The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother.

Chapter 10: -10- Hot Springs Honeymoon

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“So, how’s it feel to finally be married, Mayumayu?”

“It feels… good!” 

Of course this exchange was said as both she and Kanna-san admired her new wedding ring, something that cost me 1,200,000 yen.  I felt it was worth it though.  Her ex never so much as bought her a cheap wedding band to even give the illusion they were married, and I wanted her to have something to show off.  It was a bit pricey, but nothing I couldn’t afford.  I was told a ring should be three months’ salary, but this was the ring Mayuri-san wanted, and that’s what mattered.

After registering our marriage, we stopped by her friends’ place for a bit where they toasted to it and us with a small impromptu party.  I was a minor still as far as alcohol went, but I was forced to have a small glass of wine anyway.  A moving company was called and her belongings were arranged to be sent to our home.

When we returned home, Mayuri-san just a tad inebriated from celebrating her life’s milestone at long last, we got to talking about what to do for our honeymoon.

“Do you have somewhere you’d like to go?”

“Mm… I do but…”

She seemed to hesitate.

“If it’s a matter of cost, it’s really okay.  I want this to be special for you.”

“…hot spring.”


“I wanna go to a nice ryokan, and enjoy their rejuvenating onsen.”

Her suggestion was actually way better than any idea I had.

She suggested a nice hot spring hotel, a few hours away by train.  It had all the modern amenities such as wi-fi and both private and traditional onsens, both separated and family/mixed bathing.

“I’ve always wanted to visit this particular place once in my life…”

I was happy she said that.  It’s not often you can grant someone’s lifelong wish, and I myself had never been to one before, having only seen a hot springs trip as some trope done in an anime or manga.  Mom and Dad were always busy growing up, so getting to go to the beach in summertime for a day or two was the most I could usually hope for.

I found the number for the place she was talking about and gave it a call, seeing if they had any openings I could reserve.  As it turned out, they had no problems accommodating us, and two days later we found ourselves at a quaint looking place.

Checking in early, we were greeted by friendly staff and led to our room.  It was fairly spacious I guess, but the appeal was right outside on the patio.  A single bath big enough to fit us both in it.

“This room has a private onsen, though there are a few others outside if you wish to enjoy something less private as well.  We have separate bathing, as well as something mixed.  Breakfast and Dinner are included with the room, and there are plenty of places nearby to also occupy your time if you want a change of scenery.”

The kind staff, a woman somewhere in her mid twenties gave us the rundown, letting us know about some good local locations to visit when we weren’t fully relaxed here at the inn.  

Once we settled into the room, we took a walk around, exploring the grounds.  The main three facilities were attached to the inn itself, with two others a bit further away for more privacy.  Those were fully open air and had less restrictions on their usage.

We both felt it was a bit too early to just go right in, so we went out on foot to the nearby places of interest, finding an inviting looking restaurant to eat lunch at.  We ended up getting something light to eat. I had oolong tea with a bowl of soba noodles, while Mayuri-san had a beer and a bowl of udon.

The way she slurped down those thick noodles reminded me of her attentiveness to my own noodle on the night we decided to become lovers properly, my mind heading right into the gutter immediately.

Well, I had plenty of wholesome thoughts too!  I was happy I got married to Mayuri-san.  This woman in front of me… was my wife now.  It’s not like I’m a crazy possessive person, but in my heart I couldn’t help but think the words this person is mine.

And I wanted Mayuri-san.  I wanted all of Mayuri-san.  All the good and all the bad.  Even if she was older, to me she was so beautiful.  From time to time as I watched her, I thought how crazy it was that she had so many physical similarities to my ex, Chigusa.

I really hope I don’t run into her when school starts back up.

I think I really dodged a bullet, and the best thing to happen was that I was dumped in time to meet Mayuri-san.  The way I’ve been treated can’t even be compared.  It’s like Heaven and Earth.

Mayuri-san cares for me, and even if it was at first some kind of byproduct of her motherly nature, now it was more.  Now it was the care a wife would give to her husband.  That’s all the more reason I was happy to bring her here.

