The Max-Leveled Princess is Bored Today As Well

Chapter 33: 32

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S3. The Softening of Erez Gray’s Heart

Translated by Wook

Edited by Wook

She stood on top of a wall where the wind was blowing hard.

Her long hair and the hem of her robe fluttered wildly in the twilight red wind. One wrong step was an endless cliff, but there was no fear in her back.

After all, isn’t she the hero who sealed the evil dragon that humans couldn’t even dare to approach? Erez thought so, and he took a step closer to Dante and spoke to her.

“The wind is strong. It’s dangerous, so please come down, Princess.”

Dante’s shoulders twitched slightly in respond to Erez’s voice. Then she slowly looked back at Erez.

She had neat features and deep, intense eyes. With a cold, sharp smile, like a cold, sharp knife.

Erez had met and served numerous Renatus clan members over the years, but he had never met a person as dignified and charismatic as her.

Even compared to the man sitting on the throne now.

“Duke Gray.”

Dante smiled as she ruffled her messy hair with one hand.

“When did you come?”

“Just now.”

“You’re also one oddball, aren’t you? Everyone’s been trying to not get involved with this princess who was born outside the palace, or are you hoping for some unexpected profits—”

“I’ve lived with enough so far to not wait on some unexpected profits that may fall, Your Highness.”

“Pu ha ha!”

Dante burst out laughing without covering her mouth. It was an expression that could not be found in any other noble families.

Wouldn’t it be better to say that she was the reason he was standing below the wall, looking at her from afar as her hair fluttered, blown by the wind?

With thoughts like that, Erez moved closer to her.

“Please come down. The wind is strong. I’ll catch you—”

Before Erez finished talking, Dante jumped off the wall.

Dante, who landed so lightly beside Erez, stared at Erez with round eyes.

“Huh? What were you trying to say?”

“… Nothing. I said it was windy.”

Erez said with a bitter smile. He was a little ashamed of himself for trying to do her a favor.

“Well, you are right. The north wind has gotten stronger. It will be very cold this winter.”

Dante looked into the distance and murmured.

“I hope it doesn’t frost early. The damage to the farmhouse will be terrible.”

“Were you looking at the farmhouse?”

“If you want to look at something, look down. What’s the point of looking at the sky that won’t collapse anytime soon?”

Dante said with a smile.

At that crude smile, Erez also smiled.

“Well, I’m going down. I will use my skills to make a pie for you.”

“You can cook?”

“Fufu, I learned it from a kitchen maid a while ago. Have you ever eaten sardine pie?”

“… Actually, I’ve already finished my meal…”

“Haha, stop talking and follow me.”

“… Yes.”

Erez, who had an upset stomach after drinking the pumpkin soup Dante had made the other day, quietly followed Dante, thinking that he should ask his doctor for a digestive medicine beforehand.


It was a very chaotic time.

The authority of the corrupt imperial family has fallen, and the crown prince was incompetent and had been reduced to a puppet for a count.

The other princes were only interested in whether the succession rights would pass on to them, and the nobles were revealing their dark secrets little by little to claim the autonomy of the territory in the midst of confusion.

Renatus’s luck ran out. It certainly wouldn’t last long.

Erez thought so.

Until she showed up.

“Are you alright, Your Highness?”

Late at night, Dante’s bedroom in the Imperial Palace.

It had been two days since he had been invited to the imperial family party.

When the Renatus clan, who had been wary of Dante, had sent her an invitation for some reason, Erez realized only two nights later that it was all a plan.

At Erez’s feet, an assassin covered in black robe fell, bleeding. Blood dripped from Erez’s sword and wet the carpet.

Dante sat across her bed, brushing her matted hair, and speaking in a still sleepy voice.

“I’m alright… Ha, well. Sorry for the bad hospitality.”

A sword was also held in Dante’s right hand. Perhaps, even if Erez had not come, she would have been able to solve it on her own.

No, that’s not it. It just meant that she had been able to solve it on her own until now.

Erez realized at that moment. Why she slept with a sword under her pillow. Why she couldn’t sleep deeply. Why she was so resolute in this situation.

‘This wasn’t the first time?’

As his thoughts came to a conclusion, Erez gritted his teeth.”

