The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 31: The Might of a King

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Before I start, the Old Man hold his hands up and said: "I'll give you a handicap. 3 free hits that you can lend on me and I'll move. Try not to make this disappointing."

Hearing that, I start plotting out what I can do to put the favor in my situation.

"Blue, check copied skills."

[Copied Skills]


Status Effect: Bleeding

Duration Colldown: 10 minutes 

Usage: 1/1

[Frozen Fang]

Status Effect: Freeze, Frost Bite

Duration Cooldown: 30 minutes.

Usage: 1/1

[Vital Shot] + [Eye of the Hunter]

Status Effect: Critical Damge, Bleeding

Skill Cooldown: 30 minutes

Usage: 1/1

[Thunder Bomb]

Duration: 5 minutes 

Skill Cooldown: 6 hours

Usage: 1/1

[Phantom Cleave]

Requirement: Intermediate Mastery Swordsmanship 

Duration: Instantly

Skill Cooldown: 7 Minutes 

Usage: 1/1

[Kaze no ikari]

Status Effect: Bleeding

Skill Cooldown: 10 minutes

Usage: 1/1

[Heavenly Desteuction: 5 point Spiral]

Status Effect: Crippling of Qi or Mana, as well as Death or Disabilities.

Duration: 3 seconds 

Skill Colldown: 2 Minute

Usage: 1/1

"Ryong, ready?"


[The Old Man's POV]

The kid started rushing to me with the dagger and sword and swung around.

But to be honest, it was disappointing. There were no swordsmanship. It was just him blantly swing the sword hoping to land it.

After 3 hits were invited, I lift my sword up, muttering to myself, "It's a pity, looks like another time wasted again."

As I was to stepped on the ground to move. I was stucked. 

Looking below, my feet were frozen stuck on ice.

"When did he___?"

Just as I was distracted for 0.5 second. A sword came thrusting towards, I barely moved away in time before it pierced my neck. As I moved, the sword managed to cut a little of my beard out.

I turn, trying to find traces of the Outsider, there he was below, preparing to draw his sword.

He was smirking, switching from wearing helmet to his mask.

I took my greatsword to block but it was too late.

A barrage of blade starts cutting me one by one.

[Kaze no ikari]

Status Effect: Bleeding

Skill Cooldown: 10 minutes

Usage: 1/1 --> 0/1

As my body starts to bleed, I smashed the ice on my feet and retreated.

As I dodged to the left trying to avoid getting cut, he suddenly appeared on the left side of my body, with some sort of small electricity ball, charged up.

[Mini Thunder Bomb]

Duration: 1 minute

Skill Cooldown: 6 hours

Usage: 1/1 --> 0/1


As the electric ball collides with my body and 


Blowing me away, crashing on one of the walls.

I got up, facing the Outsider. As I gazed at his face, the mask was smiling at me. The beast in the mask was alive, looking at my face before he was winking.

The smoke and dust starts to gather as the Outside swung his sword, clearing it away.

Oh man. How long has it been since I experience pain and surprised. I found a gold mine.

I placed my sword on the ground and start cracking my knuckles and my neck. Having enough damaged done to me, I decide that fun times over.

"Alright, what else can you show me."

[Red's POV]

What a monster. I used the skills of Sasaki and Lee Jeong-Hun on him and it still doesnt work. It did no damage to him. Not a scratch at all even with all the electricity Imbued in it. I got frustrated thinking about it. My Opponent certainly won't allow another attack to land on it.

The Old Man: "Try and block this."

He swings his sword towards me. The Shockwave from the swing flew towards me, I used the shield to lessen the impact, but it failed. I got pushed back at least 2-3 steps behind. I got more agitated in the fight as I realise the gap between us is starting to increase wider and wider.

I closed the distance between us, zigzagging against the Shockwave from his blade, not allowing a chance to shoot anymore of that crazy skills of his. However, when I got closer, he jumped at least 4 meters high, avoiding all the attacks that I tried landing on him.

"How much battle Instinct fo you have to jump that far back?"

I looked up stunned, thinking what to do, when he starts spinning with the greatsword faster and faster. Before I could react to his next action, he plunged downwards slashing the god damn lump of metal on me.


Two weapons clashes against one another.

"Hohh, that weapon is durable" he smiled looking at me.

I barely managed to guard the impact with Combo-Maker. The impact was so great that my legs went jelly from the shock. I tried moving but the legs wouldn't budge, before any action can be done. The Old Man appeared out of nowhere.

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"Boo." He whispered.


He punched me in my solar plexus as I try catching my breath. I took a massive blow, redering myself breathless. However, I manage to stood on my ground, staying on guard.

Before moving further a notification appeared.