She simply radiated perfection when she was happy, and I never wanted her to have to put on a fake smile ever again.  I wanted it to be genuine.  That was the simple, honest truth which I felt.

Visiting a few stores after eating, we eventually made it back to the hotel before the sun set.  We decided to forgo the other onsen in favor of the one in our room for the first night.

After eating the lavish dinner prepared for us by the staff, we waited a short while to digest, then slipped into the private onsen on the patio together.

Mayuri-san liked it hot.  I felt like steamed seafood, but I could see her just melting away next to me.

“Is it too hot, Shota-kun?”

“Only because you’re next to me.”

Okay, Kanna-san can yell at me for being a smooth talker.  I was totally hitting on my wife after all.


She turned around to lay against me, and my hands wrapped around her body in the bath.  I hoped she was at peace too, because I certainly was.  She was the udon noodle in my arms, and I wanted to slurp her up without reservations.  I did my best to keep my cool, even though I was already hard boiled about fifteen minutes in.

I reached my limit first, and got out to dry off and slip into the yukata provided by the staff which was left in the room.  Mayuri-san got out about ten minutes later and did the same.

She nursed a beer next to me in bed, not for any aid in what was to come with our lovemaking, but simply because an ice cold beer after dipping into a scalding onsen was simply the greatest pleasure she could enjoy next to making love.

While I’m not particularly keen on the taste of beer yet, if it’s just what remains on her lips and tongue afterwards, it’s not really all that bad.

I pulled on her sash and began to undress her, feeling the relaxing mood was opportune, and her loosened up body laying on the bed so sloppily was extremely erotic to me.

The thing about Mayuri-san is… that her body is still amazingly beautiful, even though it does betray her age a little.  

One thing she’s especially self-conscious about are the marks on the lower part of her stomach.  They were something she had acquired when she was pregnant with her daughter, so I made sure to kiss them a lot and tell her I thought they only made her more attractive.

She got angry with me the first few times I said it and kissed them, but I can only hope that she’s come to accept that I really do love every bit of her.  No one is perfect, whether physically, mentally, or spiritually… not myself or Mayuri-san. The most important thing was to understand that the imperfections we each had were things to be treasured as well.

With most of her body exposed, only her arms still threaded through the flower patterned blue yukata she wore, I went in ravaging her body with kisses from top to bottom.  

“Nee~ Shota… let’s… skip the slow stuff for now.”

“Are you sure?”

Everything I had read up on lovemaking (and some advice from my readers who were in relationships who offered me it unsolicited) said that foreplay was the most important thing, so I was surprised.

She only nodded though.  I was on top already and her cheeks were rosy.  She was hot, but I couldn’t tell if that was the work of the moment, the alcohol she drank, or the aftereffect of the hot onsen.

“Put it in.” She said in a voice that destroyed my willpower.

As the blushing bride wishes, this humble groom shall obey!

I put on a condom and thanks to the familiarity I had with her body over the last week or so, it was an easy thing to get right to it… or so I thought.  The environment of my wife tonight was on another level than anything I’d experienced thus far.


Holy shit… she felt incredible.  I started out strong, at least I was confident I had.  But the truth is, I’m only an eighteen year old punk.  She was an experienced housewife twice my age.  I was a small fish in her big pond, and she was definitely the bigger fish.

After the first round, I was reminded of that completely.

The current win count between us is pointless to bring up, because I hadn’t won a single time.  Even when drunk, Mayuri-san was completely in control of everything in bed, and I was always left completely spent, with her sultry ufufufu~ the declaration of my loss each and every time.

I’m sure one day, I’ll win one.  When she wants me to.

It was much of the same thing the next day.  I woke up in her arms, we kissed and she enjoyed a morning soak while I enjoyed eating breakfast first.  I was quite hungry this morning after all the exercise I had yesterday.

We enjoyed some quiet closeness before once more heading out to see what the town had to offer up in terms of fun.  They had a bowling alley, and it looked fun.  I had no idea she was so good at it though.  I’m convinced Mayuri-san is a sleeper at all kinds of games. 

