The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 36: The Disciple’s Journal – Part 2

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[Day 13]

Looks like some lizardman showed up. Armed with knifes, shield and short sword. They scout around the forest, looking to hunt. On the opposite side of the forest. Looks like the goblin tribes were also doing the same. I hid beside one of the bushes and hid. The forest here is thick. The trees were filled with different insects and arachnids. Though it was gross at the start. I got used to it after a while.

The both tribes encountered each other, and started engaging in a battle against one another. I peek from a distance, accessing the situation from far. They have a pretty good gear equipped. In order to survive, I will need better equipment, even if it meant being enemies with all the tribe living in this forsaken forest.

Just as the last goblin got killed by the lizardman. There were 3 lizardman left. I pounced out of the bush ambushing him. I push all my strength explosively into stabbing through his thick scale with my spear. However, it was not deep enough. Pulling out the knife, I stabbed through it's jaw and dragges his body infront of me, using it as a meat shield when his comrade took the cross-bow and fired at me.

I continued pushing the body towards the lizardman with the Crossbow and bashed him to the ground. As we tried to recover ourself, his other comrade threw the spear at me, it grazed my arm but landed on one of the other lizardman killed by the goblin instead. I picked it up and the sharp end, used:

[Staff Technique: Cross-Strike]

It slashed the lizardman's neck open, where it's green blood flow down from his throat as he gasped for air. 

For the last lizardman, I tried thrusting the spear towards him but he turned around and hit me back with it's tail. I guard it with my spear before disappearing from his side and striking both his ankle and kicking him with a [Side kick]. It got him pinned on the ground as he mutters strength trying to move, only for me to throw my knife on his head, ending his suffering. I picked up couple of armor and weapons from them and head back to my best for preparation.

[Day 15] 

Scouting around, I found the tribe village of the Hobgoblins. They were eating parts of the other creatures like the lizardman and boars. Looks like there was a Goblin holding a staff? It must be able to use magic in that case. 

As I sneak around looking for more details, looks like the Chief has a pretty good weapon. It was weilding a Giant blade and shouting about on his subordinates. After choosing my next target, I head off for preparations, planning how to finish them off one by one.

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[Day 16] 

One by one the Traps around the Hobgoblin village works. After using myself as a bait, the rest of the Hobgoblin started chasing me, falling for traps after trap. One of my trap did fail but while he slips and fall, I swing my sword across his head decapitation it. The total amount of Hobgoblins was 18 at first, after 10 chased me down one by one, there were 8 more left. I stepped out of the forest heading straight through their village entrance. The rest tried charging at me leaving only 2 of them guarding the Hobgoblin mage. I beeline my way through all of them aiming at the mage. He did managed to cast a spell out, where frozen spear appears falling down on me.

I deflected them all with my shield and threw one of the throwing daggers I obtained from the corpse of lizard man. It landed on his throat rendering him speechless. The spell casting stops as he grabbed his throat to prevent the bleeding. The 2 guards came forward with their shield and aimed their swords at me. I took a step back, avoiding their range of attack. 

Taking out a rope with 2 stones attached at the ends of both sides, I threw one of the rope onto one of the Hobgoblin's leg and pull it. It caused him to slipped. I took advantage and swung my knife.


He lost his life in that small frame of time.

The rest of the Hobgoblin cowered in feared as they attempt to flee, only to be cornered by a wall while I walk towards them arming with a knife and my head lowered. Just then a giant blade was aimed at me, cleaved the huts. The Leader Hobgoblin Roared in anger as he starts swinging his sword randomly. Though the Hobgoblin has a poor Swordsmanship, the range combined with its unpredictability makes it a dangerous combo for me the get near him.

I led him to continue to swing and slashed at me all the way out of his village. It was dangerous and ferocious, but it was no threat to me if it doesn't lands. As he continues to swing his sword. It got heavier and that became his downfall. I threw a throwing dagger at him, he parried it with the greatsword. Knowing that he would parry it, I slide down his feet, tying up a not around his feet. He turns to his back and tried to swing, jus to realise the forest that I brought him out is too dense to swing his weapon. With no choice, he tried retreating but to no avail, he tried to negotiate for his life, just for me to stabbed him in the head before he can finish his sentence. He held on his greatsword even when he died, looks like it meant a lot to him.

 The Giant Blade was clearly not made by the Hobgoblins. It was clearly crafted by a person with high craftsmanship of blacksmithing due to the beautiful engraying shown on the weapon, It was big with a red grip. The blades were single edge sharp with a pointy end and the blade itself had a slight curve on it ending with 3 spikes attaching to the hilt. It looked like a Beast's tooth forged into a Large Blade made for the one who slayed it. I took the blade and left the village.

[Day 18]

I did the same thing to the lizardman's tribe. It was actually easier because of the Giant blade. I massacred the entire lizardman, leaving the kids and headed back to my base, with my spoil of war being another spear made by what I can only assume to be the same blacksmith due to both the weapons having the same signatures on it.

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