“… Let’s go back. This place is dangerous. Renatus is everywhere. Can you even rest properly?”

Was there any reason to torment someone who was willing to give up her successor position to enjoy the rest of her leisurely life in a remote estate?

“That’s enough. Let’s stop talking about this. Ha, I’m sleepy. I need to get some more sleep.”

“How can it be this bad?”

“Assassins come even if we are not the Imperial Palace. Do you know how many men the imperial family has put into my mansion when they said they’d let me be in my mansion?”

“Then do you intend to stay here?”

“I’ll stay for a while. Even if it’s unfortunate that they keep doing it.”

It meant she didn’t want to run away.

It was difficult for Erez to understand Dante’s persistence, but in the end he sighed, and he couldn’t resist any further.

“… I’m going to call someone.”

“Yes, I’d appreciate that. Oh, and would you mind calling someone to bring me a glass of water?”

“I will bring it.”

“Oh, that’s a lot of trouble for you, Duke Gray.”

“It doesn’t matter. You’re in a position that it’s okay to cause this much trouble.”

Erez smiled bitterly, wiping the blood from his sword. But at his words, Dante tilted her head.

“Mm? What does it mean?”


Erez was rather flustered by Dante’s unfamiliar reaction.

“Well… I mean literally.”

He had thought he was quite close to Dante, but was it his own misunderstanding?

His face burned at the thought. Fortunately, it was deep at night, so he didn’t get caught.

“In what position is it okay to cause someone else trouble?”

Dante frowned and asked again. And only then did Erez realize.

She wasn’t drawing the line ‘You and I aren’t like that’. She was really, purely, asking the words’ meaning in the dictionary.

“Well, for example, family…”

“My flesh and blood are faithfully bothering me, why should I tolerate this?”

“… No.”

Erez answered, glancing at the assassin’s corpse lying on the floor.

I see. For her, there never existed a relationship with anyone where ‘it’s okay to cause trouble.’

She had lived a life of ups and downs, had accumulated many achievements, and had met many people along the way, but they were all just passersby..

‘Isn’t there anyone this person could bother comfortably?’

Erez frowned and dropped his head.

“… For example, friends, that kind of thing.”


Dante’s eyes widened again.

“I see. Friends. Right. That’s what friends are for.”

Then she smiled and looked at Erez.

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“Then, are we close friends, enough that I can cause trouble?”

“… I’d be honored if Your Highness would consider it so.”

“Alright. I made friends at night. It’s something to live for a long time.”

At Erez’s answer, Dante laughed and enjoyed herself like a child.

Looking at that bright smile that day, Erez’s heart, which had been hardened by the appearance of the assassin, was also relieved.

“Then wait a moment. I’ll get someone in a minute.”

“Yes, I’m sorry, but please.”

Dante sat across the bed and laughed, shaking her legs back and forth. She was too naive to be a grown woman, so Erez laughed briefly before turning his back.

But before leaving the door, Erez had to stop walking again.

Because he heard the sound of something falling down from behind.

“… Your Highness?”

He involuntarily looked behind and saw Dante lying next to the bed.

At first he thought she was joking. Or maybe she was tired and suddenly fell asleep.

However, when he found the white bedsheets gradually turning dark red, Erez felt as if blood was cooling all over his body.

“Your Highness!”

Erez hurried back to Dante. He caressed her cheek, she was as cold as a lie.

“Your Highness! Wake up, Your Majesty! Your Highness? Can you hear me?”

No matter how many times he called, rubbed her cheeks, and shook her body, there was no response. Her pulse was beating, but faint. Her body temperature was dropping.


Erez cried out the name of the person who couldn’t answer.


There was no need to make a fuss and inform the other Renatus of the situation.

Erez secretly called in his own people and brought the doctor in.

The doctor said it was a symptom of poisoning.

“Fortunately, the condition is not serious and the treatment is quick, so there will be no major problems. Rest assured.”

The person had fallen and vomited blood, and he was told to rest assured.

That day, Erez sat by Dante’s bed until the light of the morning dawned, contemplating for a long time who might have poisoned her.

Was the food she ate at the party the problem? Or was the pre-ceremony the problem? Had the assassin done something?

