The Magical Girl With Dark Eyes And A Malicious Smile

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Hunting

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Chapter 2: Hunting

Shion sat high up on Tokyo Tower watching over the entire city, this would be the right time to be smoking but she didn’t like the smell all that much and it was something cool to see in video games and movies but not worth doing in real life. Of course she could create magic that would make her smell like roses but she didn’t want to waste her energy on something like that, instead she ate takoyaki while drinking a cherry flavored chuuhai*. It was a beautiful view this was to celebrate the murder of her teacher and the bullies who made her life a living hell. Tomorrow would be a new day as she would start paying attention to having a normal school life.

(*alcoholic highball)

“This shit hits the spot especially after getting on a murder high like that (w)”

She laughed quietly under the taste of the chuuhai, she indulged in this secret pleasure after trying it out in secret without her mother knowing. The things left doing after killing the people on her shit list was learning about the Seraph Clan even more that she was supposed to join to kill the corrupted. A magical girl without her catalyst was weak and often did not know how to operate without one thus it was fairly easy to separate the two from each other. Since Shion was an anomaly in this case, her catalyst lived inside of her residing in her soul hence making her immune to this universal disadvantage. Witches had this high ground over the magical girls as well and that is why magical girls chose to minimize the size of their catalyst into a bracelet or a weapon that they couldn’t lose their grip on.

“And I know just who to give me this information”

That’s right, his existence was erased but traces of his memories remained. Aphari was useful at this point, he was her experiment of whether she could use Existential Erasure or not and managed to do it so no one would know who he was nor use him as a device to create more magical girls. Using the bottomless pit that is known as her magical power Shion would create a Celestial Guide of her own who she would have his existence replace Aphari’s and acquire a treasure trove of information. It was really that simple. Using Aphari’s residue memories as a base she could do it, this was why she placed an invisible barrier over his corpse to secure it from someone discovering it and realizing what took place from her first try of using magic she had yet mastered. As of right now she had looked up the documents for one of the girls she slaughtered a couple hours ago and she really didn’t exist at all, Shion had mastered it to a great degree using Aphari as test subject no.1 and Hatsumoto-sensei as test subject no.2 . It would be a wonderful creation but what kind of animal would it take the form of though?She leapt off the spot she was after leaving her meal and chuuhai there, it would be an urban legend for those who didn’t know any better but that would be a story for another time. 

Shion had immediately gotten home, to be exact she was inside of her room now resting from the exciting night she had with herself. Her clone had arrived home before her thus making her mother feel at ease that she was staying out longer and avoiding a scolding of a lifetime. She slept with a wholesome smile on her face, the delight of sleeping knowing that your enemies have perished is the greatest feeling to experience. But the morning was arriving and that to come to a short halt, she still had to go to school like any other regular student. Yes, she had all of this power to live the rest of her days gaming and being a NEET but she had to fulfill at least that.

The morning sun was slowly rising with the sound of the insulting and shooting being heard lightly in the room, Shion was playing a unranked match against some noobs who wanted to test their luck on the recently Gold player who popped up in the ranks. Of course they couldn’t beat and she overwhelmed everyone with her team but she enjoyed it nonetheless.

“Hey you bitchy whiners maybe instead of crying you could practice more instead of bum rushing me without any coordination and screaming like a bunch of cavemen.”

She spouted out before picking up her phone to see it was time to go to school, she rose from her chair stretching for a bit and jumps up into the air to float for a brief period. She lands on the floor and goes to the bathroom, she turns the knob for the shower using telepathy and brushes her teeth using the same thing. Using magic in her daily life in small amounts like this would benefit her total mana storage in the end. She would be able to do even greater things by just thinking about it.

“Shion-chan?I’ve made breakfast come get it when you are done”

“Thanks mom!”

Shion smiled as she exited the bathroom and went to her room where she instantly changed into her school uniform with magic having already dried her hair. Its messy nature had been changed to be straight and formal, giving a clear view of Shion’s face. She walked down the stairs with her bag materializing on her shoulder, she puts it down on the floor and begins to eat the usual.

“You seem a lot prettier than usual Shion-chan, did something happen at school?”


“Did you perhaps meet a boy you like?”

“Far from it”

“Ehhhhh ~ You’ve grown a lot, my daughter is becoming a woman day by day”

“Quit going on your own little delusions mom”

Her mother seemed to think that her transformation was all because of a boy, she had become a magical girl and the best version of herself. She smiled softly to herself as she finished eating and placed her plate in the sink picking up her bag.

