The Mask delivered to me

Chapter 93: An Unexpected Reunion

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[Red's POV]

Jade Chong. The youngest child in the Chong family is 5 years below my age. My sister has always been incredible. At a young age, she was already skipping grades because of her intelligence, managing to land herself in Junior College at the age of 13. While in the middle of the mid-finals, she still had time to attend a competition for taekwondo and won first place. 

She was also pretty according to her friends that came over to our house and were fairly popular, always coming home with different presents that were wrapped in ribbons and bags. It was mostly from boys trying to woo her for her attention. But it seems she was pretty cold with it. Maybe she got tired of it. 

Within the family, it was said among my relatives that I was the one with the brawn, and my brother, Gold, was the one with the brains. You could call Jade the one with brains and brawn.

Though, I have never really been that close to Jade compared to Gold. Jade was...Different.

She always puts on a bored expression as if everything doesn't matter to her. She was just passing time because of the fact she had to. The only time I saw her getting excited was when she asked me to spar with her in preparation for her Taekwondo competition. Other than that, I didn't interact with her much more than that.

But that doesn't mean we didn't get along. We are just not that close, I guess. In a way, I didn't have an interest in what she liked. Maybe that's why.

However, one thing was certain. I was told that she was heading off to the University of Oxford for her university studies. So why was she here? She was even wearing a yellow robe, meaning that she had already passed the beginner ranking. Looks like when it comes to even magic, she's unmatched, Huh.

Irene got a sight of me looking at one of the students and asked,

"Someone, you know?" 

"Yeap. You're a Sage rank mage, right?" 

"Yes. Why?"

"Can you check the details of the students in your magic academy?"

"If deemed necessary, I can do that. Why?"

I pointed in Jade's direction and asked, "Can you check the details of this student?"

"May I enquire the reason to do so?"

"Because I want to know why my sister is here in Mundi magical."



The train traveled across the sky and seas, finally reaching its destination. An archipelago that was floating in the sky all bounded by chains larger than the size of an entire apartment, with the main building and facilities located right smack in the center. 

As the students of Irene dropped off, they all bowed to their teacher, thanking her but giving me a stink eye before heading off. Even Jade ran off on her own with her friends. It seemed that Ava, the girl who fainted, woke up from her nap. Ava looked around. Jade's age was small in size. She had one hair tied in pigtail style and had a witch's hat on. She looks like a pretty optimistic and cheerful girl from the front here. But I think what happened might have scared her a little, judging by how her body was still shaking.

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At first, she was confused about what had happened to her, but with the help of Renne and Shirley, she caught up to speed on the events and thanked me, bowing her head down. 

I assured her it was nothing and told her to lift her head.

As the rest of them took their time getting their luggage and items out, I was already out of the train waiting for them. All I had on my back was the giant egg, entrusted to me by King Darius.

A weird image was seen from the train when the luggage started moving out of the train by themselves as if they were dancing. Some of them were even floating.

The white mage trio, Irene and I, were the last ones to head off from the train station. 

"Welcome to Elderwinn, Academy of Sorcery."

Just then, a Pelican in a mailman costume flew over, dropping a letter on top of us. As the letter descends downwards towards us, it suddenly rips itself apart, showing only the contents of the letter, with the words suddenly floating out of the paper and materializing out from the paper. 

It reads: It has been informed that the Sage: Irene Adhira, as well as the Beginners: Ava Evergreen, Renne Florth, and Shirley Durkins, as well as the outsider, are to report to the headmaster's office immediately.

"I can't seem to have a break. Hais. Alright, move along."

As we head toward the entrance of the Academy. Two bronze statues of a knight were standing side by side at the front gate, blocking the entrance. With a wave of her staff, the two statues came to life and pushed the heavy doors to open the way in for us and proceeds to shut the gate once all of us were in.

Entering the academy, a long hallway awaits us as it leads us to the courtyard. From there, the location was spread to multiple different exits. Taking the one right opposite us leads to a bunch of staircases to nowhere.

Irene and the girls, however, proceeded to climb the stairs without much thought. Having no choice, I followed them, only to find the stairs started forming a path while floating while the bricks of the stairs at the back floats away, replacing and creating a pathway for the ones In-front. Eventually, the stairs led to a giant mirror. Raising her magic staff, Irene tapped the mirror. Like a water droplet dropping in a pool of water, waves were formed inside the mirror. With that Irene stepped inside it and disappeared. I stood there awed at what just happened, just for Ryong to interrupt.

[Stop staring. Thou looked like a bumpkin who hasn't seen magic before.]

"I have not seen magic of this degree at all."

[*Master is a bumpkinnnnnn*]

Suddenly from my back, appeared something long, wrapping around my neck like a scarf. 

It was White.

Carrying White and the Egg. I proceed into the mirror, finding myself inside an office.

"Welcome to Elderwinn, Mr. Red."

Speaking in front of me was an old man that was smoking from a pipe that was floating while he was twirling his fingers, spinning them around. The teaspoon also spun in the same direction as his fingers, stirring what I assume is tea in his cup.

"Let's get down to business shall we." He said, showing a smile that looked eerily similar to how King Darius smiled before he has done something absurd.

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