The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 38: The Manticore

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The creature ran full speed ahead for the town. I tried chasing after it at top speed however, it was still too fast. I grabbed the Spear and aimed at the beast. 

"Shit, it's too far."

Something shiny at the right caught my attention. Gripping on the spear loosely. I stomp on my left feet and with enough energy, threw the spear with all my might.The spear flew at a incredible speed, cutting through all the air as it traverse. Then___




The power of the spear was too great that it smashes the target with all it's might. But it worked. I managed to land the Spear on the bell of the town located at the highest point of the bell tower. The downside is that I demolished the bell. But the guards were alert. They blew horns all in unison, signalling intruder alert.

"Look's like it works." As I continued to run straight for the creature. The guards guarding the city seemed to have spotted the creature, as they attempt to shut the gate up in a hurry. 

The creature roared in anger as he made a full charge towards the gate, ramming his body against it. At first the gate managed to be intact with the door intake due to the guard blocking from the otherside. The creature wouldn't give up. It stood on it's ground and Roared. It worked as he once again ram against the gate only for it to shatter, leaving an entrance for it. The guards must have been petrified after hearing it's roar.

As it was about to munch on of the guard's head. I reached the area just in time and grabbed it's mane. The creature notices it and launches the stinger on me. I took out my shield and slammed it against the tail, redirecting it to the other side. Just then I heard a scream.

"Ron! Stick with us! What's wrong?!"

I turn my head, seeing that one of the guards has collapse on the floor having a spasm. I looked at the would he received, it was a cut from the spike from the tail. Shit. When I deflected the attack, it might have landed it on him instead.

I ram my body against the creature and widened my distance between the beast. closer to the guards.

"Get him antidote or bring a priest, it's poison!"

The guard tending to his comrade, saw the wound where the body starts turning purple, nodded his head and carried his comrade off. 

I grabbed my blade and start slashing horizontally to drive the creature out of town. He

backed off just a few feet away of the entrance and positioned himself there.

The soldiers of the town arrived behind me with swords, shields, spears and some with wands.


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Without hesitation, what I assume was the commander ordered the mage in their unit to cast their magic. Fireballs start to appear from thin air as it flew towards the creature. The creature starts running through it, avoiding all the flames, I went towards the creature and slash it upwards. However, it failed as the creature jumps over me and landed on the commander mauling on him. The soldiers then tried to help their leader by rushing ahead stabbing it with their weapons but before that could happened, the creature launches it's tail, releasing the spikes on the soldiers. All of them dropped one by one like dominoes as they got pierced and poked by the spikes.

The creature was now aiming for the mages that launched those magic on it. As it slowly made it's way to it's prey like how a beast plays with his food. I appeared right beside the creature and cleaved the blade straight at it. The creature notices slightly too late, as it tried using it's tail to counter-attacked attack.


The creature's tail was severed from it's body. He roars in pain before charging towards me in fury. I gripped on the blade tightly, as the pressure of the beast rampaging the town starts to creeped in. As he jumps towards me for a bite. I dived my head below just barely avoiding collision, which ended up right below the creature's belly, I took my chance to rotate my body and slashed it.

Unfortunately it left a shallow cut and he was able to recover faster then expected. The bad news is that he was at the front entrance of the town. Looking at the town from the entrance, he turned his head and smiled at me.

"Thanks for the feast."

He then rush into the town, where the citizens were still getting evacuating. Exhausted and beyond breathless. I chased after it as much as I could, fearing that it might already be feasting on the inhabitant of the townspeople. I dragged the heavy giant blade across the town to find it. Coming across my spear on the debri I caused when I threw it at the bell tower. I picked it up and continue walking forward. Around the corner of the town, near the inn,I found out that the creature has already claimed it's first meal. A mother and her daughter. Their lifeless body lies there as the beast eats it, while humming a tune. Happily. I turned to my side and puked out everything I had in my stomach.

It, no I can't call it like it's an animal. *He* lifts his head up, turning to my direction and gazed upon me. With the blood smeared all over his fave. He licked thr blood of his mouth and face and smile brightly in my direction. Showing all of his wide grin and the many teeths he had.

"Thanks for the meal."

Wiping the vomit off my mouth, I stared at the bodies of his victim. And I started blaming.

If only I reach here faster. 

If only I have my mask to fight him

If only I was stronger so that I could killed him faster.

If only I didn't hesitate when I pinned him against the ground.

If only I didn't missed my attacks.

If only...

That day, I lost all reasoning in my head as It turns my vision fury with red.

I don't remember what happened next.

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