“I’m off”

“Stay safe!”

Shion came out of her home feeling like a new person, she was ready to take on the world. The idea of using magic to head to school ran across her mind but she thought it would be a waste if this turned into a commune, instead she walked whilst creating a extra dimensional space within her bag which she began to juggle fruits and books. Upon reaching the school gates Shion had seen that she arrived earlier than everyone else which gave her a sense of comfort that only people like her would understand. The classroom was silent and uninhabited making her smile lightly as she sat on her seat pulling out her phone and earphones, she would listen to music whilst reading manga before everyone started flooding the room.

“Some peace before the storm of everyone talking”

She put on her earphones and played music opening the first page of the manga, it was enjoyable doing this really. Bit by bit people were coming into the school, besides the teachers who were already here and preparing for their classes she was all alone for the current moment. Almost getting absorbed by the gore filled story she was reading Shion stopped as she put her phone and manga away instead taking out a textbook about world history reading it as if she were a nice and good student. The door slid to reveal a girl her age looking around before smiling at her.

“Good morning Takanashi-san!”

Just who was this bitch?Why did she know her name?Of course she introduced herself in class but she also knew that no one showed interest in her and yet this bitch was right here being all familiar with her.

“Oh?You are studying world history its not really my strong suit but I love learning about new things don’t you think so Takanashi-san?”

Shion stared at her up close and she became even more annoyed by her very presence, she was on the short size and yet had huge jugs on her chest it made her conscious of her own. She had light pink hair and blue eyes wearing the school uniform as properly as ever, she had that obnoxious smile which made her sick to her stomach. If Takanashi Shion was the moonless starless sky then she was the bright sun. Shion glanced at her whilst closing her book.

“I am sorry but who are you again?”

“Ah!I am so so so so so sorry!My name is Yoshioka Mitsuru pleased to meet you again.”

“I would like to set things correctly right at this moment. Please do not interact with me, I certainly appreciate my privacy”


“Thank you”

Shion kept on reading the page she was on and ignored this bitch who was like the polar opposite of herself. Mitsuru became silent with Shion thinking that she would head off to the front row seat but that was far from reality, she sat right next to her. Oh god this is going to be a long high school life, get rid of one problem and another pops up in its place as long as she ignored her she should be fine.

School was mostly trivialized by her excitement over the idea of creating a Celestial Guide on her own, not even Mitsuru in all of her annoyingness could stop that. Shion walked down the stairs with a joyful step and didn’t care to look back at the girl who was looking all sad just because she couldn’t make her of all people her friend. To be quite frank she was cautious of such people because they did end up betraying her with the words “I only did it because I wanted to see your face tear up in sadness when you realize that you had no friends to begin with”, kind and wholesome were all masks hiding the hideous worm ridden faces behind. She knew all too well Mitsuru’s kind, granted it could be just her bias she didn’t care because she did not want to go through that again. Even as that bitch was talking cheerfully with the other girls she was glancing at her from time to time and it annoyed her to a certain extent, Shion then walks in a brisk pace to lose her. She was pretty fast but not fast enough and soon enough she teleports to a nearby roof to make it seem she went elsewhere.

“Tch, you are one nosy bitch aren’t you?Anyway I will make my way to the abandoned warehouse”

Shion begins to quickly move across the roof tops and reaches the warehouse where her awakening took place, she smiles upon reaching it and opens the door. She scans the area of anything that could interrupt this single moment. Nothing at the moment but she wasn’t too sure because she held an unbelievable amount of mana within her body and it was gradually growing, she could feel it within herself. Shion briefly transforms into her magical girl form and creates a small barrier surrounding the warehouse, the barrier itself is made up of hundreds of smaller barriers that weave into each other. 