[*Message from Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto*]

[*Try viewing the Effect on your weapon.*]

Suddenly remembering that the Gods could always observe me whenever I'm using their item, I listened to her advice and check on my weapons

"Blue, Check Combo-Maker Status."


Unique Rank

A Tri-Sector Staff gifted by the Goddess, Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto. 

 The Staff have 2 forms.

Bo-Staff Form:

A Solid Bo-Staff good for defensive stance. Good for keeping distance and range.

3-Staff Mode: A Staff split into 3 different staff, with a ring and chains attached to one another. Good for offensive stance, have strong strike power but weak defence.

Special Effect: The more hits you land on target, the higher the damage multiplies. Must land the hits on the target.

As I saw the effects, my eyes widened. This would explain how some of my greatest enemies got defeated by me.

"You ready, kid?" as the Old Man urge me to come over.

I swapped to Bo-Staff mode and prepared myself.

Ok, here goes nothing.

I swung the Bo-staff like a racket aiming the Old Man.

He scoffs and return another swing of his sword.

However as my staff swings mid-way, I changed its form to 3-Staff and the result is that the greatsword got caught in the chain of the staff, it causes a whiplash on the staff, causing of it to land a blow on his head.


He stepped back and return with a Shockwave slash, I weave to the left and switching it to Bo-Staff mode, Poking it on his chest, followed by a

 [3-Staff Technique: Cross-Strike]

It lands, as he retaliated with a Downward slash from below, I rolled to the right, avoiding getting slashed.


I started spinning the Staff, trying to confuse him and started lashing a hit on him every time I spin. Not giving him an opportunity to land a hit, I continue to target different parts of the body so that It would be harder to react where the next hot would be

"4-Hits, 5-Hits, 7-Hits, 10,Hits"

Everytime he swung that massive sword, he starts slowing down as the combo continues to rises higher and higher.

He charges forward to bash me with his shoulder to gain some distance away from me but I switched back to Bo-Staff Form and jumped over the top of his head and Striking from the top.

However, even when getting damages piling up, he slants his body to the right and counter-attacked me. I managed to block it with the staff before using [3-Staff Technique: Up Strike]

Landing the staff on his chin like an arrow hitting it's target. It landed a [Critical Hit] as it slows down the giant forcing him to stop.

He dropped on one of his knee and used his greatsword as support.

"What!? Your Maje__, I mean Sir Darius is on one knee."

As the crowds starts being rowdy. 

"The Outsider might actually be stronger than we think...."

"Sir Darius, Don't give up. You're still the strongest person I know."

The crowd start encouraging the Old Man more and more.

The Old Man gave a quick laugh seemingly excited.

"GOOD, GOOD. IT'S BEEN WAY TOO LONG SINCE I FELT THIS!" He shouts, accepting all the support from his audience.


As he stood up. The entire atmosphere started to shake. The whole area was under a sort of heavy pressure or atmosphere. It looks as if the cheering really gave him a power booster.

No one could see it but the mask helps me see things people normally can't.

There's no Spirit realm in this world, so they can't summon them like how Sasaki and Kazue summons them. However, it looks like another sort of power resides inside them. 

Because now, the Old Man is emitting a sort of power that's overflowing from his body. 

Ryong suddenly prompted me.

[Aura. Another phenomenon of power that empowers it's user. One can naturally grow and channel their own aura. But this, this is not the normal size of humans aura.]

Ryong was right, the light appearing from the Old Man's body got bigger and bigger as it starts to spread across the sky.

It ended up covering the entire town. It looks like he can go even bigger. He caught me looking at the surrounding before asking me, 

"So you can see it too, huh."

Looks like i got caught. I nodded my head at him signalling yes.

"Then let's not waste time."

He took his sword raising it over his head, holding it up. Some of the light started gathering around his blade and he concentrates, seeming like his charging it.

Ryong panics and shouted in my mind.

[This is Bad. Tho will die. Run now.]

I didn't need to hear Ryong to know how dangerous it was. I readied my self on my feet and dashed towards him as he swung the sword, I slammed his elbow using the 3-Staff. This was hoping that, i had enough impact to cause him to change the trajectory of the swing of his sword somewhere else.


The sword ended up cleaving to the right side. It missed by an inch. Really closely. However the Shockwave did end up cutting across the entire town until the Mountains. Causing the mountain to be split in half. 

"Oh crud, I ended splitting the entire town." The Old Man said while laughing.

"Your Majesty! Do you have any idea how long this is going to take to fix." The lady that passed the Old Man, his weapon said.

"My bad, my bad. I got too excited."

"Your Majesty?"

"Oh yea, I'm the King of the country."

I stared at him. Looking at the damage I done to him. Realising how disrespectful i had been to a King. Awkwardly I kneeled down on one knee and said:

".....My apologies, your Majesty for my rudeness..."

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