The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 87: Really Again?

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Leaving the restaurant they were eating at. The group departed separately as they all decided to return home which was at a different location from one another.

"Shit. I'm late." 

It was the last train of the day from the city. In Red's mind, there was no way in hell he's gonna take a cab. They charge extra whenever it's midnight.

While walking in the rich estate district. He was going to 2 choices. Walk through the brightly lit area or cut down his travel time by a little by going through the alleyway.

Without giving it much thought, he bolted straight for the alleyway hoping to reach his train in time. 

"I'm on my way!"

Someone was shouting these words along the alleyway, as the man ran straight to the narrow alleyway. As the two-man ran straightforwardly without thinking much, the two of them collided, slamming their head against each other.


"Ow, my head."

"Sorry Young man, I have to___"

As the man got up trying to apologize. Out from his pocket dropped a stone, landing on Red's duffel bag.


"NoNoNo, Young man give me that stone now."

Red nonchalantly picked the stone out from his hand and showed it to the man with blond hair.


"Yes, please pass it to me now."

The stone had some sort of weird inscriptions on it. It almost looks like a runic item. But Red didn't think much of it and proceeded to reach his hand out passing it to the stranger.

Then, the stone started glowing and shattered. 



Suddenly his atmosphere started getting distorted as if it was twirling. 

"Hey wait, this shit feels familiar."


Ryong appeared again.

Oh no.

The man grabbed Red's arm and spoke loudly as his atmosphere gets more distorted and strange.


Then *Poof*

He was gone. The next thing he knew, he was falling into something. But everything around him was pitch black and dark, so he couldn't see anything at all."

Then *Poof* again.

He appeared again, this time in between 2 groups of people.

"Sir Geral...d?'


[Red's POV]

As I got up and checked my surroundings. It was evening time. I'm in another alleyway again. On one side were 3 girls, one of them heavily injured. They were dressed in a rather odd manner. They had a sort of school uniform worn and a sort of robe on the outer layer.

[I can sense Mana in those robes. It's highly a mage robe.]

"Mage robes? So Mages hmm."

"W...Who are you?" One of the girls asked raising a stick and aiming it toward me.

Thank God she spoke English.

Ignoring the girl, I looked behind seeing the other three figures. Out of the 3 figures, two of their face were distorted, looking sort of melted. Their clothes ripped and their entire face was pulsating. Their blood vessels were all popping out showing a grotesque scene. 

The other one on the other hand was normal. Composed and calm, it's obvious he commanded these creatures. He was beautiful and dressed elegantly. His skin was pale and his eyes bloodshot red. He looks like a model but was dressed like an aristocrat. His fingernails were long and sharp and his canine teeth protruded out. But one thing was certain. There was still sun in the alleyway. And everyone has their shadows out except him.

"Oh...Another one? So who might you be this time?"

I ignored him and checked on the girl's condition. Her friends tried to protect her by warning me if I step any closer they are gonna attack me. But their legs were shaking as they aimed their stick at me, trying not to cry. I pushed one of the girls away and bend down looking at the injured girl's wound. There were deep slash marks on the girl's stomach so she was losing a lot of blood. 

"Ohh a brave one. Ignoring me without a care. Well, it's not a concern for me. Either way, you are all going to die."

The two "humans" started running in fours towards us. Finally putting on the mask, I summoned White out. 

Over the vacation period, I learned that White actually got bigger but used her magic to shrink herself so that I could still carry her around. 

White appeared in the small snake form, delighted to see me.

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I pointed at the two creatures and instructed her to Attack.

Immediately, White flew forward baring her fangs, and attacked them. As she hisses whenever the creature makes any movement.

While White was fighting the creatures, on the other hand, I took my hand out and placed it on the wound of the girl. 

[Recover] + [Regeneration]

Slowly, the wound on her stomach starts healing as the girl's facial expression loosens up a bit and relaxed.

Looks like White did a ton of damage to the creatures as there were bite marks everywhere on their body. But they weren't dead.



"Come here and take care of your friend."


"You." I pointed to the other girl.


"Cast Barrier for you and your friends."


As I instruct the injured girl's friend to protect themselves, I signal White to come back.

"White, protect the little ones behind me."

She nods her head. Using her magic, she grew larger and wrapped her tail around them.

Looking at the two creatures. They looked like humans before turning into this, and judging by their clothes whatever happened is because of that man behind them.

"Can they be saved?" I asked the girls.

They lowered their head and answered silently.


With that answer, I grabbed Stix out. These were humans previously Huh. 

"Wow. You are an interesting one. Familiar magic and Spacial Magic. Do show me more." The man smiled wickedly as he starts floating around in a relaxed manner.

"Sorry. I'll send the two of you off painlessly."

Raising the spear, in a flash of a step, I swipe the spear horizontally. 

2 Thuds could be heard on the ground as the body fell to eternal sleep.

"Wow. Without hesita___"


Across the face of the man was a cut. The spear grazed through the man's face while he was talking.

The man touched his face and blood starts dripping down.


The man flies straight for me, with his fangs and claws shown. I drew Fang out, pouring Mana into it. The Flames appeared in the blade of the long sword as I strengthened the blade with Aura and waited for my opportunity. At one arm's length, I sliced off the arm of the man and kicked him right in the guts. 


Blood spews out of his mouth as he slams against one of the walls forming cracks along the wall.

The man looked at his arm cut off. He picked it up and tried to attach it back.


The man immediately realized what kind of situation he was in, and tried to escape.

But my spear was faster. Pinning him against the wall by piercing his shoulder. I snapped my finger, causing the surrounding area the spear pierced to start freezing. The man scream and cursed while ice start to form around his shoulder. 

"Are you done?"


In a desperate attempt to escape, he rips his entire arm off and escaped.

Before he flew off, he turned to me and warned me:

"The others will be here for your head." and he flew off.

Checking the surrounding. It was a total mess. 

"Now what?" 

I got dragged into another annoying situation.

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