hatred and depravity, My name is Lady S. Pleased to meet you my dear little Celestial pieces of shit.”

They had no choice but transform into anthropomorphic versions of themselves and fighting her. A pink shot was fired at her but she merely knocked it away with ease before reaching up to Clammy and stabbing him in the chest and slamming him on the ground before stepping on his robin face.

“There’s more where that came from”

A sword swing came from above but Sayo blocks it with a myriad of swords that appear to protect her instantly cutting off the arms of Vast who screams in pain as he drops to the ground. Mally tries to heal both him and Clammy but Sayo points her finger at him.


All the magic that he was supposed to use for healing or even moving at all is stopped as he drops to the ground staring at his friends get defeated one by one. Dol throws a kick at her but she dodges as it is far too slow for her, grabbing his leg she thrusts a knife into it which multiplies and begins to shred his flesh into ribbons. All of them were defeated in a matter of moments from each other.

“I broke the chains that the Seraph Clan placed on me and I am twice as strong as I was in my prime. Their souls are with me, they want you bastards to suffer. Fiiiiiirst is you Dol”

A syringe appears in her hand which she injects into his thigh, what follows is a loud screeching. 

“Yuka was eaten alive so you will be eaten alive too, I whipped up a virus that uses the mana you are based on to turn into microbes that eat everything and just as slowly too with them encroaching on your soul.”

Clammy is rolling around in pure pain and agony as everyone watches on to his suffering. She headed to Vast who was still stabbed in the ground and stabbing his eyes with sharp knives which light him up in black flames whose heat do not go out even after using water or ice magic, the more he actually tries to douse the flames the more they receive an acidic quality to them, he shrieks as he melts on the spot. Sayo stares at Clammy whom she summons a horde of undead monsters with only rows of sharp teeth that they dig into his flesh as they tear him apart.

“And finally you”

“W-What have you done to me?”

“I simply disabled all of your magical capabilities since you are my Celestial Guide”

“You’ve become evil Sayo, there is still time to turn back”

“Little bitch has the balls to tell me that after seeing what I’ve done. Don’t worry I’ve got just the thing, I know what you fear Mally. I know it all too well.”

“Wait…….no… didn’t actually think of that right?!”

“My little Mally is afraid of the darkness, of being alone. And so you will slowly watch as your friends die in the deep and dark abyss where you slowly become into the very Corrupted that you hate so much”


“The Abyss will rip you into shreds my dear, please save the screaming for that”

They teleported into a deep darkness that encompassed them, this was a place that strikes great fear in the hear of Mally. His eyes widen in pure shock staring at Sayo smiles pleasantly at him.

“This home now. I hope you love it here Mally”


“Oh my. A little treacherous shit we have here huh?Well its too late for that. Look at your arm already”

His burning sensation of the darkness slowly entering his arm makes him even more terrified of what would happen when it completely devours him alive.

“Don’t worry I will play everyone’s deaths as well as their screams to you over and over and over and over and over and over again. It will be a grand time. You will be here stuck to watch the fruits of your recruitment and maybe even curse the Seraph Clan who gave you this mission”


“I forgot to mention, I used the magic spell of My Master. It’s called Existence Erasure, you know what that means right?Not even they will know you even died. They won’t even know if you were alive to begin with. You will be alone right here, for a short time in my world but a very long time in this place. Until your soul gives out

Tears pour down from his cute face as he screams loudly into the void watching his body be eroded by the darkness all whilst being forced to watch his friends’ deaths and suffering play over and over again.

The grand vision of this plan was coming together and Lady S was excited to see the look on the faces of the Seraph Clan when they realized their Magical Girl vets whom they used as seniors who would die off after the girls learnt how to become efficient magical girls had broken the chains that they placed on them. 

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