“Okay then let’s do this then. Celestial Creation”

A forbidden magic spell was made right at that moment, the magic to create Celestial Guides without the authority of the Seraph Clan if one was to be discovered to have this spell it would be certain that the Seraph Clan would come hunting them down. But Shion was well prepared for that moment this magic did not only create a Celestial Guide on its own, it also registered them to the Celestial Guide Registry and Compendium if used by their Corrupted enemies then they would have a field day with espionage and such. Only Shion was capable of using this magic and for now it would have one use: To gather information about that group of fluffy degenerates. Breaking the invisible natural barrier she placed a couple days ago Shion then uses the residual memories of Aphari to form the core that each Celestial Guide had. The core was in the shape of a deep violet star located near the chest, the layer which was its outside, the body that is, was in the form of a black kitten with light purple eyes having a light turquoise collar with a pentagram on it. On its back were a pair of crow wings which gave it an adorable look Shion smiled as she had succeeded

“Your name is Noxil, you are Takanashi Shion’s Celestial Guide from this moment forward”

“I heed your words My Master”

Whereas Aphari had an annoying cutesy voice Noxil had the voice of an experienced mature woman, she was indeed Shion’s type. Shion nodded to a job well done before reverting to her idle state with Noxil turning into an ordinary black kitten with blue eyes.

“Now then I need to confirm something very quickly Noxil”

“Speak My Master, I am listening”

“Are you able to head into the Seraph Clan as you are right now?”

“Yes. My existence has already been accepted in place of Aphari’s as well as false memories inserted with all who were involved with the little piece of- the Celestial Guide I mean.”

“You know you can swear in my presence right?”

“My apologies, it seems several traits of My Master have been transferred to me as well”

“All the more better right Noxil?”


Petting her head as she carried her Shion started walking on her way home. This was an unusual pair to say the least one of them was a creepy high school girl and the other was an adorable kitten being carried by her. It seemed rather uncanny for those who stared at them, but it wasn’t a scene that lasted long as both reached home. Like an ordinary kitten would Noxil meowed making her mother rushed towards the door excitedly.

“Shion-chan brought a kitten home!I never thought I would see the day!”

“Um uh”


“The Shion-chan who was always so nervous in front of animals brought back an adorable kitten home and I am so proud of you my dear!”

She had no issues with animals its just she found them to be annoying to take care of, Shion smiled wryly as her mother took Noxil into her arms.

“Where did you find her?”

“Some box in the street it seems someone didn’t want it”

“Awww the cruel bastard, we will take care of you!Did you give it a name yet?”

“Yeah I named her uh Kuroi?”

“Kuroi-chan welcome to the family lovely to have you here!”


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“Oh my god this kitten is so adorable!!”

Noxil is an excellent actress Shion thought to herself with a sly smile on her face. Now she’s got a good excuse of having her around. Shion took Noxil upstairs before heading off to bath and communicating with her in the comfort of her tub.

「I want you to immediately connect with the Seraph Clan right at this moment. Tell me give me a report when you come back Noxil.」

「As you wish My Master. I will notify you of the multiple Corrupted threats we have in the vicinity.」

「Thank you very much Noxil, you are a big help」

Noxil’s presence vanished from her room, she would be making use of this information that Noxil provided her whilst she was scouting for power fodder that would be Shion’s enjoyment. The hot water was preparing her for the next slaughterfest that she was about to execute all on her own. First eating some food and then she would head to her room, create a clone to play her games whilst she went out to the next location.

The sweet night air was delicious to someone like Shion, she smirked as she looked over the city with her scythe on her shoulder. Several Corrupted were lurking about in the city these were special types that took the form of humans so they could lure humans into vulnerable positions and devour them. The first thing she had to do for this plan was lure all of them into a single place where she could effectively massacre them without being questioned by the people who saw her, an abandoned boat docks was where she leaked a little mana bringing the current Corrupted who were lurking about looking for food to eat to arrive at her location. She had made the lure especially rich for the Corrupted to roll over in pure hunger. Shion waited until the results of her lure were finished and seeing all of the corrupted and their minions arrive at her location. Salarymen, shady door to door salesmen, playboys, ruffian scumbags, hell there was even one that looked like a police officer here. The only thing common about them other than the fact they were Corrupted who used underhanded methods to devour their victims was the confusion on their faces.

“What the fuck…Why are you here?!”

“I was about to ask the same thing to you as well”

“Don’t tell me you smelt that sweet mana from where you were?!”

“I did”

“Same here”

“Whoever has that mana must be a some kind of retired magical girl”

Magical girls can retire?Most of them are not subjected to a horrifying death?There are survivors from the tyranny of the Seraph Clan?Most of the magical girls who Shion took her magical spells from were all tragic heroines who had to endure the brutality of their deaths for the sake of the world, be it becoming a sacrifice to a gluttonous god who would devour the soul over and over again or their bodies being transformed into a creature with only tentacles in its being and feeling every part of it before having a personality death and getting sealed by the Seraph Clan.  Shion loved this new information, it meant that there were others who were still working for the Seraph Clan here on Earth. She would not only take their power but use them for her war, veterans are always needed and they are useful for preventing them from mentoring the new generation of magical girls. Her prey gave her a new form of information that made her gleeful to hear it, Shion sets up a natural barrier without their notice and smirks as she semi transforms.

