The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 2: -02- Houseguest

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I heard a cute humming coming from the kitchen suddenly.  I sat up and stretched, finally seeing that the woman from last night was in fact still here and busying herself in front of the stove in my kitchen.  I stood up, noticing I was covered up with the same sheet I had used to cover her up with last night.  I quickly sorted out the pillows and the sheet, then headed towards the kitchen to greet her.

“Umm, Miss?” I called out to her, loud enough to be heard but not loud enough to startle her.

She turned around after hearing my voice, bowing immediately.

“I’m terribly sorry for troubling you last night.”  She said with her eyes downcast.  “As a thank you for letting me stay, please let me make you something enjoyable for breakfast.”

I scratched the back of my head.  

“Uh, sure?  Thanks.”

She raised her body and smiled at me. 

“It’ll be ready in just a few moments.  I wasn’t sure if you were going to wake up before I finished, and I’m sure you’d probably rather I just left, but I wanted to return the favor of you putting me up for the night.”

I waved it off.

“It wasn’t a problem.  I’m just glad you had a safe place to sleep.  That arcade isn’t the best place to end up at that late at night.  I was worried something might happen to you if left alone in that state.”

“Arcade?” She asked, tilting her head.

“Don’t you remember what happened last night?”

She put her finger to her plump lips for a moment and closed her eyes trying to recollect.

“Bits and pieces.  I remember going out drinking, then wanting to go anywhere but home… not that I can really call it that anymore.  I remember a handsome guy offering to let me stay at his place, and figured what the hell, why not!”

“Handsome guy?  Uh?  There was only me though?” I said, pointing at myself.

“Unless it was someone else who brought me here?  I didn’t see any signs of another person living here, but then again I didn’t snoop around either.  I only woke up a little while ago myself.”

“It’s fine.  For the record, I live alone here and was the one who brought you back to my house.  You had wandered into the arcade nearby around ten last night, and played a few rounds of a fighting game with me then passed out during the eleventh round.”

“Ah, so that’s what happened!  That does sound like me.  I’m really sorry for inconveniencing you like that.”

“Well, you probably have your own issues, so I won’t pry.  I wouldn’t mind if you joined me for breakfast though.  I don’t get a lot of guests here, and I’d rather not send you off with an empty stomach after going to all the trouble of making it, plus… I’d kind of… enjoy the company.”

“Are you sure?”

I nodded.  

“I’m sure, really, you don’t have to be reserved about it.”

She thanked me again, continuing to make whatever breakfast she was.  It smelled delicious, and I wasn’t always so eager to cook for myself.  My ex-girlfriend wasn’t the type to cook at all, and the last time I really had a good home-cooked meal was when my mother was still alive just about two years ago.

“Is there anything you don’t like in your food?” She asked me as her attention was focused away from me.

“I’m not a picky eater, so I’ll be fine with anything.”

“Alright then, I hope you are hungry.”

A couple of minutes later and I had a nice traditional breakfast of rice and miso, along with some seasoned beef that was slowly expiring in the fridge cut into thin strips and cooked perfectly, along with some tsukudani.  If she hadn’t cooked, the ingredients probably would have been thrown out, having never been used.  

Even though I was lazy and didn’t often cook for myself, I was used to keeping the kitchen stocked with all the ingredients my mother used to.  Maybe it was something I did subconsciously, I don’t really know.  But it made me happy to open the fridge or cabinets to see it full and reminding me of better times at least.

The woman dressed in business casual attire was eating across from me as well, but she seemed to be enjoying watching me dig in ravenously rather than eating much herself.  What she cooked was amazingly good!  She was amazingly attractive, and I couldn’t believe my fortune at having such a pretty woman make me something to eat.

“Ufufufu~ You sure have a healthy appetite for a teenage boy.”

“That’s only because your food is delicious, and it’s been a while since I last had a home cooked meal.”

She looked at me almost pitifully when I said that.

“Ara?  Doesn’t your mother cook for you?”

“Um… I said it before, that I’m currently living here alone.  My parents, both of them, passed away during the pandemic a couple of years ago.”

She covered her mouth quickly.  “Oh my!  I’m terribly sorry!”

“It’s not your fault.  Anyway, I’m grateful for the meal, Miss.  The way I see it, I’m the lucky one here.”


“Yeah,  I did a good deed and got a nice reward for it.”  I gave her my best award-winning smile to show my sincerity.

When I said that she giggled.

“You could have had a much nicer reward if you were daring enough last night.”

I looked at her and froze dead.

“Please give me a break.  Taking advantage of a woman’s trust is something only a real scumbag would do.”

She kept her smile up, but what she said next in a cold tone was anything but happy.

“There are plenty of scumbags in the world that wouldn’t hesitate to do that…  I should know.”

I swallowed a mouthful of her delicious rice and beef quietly.  I wasn’t quite sure how to answer her.  I think she unintentionally said it, because she started waving both her hands in front of her quickly.

