The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 88: Mages…Mages Everywhere

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[Red's POV]

As the man flew off. I turned my back on the two creatures that I decapitated. Their body was in the process of disintegrating into ashes. The last thing turning into ash is the hand.


Even though they already turned into a monster, they were human once. I never expected to cut them apart with no sense of guilt. 

I turned my head to the girls. The 2 of them were still shaking. Looks like they are still wary of me. I guess due to the mask I am wearing or the fact that a huge snake was surrounding them. White immediately releases herself from the defense position and slithered to me, asking me for a pat on the head.

As I tried to approach the girls. Ryong alerted me.

[We're surrounded.]

Within the alleyways, I could feel the presence of multiple people in my surroundings. Some were on the roof and a couple was circling me. White curled around me in her defensive position again and hissed.

"Stand down."

A large blunt object was placed at the back of my head. I couldn't see what it was behind me but with my vision, I could find at least 5 other people in front of me, hiding from plain sight.

Strangely, every one of them are wearing robes. The robes were different as well, as the inside of the robes were all different colored.

The person that threatened me to stand down was wearing a purple robe while the ones I could see in front of me had robes of different colors. There was a mixture of Blue, Green, and Yellow. The 3 girls that I saved previously had white robes.

"Oh...That snake looks quite dangerous."

"Familiar Magic?"

"Is it one of the blood-sucking bastards?"

While the voices around me started to sound mumbling, one word was all it takes for everyone to stop talking.

"Enough." The person behind me said and gave another command.

"Riri, chain him up."

"Roger boss."

Another girl in a Green robe appeared and swings her wand, mumbling silently on her own.


4 huge chains emerged from the ground and aimed at me.

White immediately went ahead for one of them, thinking it was another snake while 3 other chains tailed me like a homing missile.

Immediately jumping out, I avoided the chains and observed my situation by jumping around the building as a platform just to buy time.

However, I lost my footing when landing on one of the buildings and slipped.

I turned my head to see a guy wearing thick specs holding his wand and said the word.


While trying to find a place to land, a boy appeared on top of me grinning, and shouted:

[Wind's Fury]

A gust of wind surround his fist wildly as he got more excited, using both of his arms and whacking me right in my body.

The impact of the attack was pretty powerful, slamming me directly into the ground, right in the same spot where I was standing up previously.

I looked up directly, seeing the face of the purple mage. It was a lady in her midst the late 20s with purple hair.

"Last Warning, stand down." Just as she speak, small sparks of lighting started rumbling around her surrounding.

[Now what.]

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I got up from the ground and brush the dust off my clothes. The lady in the purple robe stared as I summoned Fang in its long sword form. 

Without hesitation, lightning strikes where I was standing without any warning. However, I managed to avoid getting toasted at the very last second thanks to my vision. 

"I warned you."

Soon lightning starts striking continuously aiming for me. The rest of the mages appeared as back up trying to bring me down. As I maneuver around the narrow alleyway, using the footwork of the Moon-Styled Swordsmanship, I initiate the exact movement transitioning it into a dance.



Red's movement was rough when holding his sword at the start. Moving in a large step to avoid the other mage's attack while avoiding the lightning both started taking a heavy tow on his stamina. He needed to waste unnecessary energy to preserve his strength in fighting a lot of people. 

The only way he could think of was using the footwork of certain swordsmanship.

Several mages started conjuring different long-range spells in hopes of stopping him in his track while others like the wild boy rushed to him with close-range spells and weapons.

As he started moving in a particular pattern, he starts to swing his weapons around. At first glance, it looked as if he was just swinging around to keep people off of him, especially to the eyes of the mage. But soon those swings started to take form, moving ever slowly yet elegantly that it looked surreal. As long-range spells started flying around aimed at him and approaches him, he simply cut them down while continuing to move forward. 

[Ice Spear] - Cut

[Wind Cut] - Cut

[Mana Chain] - Cut

[Magic Ball] - Cut

[Fireball] - Cut

He rampages forward cutting every spell that was thrown at him until he met the wild boy again.


The boy screamed at the top of his lung charging all that magical energy in front of him as the wind continued spinning faster and faster, spiraling around his palm and forming a green sphere in his hands.

"Eh yo, that shit looks familiar. Isn't that from N*ruto?" Red spoke out.

But the boy ignored Red and charged mindlessly toward him. He reached his hands out directing that ball of wind magic at Red hoping it would rip him to pieces.

Red on the other hand simply just redirected the boy's hand up in the sky with the hilt of his sword and return him with a [Side Kick] right at his solar plexus. The impact was harder than he thought, causing the boy to fly a distance, almost reaching the end of the alleyway. 

As the rest of the mages in charge of the long-range spells continued to chant the spells faster hoping it would hit Red, what they didn't expect was White sneaking up on them and wrapping her tail around their bodies, trapping them there. Her planned works as soon all the long-range spell casters were captured and the user of the close-range spell were all defeated by Red.

The only person left was the mage in the purple robe. Red tilts his head looking at her menacingly. The beast in the mask stared at her coldly, with one eye open, observing her.

Seeing the sight of the beast in the mask coming to life got her intrigued but not so much as to defeat the opponent that was threatening her students. Grabbing onto her large staff, she started floating graciously in the air and began to chant her spells forward, directing a massively large amount of lightning in the big jewelry located in her staff.

[That's not good.]

The lady began to charge energy in the jewelry located in her staff as it starts glowing brightly. Red immediately ran towards her stopping whatever spell she was preparing and summoned Stix.

But the lady finished charging it already.

"I warned you."

A ray of electricity started blasting out from the staff aiming at Red, looking like a rail gun, destroying everything in its path. Red on the other hand had already injected a large amount of Mana in Stix and pierced the ground with it, forming large spears of ice piercing out from the ground and aiming at the lady. 

Ultimately both magic ended up canceling out each other. But Red was faster. A spear touched the neck of the lady in the purple robe as there was nothing she can do to protect herself in this situation due to the location being too narrow.

"Fine then. Finish me off." 

As the lady closed her eyes, embracing the impact of the spear piercing her neck. Nothing came.

She peeks using her eyes to fund Red heading back to the injured girl and checking on her condition.

That was when one of the girls in the White robe raised her hands and said:

"Madam Irene. This person saved us from the vampire."

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