“What should we- ?!”

The policeman Corrupted was immediately bisected in half mid-sentence, his face showed intense confusion over what had happened as he dropped to the ground of both sides. The other Corrupted tried to escape from the vicinity but that is when they saw they were inside of a barrier.

“Welcome to my little death dome I hope you enjoy it here because you are going to die here”

“Its YOU!”

“Recognize my good works?Then you already know what’s coming next right?”

Without a single word uttered they immediately transformed into various disgusting forms: dogs with human heads, a centipede made out of human limbs to mention the few. Shion didn’t care what form they took as she jumped over the extended tail that crashed into the empty crates that she stood upon after bisecting one of them, she cuts off the tail which sprays blood all over. Not stopping with just that she teleport to where the ugly fusion of a frog and a chameleon Corrupted is and kicks it into the air before pumping its body with lead with her pistols. Without even giving it a chance to land on the ground she leaps up to land on it crushing its spine and killing it instantly, as a way to show the most disrespect Shion pushes herself forward as if its corpse was a skateboard with her catalyst transforming once more. In her hands are chains which she uses to ensnare the next two Corrupted whom she sends flying into the air where they meet the ceiling of the barrier which electrocutes them into deep screams before they land on the hard concrete.

“Someone stop he-?!”

Shion throws a knife to its head bringing it back to herself, fire and ice magic is thrown at her in the form of waves and spears but she nimbly evades these as well using the electrocuted Corrupted as meat shields making their suffering even more prevalent. Throwing them towards the rushing masses she then uses their corpses to have an aerial assault on the Corrupted who are put under heavy gunfire. Some put up shields but those are meaningless as Shion’s bullets breaks those very easily, she grabs a rifle shooting at the ones who escape such and breaks their armor filled skin with bullets that explode on the inside upon hitting. Blood and guts is quickly filling up the place. She changes weapons once more and this time turning into a sharp whip that pierces through the heads of several more. Her smirk grows even more as she sees the fear in their eyes.


“Demon?No no I am just an ordinary magical girl”


“True and for that I will give you a special treat”

She brings back her catalyst which becomes a black mist in her hands, something roars in both her hands the handles are that of hatchets but the blades have been replaced by buzzsaws. These buzzsaw hatchets rev up in chaotic happiness as Shion dives forwards throwing one of them to the chest of the remaining Thug Corrupted who shrieks as its chest is torn apart by the buzzsaw hatchet’s roaring blade. Shion takes her weapon back as she rips its face into a clean two, turning another Thug Corrupted into a decapitated corpse not before long the last body drops to the ground. She throws both to the heads of the next two who leap into the air with fiery magic in their hands, focusing on the next set of Corrupted she cocks up the shotgun that appears in her hand and blows out the brains of the leader with ease as he stands there in pure shock. Shion throws the shotgun up into the air.

“I’ll call this one Buzzsaw Hatchet Ritual”

She dances around the Corrupted who all have their limbs hacked off with their screeching creating an orchestra of pain, not giving them a chance to turn the situation around Shion catches her shotgun which she uses to send the Corrupted who disguised themselves as humans to hell. She taps her shoulder with the shotgun smirking a wide one, Shion is covered in blood as she approaches the last Corrupted who was in the form of a door to door salesperson.

“Well to be honest if I knew that you were a Corrupted scumbag long ago and I had power you would be amongst the first”

“W-Why are you doing this?!IS IT SOME TWISTED SENSE OF JUSTICE?!”

“Justice?I am not doing this because I am just or anything, I am doing this because I enjoy seeing your faces twist in fear and despair.

Evil in its truest form had no meaning. It was massively chaotic and it did not have interest in reason or logic, true evil was pure instinct to those who were natural to its domain. Shion licked the blood that was on her face shoving the shotgun into the mouth of the Corrupted that now looked like a sloth with a big smile. She remembers she did this before with the last one and shifted it to the crotch instead.

“No do-“

Shion blasts its crotch away with ease as it falls into a world of pain, the recoiling bellowing it does are soothing to the ears making her nod as she begins to lops off its limbs one by one before slowly sawing its head as a final goodbye to its suffering. After collecting their souls and crushing them Shion stands in the midst of a collection of corpses, her madness filled gaze becomes serious someone was coming and this person held a significant amount of mana within them. She teleports away from the scene using a remote viewing spell to watch who was coming her way.