As he continued to worry, Dante, who had been unconscious, opened her eyes.

“… Are you awake?”

Erez spoke to her softly with a tired face.

Dante, who barely opened her eyes, lay down and looked at Erez, just blinking her eyes. After a while, Dante opened her mouth and spoke in a rough voice.

“What a sight, Duke Gray.”

“Take care of your own well-being first. The doctor said you were poisoned, how are you feeling now?”

“Mm… Poison. Is that why that drink didn’t taste good?”

“Did you notice?”

“I know how to roughly distinguish poisons by taste. I spit it out because I thought it was strange, but I guess it still caused trouble because of the first few sips.”

Alcohol. Was the pre-ceremony a problem? Who brought it? From where and how should I start to find the culprit?

Kruk. Erez gritted his teeth. He closed his eyes as hard as he could. Deep wrinkles were carved between the forehead.

“I will… find the culprit and let them pay in death…”

“It’s okay. It must be one of my half-brothers. No need to be so concerned.”


“Maybe it’s because my health isn’t what it used to be. I’m fine, so you too, go back and rest.”

“I’m fine.”

“Didn’t you stay here all night? You’ll get sick.”

“I will protect you, Your Highness.”

“Umm, no… If you’re around, I’ll be too nervous to sleep.”

Dante frowned and spoke.

You’ll be nervous? Not uncomfortable? Erez laughed heartily at her reply.

“You don’t trust me completely yet.”

“Not just you, anyone else as well.”

“Is that so?”

“Are you upset?”

“No. It is a wise decision, Your Highness.”

Erez approached Dante’s bedside, knelt down on one knee, and met her eyes. He clasped Dante’s cold hand tightly and spoke softly.

“Do not trust anyone. Even if that’s me. A ruler should do that. It’s a lonely and lonely place.”

“I am not your lord. Isn’t your master my father sitting on the throne?”

“I decide who is my king.”

“What do you mean?”

“Your Highness. Do you have any reason to continue tolerating your ignorant and arrogant flesh and blood?”

Dante blinked.

She was silent for a long time. Not because she didn’t understand Erez’s words. She was waiting for Erez to recant the dangerous statement.

However, Erez’s firm gaze seemed to have no intention of taking back the words that had been uttered.

Finally, Dante got up and sat on the bed. Still kneeling in front of her, Erez looked up at her.

“Do you know how blasphemous the words you just said, Duke Gray?”

“I know.”

“I can strike you in the neck right now on behalf of my father.”

“If you hit me in the head, I’m willing to die.”

There is no future for this empire anyway, for Renatus.

Rather than watching the country crumble, I would rather die here and now at the hands of Renatus’ strongest and most beautiful woman.

“Your Highness, you do not have to forgive them. If you allow me, I will become your sword and annihilate them all.”

“Do you want to kill my brothers?”

“Not just your brothers, even the emperor.”

“Are you going to revolt?”

“I will make you emperor.”

“Ha, there were so many people I’ve killed, and now my family, too. I’d probably go to hell.”

Dante burst out laughing.

“All you have to do is sit on an empty throne. Hell is enough for me alone.”

That’s right.

Erez Gray had been waiting for this moment.

When he could serve the strongest, wisest and most charismatic king. There was no other seed in Renatus that could become emperor aside from her.

This was neither a revolution nor a revolt.

It was fate.

“I am your sword. If you do not want to wield it, please break it here and now.”

His readiness to die for her had been there from the moment he had met her.

Dante didn’t say anything for a long time. Erez knew well how heavy and difficult it was to make such a decision right away.

But no matter how long she contemplated, Dante was the one who had always chose the right answer.

Erez Gray was well aware of that.

“… I’m going to cause a little trouble for my friend.”

Dante smiled and caressed Erez’s cheek.

“Will you fall into hell with me, Erez?”

“Wherever you are, I will be with you.”

Erez’s red eyes were reflected in the dawn light and shone resolutely.

The darkness passed and the morning came. The shadows hidden at night slowly rose above the floor.

Since it was not something that could be dedicated to the lord, his yearning was intertwined with the darkening shadow and evaporated.

Never to come to mind again.

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