The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 37: The Disciple’s Journal – Part 3

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[Day 19]

Use the Giant Blade, I hacked across the forest trying to find the wolf's hideout, to no avail. Hunted a group of Gorilla looking monster as well. The Red cloth attached to the spear turns to a red blur as it flew pass the tree aiming for it's target. It succeeded, striking all it's target. The King of the Gorilla tribe stepped out pounding his chest, roaring at me for intruding. One swing from the Giant Blade was enough to keep his mouth shut forever. With that I left the Gorilla tribe, leaving none but sparing only the children.

There were a lot of insects as well, continuously spitting something on me. When I first came, the poison or something hurts my system and body a lot. The one that continuously attacked me was thr gigantic bees. But after encountering so many of them, I got used to the pain to the point it doesn't bother me anymore.

[Day 20]

The search for the wolf tribe ended. I found the Wolf's den. However, the entire wolf tribe was massacred and eaten. How do I know. The head of the Wolf's leader was on the entrace of the den. There were also punctured holes in the bodies of the bodies of the wolf's. Along the punctured holes, the bodies of the wolves were also turned purple and there were scratches and claw marks as well as bite marks all over them.

Something took my prey. Whoever or whatever it is, it's next.

[Day 21]

Nothing found.

[Day 23]

There's a path if destruction leading through the Woods. Heading towards the Hobgoblin village I was from. The result was a massacre. Everyone that I spared died. There were mutilated parts of body every where I went. There were nonsigns of the kids at all. Everything was dead.

I headed to the Goblin village east of the Hobgoblin village. The entire village was gone as well. There were scratch marks, punctured wounds and what I can only assume as poisoned bodies everywhere. it's a dead town.

[Day 24]

I rushed to the lizardman's tribe located at the west of the woods. I travelled through a shortcut I found previously. There was no way whatever it is, could find the lizardman's tribe due to it hidden somewhere very enclosed. I had to follow a lizardman back to find it. As I traverse across the trees, the same scratch marks could be found on the trunk and branches of the tree. They were very big paw print marks on the soil of the ground as well.

Look's like all the major tribe in the woods are all massacred. Now whatever is out there is killing everything on sight.

[Day 25]

I found strange entrance to what I think is a dungeon for imprisonment deep within the dense forest. It looked like the entrance of a cave, there were Runic letter around the top and sides of the entrance but it was burst opened from the inside. Looking around for more details led me deeper into the hole. There I found it. A huge room with what I would think was used as a ritual room. There were symbols drawn everywhere on the wall as well the floor. But the biggest takeaway was the huge magic symbol drawn right in the middle of the ground. The place doesn't feel right. Across the room were 4 chains attached to the wall, and it all leads to the centre of the magic symbol. The chain holders were old and rusty. A lot strength was still needed to break those chain holders. Whatever got out of the room, was hungry and desperate. Not any more, now it just kills for fun.

[Day 26]

The amount of dead animals found increases, as I traverse the forest looking for the creature. However, it seemed to impossible due to the monster seemingly travelling at such a fast speed that he was able to get from the east side of the forest to west side in just a matter of minutes. It was about 5Km. So there's no way it could reach that fast. However, the trail of blood did lead me to it's lair, located underground of one of the mountains. Looks like it was already aware that something was following it, as there were pieces of meat and bones displayed outside. I hid, and proceed back to my base, as I prepped myself for the fight that is about to come.

[Day 28]

I brought all equipment possible, with an armor I looted from the Hobgoblins. It was time. I traveller across the woods, reach the top if the underground. With a heavy sigh, I jumped down the underground, landing on a seamlessly never ending of pile of bones. There the creature was, observing and anticipating my every movement. 

The creature was mortifying. I wasn't sure what I was looking at. 

It was huge. Slightly smaller than the Imoogi roughly around 3m. It sat on the rocks and grinning menancinly at me. The creature had a body of a lion. However it had a face of a man, with thick red mane on it. The tail of the lion was instead a tail of a scorpion stinger with spikes on it as well. It also had humongous dragon-like wings, that would explained how he was able to travel from one place to another so quickly. The creature's mouth was full of rows after rows of sharp teeths, that kinda look like how sharks have.

It lowered its head, staring at me and spoke in a deep cold voice.

