The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 1: 【Vol.1】 -01- Strange Encounter

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The funny thing about being eighteen, is that even though you can be considered an adult by society for the most part, it’s really just a trial run of the real thing until you hit your twenties.  

The desire of an average teenager is to become an adult as soon as possible.  While the lifelong regret of an adult is wishing you stayed a teenager longer, not appreciating all the free time you had available to utilize before the burden of adult responsibility fell squarely on your shoulders.

The woman I fell in love with was an adult with plenty of experience at being one, yet I was still a teenager, having only just begun to dip my toes into the stage of life known as adulthood.  Though we were vastly apart in age and experience, we found ourselves shortly after our first encounter at the government office registering our marriage one summer break in my third year of high school.

I was old enough to make this decision on my own, and didn’t need to consult anyone or get their blessings either.  I felt it in my heart that she was the perfect fit for me, even if she was twice my age.  She was exiting a failed relationship, a feeling I knew only too well, since I was in the same boat myself.  

We had our destined encounter of all places at an arcade near my house on the first weekend of the summer break of my senior year in high school.  

My girlfriend at the time, Watanabe Chigusa, had dumped me for some reason about a month before summer break started.  Though I was a bit miserable at first in losing her, I figured it wasn’t that bad of a thing in the end, really.  Without any distraction from being in a relationship anymore, it would give me more time to just fool around and do whatever I wanted.  Besides, she was pushy, selfish, and while incredibly beautiful, unsatisfied with me for some reason.  Which is why she succinctly summed up her dissatisfaction in five words before we separated:  “You’re boring, let’s break up.”

She was probably right about that.  I didn’t have any long term goals exactly, but I was a self-made man already.  It wasn’t something I talked to people about openly, but I’m actually pretty well off.  

How am I well off?

I’m a popular web novelist, and have been so for a couple of years now.  I make a ridiculous amount of money just writing shitty knock-off stories of already popular genres and rake in plenty of cold hard cash every month from my loyal readers.  It’s really not that hard to do when you don’t have to deal with things like extracurricular sports or a lame part-time wage-slave job that eats up all your free time, and can focus on doing what you want instead.

And through doing exactly what I wanted, when I wanted, was how I came to meet my future wife, Hanazono Mayuri-san.  


I’m Tachibana Shota by the way.  I recently turned eighteen and currently live alone in the home that I inherited, having only to answer to myself.  

It was because of that self-accountability that I was out late one Saturday night right as summer break began at a nearby arcade, playing a rather old fighting game against the computer controlled opponent when suddenly the screen showed a flashing message that a new challenger had appeared.  

My opponent was sitting at the machine across from me, but I hadn’t even noticed them sit down. We must have played ten rounds against each other, and though they played a bit sloppily at times, they weren’t at all an easy opponent for me to beat.  We had tied each other with five wins and five losses, and it was somewhere near the end of the first round of the eleventh match, when their character stopped responding entirely.  At the second round when they still didn’t move at all, I became concerned about my opponent.  I wondered if they left partway through the match, though I didn’t notice them standing up to leave.

I leaned my head around the side of the machine only to see that there was still a body occupying the space, so I got up, worried if they were alright, and went to check up on them.  That’s when I noticed that they were a she, and she was passed out.  Her head was face down on the buttons, and her left hand was open limply around the joystick.  I gave her a light shake to see if she’d wake up, but she wasn’t responding at all.

I probably shouldn’t have bothered her, but this arcade isn’t exactly the safest place to be at night in this neighborhood.  There are quite a few delinquents that hang out here, and I was worried she might find that her purse had been stolen while she was asleep, or possibly she might end up in a worse situation.

“Excuse me, Miss…?” I called out to her this time as I gently shook her again.


“Hello?  Miss…?”

It took a few more tries, but I was finally able to rouse her a bit.

When I saw her face lift up and look towards me, I couldn’t help but think of how beautiful she was.  She looked like the spitting image of my ex-girlfriend, only older.  Everything about her screamed MILF, and I definitely began to worry something worse than getting her purse stolen could happen if I left her alone.

“Miss, are you alright?” I asked her with concern.

“Miss?  You… talkin’ ta’ me… squirt?”  

Her words were a bit slurred, making it crystal clear that she was drunk.

“Yes, I’m talking to you.  It’s not safe to pass out here, Miss.”

“I wasn’t passed out, I was just restin’ my eyes.” She said, denying the obvious.

“Do you live close by?  I can call you a cab if you’d like.” I offered.

“I don’t live nowhere right now… ‘less yer gonna put me up for the night?”

She was a homeless?  She didn’t look like it.  She was dressed nicely, Business Casual, as if she worked in an office as a secretary or something.  There’s no way she didn’t have a place to go home to, and I couldn’t in good conscience leave her here.

“Then, if you’d like, you can sleep it off at my place.  It’s right around the corner.”

She lifted her head up fully and gave me a drunken once over.

“Hey, you’re pretty cute…” I could smell the alcohol on her breath as she complimented me.

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“Uh, Thanks?”