I wonder if she would enjoy playing with the consoles I have at home?  I’ve never seen her touch them or ask about playing, and I haven’t exactly spent much time playing them while she’s been there… It was only on days she went away that I even bothered to power it on.

Mayuri-san was an easy person to have fun with.  You’d think being a young man with plenty of energy I could keep up with her, but it simply wasn’t the case at all.  I did my best to hang on while she browsed all kinds of souvenir shops and some local clothing stores.  But she never went crazy with spending.  She was quite frugal actually…

“Mayuri-san.  If there’s something you really want, you don’t have to hold back.”

Even though I said that, the smile she had on her face slowly shrank away.

“…do you think I’m after your money, Shota-kun?”

“Huh?  Not at all, why would you say that?”

“I’m really not, you know.  Kanna-chan just…”

Ah.  Kanna-san.  Her friend was quick to push her into marriage with me once she found out how much I made as a writer.

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I quickly embraced my wife.

“Even if you were, it’s yours too.”


“While I’m not telling you to go crazy, and I certainly don’t have a black card for you to do so with, if there’s something you want, please treat yourself.  Whether it’s for you, for me, or for our household… It’s fine.  If it’s crazy expensive though, would you at least consult with me first?”

“Crazy expensive?”

“You know, like buying a car or something.”

She sputtered out a laugh.

“Why would I buy a car?”

“I don’t know… maybe because you got tired of taking the bus to go shopping?”

She laughed further.  A whole body-shaking laugh at that.

“Did I say something strange?” I asked, wondering why she was laughing so hard.

“When my daughter was really young, I had wanted a car.  But it was not a cheap purchase.  I had tried to argue how convenient it would be for both of us, for me with all the errands I had to run as a homemaker and mother and for him to also have a mode of transportation to work besides the train.  It was a sound investment to get one back then… but he only refused.”

Her lost smile slowly crept back.

“I was just thinking how, now that all the stuff I needed one for is no longer necessary, that it wasn’t my new hubby suddenly saying I couldn’t have one because it was crazy expensive, only that he wanted to be consulted about it first.  My new husband of barely a week is already better than the man I wasted two decades of my life with…”

Her laughter though, was underpinned by sadness.

“It wasn’t a waste… at least as far as I can see.  In the end, his foolishness ultimately meant the loss of the wonderful you… to me!”

“For an author, you need to work on your lines more, dear.”

“Well, I’m new to the romance genre.”  I said teasingly back.

“Romance?  Ufufufu~  No Shota-kun… we’re going to go into the R-18 genre once we get back to the inn.”


It was a pity we were on foot.  If we had a car, we could get back far quicker.  Ah, those are the breaks, what can you do?

After we got down and dirty, it was once more time to get clean.  We decided to explore those out-of-the-way onsen which were apart from the main building.  After ten at night, these baths became mixed.  So we chose one, which was originally the female-only bath in the daytime, and relaxed under the stars.

Though there wasn’t anything saying we couldn’t get ecchi out here, I’m sure there was an unspoken rule we shouldn’t.

Yeah.  Turns out… Mayuri-san is a bit of a rule-breaker.

“I was a bit of a bad girl in my school days.  I mean how else would I have gotten pregnant so early in my life…”

If she had other lovers before her ex, she kept it quiet.  Only saying in passing that being with me made her feel like her younger self.   Under the night sky, witnessed only by the trees and the youkai amongst them were we seen making love to each other in that place.

That is until two people came upon us.

We quickly stopped what we were doing, and I was left visibly unsatisfied.

“Sorry about that…”  I apologized.  I hoped they wouldn’t inform the staff.

The couple were a bit on the younger side.  One was a rather plain looking boy, and the other was a girl with silvery blue hair.

“Oh, don’t mind us… actually, we came to do a bit of the same…”  She said surreptitiously.  “We heard… that this was kind of why these places were made out of the way...”

I see.  Makes sense in a way.