"Trapping in that accursed room for years, feeding on monster chow. There's finally going to be a decent meal after all." It stood up, unveiling it's wings, raises it's stinger in a attack positioned and Roared. 


I raised my shield in a defensive manoeuvre and equipped the Spear for range attack. The creature lunches it's stinger at me, shooting out it's spike simultaneously. I blocked it with my shield, while gripping on to the spear tightly, I unleashed an explosive thrust forward. 

The creature flapped it's wings jumping across it's lair. Not letting him a change for breather, I grab the giant blade and closed the gap between us, attempting to Cleave it apart. The creature deflected my blade and return by swinging it's tail towards me. I guarded against the spike of the tails using the blade.

However I left my right side of my body exposed, causing the creature to strike me with his claws. I started to bleed heavily, with blood dripping down from me head, mixing up with my sweat. The creature chuckled and slowly made itself towards me.

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"Give up human. Just 3 strikes and you're dying."

Ignoring his provaction, I picked up the spear and dashed ahead, it starts strike continuously with it's stinger. I parried and deflected the attacks with my shield and spear. However as I got close, it started biting and striking in with it's jaw and claws. There was a barrage of attack coming from 2 directions and it was hard to managed. I jumped back. widening the gap in between us, throwing the spear at the creature. It hits, landing on the left leg of the creature.


It roared in pain, flying towards, attempting to maul me. I grabbed the blade and jumped up and ended up cleaving off it's left wing. It slams down to the ground landing hard on the rocks. I proceed to walk slowly forward. Just before I could react in time, the creature used it's stinger to stab me, however it grazed me on my leg. The effect of the poison was instantaneous, as it immediately spread through my body causing me to lose all strength on my body and collapse. The Creature limped forward cursing at me. 

"You bastard. You took out my wings and my leg. You deserve a fate worse than death. I'm going to eat your limbs slowly as you watch how it sounds when I crush your bones."

As it walks closer and closer, widening it's mouth planning to deal the final blow. I took my knife and stabbed it in his neck.


I pull the knife across the beast and pulled it out.

Looks like the poison wasn't as effective as I thought. I felt fine even after getting cut by it.

"What...? How are you fine after getting cut by my poison. That shouldn't be possible.....Resistance?!"

"Shush, you talk too much." As I dashed forward confidently, not afraid of the poison of the stinger anymore, I slashed horizontally and vertically at the creature. It roared in pain and tried to widened its gap again but dropped on the ground forgetting that one of it's wings was already cut off by me.

However it didn't give up, and started to circle around me to attack me. It lunches forward, just for me to [Roundhouse Kick] him in his neck. He fell to the side, reopening the knife wound that he got from me. The blood starts dripping down on his feet, as once again he jumped towards me. Grabbing the giant blade on my right hand and the spear on my left arm. Due to it's injury, it's movement was slower. Because of this I could step to the side and using my knee to strike him from the side. 

[Muay Thai: Knee Strike]

The creature's body flew towards the woods


It landed on one of the sharp tree branch sticking out, as it pierced it's right shoulder. The creature stood up and was ready for another round. However it was useless, as I pierced it's paws, pinning him to the ground.

"How do you have the stomach to kill all the children that were living there."

"Aren't you the same...? That was such hypocrisy coming from the one who slew the entire species of the monsters. The entire lizardman's tribe and Gorilla tribe were only left with the children. Do you think the children could fend for themselves when a Predator came? You practically made the children suffer a slower death."

I was stunned. I argued that "No, I was only trying to survive. The children were not a threat to me. I spared them."

The Creature scoffs and replied:

"You really don't know huh. After the massacre you did. All I did was eat the body parts. You did most of the job for me, it was easier to chew the body parts of monsters thanks to you."

"Shut it." I replied, gripping the blade as hard as I can, aiming at the beast.

"Face it. You're as much of a monster as I am. Really felt good when chopped them up real good huh."

"SHUT UP." I screamed lifting my blade and about to Cleave when he kicked me.

I got pushed backwards. Dropping on the floor. The creature took this opportunity to escape through the Woods. I chased after it, running past all the trees and debris. As right infront for was a blind blur of light. I stepped out of it to check where am I.

"Oh no."

It led me to the outskirt of a town, with the creature running towards it.

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