“A’right, if you’re sure ya’ don’t mind takin’ me ta’ your place, I’ll accept.  Do you need ta’ let your mommy know first?”  She said, patronizingly.

She giggled at me.  I wondered if she was looking down on me?  I figured she’d at least mistake me for a college student at least with the way I was dressed and the fact I was out this late.  I did look adult enough, or so I thought, even though I’m still in my senior year of high school.

“No, I live by myself.” I replied.

“Really?  How old’re you then?  Ya’ look like you’re still in high school.”

“I’m still in high school, sure.  I’m a senior, in fact.  But I live alone, so there’s no problem with needing to ask anyone permission.”

“Hmm, senior year an’ livin’ on your own already?  You aren’t gonna… hic… try anything funny with me, are ya’?” She said, poking me in the chest hard.

“No, Ma’am.  I would just feel better knowing you had somewhere safe to sleep.” I answered her honestly. 

“Ufufufu~ well, I’m not gonna lie to ‘ya… I’m pretty drunk.  I was havin’ a night out an’ might’ve had a couple more beers than I should’ve…”

There was no doubt about the last part of what she said.  I offered her my hand and she took it.  She had stood up unsteadily, and clung to my arm, inadvertently pressing her cleavage against it as she leaned on me for support.  I grabbed her purse while helping lead her out of the arcade and to my home which was right down the street.

I had to walk slow so she didn’t stumble, and it was good that she was at least wearing proper shoes.  If she was wearing heels, she would have kissed the pavement a few times by now, probably dragging me along with her.  

It was a clear night with a brisk wind, and I had offered her my jacket about halfway to home when she shivered.  Even though it was summer break, it got cold out when the sun went down.

“You’re a real gentleman ain’t ya?” She said behind a smile.

Wrapped in my jacket, we quickly made it to my house.  It was a two story 2LDK built about twenty years ago.  Originally it belonged to my mother and father who bought it a year after they got married, but they passed away when the pandemic was at its worst a few years back.  Dad was smart enough to have some insurance, and it was enough to cover the bills until I’d graduated high school, but after that I would be forced to get a job.  So, I decided to attack that problem sooner rather than later when the money ran out, and searched for a way to make some quickly.  

That solution came in the form of a contest on a website.

The winner would win a significant amount of money, at least significant enough for a teenager.  All I needed to do was write a story and get the most views in a short period of time.  After doing some research, I found what were the most popular genres, spent a week reading many popular web novels written about them, and then pretty much faked it until I made it.

I won the contest, and with it a great deal of exposure.

I was invited to join a chatroom with some other popular authors who also competed with me in the contest, they gave me important tips and financial advice.  The critical one was about setting up a web-pay system so I could receive donations and also promote my work that way.

It wasn’t exactly as easy as I made it out to be.  My first month I had barely earned 5,000 yen.  It was a slow crawl that first year, but by the end of it, along with a second novel that was only available to people who subscribed and donated to me, I made one hundred times that.

In other words, I made about 500,000 yen a month.

That is a ridiculous amount for a teenager to make, especially one still in high school.  I kept quiet about it though, since I didn’t want to paint a target on my back from any idiots who thought they could shake me down for money.

Unlocking the front door, I helped her inside my home, and brought her over to the large brown couch in the living room.  I would have offered her some coffee, but I didn’t keep any in the house.  I had bottled water, tea, and cola.  None of which she wanted.

I had packed away my parents things long ago when I changed location from my room to theirs.  Their room was bigger than mine was, and it didn’t make sense not to use it.  I kept Mom and Dad’s things in cardboard boxes in my old room’s closet.  Their wedding picture was on the shrine near the front door, and I always paid my respects to it daily.

Both of the bedrooms were upstairs, and I wondered if she could manage climbing them.  Rather than the walk sobering her up, she seemed to be ready to pass out again, so I had to settle for letting her sleep on the couch in the living room.  

I had taken off her shoes, but let her keep the jacket on.  I went upstairs and grabbed a blanket and pillow for her, and one for myself as well.  I made sure she was covered up snugly.  

As she slept her inebriation away, I made myself a bowl of instant noodles and couldn’t help but keep making the comparison of her to my ex-girlfriend as she slept.  They were eerily similar in appearance, and I wondered if when Chigusa got older that she’d end up looking just like this woman.

It was a pointless thought, however.  We were through dating anyway and she even avoided me in school even though we were in neighboring classrooms.  Even though my friends worried about me, I didn’t let my disappointment show.  I never even got so much as a single naked selfie from her to jerk off to.

It’d been over a month already, and I hadn’t even beaten the meat once.  But seeing this absolutely stunning woman who looked like her.  I really, really, really, wanted to!  But that would involve going upstairs, because there was no way in hell I was doing it anywhere near her.

I gave up on the idea and just crashed on the floor next to her shortly after eating.  I was tired anyway, and figured if I slept now then I would wake up early tomorrow and have more time to fool around with.

The next morning I woke up only to find she wasn’t on the couch, and I was feeling a little disappointed about it.

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