The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 89: What to do now.

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In a dark corner of the City of Westminster, the man who lost his arm dragged his feet across the town. Hiding from the humans, he traveled across the city using the alleyway. However, with the sun setting down, the sunlight burns his skin when he tried to cross to the other side of the road. The man had no choice but to rely on the sewer to traverse back to his hideout. 

Never had he suffered a humiliation this badly, for the past 200 years he had lived. His arm wouldn't regenerate, no matter how much he tried to reattach it. 

He was a vampire nobility. Not some dumb runt that miraculously turned into a lesser vampire. He had full noble blood running through his veins.

As he looked at the wound where he was struck, the wound he received was a clean cut from a blade. However, the flames from the blade burnt his flesh off, meaning that all the cells in his arm were killed the moment his arm was cut off.

"Th...that...F*cking MONGREL!!! I'LL KILL HIM!" The man screams at the top of his lungs while cursing the human that struck him down.

As the man dragged his rugged body through the sewers, someone was hiding in the dark.

The Man noticed immediately and exposed his claws hurling in a defensive position.

"Get him." A deep voice echoed from the other part of the sewer. Whoever spoke had an absolute sound of authority and was a man of power. 

As the man tried to flee due to his current situation. He found himself not able to move his lower body for some reason. The next thing he knows, his face was planted on the ground. He dragged himself, forcing himself to stand but for some reason, he couldn't feel his legs.

Looking at his surrounding, a crimson-red stain was spread all around as blown-up and torn organs were spilled across the floor. When he turned his head to look, all that was left was the remains of his lower body dragging across the ground as he tried to move.

"GUARGHHH...I...I am____"

"Hmph. I'm bored of this, here you can have him."

A humanoid creature then picks up the man on his last arm and smiles.




"Yes, you are in fact in London."


One of the girls in a white robe approached Red with her cell phone. As she displayed the video call function out, the person on the other end of the call appeared. It was the blond man Red bumped into while he was heading home from dinner.


"Huh, you manage to take my advice. Thank God everything is fine." He replied while patting his chest in relief.

"No, everything is not fine. Look." The lady in Purple Robe, Irene, commented while the girl showed the man what was happening around them.

Red admitted to himself, it wasn't a great scene. The surrounding buildings were damaged, and there are holes in the ground. Some part of the city structure was melted and charred. And there were bodies everywhere lying around. From a stranger's point of view, it looked like a massacre scene. 

"Wh...How many died?"

"None. It was done by your mistake here." The lady in the Purple robe said, pointing her fingers at me.

"...Is he___"

"No. He saved your student in fact."


As the two mages continued speaking, Red chose to speak with one of the trio of white robe mages.

She was wearing a witches hat and had long hair with her bangs shown cut horizontally. She had pretty big eyes and was generally quiet. To Red, she looked like the kind of kid who was forced to take on the role of a librarian.

"So young miss. How did I get here?"

The girl sticks her hand to her pouch, digging for something in it. As she frantically searched for it, she managed to find it and show it to Red.

It was the stone that he encountered when he bumped into the blond-haired man.

" known as a warping stone. One of the more precious stones that were enchanted and engraved with runes in it."

"Good job Shirley. You remembered what you learned in class." A voice comment came from the cell phone again.

"That warping stone works as a two-way transportation unit where when one injects mana into the stone itself, the stone crumbles causing whoever injected mana to warp to the location of the other stone. The stone comes in a set of 2 so when one of the stones is activated and destroyed, the other one would be useless. It's a versatile tool that can be used in many situations, especially in an emergency. However, the only way that someone could even activate the stones is through the injection of Mana. Which meant, you have to have Mana to even activate the stones. So who are you?"

You are reading story The Mask delivered to me at

There was silence in the room as all remaining eyes lay upon Red.

Red scratched his head while trying to find ways to explain his situation. With the mages all eyeing him, it wouldn't make sense for him to lie since they aren't showing hostility now. But the problem is he didn't know how to explain why he had Mana. Until he remembered Sasaki's words.

" ever heard of awakeners?"


[Red's POV]

"Ah...That explains it." Irene, the purple robe mage replied.

Gerald, the mage in the video call, pondered before replying.

"Though we the Mage's Association don't dawdle with the outside world much due to protection and security, we do know generally what happens around the world. With the latest news of the Nine-Tailed-Fox having difficulty fighting one human with a peculiar mask alone."

Just as Gerald said it, the 3 white robe mages stepped in closer to observe my mask. One of them gasped in surprise. Ryong probably blinked or something to scare them.

Irene changed the subject as she ignored my mask and dragged the cell phone and me to another side.

"With that Vampire noble recognizing your face, it's going to be hard for you to be safe now regardless of where you are." 

"I suggest that he comes to the Mage's Association as a student," Gerald replied.

"How old are you?" Irene asked while looking at me.

Still realizing I had my mask on, I took it off and replied.


"Crap you passed the age for a student to join," Gerald said.

"Oh, you're Asian. Your English is surprisingly good." Irene added.

"What's the deal with the vampires anyway?" I asked while still confused about the situation.

"We're talking about it later. So Irene, how do we get him in?"

"He can't pass in as a student but there's another way he can enter the academy."

"? Oh! You mean?"

"Yeap, that vacancy is still open for that slot."

I looked at the 2 of them talking and had a very very bad feeling from the way they are already making a decision. 

"He has the qualification to do it. Seeing how he destroyed this formation effortlessly. We need someone to teach them how to fight."

"Didn't you lose to him?"

"I had my limiters on."

"I see. Hm. OK then, let's do it. We're getting the Chairman and Principal's permission. 

"I'll find a way to make my Grandfather agree."

Having enough of their nonsense, I stepped up and asked.

"What the hell are you two talking about?"

Irene passed the cell phone to me. Inside Gerald started clearing his throat and smiled.

"Congratulations. You're appointed the Combat Instructor for the Magic Academy."


Ryong sighed at one corner and said.

[I swear, thou must have done something bad in the past.]

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