“I’m sorry!  I didn’t mean to imply anything by that.  Sorry, I’m… sort of just exiting a bad relationship.”

“It happens, I understand.” I replied softly, “I was recently dumped by my girlfriend without much of a warning or a good reason, so I can relate.”

She nodded, quickly filling her own mouth with a bite of food.

“Anyway, if you want, you can take a shower if you need to.  There’s clean towels in the bath upstairs.”

“No, I’ve already imposed enough…”

I shrugged, letting her know it was fine to suit herself.

“May I know your name?”  She asked me.

“Tachibana Shota.”

“Tachibana-san.  It’s a pleasure to meet you.  I’m…”

She paused for a moment, as if she was almost unsure of her own name.

“I’m Hanazono Mayuri.”

“It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Hanazono-san.”

I offered a slight bow to her.

There wasn’t much conversation the rest of the meal.  When breakfast was finished, she took care of washing the bowls and plates.  She also declined the shower in the end, not that she really needed it or anything.  After everything, she thanked me again and I saw her off at the door.

I didn’t think I’d ever see her again, but she left me with a good impression that day, and my lower half got a strenuous one-handed workout as my mind overlapped images of her and my ex-girlfriend who she eerily reminded me of.

Two days had passed from when she left, and it was early in the morning on Tuesday when I felt cooped up after writing all day Monday.  There’s a park nearby that I like to take the occasional stroll through to unwind, and when I headed there in the early morning, I saw a familiar sight sitting on a bench and wearing the same clothes as she had two nights ago.

“H-Hanazono-san?”  I asked once I got closer.

She peeked over in my direction and her eyes opened wide.

“Oh, Tachi… um… Tachi…?”

“Tachibana.  Tachibana Shota.”

“Oh my, yes.  I’m sorry, I hadn’t meant to forget.”

I waved it off.

“We only met the one time, you can’t remember everyone.  Have you been well?”

When I said that she took a deep breath and sighed.

“Do you really want to know?”

I got the impression that things weren’t well at all with her with her saying that.  I took a seat next to her on the bench and decided to inquire about her situation.

“It’s kind of embarrassing, but I don’t want to go home.  I was going to impose on my friend Kanna-chan, but she sort of eloped.  She’s currently visiting Korea, having her honeymoon on Jeju Island.”

“Iyaaa… that’s some bad luck.” I said, feeling sorry for her.

“I know, right?  Well, she’ll be back by the weekend.  I just need to hold out until then.”

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“Pardon me for asking, but you said you don’t want to go home… is there something troubling you there?”

“Just an old lady’s problem.  You needn’t concern yourself with it.”

“I can lend an ear if you’d like?”

She sighed, then leaned back against the bench.

“You said you had a girlfriend, right?”

I shook my head.  

“An ex-girlfriend.  We broke up about a month ago.”

“Was she seeing someone else by chance?”

“Eh?  I… don’t think so?  Actually, I have no idea.  If she was seeing someone else, I suppose it might make sense.  She never gave me a real good reason for our breakup, and I didn’t even think to ask if it was because of something like that.  Why are you asking?”

“I… found my partner with another woman in our bed.”

“…your husband?”

“No.  The piece of shit never married me.  I had plans to go shopping that day and I had accidentally forgotten my wallet at home.  When I returned to get it, I discovered a pair of shoes that didn’t belong to anyone I knew.  When I went to investigate… that bastard was with her in our bed.”

“You caught them?”

She shook her head.

“I saw them, but I didn’t let them see me.  This happened on Saturday.  When I tried to sleep in the same bed with him that night and he reached out to touch me, I recoiled from it.  It was the main reason I went out drinking Saturday night.  I was just trying to drown my problems in alcohol.  Ever since I saw them together… I just couldn’t let him touch me.  The worst part is, he didn’t even seem to care that I wouldn’t let him.  I don’t even think it bothered him.”

“That’s terrible.”

“Yeah,  I’ve spent nineteen years with him, and I don’t know if that was the first time… or the hundredth time he’d done it.  I’m too scared to ask, because I think my heart would break no matter what he told me.  I mean, why bother fixing whatever is broken with your old model, when you can just go get a shiny new one, right?”

“Is that why you don’t want to go home?”

She nodded.

“I was going to ask Kanna-chan to let me stay at her house for a little while so I could figure out what to do with my life.  Then I’d go with her to retrieve my things from that house and just… disappear somewhere.”

“So it’s just your things holding you back from disappearing right now?”

“Not really.  It’s not like I have many things to get, or the money to disappear even if I wanted to.  I can’t divorce him and get an alimony payment because we never filled out the paperwork.  I spent my life taking care of the house instead of working, and well… I have nothing to show for it.”

“That’s not true.  You cook an excellent breakfast!”

I said it with the intention of cheering her up, because any problem I had with my ex-girlfriend was nothing compared to Hanazono-san’s immediate worries.