They introduced themselves as a husband and wife on a getaway from their lives in Shibuya.  The boy was a game programmer, who worked on erotic visual novels, and the girl was, well…

“I’m loved by this idiot, and I want to have his baby.”

We actually chatted for a bit, and those two had no sense of decency at all, pawing at each other the entire time once they entered the onsen with us.  Mayuri-san… I wonder if she felt challenged by it?

As those two also worked up their passion, even though I was not exactly comfortable with the situation, my wife didn’t seem to mind at all.  We too returned to what we were originally doing, and pretty soon only a few feet away from each other, both of us married couples were engaging in acts of procreation.  The only difference was the ending.  

I hope she got the baby she wanted, because the hole mine went into wasn’t going to fertilize anything.  We had left the condoms in the room, you see…

Afterwards, the girl with the silvery-blue hair relaxed on the edge of the onsen taking a smoke break, and was joined by my wife who was invited to join.

That left the rather plain looking man about my age next to me.

“An older woman, huh?”

“Mm… yeah.” I replied.

“They are the most demanding.”

“Is that so?”

“I could never keep up, not at the beginning, anyway.”

“Oh, is there a trick to it?” 

The boy passed along some insights on how to please an older woman.  When I dared to ask how he knew, he simply said he had experienced too much in too short a time.  

“I don’t know if it will be of help to you at all… everyone is different when it comes down to it, but… the most important thing is if you love her, to never let her go, and never let her feel like she is anything but the most important thing in your life.  Never fail to let her know she is the sun which lights up and warms your entire world, and if anyone tries to barge into your life and come between you, let them know that as well.”

I wondered what kind of life this guy lived to say something so profound so casually to me?

All the while we were talking, so were those two.  Giggling about all sorts of things for a while before both of them finished up and returned into the onsen with us.

We all just relaxed for a little while longer each holding our respective partner and nestling in close to them.  It was time to leave when a fifth person arrived.  A blonde girl in a yukata with golden eyes and her hair up to the side in a ponytail with a hair band that had a crescent moon on it, along with large golden hoop earrings.

She was a caramel skinned gyaru for sure.  I could tell, considering my ex, Chigusa, was a light-skinned gyaru herself.  There was just something about a gyaru that was universally identifiable no matter what.

Both of those guests got out of the water, and much to my surprise, the two girls kissed each other passionately before dragging the boy away.  I got the feeling he was not at all in charge in his life.  I guess not everyone is cut out to be a main character.

“…Mayuri-san, what just happened?”

“Shota-kun… do you have a thing for gyarus?”  She answered my question with a question of her own.

“It’s not like I do specifically, but my ex happened to be one…”

“If you had to pick between a gyaru who would satisfy you better sexually or the rather plain housewife type of woman who would fatten you up and wanted you to be her whole world… which would you pick?”

“That’s easy,” I answered, pulling her right on top of my lap. “For me, there is only Mayuri.”

I knew without a doubt, it was the correct and only answer I needed to give her.

I was rewarded for it immediately.

The rest of our stay was pretty normal, we ran into the two women by chance once more before we left, only to play a game of table tennis and lose.  Our hot springs honeymoon ended with us bringing back some souvenirs and plenty of good memories.

Once we returned home, things quickly fell back into place.

Mayuri-san had been added to my family register, and I… a lonely kid with no parents who couldn’t even keep a girlfriend in high school, now had an extremely hot and dedicated MILF as my wife.

On occasion, her friend Kanna-san would come over to visit us, and they’d drink a little and get rowdy.  Kanna-san was depressed that she had yet to get pregnant.  She really wanted a child it seems.

Everything had been peaceful, and the last week of summer passed by for me only too quickly.

The next morning, with a delicious homemade bento secured by my wonderful new bride, I headed off to school, which I admit I hadn’t missed a single bit.

But peace is something that doesn’t remain unchallenged by life.  I would discover this quickly, once I arrived at class.

You can find story with these keywords: The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., Read The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother., The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. novel, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. book, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. story, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. full, The MILF I Married is my Ex-Girlfriend’s Mother. Latest Chapter

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