The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 35: The Disciple’s Journal – Part 1

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[Day 1]

While I was sleeping halfway, someone kidnapped me in the middle of the night by my foot. Somehow I was able to sleep through the whole process when it happened. Apparently the egg tagged along for the ride as well. 

How do I know this? Because I woke up in the middle of a jungle again with a note.

The note states:

"Survive for a month or I eat your pet egg." 

Beside the note was a knife. I tried taking the charm out but it looks like Ryong is back in the guest room.

Looks like it's just me alone in here.

There were eyes everywhere in the jungle. Suddenly something pounced out of the push trying to maul my face off. Retreating in a certain distance, I checked my surrounding cautiously to see what am I dealing with here.

A pack of wolves reveals itself from the shadow. A total of 5 of them. The wolves were big, at least the same size on par with the one Kazue has.

One of them was clearly the leader, being bigger and looking stronger than the rest. I gulped my saliva and gripped the knife tightly. As one of the lunges forward for a bite. I dragged my shoulder to right digging the knife in it's flesh. It cut deeply on it as I pull the knife out and kick the wolf away.

1 Down.

The rest took noticed and rushed towards me. Realising how much disadvantage I had. I ran.

I ran for my life. They chased me through the woods when I stumbled and trip and fell all over the place. The only thing I could do was run. Looks like Luck finally came when a tree that was shorter than the rest was shown. I jumped toward that tree and climbed up. However the wolves were monsters, they possess a form of intellect and was preventing me for climbing further up. I managed to bit my shirt and ripped part of it off.

As I made my way up. The only thing I could do while on top was wait for them to leave. The wolves were clearly guarding the tree, not letting their prey escape. Looks like I can't escape.

[Day 2]

The wolves still wouldn't leave. 2 of them were waiting for while the leader and the other wolf retreats back to their den. I tried looking for a tree I can jump from tree to tree. But they were either too far or too short that the wolf could just jump and maul me from it. 

Instead the only I thing I could do was suck the leaves for moisture and cut down some branches with the knife and scrapped it.

The night was freezing cold as well, it seems the temperature dropped at a very low degree.

I need to leave or I will die.

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[Day 3] 

I got it. 

I managed to sharpen the branch that it's sharp enough to pierce through the wolves as a spear. One of the wolves were on watch and the other was asleep. 

That's it, I'm done. 

I jumped out of the tree, plunging down towards the wolf that was keeping watch, Piercing his neck with the spear and making sure he stays dead. However, he managed to lift his head trying to retaliate, I gripped the sticks and pull it up. The sleeping wolf was awaken from his rest and before he could react to what happened, I threw the spear with all my might, like a javelin, it stabbed him on the ribcage portion.

It started whining out loud in pain, as the wound cuts deeper everytime he tries to move. It looks like he might attract his comrade, I closed in the gap, rushing towards him and started stabbing continuously. Making sure that his is dead.

I grabbed the 2 wolves and went to the nearest lake to get something to drink.

[Day 4] 

The wolves did not send anyone else to find their members. But I'm still hungry after all these. I gathered enough resource to the nearest cave and used it as my base. I tried skinning the wolves but wasn't successful as my knife then to cut through the skin and cut too short of it. But after trying on 2 corpses of Wolf, I'm starting to get the hang of it

[Day 6]


Hunting for food half-way, I got cut by another monster. Turning around to find a big praying mantis on me. I took the Spear and start striking continuously. The wings on its back allowed it to fly and retreat effortlessly. With 2 of it's claws looking like Scythe, it cut through the tress effortlessly. I tried parrying one of the claws, the other one came slamming for me. Before the claw lands it's target on me, I took the Spear and thrust forward to one of its joint. 


It screams in pain as it starts slashing and thrashing about. I release the spear from it's joint and climbed back to the tree. As the trees around it slowly gets cut down. I aimed the spear and just fling it forward. This time, it landed. Passing through what I can only assume as the skull of the mantis. Looks like today's dinner is insects.

[Day 9]

It took a long time. But I managed to get the mantis claw cut out and used as weapons. They looked like mini scythe. I just attached one of the bones of the wolf to the blade and tied it together after chipping and grinding some part of the blade and bones. It fits together. I made two of them just in case one got broken. Time to try it out the next hunt.

[Day 12] 

Larger beast appears when a bird the size of a 3 trees combined starts flying around, hunting for preys. I stayed cleared of it's flying pattern and continued my hunt for the wolves. The trail led cold when some them started to ambus me again. With those mini scythe cutting them all apart in a matter of seconds were no issue, dealing the last blow with the knife, stabbing it on ther heart.

3 Down. 2 more to go.

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