The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 20: Entrance of the Dungeon

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Ryong asked:

[So what are thou's grand plan.]

"I'm going to steal the dungeon first."

[Predictable.] as Ryong sighed.

I was about to complain what's wrong with it when he interject.

[How dost thou plan on finding the dungeon.]

I keep my mouth shut, and stared at the Keychain.

We stare at each other in silence.

"I'm sure things will work out.HAHAHAHAHAH."

Meanwhile the passers-by all starts staring at me as if I'm some freak.

Hence, the hunt for the Imoogi starts. 

I started the wear the mask at night, and tried ask the wandering spirits around for help.

However most either were annoyed that I disturbed their sleep or they ran from the sight of me trying to approach them. Some spirit animal could talk, they could also be yokai according to Ryong.

Hence I wander around to no avail and rested on the park bench. As I was resting and looking up on the tree thinking how. 

Just then something jumped out of the tree and landed on my face.

"It stinks as hell-!!!" As I yeet it to the vending machine opposite me.

"Human, I heard from the rest that you need information.... " It said in a calculative manner.

"How about we make a deal...." It then slowly reveal itself out.

It's a Racoo__

[It's a Badger.]

[More accurately, a Mujina. Normally like the Tanuki, change form into human to deceive them.]

[Proceed with caution.]

"So what do you want."

"I heard you have been looking for a door. So let's trade, A door for a treat." The Mujina thus points to a direction on his left side.

The direction leads to a mall, and above all the way to the cinema.

"I want that yellow thing inside this case. It looks so fluffy and it smells so sweet."

It's popcorn. The Badger wants some popcorn.

After giving a hefty $10 for flipping popcorn, I gave it to the Raco__I mean Badger.

"Oh my god, it's sweet and salty at the same time."The Badger eats it with puffy cheek, his eyes glowed up in excitement.

"Alright take me there now, and I swear to god if you bring me to a normal door. I'm going to kill you." As I warned him.

"OK, I'm leading you to it. Hold my sweets." He starts leading me to another park as I hold on the popcorn and followed him.

He led me all the way to the edge of the lake.

"Though I didn't managed to see a door. I did manage to smell something inside. It's neither from the spirit realm and this plane. With that I take my leave. Byee."

He grabs the popcorn and scurried to the nearest tree.

"Did I just got scammed?"

[Not entirely, There is a faint energy below these waters.]

Just then I heard an echo from around the trees.

"If you need info again, Shout Muji 3 times. See you!"

And as fast as he came, he was gone in a flash.

As I looked at the lake, it seems what Mujina said was right. There were particles of light seemingly emitting all the way below. It's very faint but nonetheless there's something there.


Within a second, I jumped up on a tree without hesitation and hide.

I eyes below seeing a group of people. Around 4-5 of them.

"F*ck. It's under water?."

"What do we do now Boss?"

"We might need to contact Olympus for help."

"By the time Olympus, receives the message, the other God's champion would have gotten it."

"It's definitely deep, hmm."

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"Quiet, as Poseidon's champion, I can ask Lord for blessing."

A group of rowdy bunch are arguing among themselves on how to proceed on when.

Suddenly someone jumped inside the water.

It wasn't part of their group.

Before anyone react, they panicked.

"Shit, he went in. You two go get reinforcement, the rest let's go."

With that, 3 people from this Olympics group, they all jumped in.

While this was happening, looks like the Japan group's here. Even they have different factions here it seems.

Kazue stood up and said, "If it isn't Inari Okami's champion. What's a minor God's champion doing here."

A lady, stepped out.

A beauty comparable to Kazue. She came in a business suit and other other hand is holding on to a samurai sword.

She look about 18-20 years. She's young just like Kazue.

She also has big animal spirits behind her. Two fox, with cloths wrapped around her. With one holding on to a jewel that is flowing around, another one has a scroll following it instead.

[Ho. Myobu huh.]

Two beauties with big ass animals behind each of them as they stare at each other with their guardian growling each other.

As they were to talk.

Kazue's Inada appears and broke the news.

She paused and face the Girl with the foxes.

"It seems we need to work together for now, Sasaki-san. Olympus and Korean have arrived. Korean is still on its way but looks like Olympus went in already."

The both of them approached the lake and checked it.

Kazue cast some spe, took out a talisman and paste it on herself before jumping in.

Sasaki ate something before she jumped in.

As I stayed around to check how the hell do I go in to the dungeon without drowning. 

Look's like there's weapon clashing coming from my back. 

"Urgh.. Screw it." 

I jumped in the water, hoping for the best.

Inside, due to mask, I had a clear view where to go but the problem is that, I can't hold my breathe that long to last all the way down.

[Grab that.]

I looked around and saw a couple of moss sticking out. I grabbed it and look at it.

[Now eat it.]

I stopped and was about to complain how filthy it was, but I was drowning.

With no option. I ate it.

To my surprise, I was able to swim freely without needing air. 

Somehow I was breathing underwater.

Thus I stopped and made my way to the Dungeon portal. Jumping through it.

When I pass through the portal. Suddenly I was falling. Because I couldn't react properly to the situation. I panicked and closed my eyes shouting.

Then I landed on the ground?

 My head hit onto something soft. It seemed like something cushion the impact of my fall. 

I looked down.

It was Sasaki, unconscious. Looks like her butt cushioned my fall.

As I got up and was preparing to sneak away. 

"You there. Who are you! You fiend how dare you lay your hands on me." She yells using her hand to cover her butt while blushing in bright red.

As she say that, she unsheathe her sword and points it at me.


"Get yourself ready."

Suddenly the entire atmosphere turns cold. I started shivering. I looked at her and is pretty sure I'm getting bad vibes from her.

[Look's like it's your first opponent who could emit bloodlust.] Ryong spoke with a hearty laughter.

[Have fun.]

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