An OL* wearing glasses walks in on the scene holding a coffee which she drops immediately upon seeing all of this, Shion wanted to laugh loudly but she had to hold herself in.

“Just what in the world caused this?What did these Corrupted fight against that they would be so dismembered like this?”

(*OL = Office Lady)

The OL had long brown hair tied up in a ponytail with similar colored eyes wearing a brown jacket and her uniform right under. She was attracted to the mana that Shion had leaked out, perhaps she wasn’t as strong as she was back then but she had arrived just as Shion was done killing the last one.

“Hmm?These lack souls?How can that be and I am not sensing any Celestial Guide energy used here, just what is going on here?”

「Noxil give me information on the magical girl vet I am staring at right now」

『Her name is Satonaka Sayo. Official Magical Girl Name: Brilliant Song Sayo. Age 29. Active 15 years ago. She is the last remnant of the Magical Girl Squad: Brilliant Light.』

「I have their memories right here as well as their magic. I am going to enjoy breaking her for a while, revealing the truth to her is going to be sooooo nice. Search up more Magical Girl vets, I need a lot of them.」

『It seems that there are only 3 more besides her in Tokyo ages ranging from 50 to 18.』

「Good Celestial Guide, I’ll give you a treat when you return.」

『I-I am honored.』

Shion stared on the lonely figure of Sayo who was investigating the now disintegrating corpses of the Corrupted she had preserved them using some magic and was trying to figure out who or rather what did this. Putting tracking magic on her that not even a vet would notice right away Shion left the scene just as Sayo gazed in her direction.


It had been 15 years since Sayo was active as a magical girl, to be quite frank she did not want to return to it. She had lost her friends because of it, this was why she didn’t transform not even once. It bore scars that took years to barely even accept, she was all alone and now things were happening again. It was her duty to become a magical girl again to stop it from happening, the incident at the docks were all that she needed to know something was in this city and it was very hungry. She deduced that this thing used human weapons to kill the Corrupted, was it a newborn witch?One with multiple weapons at that?If it was then even she would have trouble handling that one, Sayo was mainly a magical girl who was good at defense although she had some capabilities in combat they were greatly limited. Even more so now after such a long time being inactive, a headache was now knocking on the door of her brain. 

“Is something wrong Satonaka-san?”

“Yes a headache is troubling me”

“I got some painkillers for that, I’ll bring some water too”

“Thank you”

Her colleague offers her help with a nod to the right direction. She sighs as this wasn’t something she had done in a very very long time. She could still transform like in the old days, the painkillers and water come at the right time as she downs both down before going back to staring at the screen of the computer in front of her.

For some reason work was finished early as if time was running along for a special event Sayo did not like things like these, she walked towards the parking garage where her small car was located. All she wanted to do was to go home, upon opening the door everything was enveloped in pink light. Collapsing on her Sayo covered herself with defensive magic, she scanned the entire area for anyone caught up inside of this but there was no one. She had transformed at that point and broke out of the rubble, her gaze was directed to the sky. The energy was clearly evil aligned but what she saw up there was not what she expected: It was clearly a girl with a magical girl ribbon in her hair with a scythe resting on her shoulder.

“Brilliant Song Sayo, it’s time to wake up and open up some old wounds. Take a good look around.”

Sayo leapt up into the air and stared down gasping as she saw the sakura shape that the now collapsed parking garage rubble had formed. This was one of her friend’s signature attacks, she stared back at the young girl who used this spell with an intense gaze. She was not a witch neither was she a Corrupted, every fibre of her being wanted to reject the possibility that she was a Magical Girl. She couldn’t be. Why was she attacking her?And how did she know she was a magical girl as well?

“The past isn’t something that you can easily forget Brilliant Song Sayo. Even after all this time you are still carrying before Junko, Yuka and Makoto’s deaths around”


“Why?Because the Seraph Clan should be destroyed, after all they caused the deaths of your precious friends and abandoned them to suffer horribly”

“No. I will not believe you”

“You better.”

The girl’s smile just like the night sky was dark and filled with unbridled malice, Sayo did not know what created this evil magical girl but she had to stop it at all costs. She dove forwards with her wand in her hand. Sayo did not know that her fate would change that night, neither did she expect it.

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