“I also don’t want to go back to my parent’s home at my age without even having a failed marriage to speak about.  I’d never hear the end of it from my mother and father.”

I nodded.  I could imagine her being berated for it.

“So, until Kanna-chan gets back, this is my temporary home.” She said, gesturing to the park bench we were sitting on.

We passed a quiet moment together as the depth of her problem sunk into me.

“I… I might sound a bit too forward asking you this, but would you like to… stay at my place until your friend gets back?”

She immediately shook her head.

“How can I possibly impose on you?  You’re a young man, and I’m sure you would much rather have your privacy than someone who could be your mother’s age hanging around.”

“I don’t actually mind that.  It’s not like I’m unable to control my impulses or anything.  I just…”  I scratched my face, “…thought maybe you could think of it as a sort of give and take situation for a short while?”

“Give and take?”

“I really enjoyed your cooking the other day.  So, how about you make me three meals a day in exchange for every day you stay until your friend returns?  I promise I won’t do anything strange to you, and this isn’t me acting out of pity either.  Your appearance also kind of reminds me of my ex-girlfriend, albeit older, and for the short time you were there Sunday morning, I did enjoy having your company.”

She let out a sigh.

“Let me get this straight.  You want me to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner for you everyday in exchange for letting me stay?”

I nodded.

“There is a separate bedroom upstairs and everything.  If you are in need of clothing, I packed away some of my mother’s into a cardboard box which is in the closet.  I don’t know if they’d fit you, but if they don’t I could always buy you an extra pair or two.  It’s not a strain on my budget or anything, I’m pretty sure you’d like to change out of those clothes by now, at least.”

She looked down at her clothes.

“Why are you being nice to an old throwaway woman like me, Tachibana-san?”

I gave her a half-shrug.

“Maybe I’m just lonely?  But I don’t think you are throwaway woman at all.”

She stared at me for a moment.  Then she burst out in laughter.

“You say I remind you of your ex, but maybe it’s more that you miss your dearly departed mother?”

I bobbed my head.

“It could be.  I don’t really have a better reason to give you, but I wasn’t lying about wanting to eat your cooking.  I really meant that.”

“Ufufufu~ Alright.  I’ll take you up on your offer then!”


“Un.”  She immediately dipped her head in the affirmative. “I’ll fatten you up in exchange for your kindness!”

“That’s great!”  I said without really thinking about what I was doing.  I just felt like helping her for some reason.

“Now that my problem is settled for the moment, what does your stomach miss the most?” She asked me, “What food did you love the most that your mother used to make?”

“That’s a hard decision…” I replied, thinking of the things that mom used to cook that I liked the best.

“Oh, was there more than one?”

“My mom made a really good spicy curry.  But we also used to have a family night on Sunday and eat Sukiyaki together… mom, dad, and me.  I suppose it’s a toss up.”

“I understand.  Neither of those is a problem to make!”


“Really!  I’m a great housewife!” She made a peace sign, “…well, I would be if I had been married…”

She instantly went from enthusiastic to depressed, but evened out afterwards.

“Hanazono-san?  Would you like to get something to eat right now?  It’ll be my treat, that way you can save your energy for dinner.”

“…”  She said nothing, but looked like she wanted to refuse.

“It’s fine to say yes.  I was planning on finding somewhere to eat right now anyway, so you might as well tag along.  It would be worse if you collapsed from hunger instead of alcohol this time.”

We left the nearby park and found a nice café a short distance away after she agreed.  I told her to order something that would give her the energy to cook for us later, so after some deliberation, she picked out a good set of food and I also picked out something filling as well.  I was hungry for sweets, so I got a piece of cake for dessert.  I could see her trying to avoid looking at it, so I cut it in half and separated it.

“Please, have a little bit of it.” I offered her.

“Mou~ cake is my weakness!”

“Mine too.  I love a nice slice of chocolate cake.”

She merrily dug into it.


Her face was radiant.  It’s funny how a little bit of chocolate can turn any mood positive.  After we finished, I paid for our food and purchased another two slices of chocolate cake to take home with us and we walked back slowly to my place. 

She didn’t cling on to me at all this time, she just kept pace walking side by side with me.  It was relaxing to walk with her this way, and I really did enjoy walking next to such a beautiful woman.  I don’t know if what she said was on the money or not.  I did miss my mom, and my dad.  I didn’t miss my ex-girlfriend all that much to be honest, but it did sort of just feel nice being next to a woman who looked like her.

Maybe I’m still pent up, even though I went a little overboard on Sunday releasing that desire?

Well, whatever…

Making it home still well before noon, I welcomed Hanazono-san into my home.  Looking back at it now, I think that’s truly the moment the rest of my life began.  The day I invited my future wife… to stay, for the most ridiculous of reasons.

You can find story with these keywords: The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., Read The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. novel, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. book, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. story, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. full, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. Latest Chapter

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