The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 19: The Break

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With the duel ending with Chief of BugBears. I managed to get what I need from the BugBears.

Since I couldn't get all of them to leave the mountain valleys.

I got them to allow anyone related to me to pass without any issues at all.

All they had to do is just show anythingb with a sigil of my name Red written in Chinese and pronounce said word, and they will be able to pass.

This will ensure safety from both sides that we would not violate each other's privacy.

I also managed to be able to get the trophys that all Chief has collected so far. 

However since most of the weapons were already broken or beyond repair due to Chief's rampage and an armour would also kinda draw attention, I sighed and prepared to leave.

[I suggest thou get that.]

I look around trying to see what he was talking about.

[There, thou idiot.]

I honestly think, I might have been a bad influence for Ryong.

It was a bow. 

Though the bow didn't have any stings on it. Maybe it's broken or something. 

[This will be helpful in thy future.]


As I grabbed the bow, it disappears into thin air.

[I'll keep it for thou.]


But Ryong wasn't done. Like a grandma shopping, he took his time choosing some armour and weapons as well, and kept them all with him.

After the exchange, I just made my way back to Kobold Village.

As soon as I reached the Kobold Village, Luck ran full speed ahead and headbutt my stomach. 

I cried in pain while Sab and Trek both laugh with tears coming out again.

Slowly I explained to them what happened when I was at the BugBear's territory.

Before I speak about how they had to get pass the mountain valley with the sigil.

Ryong prompt me, saying:

[Here, these are for them.]

It was the armour and weapons that he chose previously.

For Sab, he picked out a small armour and helmet, with shield and short sword.

For Trek, due to him being slightly taller, he got him a Medium armour for protection. He didn't get Trek any weapon due to Trek still using their father's spear.

For Luck, he got her a leather armour that is adjustable.For weapon, I was still kinda puzzle but he got her a pair of gauntlets and greaves? Well as long as she's happy, I guess.

From there, I wrote the word Red in Chinese on their Armour as a Sigil. With this, they can finally go out to get what they need for their homes.

"Pleaseeeee. Don't leaveeeeee....." Luck sobs, tugging on to my shirt.

"Take care now." Sab added on.

As Luck blows her snot all over my shirt. Trek replied:

"Thank you for every thing. We'll wait for your return again."

"I'll be back when I have time." I said, smiling.

I kneel down and pet on Luck's head again.

"I'll bring delicious food over."

"You Pwomise?" She looks at me with those puppies eyes.

"I promise." Giving her a pink promise.

With that I hoped back on to the portal and returned.

I looked at the calendar. I was in the Kobold Village for at least 3 months?

Only 6 days have passed by here. Thank goodness, it was the holiday period.

With less than 5 days until the start of school. I started to lie on my bed, drifting to wonderland.

The remaing days was spent going out with Kelson and company as well as spending with my family.

Hannah dragged our to the gym to train. I had enough fighting for days already so I just stayed behind and laugh at the rest suffering. Chase puked out all his Korean food and Kelson got cramps while doing squats.

I went to check on my brothers over the weekends as my parents went to have their honeymoon.

Ryong watches the TV when I'm not home. Seems like he picked up this era's speech. Mostly.

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Overall, it was a pretty relaxing break.

Thus the vacation period ended and school starts again.

Pretty refresh to see so many animal spirits gathering in one spot.

Until a black coat of fur passed by me.

Seeing it, my blood started to boil in rage. 

[Calm thyself down. I already masked your scent for you. Dost Thou want her to find thy identity?]

I calmed down and continued sitting down in the cafeteria. Not realising Jun Hao stolen all my side dish from my meal.

I got more agitated as the day goes by, with her appearing everywhere I go.

After a long day waited. At last, I found her alone in the school fountain. I hid in a spot nearby, accessing my inventory (Thanks to Ryong), pick up a throwing knife and was about to fling it at her already when...

Suddenly someone appeared right infront of her, bowing down to her. Wearing something that can only be described as a ninja. She started speaking to her.

"My apologies, Abe-Sama. We still need time to find the dungeon."

"I told you already, call me Inada here. The other factions can't find out that I'm here." She warns her attendant.

They are speaking in Japanese, but thanks to Ryong, anything's possible I guess.

"My apologies, Inada-Sama. But I am not allowed to disrespect the champion of Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto."

"One of her Champions, you mean."


"Who dat?" I asked.

[A major goddess from Japan's Shinto Religion. She's the goddess of the dawn, mirth, meditation and arts.]

[She's incredibly powerful, but her husband is even stronger.]

"Gods are involved huh..."

[Then in that case, that child is really special.]

"Huh, why? She's just a 2 face who acts nice outside but has a twisted personality. "

[On top of being one of Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto's champion. She happens to be the descendant of Abe no Semei. There's a high chance she was still hiding her power when thou fought her.]

I slowly think to myself. Wouldn't that mean that I would still have lost if I had challenged her.

Hearing that I got dejected as hell, when I heard a surprising news.

"We don't have much time. The other champion's are trying to Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto's favor by conquering the dungeon and giving her offerings for more power. Not to mention, there are other gods and their champions here. We must have the advantage."

"Understood Inada-Sama."

"The target this time is an imoogi. Better prepare for a large scale battle, there'sa high chance the korean's might interject."

"Understood Inada-Sama."

Before her attendant leaves, she threw a throwing knife in my direction. I shut my mouth and couldn't react in time bracing for impact.

Thankfully, she missed, nearing hitting my crotch.

"Must be nothing. In that case, please wait for update Inada-Sama."

She then disappears, I also disappear at the same time.

[Kazue's POV]

Kumiko wasn't wrong just now. There was someone there just now. The guardian wolf smells it. But it looks like he took advantage of Kumiko's disappearance to get away.

Well no matter, I'll just squash those that gets in my way. Though, my Staff being stolen is a bit of a hassle, given that it's made by one of the minor god's as a gift for me being Ame-no-Uzume-sama's Champion. 

I think Ame-no-Uzume-sama would understand.

Now, what do I do about our little rat?

[Red's POV]

As I ran away from the scene, looks like her stupid guard dog chased up to me. It tried to maul me anytime it could. I got too annoyed at it as I wore the mask and just as it opens it's mouth.


The mutt shuts down like how Window XP shuts down and got unconscious.

I could practically hear the sound effect.

"Take that you pain in the ass."

I curse Kazue Inada/Abe when suddenly an idea came by.

"I totally found a way to screw her over."

After that I started laughing maniacally.

In the corner, Ryong just stare in silence. Getting the glory of the second-hand embarrassment.

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